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Hi All. I’m going to be away for the next few days – back next Tuesday. So in the meantime, the space is yours. The BBC; what was the moment that made you realise we have a problem with it…
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How TOTP2 tried to corrupt my mind. The Specials “ghost town”, final comments.
BBC interpretation of the Thatcher years.
I’ve been trying to find a video of the “Question Time of Shame” after 9/11 but couldn’t find anything. I wish Al Beeb would make it available as a DVD! I’m pretty sure they destroyed all available copies though – wouldn’t surprise me.
disillusioned_german | 26.07.08 – 9:25 pm |
Its probably in the safe with the Balen report.
beeboids – dirty, disgusting, worthless, left wing scumbags, indoctrinating the country with beeboid ideology – wankers.
euthanasia for Aunty, Sarah Montague, and Terry Wogan
Re: infamous post-9/11 Question Time.
No recording of the programme I’m afraid, but I recommend a look at a scaled down, high-res photocopy of the Daily Mail’s double-page spread on the programme the following day:
How the BBC shamed Britain
For me it was way back in the 1980’s after the govt banned Sinn Fein leaders from talking on TV. After that the glee with with the BBC used actors to dub over Gerry Adams was for me disgusting to see. Even as a teenage boy it was obvious terrorists needed publicity to exist and I couldn’t believe the BBC was actively encouraging people who killed British soldiers.
After that it was just a general awareness that most dramas had an anti-American theme to them. In the early 90’s I became aware of the BBC’s ability to pick an issue (anyone remember acid rain) and make it seem as though this was something huge which everyone was talking about even though no one I knew was. I was amazed the politicians were fooled by this and responded sidelining the issues that were important.
By 2000 I realised this was minor as by then it was obvious the BBC was coluding colluding with the nu-Lab project in quite a crude way. Days before a new law would be announced the Beeb would run horror stories about the need for such a law. Then after the law had been announced the Beeb would run stories on why it was such a good idea. Finally it became blaringly obvious that they just wouldn’t run stories than ran counter to the BBC/nu-Lab view of the world and that reality was no longer allowed to intrude. Now I can spot this happening a mile away and know that the law/announcement that follows it is in effect meaningless and unenforcable.
I used to think I was a lone voice yelling at the TV but then the web came along I found that wasn’t the case đŸ™‚
For me, it was a slow realisation of the fact that the bbc had undergone a ‘Peter Pan’ moment at the time of the miners strike and would never grow up from the student politics mentality of that era.
Shielded by their monopolistic , tax payer funded, working environment from the realities of commercial life, the bbc developed its own socialist – lite dogma.
They then stepped over the line into full blown nulabour propogandists, and still protected from the damage that labour have inflicted on the wider economy, current labour apologists.
However, all that pales into insignificance compared to the contempt, as a countryman, I hold them in. Their attempt to blank out the Liberty & Livelehood march, their blatant pro ban propaganda, their mis-reporting of the bovine TB disaster.
Interesting in the Daily Mail article is the bit about european audiences cheering when New york got zapped in Independence day.
Now where was George W Bush at the time? Certainly not President. Oh hang on it was shagger Clinton and fat boy Al Bore.
Nothing changes. Scum Europeans hate the USA.
Personally we should have left the cunts to the Germans.
Perhaps the French MIGHT like to remember what the Germans did to THEM
Any why more French people supported the Nazi’s than opposed them and why the Germans left the south of France under French control oh and why the French Navy refused to join the Royal Navy and fight the Germans and had to be sunk by the British instead?
We always hear a lot about the French resistence (that was also riddled ith traitors) but not so much about the millions that happily lived with the Germans.
You do a diservice to the brave Frenchmen who resisted the Nazis and fought with honour until liberation.
Both of them.
The purple Barney song – “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family…”
…used by the US Army to torture captured Al Quieda prisoners, played over and over and over 24/7, loud.
Liberal brain washing techniques have their uses.
I hate you
You hate me
Let’s go out and kill Barney
With a shotgun blast he’s lying on the floor,
No more purple dinosaur
“Interesting in the Daily Mail article is the bit about european audiences cheering when New york got zapped in Independence day.”
Probably more to do with the fact that they thought it might hasten the end of that film than any anti-American sentiments. Jesus Christ it was f**king awful.
The relentless, over-the-top, pro-Islam bias. The visible, panting ectasy, bordering on the orgasmic, whenever the “I” or “M” subject ever comes up. It’s not only frustrating, it’s creepy and weird. Then there was the vicious, gloating, hateful Hurricane Katrina “reporting” three years ago.
It goes back to 1981 and the start of the ghastly right-on Pigeon Street, when children became kids… It was obvious then that an urban left-wing agenda being pushed. Imagination was abandoned and preaching took over/
I just remembered a perception of BBC’s schools & colleges programming I had when I was a kid in the late 70’s and early 80’s. I remember wondering why, whenever they film an educational program at a school and feature school kids, those kids were almost always Asian.
I can’t speak for BBC school’s TV now because I haven’t seen it in years. But when I was a kid, it was as if the BBC had a policy of only using schools that were predominantly Asian to film in. Every classroom scene, every playground scene – Asian kids.