Did you pick up on the BBC headline today declaring “Thatcher State Funeral Undecided“? Do you think you think that it’s out of ignorance or simple, plain, fifth columnist rudeness that the BBC fails to recognise that ‘Thatcher’ is, in fact, Lady Thatcher? The BBC’s hatred of Lady Thatcher will continue long after she has passed from this world.
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But always Sir Elton
…….and Dame Helen
………and Dame Kelly
………..I could go on!
Looking forward to the day the give the BBC TV Tax a state funeral.
Lurker in a Burqua:
But always Sir Elton
Shouldn’t that be Lady Elton
“Shouldn’t that be Lady Elton”
Outrageous Mr Bauer,that should be Dame Elton.
Outrageous Mr Bauer,that should be Dame Elton.
Anonymous | 02.08.08 – 2:31 pm | #
Ha. Yes, I kneel corrected.
If Mrs. Thatcher is divisive what do they call the one-eyed Scot???
I thought the same about the Guardians report on the same topic, the headlines are almost identical in their collective distaste for Lady Thatcher.
Interesting that Labour who are suffering so badly in the polls and require the assistance of the unions, have now tried to distance themselves from any utterances about Lady Thatchers possible State Funeral.
Let’s hope that Lady Thatcher will outlive the lot of them.
Soon to be ex-PM Gordon Brown. Well he looks like a paragon of unhealth.
Must be all those deep friend mars bars he stuffs into his pasty white fat face daily.
deep fried!
Lady Thatcher is worth more than all the third rate politicians and broadcasters that make up Nulab and the Brown Broadcasting Corp put together.
Jack Bauer et al, lets settle on
Her Supreme Highness John. (nee Dwight).
Lady Thatcher will be remembered fondly by many long after the beeboid filth has been forgotten.
Seventeen years-ish since Margaret Thatcher left office and the beeboid shitheads(most of whom must have at their mothers tit during her years as prime minister)drinking deeply from the champaign flute of islington socialism still think they should be grinding that particular axe,fucking pathetic.
That was me.
The BBC dont have to cover the funeral. They could leave it to ITV,Fox and Sky.They could just shut up shop on the day.
Hi Lurker in a Burqua
When I put the term “Lady Thatcher” in the BBC search engine it brings up quite a few hits:
Strange it didn’t work for you. Assume that the BBC must have also added “Lady” in front of Thatcher in the main text after David picked up on this.
Hi David,
Still not found the time to update your “Mock the Week” entry?
When I put the term “Lady Thatcher” in the BBC search engine it brings up quite a few hits:
gunnar | 02.08.08 – 6:56 pm
Once the title of Lady had been conferred it is for all instances and not something to be used at the whim of the indentured socialists at White City.
slightly off topic for which apologies.
But consider.
BBc threatened with £3.2BN fee top slicing of say £1M to Commercial stations.
Beeb worried.
Make a joint proposal to Regulator.
Please Allow Increase Advertising time per hour from 15 to 25 mins per hour.
Gross revenue increase to Commercials… huge… its largely all profit. Increase is of order £1.5BN.
No more need for top slicing say Beeb and suddenly and surprisingly Commercials dont see any futher need for Beebs dough!
Its happened . Like the Hustle you didnt see a thing.
We The plebs are ridiculed and reviled as always.
They’ll probably have to guard her grave to stop it being desecrated.
Divisive hardly describes the hate some people have for Thatcher.
Hi Lurker in Burqua,
Really, is it so strict?
You seemed to endorse the use of Sir and Lady in the examples you have posted above. Didn’t you notice that the titles were sometimes ommited?
Anyone remember that chap who firebombed himself outside 10 Downing Street?
Betcha you didn’t even know about it.
The story was supressed at the time by the beeb and the rest of the UK media.
They reported it at lunchtime, then pulled the plug.
Downing St. Car-Fire Death Called Suicide
Oh dear God. The BBC’s (admittedly ridiculous and outdated, especially given the few readers who use Ceefax) restricted space for enough online adulation of St Margaret of Finchley, such that they have to retsrict “Baroness Thatcher” to “Thatcher” in their headlines.
Anybody would think they might credit their readers with some intelligence. Anybody could tell them that when it comes to Biased BBC that they’re wasting their time on that front.
Why do you advertise your homepage “blog” ? Its a wreck !
i dont think the average Beeboid, or any beeboid for that matter, remembers the last time Labour were in power. The socialists really fucked this country up and it took a woman to sort the mess out.
embarrassing having to get a woman to sort out the shit caused by blokes, but thats socialism for you
Why do you advertise your homepage “blog” ? Its a wreck !
JohnA | 03.08.08 – 4:05 am | #
Too true! That’s the ugliest WordPress theme I’ve ever seen. I saw nicer blogs back in the days of Prestel.
According to the BBC the non-Royal recipients of state funerals in the 19th and 20th centuries were: military commander Frederick Roberts; ex-Ulster Unionist Party leader Edward Carson; Winston Churchill, Lord Nelson after his death at Trafalgar; Charles Darwin; and the Duke of Wellington, Lord Palmerston and William Gladstone, three former prime ministers.
No divisive political figures there. 😉
Isn’t it more than a little in bad taste to discuss the future funeral arrangements of live people?
Lady Thatcher Vs G Brown…
One is a divisive figure who brought the country to the brink of economic disaster through arrogance and a pig headed unwillingless to listen to facts. The other is Lady Thatcher.
I believe “Scott” is the love child of Tony Blair and the “One-Eyed-Scottish-Geezer”!
Surely the only issue is whether the Falklands counts as a great enough military victory to bestow a state funeral on her. If so she should have one irrespective of how ‘divisive’ her economic policies were, if not there’s no precedent to justify her getting one. The Beeb’s role should be to cover the thing with its usual expertise (in these areas) if it happens, without petulant sniping, and to fully investigate any politicising of the decision within the labour government (or tory government if she can hang on for that).
The article refers to her as ‘Lady Thatcher’, there is merely less room in a headline.
The examples Lurker in a Burqua gives do not support his argument, they do the opposite. The individual’s titles are given within the articles, not necessarily in the headlines.