Some days the BBC excels itself by exhibiting bias beyond the call of even left-wing duty. This morning of BBC Radio 4 Today between 7.30 and 8.00am was such a case. My god but they went to town on their favourite memes with no pretence whatsoever of balance.
First up with we had Hazel Blears (I know..) who chirped that we were winning the theological battle with militant Islam. How? Well she is supporting Muslim community centres to help stop young Islamics turning Jihadist. As she points out, when people are young they are angry, frustrated about world poverty and UK foreign policy, and so naturally….. they want to slaughter us by the dozen. Happily Hazel is here to rescue us and she may even attend some of the seminars with young angry Muslims. I’m just hoping they don’t get mad with her.
Next, we had a discussion on the soaring costs of the London 2012 Olympics Aquatics Centre which will cost more than three times as much as originally estimated. They key theme the BBC were pushing here was that unless we want the London Olympics to be known as the “Accountants Olympics” we should not restrain the cost. Finance without limits, it’s the BBC’s daily prayer
Finally, we had an all out attack on the United States for having the temerity to find Bin Laden’s driver guilty of supporting terrorism. Lord Goldsmith was wheeled on to declare that the US lad lost the “high moral ground” of 9/11 and had it replaced with the Orange jump suits of Gitmo. Pathetic simpering stuff from the ridiculous Goldsmith.
Throughout this 30 minute whinge-fest, there was no attempt to offer alternative views. This was an extended sermon from the BBC and it was riddled with bias.
BBC strategy in debates is always to have more left wing views than right wing. Often extreme left and opposition from slightly left with no right wing views at all. When they do have a right wing view it is so out numbered that the time allotted to left wing views is around 90% of the time so right views are hardly heard. All clever BBC bias.
Wholly unfounded is the BBC’s frequently repeated assertion that the USA was very widely viewed favourably in this country in the aftermath of the Sept 11th atrocities. On the contrary, the carnage in New York and Washington gave rise to undisguised glee among leftists (expressed, for example, in a notorious issue of the venomously anti-American and anti-Semitic “London Review of Books” and in the BBC’s own vile “Question Time” programme).
The BBC should be beheaded.
The “interview” with Goldsmith was simply unbelievable! Naughtie is a disgrace (and a bore). It was as though there simply wasn’t any other view. Just who the xxxx do these xxxxs think they are?
As for the Blears interview, it was taken as an assumption that support fort AQ was rising. Why? Because some geezer in Walthamstow (I think) who (like the vile BBC) scrounges money from the public, said it was so! Look I know there are an awful lot of idiot jihadis infesting our schools and campuses, but this was a very whimsical and flimsy assumption. Especialy in vew of the fact that the BBC is now being forced to recognise that Osama’s popularity is dropping as fast in the Muslim world as is the BBC’s credibility oin the west.
How can we make the public (what Al Beeb contemptuously dismisses as “Middle England”) aware of this treachery? It needs a strategy.
You are absolutely right. Lord Goldsmith was allowed to say that the ‘moral high ground’ we occupied after of 9/11 was ‘cancelled out’ by images of men in orange jump suits.
What was that? Images of men in orange jumpsuits are more disturbing than the horrific images of 9/11? Maybe repeated showings of the clip to an immunised by video-game generation has transformed it into a special effects disaster movie. Zap zap.
Hazel Blears now says that Muslims should be tempted onside by giving them more opportunities to participate in public life. Then they would see that democracy works. How was that again? Angry alienated Muslims conspire and occasionally kill some of us. So we give them more say in how the country is run to show them how democracy works. No-one suggests it might also show them how effective terror is.
Frank Gardner trails a programme, Analysis, about Al Qaeda and how it no longer advocates global Jihad. So everything is A-O.K.
So, no more Gitmo, whoever is president (even if it’s “Bush or Obama” someone said) Muslims dominate public life, and a few kindly Al Qaeda M.P.s. just for luck.
Why on earth is the Gitmo trial the top BBC news for yesterday and today anyway ? It is NOT top news for most UK citizens, who couldn’t give a hoot about the legal niceties surrounding the trial of a low-level Al-Q operative.
As far as I can see, the Gitmo case is not anywhere on the front pages of the Guardian, Mirror, Scotsman, Mail, Express, Metro, Times, Independent, Telegraph, Sun or Star. Nor is it on the Sky main news page.
Yet the BBC is totally obsessed with the story – treating it as the main headline, and using it as a platform for the usual human rights bleating.
There can be only one reason for this obsession – the whole BBC news operation is infested with moral-equivalence nuts, apologists and fellow-travellers of terrorism (whoops – “militancy”) – with shallow people who do not have a clue about real law in times of war. Riddled with bias. Recycling forever the Gitmo stuff to the detriment of spending time on real news.
We have hand-wringing wimps like Hazel Blears trying to tamp down the ignorant agitation among Muslim youth. And we have the BBC doing everything it can to stoke the fires.
Gitmoi is top news because it gives our fat, overpaid Thought Controllers at the vile BBC an opportunity to promote more hatred of America.
Men in orange jumpsuits. Wouldn’t that be the poor wretches who had their heads severed by the bushy bearded fuckwits?
I don’t see many bushy bearded men in Gitmo having their heads hacked off.
“… here are still growing numbers of potential recruits to violent jihad, including in Britain.
Often these recruits have only a shallow knowledge of Islam, and they are far less impressed by theological debate than they are by more day-to-day, down-to-earth factors like TV reports of western airstrikes on civilians in Afghanistan or the presence of US and British troops in Iraq.
With conflicts still raging in those two countries, and the Palestinian question unsettled, it is still too early to predict with any certainty which way al-Qaeda’s fortunes will go.”
Frank Gardner
Al-Qaeda faces Islamist backlash
Finally, tacit admission that the Beeb are fuelling Islamist extremism. Typically, though, Gardner can’t bring himself to admit that Al-Qaeda has suffered a devastating strategic defeat in Iraq. Too soon to tell? Tell that to the Iraqis…
Lets be honest, the BBC is the best friend any terrorist organisation can have.
… and talking of fat, overpaid, vile Beeboids… this, from the Telegraph:
By far the biggest British contingent at the Games will be the BBC, which has sent 437 staff at a cost to the licence payer of £3 million. The record number is 33 more than the corporation sent to Athens, but a spokesman pointed out that because of the seven-hour time difference the BBC would be broadcasting 2,750 hours of coverage, including extensive highlights packages, compared with 1,250 hours in 2004.
Much of the ‘live’ coverage will be overnight. Does the BBC really think that many people will be interested?
Why can’t the BBC double up with Radio 5?
Actually I’m one of those that doesn’t really care about the Olympics. Well OK, I lie. The Women’s Beach Volleyball WILL be the one event I will watch with great interest.
But that apart I’m sure millions of others will be looking for a refuge from this non sporting event (thank god for Sky and the likes of Discovery, National Georgraphic, History channels)
And here’s good old Frank pissing in the same pot as Blears
It’s not the bias and sloppy, lazy analysis that bothers me about BBC news. There is bias and sloppy, lazy analysis everywhere in the news industry. What bothers me is that the government forces me to pay for the BBC’s variety.
BBC news is typical of the corporation’s output – down market junk. What else would we expect from the mass manufacturer of Eastenders, Celebrity Cash in the Attic and countless other gems?
the bbc has today learned……….
good old frank – and the beeb – always first with the news.
is there a slight possibility that he has finally read a huge three part article by lawrence wright published in the observer on 13th july 2008 ?
How Al-Qaeda’s mastermind turned his back on terror – Parts one – three. By Lawrence Wright
As we know many beeboids enjoy a bit of anal from time to time.
How interesting then to compare the same story on Sky and the BBC
Anyone want to guess WHAT the BBC left out that Sky didn’t?
“…Sodomy is illegal even between consenting adults in the Muslim-majority nation and punishable by up to 20 years in prison…”
So again I ask. When an organisation like the BBC that has so many gays in its population, why is it SO supportive of an evil vile religion like Islam?
Why did the BBC not think that mentioning Malaysia is a mostly Muslim (Islam is the official religion) Country relevant when Sky did?
Frank Gardner must be taking the piss with that phrase.
David Vance: All three points raised by you are evidence of the “agenda”.
1. The liberal belief that if you talk nicely to bad guys and they’ll become good guys. WRONG!
2. (As I pointed out in an earlier post) The BBC will now run a concerted campaign against the London Olympics. It’s a “Britain is bad” mindset.
3. Of course, Bin Laden’s driver was only “obeying orders”. He’s just another taxi driver; all he wants in life is a plate of fish’n’chips, a beer, EastEnders…and the end of the west. Poor fella.
The “Accountants Olympics”? Oh, yes. We can’t possibly have people looking at the Olympics and asking whether we, the people who are paying for it are actually getting any value.
Liverpool have just built an Olympic-sized pool, and they reckon it would cost £20 million to build it now. Whilst this centre has a diving pool and a warm-up pool, it takes a long way to get from there to £300 million.
Is it more prestigious than the Liverpool one? Probably. Is that prestige worth £200+ million? No. I’d rather have my few quid that’s being spent on this back in my bank account.
Tim Almond
Please, please no criticism of the £300 million (and rising) vanity project. After all the architect is a woman and – the clincher – a Muslim.
Dr R said
By far the biggest British contingent at the Games will be the BBC, which has sent 437 staff at a cost to the licence payer of £3 million.
What about global warming then – oops sorry I mean climate change. How many jumbos will it take to fly the BBC to China? Another case of do as I say, not as I do?
I happen to be visiting China just after Christmas, on a return free stopover from visiting relations in New Zealand. I will be visiting Shanghai, Beijing and Xi’an where they have the underground Terracotta Army – so some long rail or air trips inside China as well as the rest of the costs of being there.
I would bet any amount of money that my daily budget will be a meree fraction of what the BBC staff will be costing. I reckon the BBC budget for all those people in China (excluding the satellite transmission costs) will be £5000 per head. Minimum.
I wish I had £5000 to spend on a couple of weeks inside China ! That is why I feel the BBC is downright robbing me and everyone else.
Martin: “Much of the ‘live’ coverage will be overnight. Does the BBC really think that many people will be interested?”
How do you make that out?
Beijing is 7 hours ahead of us, so most of the events will be held at times when most people in this country are awake.
the today programme is outstandingly good and i have it on every morning as it forces me to get out of bed as i cant listen to that left wing crap for very long.
Taking the BBC 1 schedule for Monday as an example
The BBC have the Olympics on from
12:45-5PM. Perhaps you don’t have a job so can watch it then?
The BBC then has more live coverage from 01:20-6am.
Hardly peak viewing time and like I said most of the stuff is overnight.
Of course, Bin Laden’s driver was only “obeying orders”. He’s just another taxi driver; all he wants in life is a plate of fish’n’chips, a beer, EastEnders…and the end of the west. Poor fella.
John Bosworth | 07.08.08 – 1:52 pm | #
Yup – and he has no idea how those two guided missiles ended up in his boot.
Could happen to any of us.
I should like to know how many people are actually interested in the Olympics. Maybe my circle of acquaintances are not typical but I know not one. Even if you may like athletics or other high profile events, if you look through the list of things which they’ll be doing some of them are so obscure it’s just a waste of money – but then that’s what the BBC do, waste our money. As reported on another website more people attend airshows(go to one if you have any doubts)than football matches, sports events and other things that they spend our money on, but how much time is given to them? Almost nothing, but then that would mean driving up the road to Lincolnshire or Oxfordshire, not good for the expenses, no agreeable 1st class flights, gourmet meals or 5 star hotels.
Jim T, I agree with you totally about the Olympics. Nobody ever mentions them at home, work or anywhere else before the event. A few telly-gogglers who’ll watch anything on TV might mention them while they are actually happening but once they are over the games are never mentioned.
I put the huge BBC Olympic coverage down to the BBC’s affection for big, international, unelected, unaccountable organisations. The UN and the EU are the best examples of this.
Funny how we never hear of any other channels bidding for the Olympic coverage. Why should they? Most of the BBC’s Olympic programmes are watched by virtually nobody.
John Bosworth,
Exactly right. The agenda is ALWAYS present.
Jim T & pete: Spot on. There is NO need for the extensive live coverage that goes on through the night.
Most people who want to watch the Olympics will watch the highlights that go out mid evening. Does that really require 500+ beeboids out in China (not forgetting the huge numbers back in the UK who will probably do most of the editing)
Most people don’t give a toss about the Olympics and if they do it will be the main sports (track and field doesn’t start for about another 10 days)
It is an utter waste of tax payers money.
Aside from the ladies beach volleyball (anyone know when that is on?) which knowing the feminist/lesbian dominated BBC won’t even get shown I won’t be watching and I don’t know anyone who intends to sit up all night or during the day (most women would rather watch Trisha than sport) to watch this crap.
This is of course just an excuse by the BBC to try to justify the TV tax. Hey look at the job we can do covering the Olympics.
Like we give a toss.
Sky murder the BBC at most sports coverage. The BBC don’t even have a deciated TV channel for sport.
I just wonder how many of these 500 beeboids going to China are actually involved in programme production?
I reckon there is about 50 from Radio 5 alone, not to mention BBC news.
I reckon you could watch Eurosport and get just as good a coverage (Eurosport is free by the way)
A good number of those BBC myrmidons going to China will see themselves as defecting
Lord Goldsmith, the one who provided the advice on the legality of our troops invading Iraq in 2003. The advice that changed from ” maybe we should get another UN resolution” to ” no it’s ok, you don’t need one”.
He was on the Today Show’s hate list in those days but now they’re wheeling him in to slag off the U.S.
He used to get some right roastings off Naughtie and his mates over the legal advice and the reluctance to publish it but this morning was like a friendly chat over the garden fence. Maybe he’s thinking about future employment.
Jim T,
I had a look on BARB at the week ending 27/7 which included the London GP, something which UK Athletics described as the “highlight of the summer calendar”, the biggest event in Britain.
Friday’s viewing figures were 1.23 million on BBC2. There were gardening shows and re-runs of Have I Got News for You that did better. At the same time, only Five had lower figures with Home and Away.
There isn’t a huge amount of interest in athletics.
In the very very soft Blears interview – I could not get over the vision of her comment on the 3 man team of Blears, Balls, and the current Home Secretary being a troika in visiting Moslems to promote the government’s multi-cultural agenda.
I find it difficult to believe these 3 odious politicians could invoke anything but dismay and hatred with their nanny type gospel giving.
I hate the BBC and their gay,lefty,stupid,pc crap.
When the beeb puts up a token right winger they are often introduced as right wing.
They never describe Livingstone or Galloway as extream left whingers.
The Olympics should be limited to proper sportd where the results can be measured with a stopwatch or tape measure.
Any event syncronised swimming gymnastics and the like where the result is down to a panel of judges is open to corruption.
Sports that have major championships football tennis should also be removed plus any sport that is generally confined to a small number of countries.
Then we could have a competition of much more managable size.
wasn’t the point of television and radio was that we could see or hear events without being there.
Can the bbc commentators not look at the same pictures as the rest of us then tell the rest of us what is happening.
Likewise, no-one I know is remotely interested in the Olympics, and all objected to wasting appalling sums to have them here in 2012.
“Hardly peak viewing time and like I said most of the stuff is overnight.”
It was your “most of the stuff is overnight” that I was querying.
It is about a quarter of their coverage, which hardly constitutes “most”.
“It is about a quarter of their coverage, which hardly constitutes “most”.”
Yes we’ll all be able to watch it at work in the morning.
Be grateful – I read somewhere the Beeb-beeb-duh-pahapah-yeahaaw tst tst sent over seven hundred employees to Glastonbury.
Personally I couldn’t give a toss about either.
But I am tremendously interested in the sport of dwarf-throwing. How many Beeb Execs can I expect support from?
Zebedee: Nice to see you twist my words and misquote.
I said “much” not “most”
Taking the example I gave the BBC (on Monday) there is just under 5 hours live in the afteroon (and 3 in the morning) and just under 5 in the night time.
Just when do you think people are going to watch this live coverage?
When the games are on, MOST of us here in the UK are out at work.
Perhaps the BBC will let you watch it, but I object to hundreds of beeboids being sent to China to pump out hours of broadcasting that most people can’t watch even if they wanted to.
Yes Dwarf throwing is a good sport.
What about Dyke Jumping though?
Although I think at the BBC Dyke Jumping is a different sport 🙂
Hooray for the Olympics – It will be a great 3 weeks to find bargains on ebay ( no bidding competitors – they will all be watching tv ) and enjoy motorcycling on quiet roads.
Whilst the Home secretary, whose name I forget, would struggle to make the grade as a supermarket check-out girl, Blears would be out of her depth stacking shelves.
As for the Olympics, what a WAFTAM!
As for the Beeb, roll on the revolution!
Jackie Smith – it just came to me.
David H
unfair on Hazel Blears, who I’m sure would be a very good shelf stacker, well for the lower two shelves at least.
Hazel Blears could audition for a bit-part in the next Hobbit movie.
Whether as a hobbit or a dwarf is the sacting crew’s decision !
Sorry, Casting crew, not sacting crew – too much Real Ale last night !
I too am absolutely fed up paying for the chavvy rubbish, biased politics and bloody endless sport on BBC television. Why don’t we start a mass refusal to pay the licence fee? If millions (or even thousands) were to stop paying this imposition on owning a TV set there is not much they could manage to do about it.
Reply to Old Girl.
I gave up the TV and the license 4 years ago and was hounded by BBC for about a year with visits to my gated compound.
There are some famous people who have done it (the recently deceased artist Beryl ? was one and stated she hated Woman’s Hour). You know when many people are throwing out the TV as the BBC then bombards us all with warnings of court action for those found watching without a license.
I can tell you the internet gives better value for inside news along with Private Eye.