Hi all – been away most of this past week and this is my first chance to blog. So it’s reassuring to see the State Broadcaster continuing to do it’s level best for Obama. It gushes that a “senior Republican” casts doubt on Palin’s experience. Mmm, nice headline. But then we discover that the “senior Republic”happens to be a certain Chuck Hagel speaking to the prestigious and widely read Omaha-World Herald. Hagel is a man whose opinion will influence independent voters, chimes Justin Webb. Who told him that? Hagel is viewed with contempt by GOP voters and he is a hero of the Dem’s ever since he became a campaigning supporter of the Chosen One. The question here is on what basis would “independent voters” choose to pay attention to this Republican traitor? I believe this is mere wishful thinking by Justin and the gang and typical of the determined campaign the BBC is running to try and sideline Sarah Palin.
You’d think Webb might concentrate on the guy who is running for President (that being John McCain) instead of his running mate.
By the way she did a great interview with Sean Hannity.
Has anyone seen Mallicks article, I just read from the Fox link, her site has a blog and has crashed. She’s being told, no doubt, to mind her own business and her own nation.
I am getting awfully sick of hearing about Palin from so many women writers, and the ALWAYS mention her looks!! Why can’t they realize their vitriol as jealousy? They calim to be intelligent yet can’t control their own emotions.
She’s beautiful, you can’t miss it, and smart, successful, and hated by other women for it. It is the absolute lowest.
The Sarah Palin hacker story has developed. A “person of interest” is the student son of a Democrat politician.
I wonder how long it’ll take for the BBC to report this?
Betyangelo – No, she is not “hated by other women for it”. She is hated by the bestial left, and not just the women. She is hated equally by sneering male lefty commentators as well, and they, too, often also cite her looks as being somehow a negative. Perhaps a woman with looks, poise, a fast-response brain and an air of confidence is regarded as somehow “not fair”?
Every right wing woman I know adores her. Without exception. I have sent off for a pair of Sarah Palin glasses and friends are already asking for the link even though they haven’t seen them yet. Right wing women are with her every step of the way, as are right wing men.
The left can’t attack her on brain power – she’s obviously powered up. Nor a sleazy past. Nor can they claim she was somehow catapulted into the job of governor unfairly; among her team mates on her college basketball team, she was such an aggressive player, she was nicknamed The Barracuda. She fought to get where she is. And prevailed.
So what to do? Hmmmm … we could say she’s a bimbo. That should stick. Uh-huh. And that she doesn’t have as much executive experience as Obama … ooops! – wait a minute!
No, Betyangelo. Right wing women are with right behind every stiletto- shoed step the Governor takes.
For all the lies and crap pumped out by the left wing hate site sand the BBC, what have they actually come up with of substance against Palin?
nothing. Troopergate? A load of politically driven nonsense.
But Osama? Well there’s a shit load of stuf fon him, but the BBC don’t want to report it.
Re the hacking thing, check out Michelle Malkins blog for the story so far. At this stage it doesn’t look like there was a political motive, at least not one more sinister than good old fashioned teenage rebellion.
Anonymous | 18.09.08 – 10:51 pm |
Don’t hold your breath. These fools can’t even be bothered with the truth about how it happened. They present it as if it’s somehow related to some ominous investigation into alleged abuse of power, when in reality it was no such thing, and the allegation was actually something very minor. But, Oooh! Using government email for personal things! Oooh! Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.
The editor responsible isn’t even going to bother correcting this:
It is not clear yet what methods the hacking group used to access to the e-mail account. The screenshots posted by the hackers reveal that they carried out the attack via a so-called proxy service to hide their tracks and limit the chance that they would be traced.
Figuring out a password and logging into a Yahoo account doesn’t take a team, or movie hacker/villain magical skills. It never was a team, and that’s not how it was presented on their forum. The kid explained his methods in detail yesterday:
Palin E-Mail Hacker Says It Was Easy
It’s almost unimaginable that someone at the BBC would simply pick up the phone or send an email to someone in another department in order to ask a question, so they just fake it instead. I’ll bet people in the IT Department read Wired, and could have explained it to the folks at News Online.
The article about Hagel is another example of the tendency of the Beeb to allow the most disingenuous bullshit to pass unchallenged when it’s being said by someone who shares their political agenda:
“Mr Hagel also criticised the McCain campaign for its suggestion that the proximity of Alaska to Russia gave Mrs Palin foreign policy experience.”
Did I miss something here? The McCain campaign hasn’t been doing anything of the sort. It’s an offhand, almost jokey comment she made in an interview with a hostile liberal broadcaster. There is no way in the world it could be said that this is the “line” of the McCain party.
If someone makes such a false statement about Obama and his campaign, will the BBC print it without challenge as if it were true? I doubt it.
Error: I meant “McCain campaign”, not “McCain party”!
McCain campaign is a bit of a tongue twister is it not.
Hagel’s a wanker!
British News echoing the US Liberal media again. Talking about the inexperienced VP choice by McCain. Words such as ‘reckless’ and ‘cynical’ being used. They kinda forgot to mention the top of the other party’s ticket, you know, the ones who make the world all hold hands and sing together once again. (Forget when we all did before before though. Oh yeah, like never!) No mention of his inexperience.
British Media flat out refuses to point out or explain what a senator does and what a governor does. No attempt to recognize the huge differences between US and UK systems of governance, especially the powers granted to the individual States. UK audience imagines US to have an all-powerful central government like their own. This was displayed strongly during Katrina. All Bushs fault, no blame attributed to State and local authorities.
If you think the anger over the GOP choosing a woman is huge, wonder what will happen when the GOP chooses a certain young star in the party. How dare they choose a woman, we liberals represent all women. If Governor Jindal decides to run, they’ll be so confused, and angry. How dare a minority person rise in that party. We own minorities. We can’t play the race card anymore.
The fact that he is an American of Indian decent makes it interesting. When Latinos are mentioned, for some reason Immigration and English Only are brought up. Apparently Hispanics have no other concern on their minds. When Americans of African decent are mentioned, Slavery, Affirmative Action, Reparations and the question when are we finally going to have a Black President are all brought up. Again, this is all this ‘demographic’ seems to be concerned with. So, an American of Indian decent, lets talk about…mmm…lets see…uh oh, there isn’t anything obvious. He comes from one of those ‘other’ races. He’s not Black, White or Hispanic. He comes from one of those groups further down the list, ones that are only ever mentioned during exercises of severe political correctness.
Thats something to watch out for in the future. Buts lets enjoy the present first.
David Preiser: “But, Oooh! Using government email for personal things! Oooh!”
But, she wasn’t. She was using her personal Yahoo account. For her personal use. Government correspondence is a matter of public record, and she wasn’t using her own email address for it.
For a full explanation of who the hackers were, go to Michelle Malkin, who is such an ace conservative writer! She tirelessly tracked down the whole boring story – I think she kept thinking it would turn interesting – but it was a group of international nerds who just hack into things and then send emails around and then get bored and flock somewhere else.
Hacking an email account is a federal felony – amd more serious if it concerns a VP candidate – which is why the Secret Service seem to have tracked it down a lot faster than the FBO might have.
If it had been Obama’s email account the media would have been up in arms. Double standards as usual.
The latest line I have seen is that Palin might announce that she hopes the young lad will quit his silly games, learn his lesson – and move on, with no serious effects. Ladylike, classy ? But a sideswipe against some of the media for printing private emails might be in order. And where was TeamObam’s denunciation of the hacking ?
John A writes: “The latest line I have seen is that Palin might announce that she hopes the young lad will quit his silly games, learn his lesson – and move on, with no serious effects.”
My guess: No.
Palin will not make any announcement at all. It is in he hands of the FBI. The Governor will stay out of it.
You could well be right – I don’t think she has commented at all so far.
At least 90 percent of Americans have no idea who Chuck Hagel is.
No kidding.
God forbit Obama becomes President, he might nationalize Fannie and Freddie Mac, or give huge Welfare handouts to banks.
Thank goodness Bush hasn’t indulged in that kind of blatant socialism…
Oh dear…
Zevilyn | 19.09.08 – 3:08 am | #
While I agree that Bush is doing the wrong thing by bailing these institutions out, I disagree with your assertion that he’s a socialist.
The trouble is that state interference in the economy always leads to the necessity of more state interference to correct it…and so on. The current financial crisis has its roots firmly in liberal-wrought economic interference.
The difficulty comes in the fact that in order to put a stop to this chain of errors once and for all, the market must be allowed to fail big time so that it may correct those errors naturally. Which means a stretch of hard times and economic suffering for all.
Any president or party who elects to tear off these economic Band-Aids (one motion…right off!) is committing political suicide. It is next to impossible to explain the reasoning behind true economic freedom to the masses, who unfortunately have come to see the state as their nanny – a body whose job it is to make everything better with the wave of a magic wand. Any politician who tries to explain that there are no magic wands and that a period of hardship is the best thing in the long run is liable to be seen as heartless and cruel. The masses demand swift, easy to understand soundbites and actions which correlate with their (generally) simple understanding of economics. It’s hard to explain to them that the economic interferences which governments have always used to placate them are what caused the mess in the first place. The leftist media, which has little objective understanding of the concept and benefits of a free market, do everything they can to feed and perpetuate this state of ignorance, which consists of populist economic bromides and the underlying emotions of anger, resentment and jealousy.
By bailing out Fanny and Freddy, Bush was not “being a socialist” – it was not his policies which caused their collapse in the first place. If you would like to explain to me how any president could possibly get away with not bailing them out given the political climate and the general level of economic education of the masses, I’d like to hear it.
Conservatives are certainly no staunch defenders of the free market and have a lot to answer for. But they are definitely not “socialists”. People who talk about redistributing wealth and instigating “economic justice” (e.g. Obama) ARE.
As is the way, by not living there I tend to rely on others who do to know more and hence help me understand the US and its politics.
So my grasp is really no better or worse than what I read or hear.
Why then do I feel more educated, and more objectively, by a blog such as this, as opposed to the news provided by the national broadcaster I co-fund?
Yes, there are views from all sides, and some interpretations that are shaped by firmly held viewpoints.
But at least here I do get exposure to all sides. With the BBC there is too much editorial agenda and personal opinion dressed as fact, and this surely cannot be right or permissible?
“Hagel is viewed with contempt by GOP voters”
“The question here is on what basis would “independent voters” choose to pay attention to this Republican traitor?”
Errrr… because independent voters by definition aren’t habitual GOP voters?? Sure the hardcore by definition will hate a “traitor” but the independents won’t see them as a “traitor” – just someone whose views have been swayed.
Independants are more likely to understand what the history is of someone looking for a vote.
Hagel is known as a blowhard and is viewed as someone not to be trusted, therefore he is hardly likely to swap the opinions of independants.
Remind me, what is the empty suit who is Obama’s running mate’s name ?
Verity | 19.09.08 – 12:40 am |
But, she wasn’t. She was using her personal Yahoo account. For her personal use. Government correspondence is a matter of public record, and she wasn’t using her own email address for it.
I know. That’s a baseless rumor which the BBC was happy to throw out there to diminish the crookedness of the hacking. Combine that with the throwaway line about Palin being under investigation for abuse of power, and the reader can be excused for wondering if the hacker wasn’t really just trying to expose corruption, was only speaking truth to power, etc.
While the BBC try to run a biaised “key issues” comparative of Obama and McCain, here:
…the following is the type of *essential* analysis you would never see in Beebland or in the MSM:
“… it is instructive to observe that these candidates are indistinguishable in terms of fundamentals.”
“Every right wing woman I know adores her. Without exception.”
Hi Verity:
My mother, who has been a staunch Democrat for 70 years, is so completely fed up with the efforts of the media to disregard Gov. Palin, that she went out and re-registered to vote R! Events become more amazing every day.
I don’t get out much, being a writer, but I think you are be right. You said “and also right wing men” – my husband is 30 years army, off to Iraq in April. I can tell you that the military among us hang on her every word. It is like Christmas for them. The whole mindset (of being warrior)has gotten bogged down by GW’s never addressing his detractors. The vitriol spewed by the left and the long rope it now hangs itself by is his doing – he never said a word. We waited for him to rebut. It is like he has a martyrs streak.
Here comes Sarah. Sarah is swift and concise, brief, honest, to the point: the media, so used to blather and puffy egoism, male political figgers swaggering to some inner mania, that they view her as they view the preceding: superficially. And they do not know how to stop it. Because they have swallowed their own puke.
I LOVE her glasses, too! I predict a huge comeback of the sexy bouffant, the super-effective glamour puss, the return of femininity and the death of the pseudo-dyke in a brushed-back grown-out high and tight in a pants suit.
A grass roots revolution has begun, so be it. My only regret is that I have to wait 4 more years to vote for Sarah for president! Time crawls…