When you hear a sub-Mockney accent attacking a politician from the left on Radio Four, you’ll usually find it’s a comedy show featuring several privately educated left-wing comedians who met at university. For some reason, privately educated left-wingers appearing on the Today programme are allowed to keep their middle-class accents.
I think this is Marcus Brigstocke on Radio Four’s “Charm Offensive”. They got half the name right.
Brigstocke :
This phrase, ‘you can put lipstick on a pig’ has been used by Obama before, and by McCain talking about Hillary Clinton – it’s been wilfully misinterpreted – and they deliberately do this, you know, Fox news and lots of the right-wing press in America deliberately misinterpret stuff that the Democrats have said – I mean he also said in that speech “You can nominate Sarah Palin but she’ll still be a honky bitch from Alaska” (laughter) – and they just grab that … (laughter)
Iannucci :
“It’s just another phrase for hockey mom”
That was me at Justin Webb’s blog. Yes, some of them are positively frothing.
I have just posted this :
As reported in the New York Times five years ago, Bush wanted tighter regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
The Dems opposed it.
And various Clinton measures helped seed the excessively loose growth inlendin – the roots of the sub-prime mortgage mess.
Just to help things along, Joe Biden’s bankruptcy legislation lobbied for by MBNA helped precipitate the final chaos.
gee thanks, Dems.
“Has Armando ever so much as seen a rifle up close?”
Well the man said it was a rifle,but it was dark in there with the door closed.
“Anything to back this up or are we just joking again (you know, tongue in cheeks).
gunnar | 16.09.08 – 3:31 pm | #
So far I have been accused of being a racist 5 times today at Webb’s blog. About 20 times in the pst few days.
And the moderators let all those accusations through – they screen all posts before they appear.
And we are forced to pay for all this ?
One current line they have is that palin is thick, no-one should be allowed to stand without, say, a higher degre. I am pointing out that Obama’s first degree was not awarded honours. Heck, three of my own kids got homours – including one in Maths and one in Medicine, (now MD, MRCP and so many other letters after her name they fall off the edge of the envelope. I am keeping mum about that too for the nmoment, letting them prattle on with their elitism.
They keep fishing for my educational qualifications. I have kept mum so far – kinda I went through the university of life, real jobs, running my own business. I am waiting to point out that in fact I have an honours degree (from the dear old Open University, bloody hard work) and a few years ago took an M. Sc in datacomms – which is not worth the paper it is written on. Real live training for Cisco etc qualifications was far harder, and far more worthwhile.
But I like playing Neanderthal, if that is what they want.
JohnA: You are so right. You only have to look at the posts from the liberals here to see the snobbery that exists.
If you’re not a left winger with some shite degree in stupidity you are not worthy of leading your nation.
Check out Horizon on bBC 2 now. More anti Republican shite already.
What has Horizon got to do with the US elections?
I see the BBC keep peddling this myth about McCain being a Technophobe and that he doesn’t use email.
I don’t know if anoyne saw the interview Karl Rove did on Fox, but he pointed out that the reason McCain doesn’t use a computer is he finds it uncomfortable to type.
It has to do with the lack of mobility he has in his arms and hands due to the years of abuse and torture he suffered.
Nice to know it doesn’t stop the liberal wankstains from attacking McCain.
Oh and Bush attack 1 already on Horizon.
No doubt Osama will be a science genius?
McCain dictates emails all the time to his wife who types fast, or to his staff. As you say, he is physically unable to type properly himself.
And McCain was Chairman of the Senate Telecoms Committee for quite a while – in the years when there were lots of regulatory issues about data communications and the Internet. Olus he will be well aware of the original Defense funding of the nascent packet-switching that is the basis of the Internet (DARPA).
I am really looking forward to the McCain debate with Obama. I think the gloves will come off. McCain’s gut instncts as a former military pilot might take over. TopGun versus Bambi. And bambi will be doing all that stammering and the silly grin.
Who needs comedy when reality is funnier…you can’t make this stuff up!
PS Where is the BBC’s celebrated ‘ironic view of events” now? However if this were a George W Bush Christian room for reflection, we’d hear the smirking from Bush House to Television Center.
Keep up the good work in the comments on Webb’s blog. The ignorance and condescension of some of those dopes is so typical of the True Believers of the far Left. I would bet that most of them aren’t any more educated about economics or science than anyone from the 19th Century they accuse you of living in.
they couldnt give a fk about other races.
Just sad, weak people trying to boost their self confidence by making others feel guilty.
When Obama loses, I will laugh and laugh. Now that’s comedy!
Martin, McCain can’t email, but he can fly a jet fighter. Which is cooler?
Adam: Landing a plane on an aircraft carrier is about as difficult as anything gets. Anyone who could do that deserves respect.
Having lots of babies trumps everything ? So the Dems are stuffed !
I think McCain’s poll lead lasted a little longer than the normal bounce, but the media knives have really been out for Palin this past week, the lead has narrowed a lot.
But Obama has had to redeploy resources from states where he “audaciously”thought he could win – eg Virginia. A lot of states have shifted towards McCain, including some of the key battleground states.
Palin is going to the UN next week with McCain to meet a bunch of world leaders. That should give some good images – and probably some helpful quotes.
James Naughtie is wittering on about job declines in Detroit. So quick with the news. Evr heard of Toyota, Honda etc.
Plus he gathers a lot of bleating from people who were suckered into taking on house loan they could not really carry. My heart bleeds.
It always makes me laugh when the BBC give George Dublya grief for being an F-106 pilot in the Air National Guard ( as opposed to serving in Vietnam, when they would presumably call him a baby-killer )
The F-106 was a first generation supersonic fighter and as such sacrificed safety and handling for speed. The accident rate in non-combat flying was pretty high.
Certainly a lot higher than snorting coke at a dinner party in Islington.
HSLD: But barebaking on Hampstead Heath can be dangerous. All those rose bushes you know 🙂
JohnA: Have the polls been narrowing? I think its very mixed.
This makes good reading.
just on sky news- AIG have until the end of today to raise 80 billion in funding. or else they are gone.
“just on sky news- AIG have until the end of today to raise 80 billion in funding. or else they are gone.”
Least we can do is have a whip round for them.
Jonathan Ross could chip in perhaps ?
That Michael Barone article you linked to – I had just been reading it, it is excellent, he always is a careful writer. I had just posted the article at Webb’s site to cheer the dears up.
Super slapdown of Obama by McCain tonight.
Some nut at Webb’s blog accused me of being a plant by the McCin campaign. I have just pointed out that I had been making the points McCain has just made for the past couple of days – so maybe I am writing McCain’s script.
Karl Rove, Moi ?!!
The same nut keeps complaining that I post right-wing articles carrying chapter and verse of criticisms I am making of Obama. He never deals with the criticisms per se – just slags off the sources as being right-wing. Duh!!! – where else would you find critical appraisal of Obama, certainly not in the MSM.
I have just heard Justin Webb on the BBC World Service talking about Sarah Palin. Once again he bangs on about 3 issues – her views on abortion, her questioning of ManMade Global Warming theory, and her views on creationaism. That is – harping on about her social conservatism. He once again ignores her main value to the McCain ticket now that the Repub base has been energised – her belief in ethics reform and prgressively (or instantly per McCain) cutting earmarks, the old Washionton way of doing things. The very factors that seem to have mede her so popular in Alaska.
So, the same old Dem talking points from Justin Webb. No surprise there then.
“When Obama loses, I will laugh and laugh. Now that’s comedy!”
From the trenches of blue collar America:
Get a towel, and don’t choke on your popcorn. When my mother, one tiny crocheting hellcat, a staunch liberal democrat since 1955, announces that she has turned on Conserative Radio because she cannot take the disrespect on teevee given a woman who has risen to VP nominee, well, hell froze over and nobody noticed. On her ticket, Palin wins, and detractors are all a bunch of ratty haired jealous bitches who can’t find their own….well I won’t say it.
I know my mother. And when she gets worked up about it, that’s all I got to say about that.
Sarah in 2012.
I have finally understood what the Democrats means by “change”. It has nothing to do with changing policies or the well being of the electorate. It merely means lucrative government positions changing hands. Because it is their turn, you know.
“Expat in New York | 16.09.08 – 6:47 pm |”
Dear God, that was possibly the most willful misunderstanding of an article I have ever seen!
‘Note he puts Gordon Brown’s problem down to “the impossibility of selling a realistic solution to the whingeing growbags that are the British public”‘
True, but not for “Gordon Brown” in particular – the incumbent prime minister: “nobody has pointed out that maybe much of their misery has been brought about by the simple fact that when someone has had power for a very long time they start to think like an octopus”
‘while attacking the Tories as tricking people and lacking knowledge.’
No, no, no. Tricks!!! “[The opposition] is a dolphin, sleek and smooth, whose clicks and tricks delight the audience”. It’s a dolphin metaphor!!!
And the lack of knowledge – i.e. the lack of knowledge that the opposition’s policies are not always realistic (e.g. inheritence tax reform). In other words, the opposition policies are more aspirational, whereas the government policies need to be more realistic.
This is not Labour vs. Tories, as is obvious to anyone who can read.
HSLD, Germany “celebrated” when they lost their 100th F106 fighter (or was that when they lost their 100th F106 pilot?).
The F106 is one hell of an aircraft to keep in the air, which required every once of concentration from a pilot.
Mailman: Germany “celebrated” when they lost their 100th F106 fighter (or was that when they lost their 100th F106 pilot?).
1. Germany didn’t operate any F-106 aircraft (nor F-102’s).
2. George W Bush flew the F-102 (on a very few occasions) not the F-106.
Is it possible that people are thinking of the f104?
That plane earned the nickname “Widowmaker”.
I have no idea whether GWB flew it or not.
“He’s as funny as cancer.”
“That is because Brigstocke is a tumourist.”
Nice one, I’ll probbaly use that in future. As well as being an arch-bore, right on unfunny comedian, Twatstocke is also a man made global warming fanatic. But then you could have guessed that couldn’t you? I expect he runs his car on the bullshit he talks.
I see the BBC keep peddling this myth about McCain being a Technophobe and that he doesn’t use email.”
Typical BBC bias and incompetence – any elementary study of the man would show that he was not a technophobe.
He flew a jet fighter in Vietnam – just the job for a technophobe, NOT.
Even starting the bloody thing up would prove that he is no technophobe.
Jeff Todd: Yes, I was going to post on that as well, that if you don’t like technology, don’t fly combat aircraft!
It was the “Star Fighter” (F104) that had the nickname the “Widow Maker”
When I did work with the National Guard they tended to fly the Corsair, big old pig of an aircraft if I remember.
Yes Germany operated the F104 (which cost them the lives of 110 fighter pilots).
And yes, GW flew the F102, my bad.
Anon, yes sorry I was referring to the F104.
Anyway, Im just going to shut the hell up for about 2 minutes before posting again 🙂
All jets make a big hole in the ground when they crash!!! We can agree on that.
(Picked up a few fair pieces in my time!)
Have we had a definitive answer to the Brigstocke conundrum…
Twatstocke or Wankstocke?
Im happy to go with either but it would be handy if there was consistent use of one. Might even get into general circulation.
Martin – the Air National Guard dont fly a particular type, they fly a whole range of aircraft. What you meant is that the unit(s) you had dealings with flew the A-7. This would be anywhere between the mid ’70s to early ’90s I presume.
Ive been nerdy and found a list of ANG units that flew the A-7:
At least one unit per each of these:
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
South Dakota
“Shame that due to the unique way the BBC is funded I’ve got to subsidise his right-on lifestyle.”
What’s worse is that he got the job at Al-Beeb because his Dad works there.