. I see the BBC has been running the story concerning five soldiers that have been dismissed from the Army after failing a drugs test. The soldiers are from the King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, and their duties include guarding the Queen. An Army spokesman added: “Drug misuse in the armed forces will not be tolerated. “Positive rates in the Army over the last three years average around 0.8%, compared with over 7% in civilian workplace drug testing programmes in the UK.” Got me thinking what the drug misuse rate is amongst BBC presenters. Maybe ace reporter Jonny Dymond could do a special investigation on the topic or… might he turn his nose up at the prospect ?
I believe that mandatory drugs testing should take place in ALL Government organisations. That should include the BBC.
Several beeboids have been caught taking drugs and many more beeboids proudly admit to being drugs users.
Perhaps beeboids would hang their heads in shame if they could see the misery caused in Countries where these drugs are produced?
OT but a total stand out case of bias. Dodgy report with a small sample size on attitudes to natural birth given a free propaganda spot on the BBC, no balancing commentary.
Anyone remember “Snorting Coke at the BBC”: produced by C4.
The attitude of the top floor of the BBC was: “Who cares.”
I mean, it’s got nothing to do with Islam after all.
A lot of the people that commision programmes must be on something that is more powerful than any legal medication I have had.
Susspect a lot of the beeboids are nice middle class liberals that think it is ok for superior people like thmselves to take drugs but not the common masses.
I dunno, it makes you quite nostalgic for the old days when a towering intellectual like C.E.M. Joad could wreck his career by something as (nowadays) trivial as cheating on a train fare:
Those caught abusing drugs at the BBC are severely tolerated.
The summer meltback in the Arctic has ended and the ice is on the march, confounding the alarmists who were predicting in June that the Pole would be ice-free this year. Currently, the ice area is some 600,000 square kilometres greater than it was at its minimum extent last year.
Will our beloved state broadcaster be reporting this?
Perhaps not methinks. Any word from the very popular Auntie?
Socialism. Bad for the donor, worse for the recipient.
Lou Dobbs: ‘My Colleagues in the Media Are Absolutely Biased’
An astonishing thing happened on CNN Sunday evening: Lou Dobbs told his guests, “My colleagues in the national media are absolutely biased, in the tank supporting the Obama candidacy while claiming the mantle of objectivity,” and they agreed.
The lessons for the London Olympics in 2012 are awesome, and mostly terrifying. The worst lesson is that those seeking money from this government should wrap their demands in the flag, not in reason but in chauvinist shriek, abetted by that grotesque cheerleader, the BBC.
Did anyone else find it strange that when the late BBC kids TV presenter Mark Speight was exposed as a coke-head after his BBC TV presenter girlfriend died after their all night coke binge, the Beeb left it up to him to decide whether or not to carry on his kid TV career?
It should go without saying that if a popular kids TV presenter was exposed as a cocaine user or something else “kid unfriendly”, he should not be allowed to work in kids TV again. Years ago, this would have been the case. I have vague memories of a Children’s BBC presenter being canned in the mid 80’s when they found out he’d taken part in a soft porn video – I think it was one of the “Electric Blue” ones.
I know Speight sadly killed himself, which was tragic, but the thought that the Beeb would have allowed him to go on entertaining children if and when he was ready to come back to work speaks volumes of the lowering of moral standards there. What kind of message would his subsequent appearance on TV have sent kids?
The BBC has changed, but it has changed in precisely the sort of way you might expect from an organisation run by white, middle-class male liberals like Jeremy Paxman.
The positions of power are still largely held by men who went to Charterhouse or Eton, but they have imposed upon the corporation beneath them – and upon the viewing public – a cringing political correctness, buttressed by silly quotas and that evil oxymoron, positive discrimination.
And so your screens are full of ethnic minorities, busily running about all over the place – but very often the wrong ethnic minorities and usually only in minor roles.
Further, when blacks or Asians crop up in television dramas they are almost always the good guys, to counter ‘negative stereotyping’.
Your local BBC news programmes will have more ethnic minority reporters and presenters than you could shake a stick at, even if you live in an area that is almost exclusively white.
What was the name of that Blue Peter presenter who got caught out sniffing coke ?
He once stayed with some friends of friends of mine and was apparently an insufferable egotistical loser, they threw him out ASAP.
And what about that art program for kids waste of space guy, the one who looked like Max Headroom ?, hung himself with his bootlaces after his missis croaked due to their mutual cocaine abuse ?
Seems to me like many problems in the UK might be solved if cocaine shipments headed for central London were salted with radioactive isotopes.
Richard Bacon was the Blue Peter presenter fired for using cocaine, back in ’98. The Beeb 10 years later didn’t say anything about firing Speight after his cocaine use was revealed, in fact they gave us every impression that he was welcome back on board.
Who remembers Michael Sundin, the short lived trampoline-champ Geordie Blue Peter presenter in the mid 80’s whose hysterical attempts to hide his accent brought mirth to the nation? He was sacked after videos surfaced of him dancing in his undercrackers with male strippers. Caught AIDS and died in 1989.
Oh yes and not forgetting Peter Duncan of “Duncan Dares” fame who starred in soft porno movies in the 70’s. He did cross the Irish Sea in a VW Beetle though, I’ll give him that.
On the subject of Blue Peter I think the only presenters I liked as a kid were John Noakes (of Everest Double Glazing Shep-imposter/Fax tearjerker fame), and Mark Curry who seemed to me to have a little of Johnny Ball in him (knowing what goes on at the Beeb I would not be surprised if there were more truth in that than I intended….sorry Johnny!)
The guards are just as criminal as the ‘Queen’.
Heck… they get sacked for snorting the white stuff. The Queen still lives for committing treason and selling us out to the (BBC funding) EU.
How quaint.
random drugs tests for all beeboids, if the drones have nothing to hide they’ve nothing to worry about
RE Jonny Dymond – he’s not just a druggy he attempted to smuggle drugs across international borders and this wasnt the innocent weed we smoked 20 years ago, this was modern high class skunk, i wiff of which causes schizophrenia (if we are to beleive al beebs anti weed propaganda)
wont someone think of the children
oohhh its nearly 420 time
420 already? Good Lord – where are my skins? (Searches back of sofa)
HLSD – What was the name of that Blue Peter presenter who got caught out sniffing coke ?
john leslie was filmed snorting cocaine
Mandatory drugs testing at the BBC. Now!
im just grateful that BBC employee and druggy Carl Cox is just doing time in a middle east prison for drugs offences,
i would have been gutted if they had choppd his hands off, he needs them to mix the decs
hardcore u know the score
HLSD – What was the name of that Blue Peter presenter who got caught out sniffing coke ?
john leslie was filmed snorting cocaine
Richard Bacon?
yes indeedy
also he was filmed doing other mucky stuff, which seems to be what a lot of beeboids get up in their spare time
i think we should get one of them 10 downing street petition things going, we the under signed want “Random Drug Tests for all BBC employees and Agents thereof”
Richard Bacon was another BBC Blue Peter beeboid that got caught as well.
There is an endless list of beeboids.
Richard Bacon – that’s the bozo I was thinking of.
Martin | 27.08.08 – 1:07 pm
Richard Bacon was another BBC Blue Peter beeboid that got caught as well.
You (collectively) have come up with fewer than six names over a ten year time period. During which time around 32,000 people or more have worked for the BBC.
It takes 32,000 people to bring us Celebrity Car Boot Sale In The Sun and Jihad in Need ?
Crikey, no wonder the Beeb eats money like John Prescott scoffs pies.
“You (collectively) have come up with fewer than six names over a ten year time period. During which time around 32,000 people or more have worked for the BBC.”
And your point is? That these 32,000 minus 6 people have never taken coke?
Actually there are quite a few other beeboids that have done drugs.
Many at Radio 5 have abmitted it and didn’t the two beeboids that topped themelves recently both do drugs?
Oh and this.
You (collectively) have come up with fewer than six names over a ten year time period. During which time around 32,000 people or more have worked for the BBC.
Anonymous | 27.08.08 – 4:02 pm | #
We’re just talking Blue Peter presenters here – you know, those Beeboids who have access to the minds of young children and who are supposed to set an example.
The ones mentioned are a fraction of the BBC presenters who have been caught doing drugs, who in turn are a fraction of the BBC employees who do drugs.
The wider issue is that if the BBC has legal sanction over the use of force to extort money from the public in order to pay the salaries of its employees, we should at least have the right to demand that none of our money is spent on drugs (or the gerbils which no doubt end up inside the rectums of Beeboids every weekend)
Who was that homosexual Beeboid who admitted to having unprotected sex even though he was HIV positive ?
Did he keep his job ?
HSLD: Do you mean Nigel Wrench? See my link above.
The link kept timing out Martin, probably my lousy connection. Now you mention the name I remember though.
Yes he did keep his job, in spite of his class-A drug-taking and “barebacking” while HIV-positive. Squalid, coke-sniffing snivelers like Wrench are a microcosm of the whole BBC.
A more enlightened organisation would have dismissed him for bringing the company into disrepute. But when is the BBC even remotely self-critical?
remember frank boff as well….he was snorting coke and bangin birds 2 at time wasnt he
The truth of this statement depends on what exactly DRUGS are supposed to do?
It could be very well argued that DRUGS are working just fine. They succeed in the following ways.
They make people even more stupid and dependent then they already are.
They give the powers that be a method of collecting the goods on important individuals in the media and government.
They make countless billions of black cash for the establishment and the highly organized criminal gangs that work for them.
Assist greatly in the establishments ability to bribe and corrupt, often as much as entire third world governments.
They help give the establishment the excuse to increase the rate at which we are being forced to exist in a police state.
I could go on all night, as the list is potentially endless.
Whats wrong?
Surly you don’t still believe the old BBC lie that your government actually wants now or ever did it the past want to end its establishments third biggest ever money spinner. Religion and wars of course being the biggest of all.
Or the perfectly silly idea that the powers that be could NOT stop all but a tiny amount of drugs either being made in the UK or imported here, if they actually wanted to.
They don’t want to, it is that simple. To do so would be like Tesco’s burning down most of their own best shops.
What they want is to continue to make sure drugs stay firmly but not ‘too’ firmly illegal.
So they can continue to waste billions of our money pretending to care, while also insuring the police, prisons and judicial system stay as busy as hell. Which all contributes in keeping the whole dirty system, ‘very highly profitable’, for the people that design, select and promote our governments policies.
Wouldn’t it be interesting if we publically executed drug dealers (beheading would seem appropriate what with all this Shaira law stuff) and put druggies into stocks in town squares and let them do cold turkey in front of everyone?
REckon that might cut drugs crime?
Wasshissface off Have I Got News For You….Angus Deayton…there’s another one.
The atmosphere at the Beeb is so drug friendly that they were making jokes about his coke-fueled debauchery on the show…no attempt at a cover up whatsoever.
It won’t be long before they’re teaching kids how to make potato bongs on Blue Peter.
Did anyone see this show back in 2003? I was not in the country at the time.
“Channel 4 is planning an hour-long documentary on the predilection of BBC presenters for taking cocaine, in what is already being described as a classic piece of broadcasting hypocrisy.
Frank Bough, Angus Deayton and Johnnie Walker are among the high-profile BBC presenters whose drug-related downfalls will be charted in the programme, to be called Snorting Coke with the BBC.
In it Channel 4 will take a critical look at the way the broadcaster has dealt with high-profile employees who are caught using the drug.“
So less than 1% of U.K. servicemen/women have been found to violate the policy. Meanwhile liberals and George Soros are bankrolling legislation to legalize marijuana.
Do liberals have any clue what kind of work the “military” does?
Are liberals so far gone that they cannot report issues without malice and “gotcha” moments?
Nah. They can’t.
Oh the irony of the BBC – never will you find so many smack-heads in one building… and their habit funded by the ‘TV Licence’.
You’d have to be on drugs to write the crud that they pump out in the name of ‘journalism’… you’d also have to be on drugs to believe it.
Funny that since we started listing out known drug taking beeboids, James has gone very quiet?
“… you’d also have to be on drugs to believe it.”
NonTVLicencePayer | 28.08.08 – 9:43 am
A more enlightened organisation would have dismissed him for bringing the company into disrepute. But when is the BBC even remotely self-critical?
Andy | 27.08.08 – 7:16 pm |
but that’s exactly it, you see, andy…they consider themselves enlightened precisely because of their tolerance of illicit drug-taking!
What’s your point? that the BBC shouldn’t cover the story because some of its staff have taken drigs before?
Does that make any sense for an independent and impartial news broadcaster? No doubt you will portray this as the BBC having a go at the British Army again?!
Seems that bastion of liberalism, the Daily Mail also covered it. Oooppps DV, another gaffe. I won’t dwell on your embarrassment.
“The wider issue is that if the BBC has legal sanction over the use of force to extort money from the public in order to pay the salaries of its employees, we should at least have the right to demand that none of our money is spent on drugs.”
Can we also have a say over what nurses spend their money on? I don’t want civil servants spending their wages on porn, or second homes, or separate MMR jabs. Are you going to invade the lives of thousands of public sector workers and monitor what they spend their wages on, making moral decisions about what you do or don’t approve of?
Billy Joel
“Can we also have a say over what nurses spend their money on?”
Yes. If the nurse is undertaking a difficult medical procedure, the last you want is for her to be gagging for coke (or already coked up) at some crucial moment. The same goes for any staff working in safety-critical environments eg dangerous chemicals, lethal voltages, etc.
Don’t try and shift goalposts – nobody here said anything about “porn, second homes, or separate MMR jabs”. The issue was class-A drug taking among BBC staff and the licence-funded BBC not giving a fuck.