The headline conveys the point the BBC wants to make. “Ill Palestinians asked to spy”. The item then repeats the claim made by the anti-Semitic group “Physicians for Human Rights” that bad Israeli security agents are putting pressure on some poor Palestinian medical patients to become informants. If you read the article it is laced with the usual venom the BBC seems to especially reserves for Israel. Do you think ANYONE at the BBC ever stops to query the endless stream of anti-Israeli propaganda it pumps out or is the hatred of the Jewish people so great that it just gets set aside?
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Atlas shrugged | 04.08.08 – 10:22 pm |
I contend that the BBC is not anti-Israeli or anti-semitic in a manner that makes any material difference to anything very important.
I would argue that in fact one result of the BBC’s biased reporting against Israel and Jews (the rich ones who are not Labourites, anyway, and especially the ones in the US) is that it actually does have an effect on the general public’s attitude towards Jews. There is a drip, drip, drip effect when underneath the daily news there is a constant hum of “It’s their fault”.
I submit that the BBC is partially responsible for an increase in anti-Semitic attacks. Even if the vast majority of the attacks – both personal and property – are done by Mohammedans, the anti-Jew anger of the attackers doesn’t originate solely from those awful jihadi Imams who barely exist according to the BBC.
When society in general silently nods its collective head at “It’s the Jews’ fault” screeds, that empowers the Mohammedans who have already been revved up by the jihadi books and videos they bought next door to their local mosque (from bookshops that have nothing to do with the mosque itself. Ever. Promise.)
One can only imagine the confused thoughts running through the head of an average teenage Mohammedan who was born and raised in the UK, who gets his victim status affirmed both in prayer and on television from the BBC.
Please note that when I write The BBC I could almost as often be writing Sky TV, The Guardian or The Daily Mail.
However at least we are not currently being forced to buy any of the others comically useless, now transparently controlled, and fundamentally dishonest.
Most important of all, none of the above is the Official State Broadcaster. That fact alone is a really big deal. As I’ve said before, if the license fee ended tomorrow, you all would end up paying for it through taxes anyway, as they do with the CBC in Canada. You’d be forced to pay for it then as well, but would no longer have the satisfaction of giving the two-fingered salute to the man in the van.
But seriously, even if they are not intrinsically, dyed-in-the-wool anti-Semites (which is what I think you were really getting at), I think the BBC is dangerous to Jews all the same. Even if it is sort of unintentional.
Protocols of Zion ring any bells with you Annon? It should because its still taught in Islamist/Palestinian ‘schools’ as historical fact, as is Mein Kampf!
Are you saying that the entire contents of The Protocols of Zion and Mein Kampf are 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20%, 10%, or 0% untrue?
If you are saying they are anywhere very near 100% untrue then they must be the only two books written for the direct purpose of propaganda ever written that are so. Propaganda is never anywhere near 100% untrue if it is to be effective for a reasonably long period of time.
The best and most dangerous propaganda is based on as much truth as possible, as are most other form of lies. The BBC used to be a fine example of the use of this theory. Now in its later years the BBC seems to be now going for really gigantically expensive and scientifically silly lies like CO2=MMGW to really make us brown our undies.
The most nasty of genocide excusing propaganda could be as much as 99% based on truth. The thing to remember is that a whole lot of devils can be hidden in just 1%. Especially if the other 99% seems credible and matches the receivers own perceived reality?
The above two publications are full of dangerous disinformation, vile opinions and distortions, but are also essentially based on very many verifiable and well documented facts, all the same.
Dismiss then both completely as made up fiction, at the risk of prolonging your own ignorance if you wish. I prefer to know the motivations and promoters of my real enemy and by doing so remain suitably pre-armed and safeguarded with my proverbial tin foil hat.
Regardless of the “Jews or Arabs” debate here, (interesting though it is) the BBC have a responsibility to report the news accurately.
Now that, in my eyes, is to tell the whole story; not just part of it. That is what really riles me about the BBC News, it is selective.
The trouble with having selective news is that if what is choosen to be reported supports my existing point of view I claim it to be ‘accurate’ while if it doesn’t I claim that it is ‘biased’.
If the BBC were to fulfill their charter obligations then both sides of the argument would be challenged to consider their point of view in light of accurage information. It should supply more balance to the debate – but I despair of the BBC ever doing so.
It has fallen far from the voice of truth and reason it was once believed to be.
David Preiser
You seem to be making my point better then myself.
However you make it even better by not answering the more important points that I made.
May I politely suggest that you have not bothered because there is no answer. Because for the same reason I cant prove my opinions to be the whole truth. Neither can you prove that they are not.
All I ask is that people read and think. The world is clearly in my opinion very little as we are, as good as forced to believe it is.
As a half Jew living in South London I find Jew bating and general racism to be no worse and no better then it was when I was a kid.
If it helps you sleep safer in your bed at night, you really dont have much to fear. IMO it is the Muslims who are currently getting set up to be the worlds next Jew, if anybody is.
The vast vast majority of British people dont have a serious racist bone in their entire body. This in spite of the fact that I rarely went a day at school without being called little Jew boy or Miser. Which was strangely ironic as I was a 6th footer by eleven, half CofE, and more generous then most.
David Preiser (USA) | 04.08.08 – 5:38 pm
Ady said goodbye the other day. It must have slipped his mind.
Sue | 04.08.08 – 5:46 pm | #
It did.
Less than 2% of the population in America/UK is Jewish and yet you guys are all over these sites like flies on shit.
If I assume that 50% of jewish dudes don’t give a flying fooh about the sunny sandy dunes of camelhumperland and are happy where they’re at, then that makes you guys even more voiciferous.
My own conclusion is there must be a hardcore of paid posters being financed from the USA.
The Jaffa Freedom Foundation kinda thing, your tax evasion dollars at work.
Just ignore me and ramble on.
99.9% of what you guys talk about is semantics but maybe I’ll get lucky and find that useful 0.1%
However…if you’re being paid by the post then semantics WILL provide a better long term return.
Less than 2% of the population in America/UK is Jewish and yet you guys are all over these sites like flies on shit.
Nice analogy. Why don’t you say what you really think about Jews?
My own conclusion is there must be a hardcore of paid posters being financed from the USA.
Yeah, but with the weak dollar we have to post almost twice as much to make a living wage these days. But that’s OK, AIPAC gives us a bonus for every reply we write to creeps like you.
Maybe you’ll get lucky and learn how to use at least 0.1% of your brain. (You do have one, don’t you?)
Yeah, but with the weak dollar we have to post almost twice as much to make a living wage these days.
Now that makes sense.
Just ignore me, I’m going to lurk awhile and see whether a single one of those one billion muzzlim dudes ever shows up in here.
Serpentine | 04.08.08 – 5:15 pm |
1st prize for the most bolloxs in a single post.
ady | 05.08.08 – 2:21 am |
Just ignore me, I’m going to lurk awhile and see whether a single one of those one billion muzzlim dudes ever shows up in here.
Why would a Muslim think the BBC is biased? As far as they can tell the BBC thinks the Joooos are just as dangerous as you do.
As for your other charge of “mostly semantics,” you obviously either don’t read much here, or haven’t been here very long at all. Many examples have been brought up here about the BBC actually lying about facts. No semantics involved. Lies exposed, backed up with evidence.
If you really gave a damn about anything other than your hatred and fear, you would have noticed. Instead you play games, and quite clearly haven’t looked around the blog. Ignore the Joooos. There are plenty of other topics available to you.
But I bet you can’t ignore the Joooos, can you? Slowly, we gain control of your mind.
Biodegradable | 04.08.08 – 7:08 pm
I never made any such claim
Oh yes you did:
No, silly, that wasn’t me speaking; it was the less than totally impartial Pally on the site I was gently takin the mick about.
okay – all this anon stuff can be a bit confusing. Frm now on I’ll be Jethro – if there isn’t one already.
Speak for yourself. If you are a six foot tall half-Jewish Londoner who forgivingly endures being misunderstood, teased and accused of being what you aint, jolly good luck to you. I can vouch for the fact that in many areas of Britain, Antisemitic remarks flow freely. Amongst a good many otherwise intelligent British ‘dudes’ there is a propensity for the racist attitude that stems from total ignorance, which, if you like, could be seen as harmless and not proper, racism. Tip of the iceberg though.
Throughout Engerlandland, the BBC is still regarded as the embodiment of the respectable mean standard. Its constant drip drip drip, insinuations, ignorant comments and so on are more influential than they admit or seem to be aware of.
David Preiser is quite right.
Ady, you are a bundle of larfs. We nano percent that are like flies on sh+t – which would you rather be, the flies… or the sh+t.
By the way no-one has yet told me where to send the invoices, please advise.
Ignoring you already.
I don’t usually use euphemisms. Haloscan won’t let me write sh!t. It’s obviously some sort of discrimination.
99.9% of what you guys talk about is semantics but maybe I’ll get lucky and find that useful 0.1%
So… the fool is anti-Semantic as well as anti-Semetic.
I never made any such claim
Oh yes you did:
No, silly, that wasn’t me speaking; it was the less than totally impartial Pally on the site I was gently takin the mick about.
So, it transpires that instead of quoting somebody in order to back up your own assertions you do so in order to “take the mick”.
I’m afraid your sense of humour is too subtle for me, and your duplicity too squalid. Call yourself whatever you wish, I for one won’t be engaging with you any longer.
Just ignore me, I’m going to lurk awhile and see whether a single one of those one billion muzzlim dudes ever shows up in here.
ady | 05.08.08 – 2:21 am
You’re in the wrong place. You’ll find some in the comments here:
You’re in the wrong place. You’ll find some in the comments here:…7-worst- tv.html
muzzlimbaiting at its finest, makes a change from joobaiting.
The biggest PR problem you guys have is trying to justify an apartheid style regime, which is the only system that can ensure your survival in the middy east.
I don’t hate either side, I just think yer all a bunch of religious fruitloops.
And those right wing nazi type guys are just dead jealous ‘cos joos are smarter than them.
But until you guys can get past your apartheid regime system you’ll basically be nothing more than game for a laff, like the white South Africans.
Maybe to survive, the whites in South Africa should have all converted to Judaism and kept Nelson Mandela in jail.
Biodegradable | 05.08.08 – 11:13 am
not forgetting this
Click to access CommentIsFree_ParliamentASCttee_July08.pdf
Isn’t it ironic that we find an antisemitic, semi-illiterate accusing Israel of “apartheid” on a thread about Israel providing medical treatment to Palestinians?
Slightly off topic, you’ll all remember the fuss the BBC made about those poor Gazan students who were denied permission to enter Israel to apply for visas to study in the US (in fact they hadn’t even applied).
Well, things aren’t always what the BBC would like them to seem:
Will we see this update on the BBC?
Will pigs fly?
Sue | 05.08.08 – 12:41 pm
Indeed, and “Atlas Shrugged” still says there isn’t much antisemitism in the UK.
Hope Ady is fed up with his ‘joobaiting’ and has gone off to do some ‘Muzzlimbaiting’. That would be braver than lurking here being snide; I double dare you.
Personally, I’m immensely relieved that he doesn’t hate me, and we should be grateful for his gracious recognition that we’re smarter than him, a generous admission when no-one even accused him of being stupid. Only ignorant.
Don’t be too jealous Ady. It’s never worth it.
Will pigs fly?
Biodegradable | 05.08.08 – 1:00 pm
Apparently they will!
Gaza ‘Fulbright three’ lose visas
The US has revoked visas for three postgraduate students from Gaza whose cases it championed at the highest levels when Israel barred their exit.
Their prestigious Fulbright awards were first withdrawn, then reinstated, after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice intervened personally with Israel.
US officials now say their visas have been revoked after “new information” was received about the scholars.
But the BBC still manages to blame those evil Jooos.
Officials quoted by the AP news agency said the new information was connected to the same security matters which caused Israel to prevent them from leaving Gaza last month.
Human right groups and some Israeli politicians have described the policy of not letting the students out of Gaza as “collective punishment”.
“collective punishment”; another indispensable shibboleth in the vocabulary of the Jew-hating BBC.
Wonder how the Trapped-in-Gaza student whose story was so sympathetically reported on by Eddie Mair and the PM Team is getting on.
Khaled al-Mudallal expected to spend this autumn sitting in lectures and writing papers for his final year in business and management studies in Bradford, the town he has lived in for six years.
But when Mr Mudallal, 22, went home to visit his wife and family in Gaza this summer he found himself trapped. Within a few days of his return Hamas, the Islamist movement which won Palestinian elections last year, seized control of the Gaza Strip. Israel closed the crossings out of Gaza and six weeks ago declared the small stretch of land a “hostile entity”.
He was eventually allowed to return to Bradford to continue to study. With new wife.
He returned to Gaza last December to marry and came back again this summer to bring his wife, Dua’a, to Bradford for his final year.
The PM Programme seemed to have adopted him as their pet. Any further progress he may have made is plainly only interesting if it can show how bad Israel is.
Has he graduated? Has he gone back to Gaza? Has he got many children and a job? Eddie Mair and Co were so fond of him, as I expect, were the listeners.
They should be told.
Media Falls for NGO’s “Halo Effect”
And see NY Times And The Power of the Pen
Sue | 05.08.08 – 3:10 pm
And how many wives has he got?
According to the excerpts you cite – he had one when he went to Gaza in the summer and then went back in December to marry.
One wife on a student grant is a challenge. Two seems like pure folly.
Okay, I’m getting it. I mean I knew before about the biased media, but the BBC is outrageous, and evil.
This story about Aafia Siddiqui – I did a search in the US news because I was really offended by the tone to the BBC article, insinuating US agents are worse than thugs. This article, coupled with the others I’ve read (Free Detainees) function to deepen IslamoLovers hatred for western authority against tracking and taking into custody persons of interest in the War on Terror. They make it sound like those rounding up suspects and their resource persons is a crime! This woman, this neuro biologist, is a victim by the tone of the BBC.
“…Ms Siddiqui reportedly attempted to kill US officers with a weapon she had snatched. The attempt failed and she was reportedly overpowered after being shot in the chest by the Americans. Ms Siddiqui appears in court in New York on Tuesday to face charges of assaulting and attempting to kill US personnel. If convicted, she faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison on each charge. Ms Siddiqui’s lawyer, Elaine Whitfield Sharp, called the charges “a tall story” and disputed claims by the US that her client had been in hiding for several years before her alleged capture in July.”
Where is Occam’s razor.
I can’t find any news about the court appearance in the US, but BBC claims it is so.
Biodegradable | 05.08.08 – 4:26 pm |
But….but….but I thought the Jews controlled the media! How could this be? I mean, this is the Jew York Times!
Oh, wait the Jews control the US government, so the fix was in once the Israelis “allowed” the Palestinian scholars out of Gaza. Since Egypt is in thrall to the US which is in thrall to the Jews so they don’t control their own border, the scholars had to come out through Israel. Then the Department of Jewish Homeland Security can flag them as a security risk, and it’s a win for Israel after all.
Or does my tinfoil hat need adjusting again?
I found this, a very different version and tone from BBC
And more what I had thought really happened, guessing between BBC lines.
David Preiser (USA):
The Jews only control the media when the media accidently says something real.
I found this, a very different version and tone from BBC…=5514835& page=1
Shot while attempting to escape eh?
How original….
So have ANY of you Israel Firsters got ANY doubts about this story?
And where did you read shot while attempting to escape in that link?
Cut and paste it.
Too bad they did not shoot to kill, so she can go to heaven for her 72 man children. But what good is she dead when we can water board her for info?
Go Gitmo
You guys are nuts.
No wonder the middle east is totally fooked.
You’ve got nukes on both sides as well soon…
Hilarious stuff, what a trainwreck you guys are.
New middle east policy:
Give ’em all nukes and let God sort ’em out.
Well that’s what I’ve often said, if you’ll look at a map, it all looks good for a parking lot between the black sea and the gulf.
But once we get to drilling in Anwar the middle east and it’s oil should become moot.
Where’s my cut and paste?
I found this, a very different version and tone from BBC
Wow, shot with really tiny bullets!
She then was shot twice with a .9 millimeter handgun
Why did the BBC not mention her back ground and ties to Al Qaeda, but place the kook fringe detainee conspiracy on par with FBI claims.
The nine millimeter is a standard army issue side arm. Not much unlike the one I keep in my boot, or the 32 sitting on the desk right now. But perhaps use of a gun as it was made to be used is offensive here. The officer shot her as he was trained to do under those circumstances. There is no arguement.
As soon as she is healed they will put her in a cell and play the Barney song over and over and over….
ady | 05.08.08 – 6:54 pm
So have ANY of you Israel Firsters got ANY doubts about this story?
What story? Your link doesn’t work. Perhaps ZOG has already censored this one down the memory hole?
The nine millimeter is a standard army issue side arm.
That’s 9 millimeter, not nine tenths of one millimeter (.9).
Your .32 is .32 of an inch.
A .9mm bullet would be tiny, a 9mm one has a diameter of almost a centimeter. That’s pretty chunky.
Sorry my English humour went over your head.
Today programme 08:46 and the BBC are promoting anti-Israel opinion again. Apparently the Gaza Strip is under siege by Israel. Lauren Booth is allowed to speak her mind but the opposing point of view cannot be allowed to be expressed without interruption.
I think global Jihad is over. Osama Bin Laden has been disowned by his own muse, so we’re all safe. Al Quaeda is now a force for peace. Possibly.
Iran is mellowing. There is a moratorium on stoning. Iran is coming good and will soon allow free speech and be full of gays. Maybe.
Hamas and Fatah are still fighting, yes, but law and order in Gaza is immaculate these days. Why, you can walk in the streets now, sometimes, without being abducted or beaten up. It seems.
Look on the bright side like the Today programme does.
Then we heard that a lady journalist called Lauren Booth is heading from Cyprus to Gaza aboard a boat brimming with aid. As we know Israel is still virtually occupying Gaza illegally imprisoning starving Gazans. James Naughtie forgot to mention that this peace activist heroine who is nobly battling to avert the humanitarian crisis that Israel has caused happens to be Cherie Blair’s half sister, that’s who. Lauren Booth, notorious pro-Palestinian activist. If desired, she can be seen denouncing her brother-in-law in a finger wagging hate-rant.
But he did of course, take the troubleto tell us that Lorna Fitzsimons is chief executive of the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre. So we know where she’s coming from, don’t we children.
He allowed her to speak uninterrupted, apart from when he picked her up on the validity of her claim that she was ‘there’. “Were you actually in Gaza?” he insisted. She was on the border with the people responsible for getting medical supplies into Gaza. “But you weren’t actually in Gaza.”
Satisfied that he had shown that she didn’t know what she was talking about he allowed her to finish.
Still, the thing that often sabotages the words of Israel supporters, namely bad reception and impenetrable foreign accents, wasn’t there. Today, Ms. Booth even sounded a bit scratchy and scrapey.
“…she can be seen denouncing her brother-in-law in a finger wagging hate-rant.”
Oh gosh, for the days when subversion and treason were not called freedom of speech!
The gun he shot her with was a 9 millimeter, not the bird shot.
My husband is waiting for mobilization orders to Iraq. So forgive my touchiness on certian issues. While in Iraq he hopes to capture Al Quaeda militants and put them in cells where they will listen to the Barney song over and over and over…
PALLYWOOD – Must Watch Video – Children Fake Injuries, Doctors Coach Women To Claim They Were Forced To Give Birth At Checkpoints, People Rise From The Dead And Other Scenes Staged By “palestinian” Muslims For Western News Media
1920? ROFL.
Even Tel-Aviv was founded years earlier, never mind Rishon Le-Zion.