The Eco-loons are on the march in Kent on the first day of a week-long protest against plans to build a new coal-fired power station. Hundreds of activists are camping in a field outside the Kingsnorth plant. Green Party MEP Caroline Lucas told the rally new coal-fired power stations were a “crime against humanity” To understand the gravitas of the event just reflect on the BBC news that “Campaigners, some dressed in animal costumes, carried banners and placards and blew whistles and played tambourines as they marched.” Quite. There is no attempt made here to actually consider the science of the issue nor to ask if these ranting eco-loons are representative of the views held by the people of Kent. However we can be certain that Ms Lucas and her “war-crimes” hysteria resonates with the views held by the State Broadcaster.
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pounce | 04.08.08 – 5:07 pm | They probably don’t know were leather comes from.
Why isn’t the BBC giving the disaster in Chile the same coverage as disasters in Africa? Could it be it is because people are dying from the unusually cold weather ?
Amzing,the BBC can send great flocks of Beeboids to totalitarian China,but cannot send anyone to Chile.
“They probably don’t know were leather comes from.”
Of course they do,it’s from that sweet little shop in Soho.Confidence assured.
Martin | 04.08.08 – 5:42 pm |
I once explained this to an arts person and I pointed out that if CERN hadn’t existed we either wouldn’t have the WWW or it would have taken years longer to develop (because CERN gave Berners-Lee the time to develop it AND effectively gave it to the world for free)
The arts person just didn’t get it. And that’s the problem, they seem to think someone just sits down and invents something.
Good point. In the US we try to remember just how many technologies we take for granted that were originally developed for the frivolous Space Program and the nasty military. Both of these are things the Leftoids hate, and precious few of the resulting technologies would exist otherwise.
Jon: You’re right. How many times has the BBC wanked on about ‘Bird Flu’ and how millions of us are going to die?
In fact the only rise in diseases is coming from immigrants that can simply turn up infested with anything and its against their ‘uman rites’ to deny them entry.
Jon writes: “Also as I’ve asked before, can you give me at least 30 names of the “vast majority of scientists in this field.””
Clearly, Devil’s Advocate is a transmit only troll. His two comments here have said essentially the same things – the second time totally without reference to anything that was said in response to the first.
DA and all the eco-loons should watch this – and if they do not agree then they should point out the errors.
How is it that the human race survived the ice age, a time when the earth’s climate was signficiantly different to anything we have seen in our lives, or are likely to in the next 100, with practically no resources, technology, or knowledge of science, and yet the human race now cannot survive the world’s temperature rising by a couple of degrees? Have I missed something? Maybe someone should tell that awful Caroline Lucas woman who was on tv supporting this event this evening (and incidentally, occurding to Wikipedia, does not have a science education). Oh, and can someone also tell that harpy Lucas that stopping the construction of one coal fired power station in the UK will do bugger all to help reducing CO2 emissions, as China build several such power stations a week. She’s a first rate twat. Evidently.
Any true scientist who hasn’t been bribed could not categorically say man made climate change is definitely happening. I’m not saying it isn’t happening, as a partial theory based on scientific fact suggests it is possible. But there simply is not conclusive evidence due to the complex feedbacks. And to say otherwise is to exagerate or lie or use computer models whose outputs are dependent on input assumptions (we assume climate change so….). It simply isn’t true science.
Can anyone see the similarities with this latest rubbish and CND – disarm the west first.
No wonder there is a link
“Lucas began her career as an activist in the anti-nuclear movement with the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND).”
Yep and she is no scientist either
“Lucas holds a BA (First Class Hons.) in English Literature from the University of Exeter, which she completed in 1983. She took a scholarship at the University of Kansas between 1983 and 1984 before doing a diploma in Journalism in 1987. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Exeter in 1989 with a thesis entitled Writing for women: a study of woman as reader in Elizabethan romance.”
Jon: You’re so spot on. The eco loons are just an evolution of other loons.
The 60’s – hippy scum, stop the war drug taking etc
The 70’s- Secondary picketing, Miners striking etc
The 80’s CND Greenham Common dykes, anti Thatcher blah blah
The 90’s Anti Globalisation, chuck a chair through a McDonalds window and anti road building tree huggers
The 00’s Climate change,stop the war, drugs blah blah blah
This scum won’t go away until we remove their genes from society by stopping them breeding.
But she must be a clever person
“Caroline is an acknowledged expert on climate change, international trade and peace issues”
“acknowledged” by whom? Since when did a background in English Literature and Journalism make people experts in “climate change”?
Your quite right Martin she is also
Vice President of the Stop the Coalition.
“This scum won’t go away until we remove their genes from society by stopping them breeding.”
I don’t think we have to be that drastic – a better idea would be for the BBC to truly represent the British people and stop over-representing their views. Its publicity that actually feeds their ego.
“Most of these eco loons are white middle class arts liberals who spent all their time on the piss, shagging and taking drugs”
Stuff that Martin, I’m off for a weeks camping in Kent!
Seriously though, it is a good point. The more you have, the more you complain.
“Mark Brown” The head of eco wacko group “Rising Tide” has a passive income of £40k a year, as he is an heir to the Vesty family fortune.
So spends most of his time dreaming up ways of trying to upset BP!
Jon wonders: “Since when did a background in English Literature and Journalism make people experts in “climate change”?”
Ask Roger Harrabin.
But these people are all linked like some kind of mesh which restricts their thinking. On wiki’s spot on Caroline Lucas, the name of Shami Chakrabati is linked (surprise! you may say) and this snippet was noteworthy:
—In December 2005, the BBC Radio 4 Today programme ran a poll of listeners to establish “who runs Britain”. After many hours of debate involving subject matter experts, Today placed Shami Chakrabarti on the shortlist of ten people who may run Britain. Listeners were then invited to vote for their choice, choosing President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso in a poll which the Eurosceptic United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) later admitted to rigging.[3]
She was shortlisted in the Channel 4 Political Awards 2006 for the “Most Inspiring Political Figure” award. It was voted for by the public and she came second to Jamie Oliver, beating Tony Blair, David Cameron, George Galloway and Bob Geldof. [1] —
It was noteworthy because tiny UKIP was credited with rigging a radio 4 poll, and there is a poll won by Shami – no possibility that she may have attempted to rig that?
“After many hours of debate involving subject matter experts, Today placed Shami Chakrabarti on the shortlist of ten people who may run Britain.”
Experts put her in the top 10 – now hows that – not one single person in the UK has voted for this women to represent anyone – yet she is one of 10 people running Britain – I think its time we had a democracy.
Not sure if you’ve read this but Fox News picked it up earlier:
Lord Nelson and Captain Cook’s shiplogs question climate change theories
Dr. Wheeler’s bio can be found here:
Granted… it’s not a recent publication but still:
Jon | 04.08.08 – 6:29 pm
as I’ve asked before, can you give me at least 30 names of the “vast majority of scientists in this field.”
Its not much to ask and if they are prominent it should be easy.
I’ve been trying to identify who the main British scientists on the IPCC are. They don’t make it easy. Maybe they don’t want us to name the guilty men.
The two below are certainly up to their necks in it. • they were among the lead drafters of one of the IPCC’s conclusions on AGW. The thing is • they are ‘real scientists’ not just bureaucrats… but check out their CVs and that’s all the more worrying. Their whole professional lives are predicated on the basis that global warming is a big deal.
Jonathan Gregory • University of Reading.
Background (from his website):
I took my first degree in 1986 at Oxford in physics, and my PhD in 1990 in particle physics at Birmingham concerned with the UA1 experiment at CERN in Geneva, where I worked for 15 months.
My first job was for a year at the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia at Norwich, with Phil Jones and Tom Wigley. I joined the climate change group, led by John Mitchell, at the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research soon after the Centre opened in 1990. I was joint coordinating lead author of the sea level chapter of the Third Assessment Report (2001) of Working Group 1 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. During autumn 2001 I was a visiting scientist in the climate modelling group, led by Andrew Weaver, at the University of Victoria. In April 2003, I took a new post as a senior scientist at the Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling in the Department of Meteorology of the University of Reading directed by Julia Slingo, while continuing to work part-time in the Hadley Centre as well as a Met Office Fellow. I was given the personal title of professor by the University in May 2006. I was a lead author of the projections and ocean observations chapters of the IPCC WG1 Fourth Assessment Report (2007).
Brian Hoskins
Brian Hoskins was honoured with Fellowship of the Society back in 1988. A mathematician by trade, he has been based at the University of Reading for many years and received several awards from the Royal Meteorological Society. He is internationally recognised for his contributions to dynamical meteorology, including being made an overseas member of the Chinese and US Academies of science. Brian also has close relationships with international climate groups across the globe and is vice chair of the World Climate Research Programme.
hope its still raining on Camp Moonbat
while the leftist climate change terrorists are trying to keep dry and warm, they aint terrorising the population
god bless HM Police Forces who will risk all when they batton charge these scumbags later in the week. Good luck Dibble, knock one out for me :+:
The threatening ‘Greens’:
-to hell with democracy, rational argument, and whether the lights go out:
“‘Weapons stash’ near Climate Camp”
“Government ‘may defer’ stamp duty
The Treasury is considering allowing home buyers to postpone stamp duty payments, the BBC understands. ”
Headline news from the BBC – but its not even true. I heard the interview on Radio 4 this morning with Alistair Darling and he didn’t say anything on this at all. The labour supporter interviewer asked him about Stamp Duty but the chancellor said that he would not couldn’t say what was going to be in the Autumn budget at this time..
Everything in this piece is pure speculation – not news.