If there is one subject where the BBC and our political elite seem aligned it is in the desire to force us all into driving small government-approved cars. I listened to this item on the Today programme this morning which seemed to revolve around just how large a tax to impose on those of us who prefer to buy new and relatively more expensive cars. This is a cardinal sin in these carbon puritanical times and so we had Conservative (in name only) Tim Yeo and Labour comrade Peter Kilfoyle debating how much to levy on those heretics who insist on buying “gas guzzlers.” There was no one to counter Yeo’s inane blether that we need to “de-carbonise” our society, nor was there anyone to point out that the car manufacturing benefits from selling “expensive” cars and that well paid jobs depend on those of us laying out our hard-earned cash to buy these vehicles and that government benefits from all the gas our gas guzzlers use up! I’m sick of this constant attack on motorists and the BBC’s enthusiasm to give monopolistic air-time to those tyrants who want to dictate to us what type of car we should drive. Aren’t you?
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I’d have no problem whatsoever if there was a light and efficient tax system which penalised spending on ‘bad’ things if there was a corresponding carrot through tax relief for ‘good’ things or a reduction in overall tax rates. Unfortunately this just gets treated as an additional cash cow to waste on public pissing up walls (sorry ‘services’) and even if there was a mechanism for offsetting through relief for charitable giving or having kids within marriage nobody in government is remotely competent enough to administer it without losing billions down the back of the sofa.
Can anyone tell me how to tow my fuel bowser to the combine harvester, a mile away across the farm’s rutted tracks, without using a ‘gas-guzzler’?
Sick to the back teeth of this carbon bollocks. No fucking surprise the beeb are creaming themselves over this “MPs sceptical over car tax rise” headline. Not everyone’s on a cushy BBC salary and can afford these fucking eco-fascist taxes.
Tim Yeo can go forth and multiply. These MPs have no idea – no surprise considering their pay.
Meanwhile China continues to pollute at will.
Thing is I don’t like politicians telling me what is “good” and “bad”.
The muppets suggest that older cars are taken off the road and compensation paid from the higher VED on new gas guzzlers.
Since the higher VED is to stop people purchasing gas guzzlers, there will only be cash to pay out if more people drive gas guzzlers.
And where is the sense in scrapping a perfectly serviceable car and replacing it with another when its manufacture will produce 4 times the polution that the original vehicle would produce?
More nonsense from Out touch/out of ideas/out of money/out of time MPs.
One of the biggest, most effective and immediate energy savings would be the abolition of the BBC.
why the fuck am I forced, by law to pay for this utter shit they churn out day after day after day?
MPs are, of course, unaffected by the consequences of their idiocy. What is the mileage they charge/falsify?
Ah, but in the eyes of the watermelon carbon nutters you agricultural types are the Spawn of Satan. How dare you sow/harvest crops! How dare you work for yourself instead of being a Beeboid parasite! How dare you question the accuracy or veracity of the Global Warming Bollocks! How dare you decide what is best for you!
I hope your 4×4 is a good one – mine is a 12 year-old Landy V8 on LPG, cheap enough to run, well appointed and the V8 badge is enough to make greenie blood boil.
David, that’s fair enough. I diagree based on the pretty comprehensive evidence that the market and direct government action has failed miserably to solve a number of problems including pollution (does anyone deny that exhaust fumes cause pollution even if they’re not gonna result in tidal waves rolling up the Thames?). See also litter/landfill, obesity etc etc.
So as far as I’m concerned if they cut my income tax by a few % then I can make an informed decision on whether I REALLY want that artifically expensive 4×4 and/or packet of monster munch. If they want to increase my income tax to 50% to appease the labour “heartlands” AND tell me what to do then I’ll be most displeased I can tell you.
I just saw that fuckwit TonyBosworth on News 24. Why was I not shocked to see a very skinny man in a suit too big for him and wearing a pair of those ‘gay man glasses’?
He was spouting utter shite and the female beeboid was up his arse the whole time.
The truth is the Tories see all this Carbon crap as an excuse to keep taxes high. Perhaps they might want to take a leaf out of Boris Johnson’s book of how to be fair?
If people want to drive around in a 4X4 that does 12 to the gallon, whilst they pay £1.20 a litre for petrol, that’s their business.
Why don’t the greens REALLY show their true colours?
Lets see them demand that fuel is raised to £10 a litre and that all non green power stations are shut down tomorrow?
The truth is the greens are panicing.
The world isn’t heating up like a big Mac in a microwave, in fact it’s cooling down.
We haven’t had all the polar ice melt this summer and we haven’t had any mass flooding.
The USA had fewer hurricane’s last year and will probably have an easier time this year as well.
Just where are the effects of ‘dangerous climate change’ the rent boy loving green losers in Nu Liebour and the BBC keep telling us?
As usual when the left get found out they turn to violence. Expect to see that played out at Kingsnorth over the next week or two.
The Law of Unintended Consequences.
I have already bought my car. I will be punished. It will make no difference if I do 1 mile or 20000, I will be punished .
I feel as though I may as well get my money’s worth and use my car as much as possible.
The BBC had some fuckwit on Panorama the other week who ‘claimed’ we should all be changing to public transport. Of course this wankstain lived in London and was shown sitting on a tube train.
Typical BBC that they can only ever think of where they live or buy their drugs from.
Most of us don’t live in London and don’t have access to cheap public transport. A car is a necessity for most people.
Oh and public transport isn’t green either. Most of the electricity that powers it comes from ‘evil Carbon’ (funny when I did my O and A Levels, we never called Carbon evil – it was in fact one of the most important elements around) power stations or nuclear.
As I posted above, let the greens demand we shut them all down (like they want to shut Kingsnorth down) and see how people feel when millions freeze to death in their homes or stave because they have no job or can’t buy food.
This won’t of course bother the rent boy loving politicians or BBC, as they will still pick up their fat salaries as millions die (just like a good Communist society would like to see)
Oh and why haven’t the Government deployed armed soldiers to Kingsnorth power station?
In the days of rabid Muslims trying to destroy our society, the very idea of letting hundreds of loons enter a sensitive site like a power station is a joke.
I’d simply make it clear to any protester, climb over the fence and you will be shot dead. Then see them try.
“I hope your 4×4 is a good one – mine is a 12 year-old Landy V8 on LPG, cheap enough to run, well appointed and the V8 badge is enough to make greenie blood boil.”
Jeff Todd
My beast of choice is a 1996 Range Rover with the straight 6 BMW diesel. Bizarrely eco-friendly in two ways: one, it is woefully slow, and therefore relatively economical. And, two, it breaks down all the time, thus proving VERY economical – although I am then forced to use a tractor, and I haven’t dared work out an mpg figure for that yet!
How much waste is involved in forcing people to replace their cars prematurely?
Rid the world of Fuel intensive, uneconomical, carbon producing throwbacks from a previous age, Close Down The BBC NOW.
It does work .
I got rid of my old Range Rover, which was kept in fine fettle by a Landrover enthusiast garage. He had become too expensive (due to taxes in this country).
A quick visit to a multinational bank and I was ready to puchase a new small car, shipped in from the other side of the world.
How green is that?
“This is a cardinal sin in these carbon puritanical times and so we had Conservative (in name only) Tim Yeo “
DIM Yeo, from the state socialist wing of the Conservative Party.
This guy is SO mendaciously stupid he actually defines stupidity down. Matched presumably, only by his local selection committee which chose this clown to run as their MP.
I bet the beeboids LOVE him, and he’s their fave Conserfauxtive
The biggest lie is that BBC continue to headline this VED tax hike as only applicable to “gas guzzlers”.
This lot would have done Goebbels very proud.
The biggest lie is surely that the hike in taxes is to save the planet. It’s to raise money.
Brown has 800,000 new public sector jobs to fund – what used to referred to as his ‘vote bank’!
Yes, although there are good independent reasons for purchasing a smaller car (to save oneself some money, to help to lessen the country’s dependence on the vile anti-Western regimes that export most of the world’s oil, and so forth), the notion that we should be tailoring our automotive purchases to suit the dictates of environmentalist fascists is ludicrous. These people jet around the world to tell one another how they can best impose their grimly misanthropic and obscurantist vision upon the rest of us. Because their deeply reactionary, progress-hating view of the world is anti-capitalist, the BBC happily serves as their propaganda outlet.
The only solution is to ostracise all BBC employees, whether family or friends, and stop paying the licence fee on mass.
What is equally ludicrous is that people who own older, larger cars should be forced to scrap them to purchase newly made ones.
Have none of these imbeciles the slightest idea how much energy goes into the production of a new car?
GCooper: You’ve answered your own question. The greens are ‘imbeciles’.
I was of the opinion that retrospective laws were something in which this country did not indulge: it certainly doesn’t with respect to criminal laws.
Yeo et al are buffoons of the first water. There are actually people in this country who NEED 4x4s.
What on earth are the Tories up to? Nu liebour are tearing themselves apart and the BBC is looking for ANY excuse to divert attention.
So the Tories wheel out the two biggest wankers they have, Yeo and Gove. Yeo wanks on about bumping up taxes on cars and Gove spouts on about wank mags leading to the downfall of society. What was Gove up to at school behind the bike sheds then?
The fact that the BBC have been leading with these stories and the other one about some silly book thing has just allowed all the stuff about Milliband to fade away. The BBC is always good at killing stories that hurt Nu Liebour.
“See also litter/landfill, obesity etc etc.”
Via EUReferendum,
“We quarry about 260 million tonnes (mt) a year of land minerals, mostly limestone, granite and sand and gravel, plus 9mt a year of opencast coal. In terms of volume, that equates to new holes with a capacity of about 110 million cubic metres (mcm) a year. Our existing licensed holes have a capacity of about 700 mcm. We produce less than 100mcm of waste and refuse a year. The system, as scientists would say, is therefore in equilibrium.”
We are being screwed again !
“Lets see them demand that fuel is raised to £10 a litre and that all non green power stations are shut down tomorrow?”
That is exactly what the Large Combustion Plant Directive is about.The lights are going to go out.
Peter: Fine, I’ve got plenty of candles and there is quite a large local cat population that should keep me in food.
If the greenland ice cap melts we
would have room for a thousand years worth of landfill. Why do the greens never look on the bright side?
Martin – don’t forget to eat plenty of “greens” with your cat meat.
Jon: I’ll just take the cat to my local Indian take away.
Yeo ,the BBC and all the rest of the loonies need a lesson in simple market stall economics.
Tax goes up.Resale price of car goes down to compensate. New owner is thus no worse off(Pays more tax but less capital cost)
But old owner loses out unless he buys another high tax vehicle at a lower price. Who gains?
Why the state via another transfer of wealth from a section of the citizens.
This is probably the real intention behind this retrospective tax.
It does nothing for the environment but does put more tax in the government’s pocket.
Talking of taxes
“Calculations by Patrick Minford, of Cardiff Business School, show that — including Vat, excise duties, National Insurance and income tax — a basic rate taxpayer pays £48.50 in tax on every £100 earned. Among higher rate taxpayers the figure is £57.10”
And this was 2 years ago – just imagine what it is now.
has any beeboid drone thought about the consequences of road traffic accidents if we all drove round in ickle cars? death figures will go thru the roof as well as the deceased
beeboid scumbags
“decarbonize our economy” ???
And these are the people who are going to win a landslide election soon!
The imbecile polititian who uttered that retarded drivel needs ‘decarbonizing’ by setting the twat on fire!
At what point will these village idiots realize that chasing the carbon dioxide chimera is going to cost milions of lives?
Maybe they do know but it suits their common purpose to have a big population cull? Because that is whats coming and we all seem to be content to stand there waiting for our collective demise like a compliant herd of bullocks waiting for the bolt gun to the back of the head!
‘decarbonize’ indeed? We really do deserve to sink into historical oblivion if we buy into verbal turds like that one.
remember this exchange: we aint gonna make it are we? No and we dont deserve to either!
Dangerous climate change is real and with us now BUT er its invisible at the moment see? Er its hiding somewhere just waiting to pounce when we are asleep or not looking, its very cunning is this climate change because its trying to fool us into thinking it doesnt exist but its there alright beacuase Al Gore can see it and he is going to lead us to victory against this invisible demon! The fight against climate change that is dangerous and with us now must be won, so we must continue the struggle/fight/resistance/war/battle/
conflict against this real and very dangerous threat to our lives just as soon as the global warming that is real and attacking us now/soon comes out of hiding and fights us properly!
The messiah speaketh on vehicles and the energy crisis.
I’m having an eco-friendly wank over this page
I’ve just turned the lights off