I was watching the BBC2 Comedy programme “Mock the Week” and was struck yet again by the venom spat out dressed up as “humourous topical comment”in the direction of John McCain and Sarah Palin. “Lightning-fast” Russell Howard and “one of Britain’s most insightful and cutting comedians” Andy Parsons in particular were letting their bias show, with comments about Palin being “stupid” because she did not “believe” in AGW and McCain dying. Naturally there were no jokes about Obama. The thing about these hard left comedians is they lack the guts to laugh at their own political icons. Instead they remain fixed in 6th form student grant aspic – and we fund them via the license tax.
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David Vance
Why do you torture yourself with the BBCs so-called “comedy” – I stopped watching their “comedy” programs after Reggie Perrin finished.
My wife watches it!!!!
Would they make a joke about a homosexual dying of Aids?
David – Still how else can you blog about the bias in the BBC if you don’t force yourself to watch it. I commend your courage. For myself I would rather watch paint dry.
It rather speaks for itself. They make CNN look right wing sometimes.
It is a mixed blessing. I have the tenacity to watch some of it but inevitably it is toxic so I feel irradiated afterwards.
Wot, no Gordon “Gettin’ on with the Job” Brown jokes either?
Still, I suppose the best material on him is from our very own “Chosen One” himself.
Has the BBC, outside of Ian Hislop, ever taken the rise out of GB?
I actually like Mock the Week. During the height of the Democrat convention and the BBC’s slathering over Obama they did take the piss big time over his empty, vacuous speeches and how he has no real policies. They also lay into Labour quite a lot, although not with the darker jokes about wishing people dead (no, I didn’t laugh at the Thatcher stuff a couple of weeks ago).
Some of the panelists also feature on or help write The Now Show on Radio 4, which is mostly leftist stuff but they also ripped the piss out of Obama in the last show of their series.
And for the record, Bush believes in AGW? Or was he saying that because the majority of people now believe it and he was plummetting in the polls?
As for Palin, I can see how people can have doubts about AGW, but how anyone can say with 100% certainty it isn’t true, those people are either liars or simply choose to ignore the facts. But since she believes in the Bible’s literal version of history with no deviation or symbolism or guesswork (which is scientifically proven 100% to be wrong in many, many parts) I wouldn’t trust her in ANY scientific subject… she CHOOSES to believe what she wishes was true.
With his stances against the ignoramus Bush, I was actually coming round to the idea of McCain in the White House (not that I have a say in the matter) but if he dies, his vice president-cum-fantasist will be in charge of the free world. Better the empty vessel than whatever world she lives in.
Sorry, but I think the MTW guys got it right this time.
My point was that Andy Patsons hlarious rib-tickling joke was that Palin didn’t “believe” in AGW. His stagerring ignorance, his rabid intolerance of another persons view, meant as nothing since it gave the gang a chance to snigger at Palin. I’m all for laughing at ALL politicians – since I figure they deserve it – but the BBC’s comics are all bunched on the left.
Devil’s Advocate | 11.09.08 – 11:25 pmAnd for the record, Bush believes in AGW? Or was he saying that because the majority of people now believe it and he was plummetting (sic) in the polls?
He has spent some time plummeting, note the date
June 11, 2001
First, we know the surface temperature of the earth is warming. And the National Academy of Sciences indicate that the increase is due in large part to human activity.
So who is the ignoramus, Mr Advocate? Do you have proof of Palin’s belief in the Bible’s literal version of history? Or, like Bush & climate change, is that just more BBC propaganda?
“As for Palin, I can see how people can have doubts about AGW, but how anyone can say with 100% certainty it isn’t true, those people are either liars or simply choose to ignore the facts.”
The facts being,it is cold and it is getting colder.
But I like your party political broadcast for the Democrat smear machine.
WTF do You know about Saeah Palin? The woman was unknown two weeks ago.
Not surprised to see this here. I turned to the missus after the original question (What is 4%?) and I said it was the first time the BBC had referred to McCain’s lead over the Chosen One. At the end of the diatribe, I noted that they’d spent 10 minutes simply “laughing” at Palin.
I even spat out a bit of Kronenbourg when Parsons said “EVEN Bush believes in AGW”.
so AGW is a religion now?
all this “belief” being mentioned.
i thought it was all down to science.
the left sure do tie themselves up in knots.
Peter 12:09 “WTF do You know about Saeah Palin? The woman was unknown two weeks ago.”
Incorrect. I’ve been touting Sarah Palin as the VP nominee for around five weeks now.
She’s known.
Bill Kristol of the Weekly Standard predicted, on Fox News Sunday, that McCain would choose Palin. That was either the second or third Sunday in June.
The MSM probably discounted her thinking McCain wouldn’t have the nerve to pick someone so unlike themselves.
Martin, they would cerainly make a joke about a homosexual dying of aids … if the homosexual in question was a conservative. They would of course defend the joke by saying the man was a hypocrit.
When the liberal cartoonist (Olyphant) portrayed Secretary Rice as a parrot on Bushs shoulder he felt it was just fine to put huge lips on the front of the beak.
You see, it’s not rascist or homphobic if the victims are conservative.
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/ tol…icle4735147.ece
It rather speaks for itself. They make CNN look right wing sometimes.
Adam | 11.09.08 – 10:40 pm | #
Disgusting! I had no idea Webb wrote for the Times too – well at least we get to read his bullshit in a setting in which he does not even have to pay lip service to impartiality (not that he makes a very good job of it at the Beeb).
This article is a microcosm of Webb’s ignorant, ham fisted views on America. I don’t even know where to begin. Unbelievable!
Please everyone – do your bit and add a comment, because as is usual at the Times this will quickly become an orgy of America bashing and outright anti-US ignorance.
I just posted a comment asking Webb how he feels drawing a salary paid for by an extorted license fee, since he seems to be all excited by the concept of “individual freedom” in the States. Seems fair to point out that the license fee (his salary) is a blatant abrogation of individual liberty. I doubt they’ll publish it though.
Yes, Sarah Palin’s name came up here in Juy and August. The Times, for example, had her as a runner at the beginning of August.
It is only the BBC that was blindsided.
Criticisms should also be posted at Justin Webb’s own blog at the BBC.
Devils Advocate,
I am 90% sure that the ‘anthropogenic warming/man made climate change/global warming theory is a cheating scam/political lie/Luddite reaction/eco mentalist power grab/funding gravytrain/leftist conspiricy/sabotage of capitalism!
The Leftist smear’N’lies machine that has been turned on Sarah Palin is backfiring and more to the point, it matters not a jot what some socialist D list celeb thinks of the American election does it? The only people who matter are the American voters.
I fully agree with you that nobody can be 100% sure that climate change is natural or manmade, but the ecolobbies/leftists/socialists seem to 100% sure about the global warming scare dont they?
As far as I am aware Sarah Palin actually said that she is not certain that manmade emissions are having a warming effect on the planet, that is a million miles away from the socialist misrepresentations and false quotes isnt it?
The difference between us ‘deniers’ and the warmists is I think, that one side doubts that destroying our industrial society to save the planet is not the most sensible approach and that adaptation to a colder/warmer enviroment is a better approach and the other side who believes so firmly that the earth is being destroyed by humans that they are willing to gamble the entire economic future of the planet on an uproven theory, they brook no doubts or opposition nor do they engage in meaningful and open debate and are quite happy to lie and cheat in the service of their beliefs.
Re Justin Webb’s article in the Times. Over the years Webb alone has directed more criticism at the social conservatism of white American Christians than the whole of the BBC as ever directed (or would ever dare to direct) at Islam. His professed dislike of anti-Americanism is really just irritation that the bits he likes • as represented by the liberal-left, Democrat-supporting sophisticates with whom he identifies • are tarnished by the flyover state redneck hillbillies. When it comes to them, he’s as anti-American as anybody in the world.
Should read “the whole of the BBC has ever…”
Parsons: yet another prick on the Bbc comedy gravy train. He would not know funny if it hit him. At least Boyle’s venom is funny. All the rest of the “guests” are useless.
The last time I saw the hard-hitting satirical comedy show MTW was a few weeks ago when I was flicking channels. I heard Andy Parson say “I really like Barack Obama” to which his team captain Mark Watson responded with equally daring and incisive humour “So do I”. Parsons then launched into an unfunny diatribe against McCain and I changed channels.
Mark Watson is another Brigstocke-type. He’s an official Al Gore cultist – he flew all the way to Australia to attend a seminar where the failed presidential candidate taught a select group of people how to go forth and spread the message of his slide show. Watson has written a book about his environmentalism which, of course, became the BBC’s Book of the Week a couple of months ago. Apart from his stint as captain on MTW he also makes regular appearances on BBC panel shows and has his own comedy series on Radio 4. If you have kids wondering what career to take they might like to consider the job of left-wing environmental comedian. The BBC can’t get enough of them.
The worst one is that Scot, Doyle or Boyle, or whatever. Was he on last night? I deliberately didn’t watch as I was sure that if he started taking the piss out of the 9/11 victims I’d have no TV today.
Comedians on the BBC have to be leftist otherwise they can’t get employment and appearing on TV is a way of getting bums on seats at their shows, their main source of income. They are businesses like any other and they know their market.
Sometimes they are even funny and I am quite capable at laughing at the absurdities of the capitalist system (and it does have them).
And don’t forget the BBC is balanced in it’s comedians – it sometimes puts Jim Davidson on … (hides behind the sofa helmie ) 🙂
WTF do You know about Saeah Palin? Peter | 12.09.08 – 12:01 am
Verity, Will Jones – Peter was not asking you to show off your in-depth knowledge of Republican planning. He was referring to the 11.25pm post by Devil’s Advocate who had made claims about Bush & Palin’s views on MMGW & creationism, claims which cannot be supported by quotes, only by the smears of the BBC & other left wing progaganda.
It’s Friday. And life is already too short.
Might I pass on this as an example of more balanced political humour?:
How I long for some sensible debate on global warming. As I understand it that since its “creation” the world has experienced four glacial periods with periods between when it warmed up and cooled down (presumably without the interference of man, but who knows). Since the most recent ice age we must have warmed up and since in earth terms this is relatively recent somebody has surely been able to chart this process and its fluctuations of warmer/cooler. I believe North Africa used to be the Romans cereals growing area and in the 17th century the Thames used to freeze over etc. On this basis of constant change I believe it difficult to accept that man has “caused” global warming but POSSIBLY has had some effect and it is over only that probably small part that a lot of hot air is being expended. I wish I could locate the BBC Christmas lecture series from a while ago where a “geographer” explained these natural changes so well using core samples from the (Ant)Artcic.
P.S. I was very surprised that the Government did not say that because of global warming the energy requirement to heat our homes should be reducing naturally so no additional help should be required with heating costs!
On BBC radio 4 Woman’s Hour today, an excellent hatchet job of Sarah Palin, in less than five minutes, that must be a record.
Programmes like Mock The Week are aimed at the young teenagers/students who are often full of silly socialist ideas so silly socialist ‘comedians’ are just what the BBC should serve up to them. Tellytubbies for the toddlers, Parsons and Howard for older kids and Eastenders, Top Gear and Casualty for when they get a bit older.
The BBC is very good at serving up appropriate rubbish to uncritical youngsters and the dimmer sections of the population who comprise the bulk of TV audiences. The BBC is overwhlemingly a mass manufacturer of down market entertainment. Nothing wrong with that except for the fact that the government forces me to pay for this junk even though I only have a TV for watching football on Sky Sports.
Oh joy! Marcus Brigstocke is presenting some more shows on Radio 4 in the next couple of weeks. On his website, even Marcus admits that “Radio 4 has become a second home . . . . as he is rarely off the 18.30 slot in one form or another”.
Mind you, I can’t say I’m surprised that, in his own words, he is “on Radio 4 more frequently than the shipping forecast” since he has every characteristic beloved of BBC commissioning editors. For instance, he is “an active campaigner for CND”, a militant atheist and, most of all, completely unfunny with a humour bypass when it comes to anything to the right of Eric Hobsbawm.
people, it’s a comedy show, not a scathing political debate program.
pete’s right, if we watch the BBC we should expect to see total cack. i only watch it because i pay for it, even though i hate it vehemently.
And that’s the point newby – you pay or eventually go to prison. So if we’re all expected to fund it why does it only cater to one view point and employ only certain types of people.
I love the credits on R4 shows, typically:-
1. Editor: Poppy Bufton-Tufton-Smythe
2.: Reena Patel and Obiday Adeboyo
3. Producer: Oliver Tufton-Bufton-Blythe
Or in any roundtable discussion you have to have:
1. Fat, posh Oxbridge lefty feminist
2. Posh Oxbridge explorer type
3. mid-Atlantic lefty Yank author
4. Oxbridge bookish wordy type (also found on jolly game shows involving words and quotations from Dr. Johnson). I remember one such type mentioning that “up North” every second Tuesday was known as being a sad day as it was “dole day”. No word of a lie, this pillock had no idea that “dole” did not mean sad, but “giro”.
As for Woman’s Hour, I remember once listening to a serious peice about a woman who played “music” with bricks hit with nails and her husband who backed her up on the dictaphone. Sometimes I marvel at the utter shit Radio 4 puts out.
I need to lie down in a darkened room.
Devil’s Advocate
”With his stances against the ignoramus Bush” yawn
I think that should read ”…the Yale and Harvard graduate ignoramus Bush”
How about you?
Obama did not get an honours grade in his first degree. No-one ever saw him. Would definitely not have got into Harvard Law except for his race. fair enough – but he never “clerked” for a judge as most good graduate lawyers do.
And I reckon his books were at least partly ghost-written.