. I have to say how sickened I was with the BBC’s Ten O Clock news coverage of the situation in Georgia. Rarely have I saw such blatant pro-Russia propaganda, gleefully broadcast by the BBC. Did you see it? The BBC exhibits a pride in Russian military prowess that it never could in our British forces. Revolting stuff.
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Well the news on the street is that a lot of the bombs dropped during Russia airwar missed their targets.
Maybe Russia should count their blessings their opposition was a lowly nobody aye.
[sarcasm]At least Uncle Sam takes on army’s of nearly 1 million men![/sarcasm]
Also interesting that Russia and their useful fools have been claiming the attack was a consequence of NATO aggression in Kosovo. Funny thing is this, Russian military forces involvement and arming of Ossetian seperatists PREDATES NATO involvement in Kosovo by 7 years!
The correspondent was more interested in “scoring” the war than worrying about deaths! That didn’t happen in Lebanon…
The military genius of Russia becomes more evident when one learns that Georgia is next door to Chechnya. A nice L shape of enemies round a peninsular of Russia.
Hats off to Sarkozy for getting stuck in and trying to help sort out some deal.
Who wants ot bet that within a few days the BBC will be claiming it was all the work of our great leader?
A couple of mates of mine served in the Soviet army and now have gone on to better ( Yuri Orlov type ) things.
One always told a joke about how they were doing a section attack in Afghanistan and the RPD machinegunner would run out of ammo. His Lieutenant would shout ” are you not a soldier in the glorious peoples army ? ” and that would be enough to make the gun fire again. Like many Russian jokes it’s not really funny and best appreciated after a mind crippling amount of Wodka.
Russian military doctrine is firmly based around the ” plenty more where they came from ” principle.
I liked the Russian military best when they were punching Peter Tatchell and that bloated steroidal bloke out of Right Said Fred at the Moscow poofs rally.
Ironic that the OMON badges worn by the poof-batterers read ” HOMO ” if you turn them upside down, via a quirk of the cyrillic alphabet. Their assault vests are top quality kit though, got one myself.
anyone notice the cladding on Russian and Georgian tanks..
its very like what the Israelis have been using for ages on their Merkava tanks. what is that cladding – anti-rpg defence?
That is Reactive Armour Jacqui Smiff has a girdle made out of it.
Liberal morons, WANT to believe that COMMMMIES are just like us.
Fucking moron’s are willing to believe that COMMUNISM is NICE, KIND AND GROOOOOOOOVEY.
Fucking, naive clowns.
O/T (sorry – the open thread’s got a bit lost down the page)…
Look what those evil Tories are planning now…
Cities in northern England such as Liverpool, Sunderland and Bradford are “beyond revival” and residents should move south, a think tank has argued.
So who is suggesting that the cattle trucks be readied? Policy Exchange. Now I haven’t read the report yet, but it appears to boil down to the conclusion that throwing taxpayers’ millions at run-down areas isn’t the silver bullet that some might think. Whatever, it’s is clearly deemed by some at our esteemed state broadcaster to be good for a bad headline about the Tories.
Listen to the BBC radio bulletins (Radio 2 at 7 and 7:30 this morning) and the headline is “A think tank favoured by the Conservatives has suggested …”, or as at 8am “David Cameron’s favourite think tank”. The fact that the Party has pointed out this is not party policy is relegated to an afterthought at the end of the short piece.
I fully agree. The ‘Today’ programme coverage, so far, of the Policy Exchange think tank report is scandalously biased as described by NR 08:12 am.. They must be hugging themselves with glee that they have been able to score such a hit on the Conservative Party. As he says, the fact that the Shadow Cabinet does not agree with the report was relegated to an afterthought.
Two questions come to mind:
1) did the Today programme seek an interview with a senior member of the cabinet, or any member of it, or indeed any senior Conservative MP, or ANY Conservative MP?
2) why has Conservative Central Office allowed this ‘free hit’ by the BBC? Should they not have been on-the-ball, anticipated the flak, and demanded airtime on the Today programme.
I would add that the suggestion of mass migration of populations out of northern cities to the south (Oxford, London) and building on an expanded ‘ring’ around London must be one of the most crazy ideas for a long time. As a life-long right-leaning Conservative, and completely at one with Peter Kilfoyle on this matter. Let us hope Cameron will kick the PE report firmly into touch.
Who wants to bet that within a few days the BBC will be claiming it was all the work of our great leader?
Martin | 13.08.08 – 12:09 am |
I notice Sarkozy’s work is already being attributed as “EU-brokered” to show how effective the EU is in these situations. In fact if it was genuinely EU-brokered they’d still be sitting on their arses trying to agree where to meet.
Yes I saw it. This could not be called journalism in any way, just truly offensive gloating along the lines of we (Russia) won you (Georgia) lost.
Could the fact that Georgia is a very pro-US, pro-capitalist country have anything to do with this? Or that Georgia is building a pipeline to compete with Russia?
How is it that less than 1% of the population in Georgia (including South Ossetia) are Russian and yet they are claiming it is protection of their citizens?
Russia needs to get out of Georgian affairs period. This is about annexation of Georgian land.
Russia has never cared less about the livelihood of it’s people, so why do they claim to care about the Ossetians and the Abkhazians? Give me a break!
If Russia really cared for different separatist movements having their own territory, they would get out of Chechnya. No, Russia would rather overthrow someone they don’t like and who is difficult to deal with – Saakishvili.
That the Ossetians hold Russian passports does not mean that Ossetia is not a part of Georgia. It means Russia has been undermining Georgian sovereignty by giving passports to citizens of another country.
archduke- the plates are e.r.a.[explosive reactive amour] tiles they blow out when hit by a anti tank round i.e equal forces cancel each other out !!
I think MSNBC has already attributed the ceasefire to Obama! 🙂
I am beside myself with annoyance at the BBC’s old Soviet sympathies continually coming to the fore in favour of Russia.
But this article beggars belief.
I’m sure there must be at least some facts rather than propagandised opinion in there, actually no I’m not sure even of that for this.
Russian forces are moving from Gori toward the Georgian capital now! Looks like the EU ‘mediators’ demand for Georgian forces to retreat to undefendable positions was a gift for Ivan? Who let the frogs anywhere near this conflict? Conflict resolution? More like surrender and give in!
The French/EU ‘peace plan'(surrender at any cost) has its critics within the EU! Poland and the Baltic states are not happy at all with the French total Surrender plan.
But then again its not French land being given away is it, so why would the French give a flying f***k, all they want to do is strut about the world stage pretending that they run EU foreign policy and letting them into the NATO command was a huge blunder, who thought that little scheme up?
It proves again that the EU must never become a single entity under French/German control with a single foreign policy, what a terrible mess the world would be if the Euromorons were in charge.
The acceptance of the so-called “EU peace plan” was nothing but a sop from the Russians to Sarkozy, while he was visiting Moscow. The Russians and their allies used the time to re-group, and are now advancing again. The EU mission was simply allowing itself to be deluded.
No doubt the BBC will be pointing this out in their next bulletin?
HSLD/archduke: Those Russian tanks are utter crap. To the best of my knowledge in two Gulf wars a Russian built tank hasn’t taken out a coalition tank.
That reactive armour (the bricks) is a sort of add on job. I doubt if it’s that effective.
I just wish the yanks had sent the Georgians a load of Stinger missiles (I hope they dso now)
Ask any commine bastard pilot that flew in Afghanistan and the one thing that would give them the shits would be the Stinger missile.
Most Russian built equipment looks impressive (like their aircraft) but the build quality and the electronics is shite.
Russian tanks are speeding towards Tbilisi as we speak so the ‘peace plan’ will no doubt cease to be backed by the Great Leader and we will no doubt be informed he was against it from the start.
The BBC is the enemy of free people everywhere.
This may take the edge off a bit:
Vlad, You’ve Got Mail
…but it doesn’t begin to deal w/ the tragic mess that Europe now is — or with the certainty that the BBC will continue until you stop them.
What does it take, and how much time do you want to give them?
I had no idea that the beeb was an official outlet for red army propaganda…..georgia was a wet dream for the unrepentant commies that inhabit the beeb.
The Ukrainians are equipped with Ukrainian built T84s/T72upgrades with kontakt-5 reactive armour to counter antitank weapons but also the hellfire type ATGW that attacks from above(weakest point) I think. Good when it first came out but very defeatable now with modern dual warhead ATWs, or so ive heard. From the look of the Georgian wrecks they look like their old upgraded T54/64 models were pushed in first and they kept back their most modern and capable T84/72s for emergency use? Their more modern armour would have the latest IR computer sights paid for by uncle Sam(of course).
Ooops, meant of course T55AGM not T54/64, its a Ukrainian upgrade model, sorry!
Uncle Sam is sending a fleet and planes to Georgia, hate to say I told ya but I told ya. If the US had any sense it would move to form a NATO without the quisling elements(they know who they are)
If the Russians are stupid enough to get in the way of the US forces, god help them!
Turns out it was the Krauts ala Merkel(is she still on the KGB/stasi payroll?)who caused this by vetoeing Georgias NATO bid thereby disabling NATO command, this gave Russia the opening for an attack via its FSB trained puppet bandits in S/O? If Merkel and Sarkozy had planned to sabotage NATO to big up the planned Euroforce then they have done a bang up job so far! I wonder if the BBC will examine Merkels quisling role in this and Sarkozys cynical manipulation of the situation?
If Germany is frozen out and left to fend for herself against Russia I for one would be very pleased(aint gonna happen but one can dream)
An ally is an ally is an ally.
The left is pissing itself over George W’s speech. The cowboys are on the way!
The Messiah dodges sharks in Hawaii.
“Cassandra | 13.08.08 – 5:33 pm |”
the americans still have a lot of bases and troops in Germany. i would not be surprised if the plans are already in place to move a substantial proportion of them to the Ukraine and Poland.
“Neil Reddin | Homepage | 13.08.08 – 8
:12 am”
if its “barmy” for northerners to move down south, how come its not “barmy” for Indians, Sudanese, Somalis etc to move thousands of miles to settle in London?
even cameron misses the point – calling it “insane”
how come?
ho ho ho – and sure enough , al beeb sticks up a HYS about it
how come i constantly hear “right leaning” think tank that is associated with the “tories”.
and yet, when some left wing think tank proposes something truely barmy , you never get the “associated with labour” tag.
although , i do agree with the commenters in HYS on London… since i commute into that cesspit every day.
it truely is one hell of a dump.
archduke: I have to agree as well. London is a shithole. However, when you walk around London it’s quite common NOT to hear English being spoken at all.
Parts of London now just look like the middle east. Women dressed in black burkha’s. Mosques everywhere and bushy bearded men hanging around outside run down shops.
“Martin | 13.08.08 – 8:11 pm ”
that is why i invested in an ipod and i have hardcore techno playing at 120 decibals as i make my way through the tube and to work in a nice office.
its the only way to deal with what has happened to the city of my birth.
but the question still remains – why does Cameron think its “insane” for some folks from Hull to migrate IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.
but its all ok for some Islamists from Iraqosomalistan to set up shop in the capital of England.
beats me.
in fact, the report is dripping with political correctness – whereas the real message that its teasing out is reverse white flight.
Liberals like communists. It’s simple as that. Take any issue. Any issue.
Libs side with the bad guy.
“Liberals like communists”
You mean fascists like communists. I am a liberal. I detest communists.
I didn’t see it, but to attack a programme onn the grounds that it showed military prowess on the Russian side. Thjey did completely annihilate the Georgian forces in 4 days.
Whatever one’s position on who the goodies are this was a formidable achievement & campares favourably with America sending troops into Somalia or, probably more important from the Russian point of view, the 3 months it took Stalin to beat Funland or NATO to beat Serbia.
You cannot compare the military capability of Georgia with not using ground troops in Kosovo (which incidentally NATO forced the serb dawgs out without any significant losses on their behalf) nor can you compare Georgia with Somalia where everyman and their dog was armed and more than willing to have a go at you.
What is telling though was that given the relative strength of Russia was that they couldnt hit most of the targets they had been aiming at 🙂
archduke: You mean you haven’t been ‘mugged’ for your ipod yet?
Im laughing at the loony comments here chaps.
Do you actually believe the US is about to deploy seriously into Georgia? Get a grip.
I think its a little bit like the Falklands.
The Argies were lead to believe, or more likely fooled themselves into believing that they were Uncle Sam’s golden boy. Hence they could make a move on the islands and the US would back them. Wrong.
Georgia has been dabbling in Ossetia and perhaps has fooled itself that they were going to have The Man on their side. Maybe they went a bit too far.
The US, as Im sure you are aware, is still involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yep ideal conditions to open up a whole new front with a completely different enemy, one not even remotely allied to the current ones.
Oh and mailman nice to see you smirking at the Serbs defeat by US/NATO there. Very classy.
Europeans being ethnically cleansed by muslims and remind me – who did we side with?
“Europeans being ethnically cleansed by muslims and remind me – who did we side with?
St Bernard | 15.08.08 – 4:04 am”
Well, th US sided with Iran and Turkey when it helped them to send arms and Moujahadin to Bosnia. We know the moujahadin went on to commit war crimes and butcher civilians. How these axes of evil come and go.
Thankyou John.
Furthermore its not many years ago neo-cons (at b-bbc and elsewhere) were gung ho for Russia as they supplied direct support for the invasion of Afghanistan.
Most visibly in equipping our local allies there, paid for by the US.
How these axes come and go indeed.