The headline conveys the point the BBC wants to make. “Ill Palestinians asked to spy”. The item then repeats the claim made by the anti-Semitic group “Physicians for Human Rights” that bad Israeli security agents are putting pressure on some poor Palestinian medical patients to become informants. If you read the article it is laced with the usual venom the BBC seems to especially reserves for Israel. Do you think ANYONE at the BBC ever stops to query the endless stream of anti-Israeli propaganda it pumps out or is the hatred of the Jewish people so great that it just gets set aside?


If there is one subject where the BBC and our political elite seem aligned it is in the desire to force us all into driving small government-approved cars. I listened to this item on the Today programme this morning which seemed to revolve around just how large a tax to impose on those of us who prefer to buy new and relatively more expensive cars. This is a cardinal sin in these carbon puritanical times and so we had Conservative (in name only) Tim Yeo and Labour comrade Peter Kilfoyle debating how much to levy on those heretics who insist on buying “gas guzzlers.” There was no one to counter Yeo’s inane blether that we need to “de-carbonise” our society, nor was there anyone to point out that the car manufacturing benefits from selling “expensive” cars and that well paid jobs depend on those of us laying out our hard-earned cash to buy these vehicles and that government benefits from all the gas our gas guzzlers use up! I’m sick of this constant attack on motorists and the BBC’s enthusiasm to give monopolistic air-time to those tyrants who want to dictate to us what type of car we should drive. Aren’t you?


The Eco-loons are on the march in Kent on the first day of a week-long protest against plans to build a new coal-fired power station. Hundreds of activists are camping in a field outside the Kingsnorth plant. Green Party MEP Caroline Lucas told the rally new coal-fired power stations were a “crime against humanity” To understand the gravitas of the event just reflect on the BBC news that “Campaigners, some dressed in animal costumes, carried banners and placards and blew whistles and played tambourines as they marched.” Quite. There is no attempt made here to actually consider the science of the issue nor to ask if these ranting eco-loons are representative of the views held by the people of Kent. However we can be certain that Ms Lucas and her “war-crimes” hysteria resonates with the views held by the State Broadcaster.


Have a read of this story carried on the BBC US news page today. It’s another one of those numerous shock horror tales the BBC loves to carry warning us of the danger that we all face from HIV/Aids. Turns out that the the number of Americans infected with the HIV virus each year is  actually some 56,000 rather than the earlier annual estimate of 40,000.  More proof of the “epidemic” being worse than we figured.  But how about the BBC asking why it is that the increase in HIV is actually predominantly amongst young gay men, and in particular black men?30% of HIV diagnosis occur amongst the US black population, but yet it is only 12% of the total US population, so surely THAT is a news story? HIV has decreased in the heterosexual population. No one is suggesting that HIV/Aids is not an issue but unless one is a homosexual/drug user/visitor to brothels it really is not a general health concern. Makes you wonder why the BBC seems so concerned about it……


It’s interesting to observe that when one bunch of Palestinian thugs (Hamas) attack another bunch of Palestinian thugs (Fatah) leading the latter to leg it and beg sanctuary from the hated Jews, the BBC naturally portrays Israel as the villain of the piece when it propose to “send back” these vermin. Did I say vermin? Sorry, I meant to say partners in peace and of course world’s most oppressed people. Also isn’t it curious the way in which the BBC uses term “Clan” to describe these Fatah gangsters? Is there a long lost Scottish connection to the Middle East conflict we have not know of before now? Has Alex Salmond been told, could be SNP votes in it for him ? Even when Palestinians show their innate barbarism by butchering each other, the BBC still can’t resist blaming the Jews.


It’s fun watching the BBC’s pathetic “Save Gordon” campaign stagger forwards, deeper into the mire. Did you see the prominence given by the State Broadcaster to BBC star and businessman Sir Alan Sugar who has offered Gordon the advice that he should “Kick Out” members of the government failing to support his leadership? Sugar says it is impossible to run a company or government “unless everybody is on side”.Three points here.

One is that were Gordon to do as Sir Alan says and “kick out” those with no confidence in him, he would not have many left in his government! Second, Sir Alan should understand that in business, a leader takes responsibility when things go wrong. Brown runs away from the very concept of being such a leader. Finally I note that the BBC News Channel sought out the views of self-professed long-time Brown supporter Sugar – a clear instance of their desperation to prop up the Great Leader. Why not ask for a balancing view from one of those many business leaders who have had to deal with over a decade of Brown’s crushing oppression as Chancellor?

The climate inquisition continues…

I hope Umbongo will forgive my posting his comment here, but it’s rather good. The glee with which criticism of The Great Global Warming Swindle was publicised by the BBC was noted, for instance here on EURef. Little wonder then that this point of view is amplified and repeated, just in case we missed it (actually, I think we did fail to mention it “up top” so to speak…), today on the BBC:

“Another landmark in “impartiality” was reached today in Lisa Jardine’s “A Point of View” Radio 4 at 8:45 this morning. In slagging off anthropomorphic climate change scepticism she shows her deep misunderstanding of the origins of legal process in England by claiming that the English confrontational system of trial is a direct descendant of the Roman Republican system epitomised by the trials starring Cicero. That England’s system derives from development of the Common Law brought here by our Anglo-Saxon and Viking ancestors escapes her. But, of course, she is trying to make another rather more serious and controversial point. That point is that the system of finding the “real” truth by setting out the opposing “truths” epitomised by “An Inconvenient Truth” and “The Global Warming Swindle” might confuse the punters.

For her the “closely argued” and consensually accepted truth of the Gore film (although she admits that in a court of law – ah you see where she’s coming from – some of the “facts” were found to be . . . er . . lies) is contrasted with the outpourings of a “vocal tiny minority” through the Channel 4 documentary. She doesn’t claim that any of the facts contradicting AGW in the “Swindle” were lies but relies on the finding that the warmist scientists quoted/interviewed were misled into taking part in a polemic. She likes polemics but not if they contradict her “truth”. So we have on TV a simulacrum of (to her) the discredited English system of getting at “legal” truth opposed by her preferred “false but accurate” argument of the BBC impartiality mind-set of which she is such an enthusiastic proponent. She closed the programme by wondering if the vocal non-consenting minorities should (a la Hansen) be silenced – if not prosecuted – for daring to oppose the consensus.

Lisa Jardine is the daughter of Jacob Bronowski. The final image of Dr B, in his “Ascent of Man”, standing in the mud at Auschwitz is implanted in my brain. He wept and said that Auschwitz and, by implication, all the other hell-holes constructed by Man, is the unavoidable destination reached by the denial and silencing of truth. Were he still alive I don’t think Dr B would be proud of his daughter.”

Phew, that’s a relief:

“McCain team ‘cynical, not racist'”

Says who? Says Obama. And the BBC considers this news? That the chosen one would pardon his nasty opponent from the unforgivable sin by substituting a lesser criticism. Sorry BBC, this is not balance- it’s reverence for your man. It’s bias.

They go on to report “The latest row began when the McCain campaign claimed that Mr Obama had “played the race card” by warning that the Republican would try to scare voters about how Mr Obama looked unlike “all those other presidents on the dollar bills” – all white men.”

Notice how the row began- not with the Obama accusation but… McCain, of course.


Did you pick up on the BBC headline today declaring “Thatcher State Funeral Undecided“? Do you think you think that it’s out of ignorance or simple, plain, fifth columnist rudeness that the BBC fails to recognise that ‘Thatcher’ is, in fact, Lady Thatcher? The BBC’s hatred of Lady Thatcher will continue long after she has passed from this world.


Hi folks – normal service has been resumed. I find I cannot access B-BBC via IE but Firefox works for me. Does anyone else have this problem?