Via the late Archbishop Cranmer, this in the Independent.
Hindu and Sikh leaders have accused the BBC of pandering to Britain’s Muslim community by making a disproportionate number of programmes on Islam at the expense of covering other Asian religions.
A breakdown of programming from the BBC’s Religion and Ethics department, seen by The Independent, reveals that since 2001, the BBC made 41 faith programmes on Islam, compared with just five on Hinduism and one on Sikhism.
Critics say the disproportionate amount of programming is part of an apparent bias within the BBC towards Islam since the attacks of 11 September 2001, which has placed an often uncomfortable media spotlight on Britain’s Muslims.
The godly Archbishop notes :
Apparent bias?
The Christians have been saying this for years. The BBC has said it would be content to consign the Bible to Room 101 but not the Qur’an, and there are numerous instances of the denigration of the name of Jesus but not that of Mohammed; scorn being poured over the declining Church of England but not the ascending Mosque of England; and the incessant questioning to the point of ridicule of the foundational tenets of Christianity (frequently during Christmas or Easter), while the claims of Islam are treated with reverence and submission (especially during Ramadan and Eid).
Of course Hindu and Sikh licence-fee payers should feel cheated.
But there is a very simple remedy. If a few more Sikhs were to become as militant as those who forced the closure of a theatre in Birmingham; and a few Hindus became as militant as their co-religionists in Orissa, the BBC would feel obliged to redress the imbalance.
Yep, Sikhs have a proven track record of not taking stuff lying down ( as well as being a great asset to the UK )
How do you say ” Go get ’em boys ” in Punjabi ?
Another example is the Beeb’s unqualified use of the term ‘the Prophet’.
The reason Al Beeb patronize muslims at the expense of all other religions is quite simple.
Beeboids are just spineless simpering wets scared stiff of the savagery of Islam. They are kids at school sucking up to the school bully in the desperate hope they won’t get their arses kicked.
Why has it taken so long to recognise this obvious fact.
Come off it everyone! The BBC isn’t promoting Islam, it’s just trying to “understand” it.
You know, like how a detective tries to “understand” the thinking of a serial killer.
Isn’t that right, Beeboids?
“Research establishes that over the past seven years, the BBC has made 41 programmes on Islam, compared with five on Hinduism and just one on Sikhism. The Buddhists and Jedi Knights must feel profoundly short-changed.”
of course the bbc would suck up to isla – its government policy. its called appeasement.
what was the governments response to the atrocities of 7/7? set up our own version of Gitmo on South Georgia island?
no, of course not.
instead we threw money at Islamists.
“Gordon Brown and Communities Minister Hazel Blears welcomed Muslim worshippers from Regent’s Park Mosque to a meeting in Downing Street to launch a huge Labour campaign to combat Islamic extremism at grassroots level following the London bombings of 2005.
As part of this initiative-200 different organisations from 70 parts of Britain with large Muslim populations have received millions in public grants under what is officially called the Preventing Extremism Pathfinder Fund – a total of £15million a year.”
15 million a year. in other words , hush money. a bribe. a “jizya”, in islamic parlance.
Blah Blah
Spot on, I could not put it better myself.
Each and everyone of them, scared of their own shadows.
Archduke writes, quoting: “Gordon Brown and Communities Minister Hazel Blears welcomed Muslim worshippers from Regent’s Park Mosque to a meeting in Downing Street to launch a huge Labour campaign to combat Islamic extremism at grassroots level.”
A more effective way to combat extremism at grassroots level would be to execute those who preach extremism. This would serve to concentrate the minds of “extremists”, who wish to die for their god in their own way in their own time and take a few normal people with them. It takes the choice of time and place right out of their hands.
Welcome to the seventh century
Kneel you Infidels
The figures speak for themselves. Finally the BBC are revealed for the quislings that they are. 41 programmes on Islam, undoubtedly 100% in sympathy with the “we’re victims” mentality that seems to be ever-present in the Muslim community. A couple of token programmes on Christianity, which could have been sponsored by Dawkins himself, and the odd reference to the other faiths followed in this country- how can the BBC dare to claim that they represent the nation impartially. Let’s hope the Tories do the decent thing and finish the Beeb for good.
“Verity | 13.09.08 – 8:07 pm”
which is exactly what the american army has been doing in Iraq.
they wanted the battleground – the american army obliged.
and kicked their asses.
The BBC is not afraid of Muslims: they are simply obeying an obscure rule stating that the worse a minority group behaves then the more protectively enlightened members of the majority should behave towards it. They spent thirty years bending over backwards to be fair to Irish nationalists as they periodically murdered people in mainland Britain and other examples spring to mind.
It is also an article of faith with them that any criticism of Islam or Muslim behaviour is a clear sign of BNP sympathies: I once sent in a complaint that a day by day slot broadcast from Mecca during the pilgrimage was not newsworthy, consisted of a lot of religious propagandizing and never mentioned that 97% of the UK population are permanently banned from setting foot near the place.The reply I received was one of barely concealed icy contempt – the way one would address a fascist or nazi.
Added to this they have a lot of Muslim personnel who must do some of the writing and editing as well as presenting and I suspect disinterested objectivity and wariness of over-enthusiasm are not outlooks encouraged by orthodox Islam.
Finally, a gay friend of mine who spent some time on the hippy trail said he believed everyone east of Istanbul is bisexual, so beboids may well meet a lot of Muslims on an informal social level.
In the same way that many people enjoy pain and being whipped (including some beeboids) I’m guessing the BBC enjoys the fact Islam wants to execute homosexuals and beat the shit out of women. It’s a sort of guilty pleasure to stick up for a cruel vile religion.
“so beboids may well meet a lot of Muslims on an informal social level.
wally | 13.09.08 – 8:41 pm |”
which is perfect territory for blackmail.
if you’ve wondered why the Russian Foreign minister was so confident that he could tell Miliband to “fuck off”… well his boss , Putin, is ex-KGB.
and we all know how many ties the Russians have with much of the Arab world via their arms sales.
the above story sounds unrelated to this. until you read the bio of one Vladimir Putin.
guess where he was in 1985? thats right – East Germany.
we now have leftists in charge of our government and the bbc.
can you IMAGINE the dirt Mr Putin has on them?
‘…they are simply obeying an obscure rule stating that the worse a minority group behaves then the more protectively enlightened members of the majority should behave towards it.’
Yup. Take note Sikhs and Hindus: what you really need to do if you want the BBC to wank hot gobbets of praise in your hair is to plot acts of mass murder (and occasionally have the luck to be able to carry one out), take to the streets and threaten…mass murder and intolerance, refuse to adapt to the culture of the country you’ve, for whatever reason, gone out of your way to immigrate to, swear allegiance to an ideology antithetical and fundamentally incompatible with the political system of said country, and grow a wiry beard. Throw in a smidgen of misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, mix well and bake for 20 minutes.
I am I right is believing that the consensus view of this site is that for some strange reason that no one can explain, the BBC loves Muslims more then Hindus or Christians.
Quite frankly I expect more insight and logical reasoning from my 4 year old, and often receive it.
The BBC hates all ordinary people to the point of it being a religion in itself, without bias or preference.
The BBC promotes the WHOLLY FASCIST/ELITIST idea that the WORLD IS OVERPOPULATED by ordinary human beings and that ‘something must be done about this situation.’
What else do you need to know?
Do you really need your leaders to start daily goose stepping down The Mall before you get the message?
The BBC represents fascism in all of its worst aspects. Like a propensity to mass murder, cover up the real reasons for wars, and if possible genocide.
Ask yourselves this question.
If our own British or European governments were using concentration camps to exterminate large amounts of unwanted or ‘undesirable’ people, and the BBC found out or was told by the people that are doing it.
Would you trust the BBC to either want , or be allowed to even hint at mentioning the fact to the viewing public?
If you would, you are seriously messed up in the mind IMO.
Truth is that however much you all say you distrust the BBC, you do not distrust them anywhere near enough.
The BBC not only would not tell anyone , THEY DON’T TELL ANYONE. get it?
halal slaughtering in belgium
any animal rights protestors camped outside that place?
thought not.
Ah, but Sikhs and Hindus have their uses for the BBC – they can be conveniently lumped together with Muslims to form ‘Asians’ when the antics of the latter need to be covered up.
“Atlas shrugged | 13.09.08 – 9:20 pm ”
you have point. that video i posted is one example – and i would bet that 99.999999 per cent of folks arent even aware of it happening in a EUROPEAN country.
try to do that as a Christian butcher and you’ll have the “animal rights” crowd down on you like a ton of bricks.
“Atlas shrugged | 13.09.08 – 9:20 pm |”
i’m well aware that the left hates humanity. as are many others on here.
we dont for a second believe that the BBC “loves” islam. its obvious that they pander to it, for their own leftist agenda. in order to destroy western culture and society.
islamic terrorism hates america. the bbc hates america – enemy of my enemy is my friend syndrome follows.
The BBC’s sneering attitude towards things western and especially American, and their reverence for Guardian type thinking and non-Western religion and culture is all because the BBC as an institution has never had to grow up. The unique way it is funded allows BBC staff to act like students and suburban revolutionaries for their whole lives.
While this may be an interesting debate, we’re discussing BBC coverage of Islam, not Islam per se.
note the usage of “judge”. as if thats in any way equivalent to our understanding of what a judge is.
Laban: Agreed. But how close is the Al Beeb coverage to being that of Al Jazeera or one of those hate preachers?
If you discuss the coverage of islam on Al Beeb you always have to wonder what side they’re on (I guess we all know the answer).
Those who want sharia law raise your hand (before it gets cut off)!
Anyone who cares about these statistics is obviously watching BBC far too much. Of course they are bias, tell me a TV channel or paper or radio station that isn’t?
Of course you can’t cut yourself off from the world and BBC constantly going on about how brilliant muslims are is ridiculous. Anyone else hoping that those extremist muslims are headed towards BBC for their next attack? But they wouldn’t do that…isn’t BBC funding them?
i’ve yet to see a single fatwa being issued against ANYONE in the bbc.
looks like they are doing their appeasement job so.
I know this is kind of of topic because you are discussing the British media but I find it interesting that the US News Media reporting about the Muslim Terrorist attack in India’s capital yesterday
Could it be that they are afraid that reporting on this would hurt Obama and help McCain?
I mean there is no reporting in the US regarding the Indian Muslim Terrorist attack in New Delhi.
How is the UK media doing on this? I would have thought that the “if it bleeds it leads” rule would apply but at least in the US it seems like they are reluctant to report on terrorist activity. They have to if it happens in the US (which Thank God it hasn’t since 9-11) but when it happens in other places they are reluctant to report on it, which I think is because they feel such reporting will tilt the election in McCain’s direction.
Now helpfully provided on BBC London weather reports: “for those of you who are fasting, sunset is at …”
larry, BBC are reporting it. They have people out there doing interviews
Fox News always report Muslim terrorism. Yes, the leftie media in the USA (ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC etc) will play anything down that could hurt Osama.
The Beeb is overly fond of statistics, so how come it hasn’t yet broadcast this one:
“Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 11,841 deadly terror attacks since 9/11”
That’s approximately 4.5 per day.
Fox News isn’t reporting on the Bombings in India.
If the only thing you knew about what was going on came from Fox News then there are only two things happening in the world this weekend.
Hurricane Ike and to a far far lesser extent the tragic crash of the passenger train in Los Angeles.
And the other cable news networks in America aren’t doing any better.
I am not saying that these two stories aren’t important and aren’t deserving of most of the focus of the American News channels. They are, especially Hurricane Ike. But couldn’t they like occasionally mention this terrorist attack?
I don’t want them to change their focus away from Ike, but it would only take a minute out of their coverage every once in a while and I think this story does deserve at least that.
They could at least mention it in their “scrolling news”. Just once in a while, that’s all I am asking.
can you IMAGINE the dirt Mr Putin has on them?
archduke | 13.09.08 – 8:53 pm |
Gosh, you’ve cheered me up!
Larry, Fox News is reporting the bombings.
Shadowmancer author: BBC banned me because I’m Christian.
The Rev G P Taylor, who has sold millions of books worldwide, claims that a producer at the corporation told him they couldn’t be “seen to be promoting Jesus”.
Putin does not need to have anything on Milliband or the rest of them, that the rest of us do not already know.
Milliband is a lightweight who stands by while his leader drags us all down into the mire. Waiting for somebody else to put the first knife in. Or until Brown falls on his sword. Putting his own political ambition first country second.
We have no military reserve to do anything with.
If we did Brown would not use them.
Crikey ! They should try being a white Anglo Saxon Christian !
“Islamism is the Racism of our time” (by Naser Khader):
Larry: Fox News HAS reported the bombings in India.
It’s on their website as well.
And look at this, folks!
With the Beeboids acting as cheerleaders and a Labour government in trouble – looking to secure its Muslim vote – we’re on the way to a Muslim-dominated Britain.
Nothing on this from BBC, and its Middle East editor, Mr. Jeremy Bowen:
“Muslims continue pushing Christians out of Bethlehem”
“The Muslim Fatah-controlled authority in Judea and Samaria is encouraging a ‘sharp demographic shift’ in Bethlehem, where the Christian population went from a 60 percent majority in 1990 to a 40 percent minority in 2000, to about 15 percent of the city’s total population today.”
[‘And before the violent Islamic conquests circa 630s, Bethlehem was approximately 100% Christian;’ ‘Jihadwatch’ comment.]
“It is estimated that, for the past seven years, more than one thousand Christians have been emigrating from the Bethlehem area annually and that only 10,000 to 13,000 Christians remain in the city. International human rights lawyer Justus Reid Weiner, who teaches at Hebrew University, told the Jerusalem Institute for Global Jewish Affairs that, under the PA-Fatah regime, Christian Arabs have been victims of frequent human rights abuses by Muslims.
Annonymous: Yes, I spotted that story, and can’t say that I’m at all surprised. I would be surprised if the same treatment was given to an Islamic children’s writer- I’m sure Blue Peter and Newsround would be running countless stories on them. Funny how Phillip Pullman, one of the country’s most vitriolic atheists outside of Dawkins, doesn’t seem to get the cold shoulder…surely another attempt by the BBC to undermine our country’s native Christian tradition?
I’m a longtime friend of Graham Taylor and his wife Kathy. I’m not a fan of his books (I suspect he needs a good editor – but then this is a guy who left school at 16 to becoem a roadie) but I do know of the efforts he’s gone to, as a Christian and priest, to help people in all sorts of trouble, including those who’ve found themselves in oddball things like vampirism. I’m not surprised that the BBC would prefer atheists like Philip Pullman leading kids in his crusade against Christianity.
Graham’s book ‘Shadowmancer’ is supposed to be filmed sometime. I understand Pullman’s film didn’t really cut it, for which those dreadful Christians are to blame…
Its all good. are you aware of this???
I could find no mention of it on the bbc, it is very worrisome to me to hear you Brits are allowing this to occur within your government.,2933,422661,00.html
Eric – the Brits are very passive people. They have allowed the socialists to give away their country to Stone Age immigrants, take a wrecking ball to their Constitution, wreck their police force, have the highest 12-year old and teenage pregnancy rate in the world, have the most illiterate school leavers and the highest crime rate in the West, all without demur.
Well silent lucidity is going and is costing s all Canada is lookintg at this as well it will just be a matter of time before it all goes to hell and our kids are going to pay the price, and then so are we when we get old. I shudder to think. What will english people soon do?? Have they considered the fact that the only alternative they will have is to one day fight it as the IRA has but whose adversarial role will be to eliminate all opposition??? Now is the time for you all to speak out and loudly. Not on a blog but in government forum. Are recall referendums possible in your government??