As you can see, Russia is still losing the propaganda war. The image is from the BBC website. It’s not so much an illustration for this page as evidenceof the BBC’s playing along with the Russian message. I wish it weren’t here- or there.
Meanwhile I noticed something from the BBC’s linked article interestingly titled “In control and on the move”. Sounds dynamic, huh? It was where the writer of the article says “In the past few days, up to six Georgian navy vessels have either been crippled or sunk.
There are also reports of navigation equipment and computers being destroyed or removed. The Russians appear to be, to use military jargon, neutralising the threat.”
Wait a second there. The only Russian action that had any international support was the action in Ossetia. I am not sure of their “peacekeeping” mandate, but why is it not the focus of the article that the Russians are operating as a rogue state in Georgia? Richard Galpin only points out that the Russians are acting outside their zone at the very end of the article. The BBC keep reporting Russian agreements to this or that positive, constructive move. Nothing happens on the ground except that the Russians continue to extend their “mission”. Meanwhile the BBC can only say that they are “in control” and “neutralising the threat”. What threat would that be when the actions of Georgian troops, which some believe necessitated the Russian intervention, took place in South Ossetia, not Abkhazia? And furthermore what “threat” when the Russians have been destroying naval vessels outside the sphere of any possible action? And furthermore what “threat” when, as has been proven, the “in control” Russians are overwhelmingly militarily superior to their Georgian counterparts?
Russia in nuclear threat to Poland
Times Online, UK – 6 hours ago
Russia in nuclear threat towards Poland
Glasgow Daily Record, UK – 7 hours ago
Russia In Nuclear Threat
Sky News, UK – 9 hours ago
Russia could strike Poland over US shield, UK – 10 hours ago
Russia could strike Poland over US shield
Reuters UK, UK – 12 hours ago
After Georgia, Moscow issues nuclear warning to Poland
Independent, UK – 14 hours ago
Russia: Poland risks attack because of US missiles, UK – 16 hours ago
Russian general threatens nuclear strike on Poland
Daily Mail, UK – 21 hours ago
Russia threatens nuclear attack on Poland, United Kingdom – 19 hours ago
We’ll nuke Poland
The Sun, UK – 13 hours ago
As far as I can tell, though, the Beeb’s website – incredibly (and uniquely) – didn’t think Russia’s threat to nuke Poland would make a good headline. But not to worry, it did carry the story in its paper review:
I bet if an Israeli general publicly threatened to nuke Iran, that would get the BBC’s attention.
I suppose a BBC discussion of this would be off its script:
“As race wars split Georgia, could it happen in Britain?” (by Douglas Murray):-
I notice that the BBC are saying nothing critical about the invisible British government and its shameful lack of a coordinated response to Russian aggression.
Where is Gordon Brown, where is David Milliband? It was left to the leader of the opposition to visit Georgia for heavens sake! The UK has a seat on the security council and yet it seems Gordon(courage)Brown is hiding behind the setee waiting for it to blow over? Has he ordered the foreign secretary to hide as well in case he outshines the PM and puts him in a positive position to challenge for the leadership?
Can we look forward to a BBC investigation into NuLabours preoccupation with its partys civil war/infighting while the people of Georgia suffer?
The actions of this selfish power obssesed NuLab regime and its puppet BBCs protection of it is perhaps the most disgusting sight I have witnessed to date.
maybe a nuclear winter will counteract the threat of dangerous climate change
and make everything normal
Cassandra: Iain Martin has written on this very subject in the Telegraph:
The Sun also had a full page editorial on it.
Strangely, not a word from the State Broadcaster…
you should do the embedded picture thing in your posts more often!
really does look a lot better.
The BBC is getting positively juvenile in its efforts to mock Georgians:
“Where is Gordon Brown, where is David Milliband? ”
Gordon is writing the second volume of his book,”Courage” and Miliband’s eye balls are rotating at warp factor 9
The BBC is getting positively juvenile in its efforts to mock Georgians:…h? v=Yj4EkQQcdNE
Om nom nom.
I used to chew my tie at school too. It tastes kind of…salty.
‘Sky News’ has:
“Russia Military Withdrawal Denied”
While ‘BBC News’ has:
“Russian troops ‘start withdrawal'”
In a broader political context:
“Fitzgerald: The Muslim population of Russia, and the Future” (by Hugh Fitzgerald):
“The Muslim population of Russia has gone up 40% since 1989. Meanwhile the Russian population of Russia has gone down. There are now 25 million Muslims in Russia. And the Central and East European Affairs editor of The Economist has suggested in print that by 2015, 40% of the Russian army may be Muslim.
“What do the Russians intend to do about this? Anything? Nothing?”
BBC report:
“Russian reflections on Georgia conflict”
Is this PART 1? Where is Part 2? Where is THIS report:
“Georgian reflections on Russia conflict” ?
Tomorrow, BBC? Sometime? Never?
Oh, forget it BBC: let’s be distracted by the Olympics for another week, shall we, eh ?
A BBC repetition:
“Miliband demands Russian retreat”
-Was D.Miliband on his knees in London when he said this?
Actually, most of this BBC report ia about D.Cameron in Georgia!
Did Russia find the WMD’s? Did Russia depose a brutal dictator?
No and no.
A communist nation attacks a Democratic nation, and the BBC is happy about it.
Today I was reading this article
and was a bit amazed how could Paul Reynolds not find the evidens Russians actually winning their own propaganda war on Russian webs?
I can send him translation of those articles and footages in English if he wants to.
This BBC headline:
“Russia ‘starts Georgia pull-back'”
-could just as as easily be re-written as:
‘Russia doesn’t start Georgia pull-back’
James Forsytth, of ‘The Spectator’ has this:
“Russia’s next step”
The DHYS comment on the absurdly titled Georgia story:
“The sight of GWB [US President George Bush] complaining about Russia’s “disproportionate use of force” is hilarious”
The BBC and their Bush Derangement Syndrome.
The Georgian government is pro USA. The BBC is anti USA so my enemy’s enemy is my friend – simple, really!
gus | 18.08.08 – 1:22 am
A communist nation attacks a Democratic nation
Where have you been • in a Unabomber shack in the forest?
Putin is no more a communist than you are.
“Why haven’t the Left got Georgia on their minds?” (Richard Littlejohn):
Will the BBC presenters talking to the eco-warriors, climate change adherents, anti-nuclear campaigners etc, ask the question. “So if we don’t have coal fired and/or nuclear power stations you are quite happy to leave our security of supply of natural gas for power generation in the coming years in the hands of the unreconstructed KGB leadership of Russia elected about as democratically as Robert Mugabe?”
When they waffle about wind power the response should be “but you have to have full back up capacity for wind, which realistically can only be gas, so wind isn’t the answer”.
Is that a whole squadron of BBC pigs I can see flying past?!
I am not sure of their(Russia’s) “peacekeeping” mandate,
I’m afraid that Sarkozy, acting on behalf of the EU, and thus all the members of the EU, agreed to it.
From EU referendum site
Pointing at Sarkozy’s “triumph”, he notes now the Russians insisted that their troops were accepted as peacekeepers in Georgia and the French mediators caved in and allowed this. Thus, the stipulated withdrawal of combatants does not apply to Russian troops.
Under this ceasefire agreement Moscow can claim – in a strictly legal sense – that Russian troops can stay in Georgia indefinitely. President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin are laughing at the French while observing international law. Meanwhile, occupied Georgia is looted and burned; Georgian ships are sunk and the Georgian capital is strangled.
DP111- Thanks. I read that too at EURef, but since that’s all I’d read… Agree entirely, btw. Sad.