Did you check out Matt Frei’s latest paean to Obama? Seems that Matt reckons ol’ Obama needs to start telling more jokes. But what sort of jokes I hear you ask? Frankie Boyle hatred style humour perhaps ? Nope. Instead Matt reminds us of the Obama classic..”Who can forget his comment about smoking and inhaling dope: “Of course I inhaled. I thought that was the point!” Way to go Matt, that’s what we need. Of course Matt also manages to have a go at the red-necks, at McCain and Bush. Reading this kind of pro-Democrat drivel makes me wonder how the BBC can see this as anything other than pure political bias from Frei? The primary concern of Frei is to make sure Obama presents himself in the best possible light – but is that a proper concern for a BBC journalist?
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It is very simple in the US this year BBC = Vote Obama. In 2010 it will be vote Labour, like it is every UK election.
The twat has been reading the news for the last few nights. Have the Beeb run out of dumb airhead bimbo’s?
I was wondering, maybe their bias rules don’t apply to foreign countries and that’s why they can be as biased as they like with the American stuff?
Ah! I recognise that article – I think it was posted here and commented on recently. It is of course typical of the usual Obama worship / obsession from the BBC. They don’t even try to hide the bias or pretend to impartiality or balance in ‘reporting’ the American presidential election. It is promotion rather than reporting.
and their bias rules stop them from being as biased as they like in the UK? I think not…
This is a couple of days old, so not sure if it’s been posted already; it may raise a smile:
The Onion has had enough of the attempts ‘to redefine the boundaries of journalistic drivel’ and peels layers off the mind-numbing coverage.
Frei could stare at this article all day and, like all buffoons looking into Swift’s mirror, never recognize himself.
Some Barack Obama cartoons:
Yet more:-
US presidential elections are a win/win for the BBC. If the Republicans win they get four years of their usual sniping and ridicule. If the Democrats win they get four years of the usual Guardian/BBC style gradually increasing disillusionment with their erstwhile hero who yet again has let them, and their wonderful ideals, down.
-Did I catch Matt “sneer boy” Frei’s new book by-line right? “Reporting from deep inside the country the whole world loves to hate..”
God this BBC man is eeeevil: how dare he spout this “racist” bile? You get the urge to give Matt a colonic – courtesy of Nelson’s Column.Now this one Matt is so you can more comfortably fit your head up your…
‘In other words, the New Yorker was making fun of those “bitter”, poor white people who “cling” to guns and religion that Mr Obama referred to in a speech in April.
And as we now know, that fragile, thin-skinned group of voters is off limits.
“He’s a Red Neck. Don’t hurt his feelings!”‘
I would like to know exactly what scumbag Frei means by this.
What is it with these people – I couldn’t give a monkeys if politicians tell jokes or not – it is how they govern that counts.
As we know, like many false messiahs, Barack Obama is entirely humorless. As Frei has acknowledged.
That being so, the Senator has appointed an unpaid, official committee to produce sanctioned jokes we can all feel comfortable around.
So far they’ve focus grouped these gags.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Barack who?
Did you just insult my wife?
Man walks into a bar dressed like a Muslim and carrying a parrot. The barman says what’s your poison? The Muslim says that’s racist and islamophobic. Everyone knows Muslims don’t drink alcohol. The parrot says, don’t mind him, the ACLU just got him out of Gitmo.
There’s an Imam, an Imam, and an Imam. You had to be there. Seriously, the mosk police will come looking for you if you miss prayers.
A golf course got in a batch of robot caddies. After a few days, the regulars on the course started to give them rave reviews for the club selection and general assistance. But then they were removed. The manager explained that their original silver finish had caused some reflection problems on sunny days so they were painted black following which three didn’t turn up for work, two robbed the club-house and one left to run for US president.
Like the joke Allan.
Is John McCain actually doing any campaigning? I’ve only seen reports on the BBC news of Obama.
Surely the main news about Obama that Frei should be reporting is that his tour of the Middle East and Europe is very tightly controlled, giving the press very few opportunities to question him. In particular – that the BBC were not allowed in his entourage, in spite of slavishly pumping the Obamessiah.
And how about the news that the Dem Congress has hit the lowest levels ever for public acceptability – far worse than Bush ?
Melanie Phillips:
“Obama in viridophobia shock”
Yes, David Vance, I saw this last week:
Anonymous | 22.07.08 – 8:53 pm |
I was wondering, maybe their bias rules don’t apply to foreign countries and that’s why they can be as biased as they like with the American stuff?
They’re actually violating international law with their biased broadcasts in the US. This is a deliberate attempt to influence a US election by a broadcasting organization partially funded by a foreign government. (And before anybody says anything, remember that BBC America is a subsidiary of BBC World, and is partially funded by grants from the Foreign Office). I laugh at any Beeboid claims of acknowledging the Charter and Agreement.
David Preiser (USA) | 23.07.08 – 3:42 pm |
remember that BBC America is a subsidiary of BBC World, and is partially funded by grants from the Foreign Office
No, it isn’t.
It’s a subsidiary of BBC Worldwide, which is quite a different thing.
In any case, BBC World doesn’t get FO funding either.
David Preiser (USA) | 23.07.08 – 3:42 pm |
remember that BBC America is a subsidiary of BBC World, and is partially funded by grants from the Foreign Office
No, it isn’t.
It’s a subsidiary of BBC Worldwide, which is quite a different thing.
In any case, BBC World doesn’t get FO funding either.
Anonymous | 23.07.08 – 6:19 pm | #
Ah, so by ommission Anonymous, you’re not denying that the BBC are trying to influence the outcome of the US election?
Actually, Obama tells many jokes. My favorite so far: He told interviewer Lara Logan that he never has doubts about his ability to be commander in chief. That’s obviously a joke, most likely referring to the song from HMS Pinafore.
Now, he may not realize he was telling a joke, and it is certain that very few of our reporters realize that was a joke, but it was a joke, and a good one. (There is a considerable debate in the USA over whether Obama believes much of what he says. I am in the group, probably a minority, that thinks that he does believe most of what he says.)
Has the BBC given any time to that joke?
Any ‘comedian’ who dared to tell a joke about Obama would have his career ended and that applies throughout the entire Emglish-speaking world. We and they know that it is so, hence no jokes. What kind of society is it that does not allow jokes to be told about its (wannabee) leadership?
Let’s not forget that when recently it was pointed out that Obama looks a little like Curious George the monkey (he does!), all hell broke loose with accusations of racism and “disrespect” flying left right and center from the left.
This would be the same left that spent the last 7 years comparing George Bush to a chimp.
Michele O looks like James Brown.
“Beware Obamania”
(Melanie Phillips)
I enjoyed the story on BBC 10 o’clock news last night on Obama. The reporters opening gambit was along the lines of “..you would be forgiven for thinking Obama was already in the White House…”
No mention of the impact on climate change his 25 big-engined SUVs may have though….
Jim Miller:
Actually, Obama tells many jokes. My favorite so far: He told interviewer Lara Logan that he never has doubts about his ability to be commander in chief.
Unlike Jesus Christ, Obama has NO doubts.
Such is the stature of the man.. no.. not of the man.. but of the GOD!
All hail Obama — it’s the second coming that’s even better than the first!
Anonymous | 23.07.08 – 6:19 pm |
It’s a subsidiary of BBC Worldwide, which is quite a different thing.
In any case, BBC World doesn’t get FO funding either.
You’re right – in my anger I mistyped the name of the parent company. Still, BBC America uses news reports and footage from the World Service, which absolutely gets grants from the FO. They have a Byzantine accounting system to shuffle payments around (I used to do business with them), but it amounts to the same thing in the end. BBC America broadcasts reports in the US which are at least partially funded by the FO and the FCO.
Not only that, but the World Service is broadcast in the US, and every morning and evening we get the World News. That’s government funded on top of all the cash they make from international licensing.
No matter what, any manifestation of the BBC is still considered to be the official state broadcaster of the UK. No other official broadcaster from any sovereign country is engaged in this type of propaganda in the US, or any other country as far as I am aware. Yes, we get lots of foreign news channels across the multitude of ethnic cable and satellite channels, but they don’t propagandize in the way the BBC does. At least, not the ones I’ve seen in languages I can follow.
What the BBC is doing is unique, and is worse than the Guardian’s foul attempts in the last election. As twisted as it is, the Guardian is not an official state mouthpiece. The BBC is, and is acting way, way outside its remit, even with its purported independent commercial entity.