Well, it’s back for a new season. Did you catch the unrelenting attacks on Sarah Palin? Not one person -in the audience or panel – would endorse her. Pathetic.
As I pointed out in the general thread, the audience just spouted the shite from webb and Frei.
Obama wants the Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO, he says Israel has the right to defend itself from Iran and he said he wants to invade Pakistan. Hillary said she’d nuke Iran. No one at the BBC ever bothered about her being elected President and holding those views.
As for her views on abortion. So what? I really don’t understand why people have such hatred for a view that wants to protect unborn babies? I’m not that fussed either way, but to hold an anti abortion view is not like being in favour of the gas chamber.
If a Muslim politician held those views (and many Muslims do including the idea that the world is 6000 years old) no one at the BBC would dare attack them.
David Vance: And yet again no one mentions that it was the fat one eyed jock that took the regulatory role away from the Bank of England in the first place.
I was a student in the early ’90s, and for my sins had regular contact and dealings with the left-wing National Union of Students. It was a well known fact that the BBC had close relations with the NUS and always contacted the local University branch of whatever city Question Time were visiting that week to ask them to fill the audience with ‘politically sympathetic’ students.
I’ve lost count of the times i’ve watched QT since graduating and seen various members of the NUS, the Labour party and other left-leaning organisations in the audience pretending to be ordinary ‘members of the public.’
I’ve stopped watching QT a couple of years ago. Having said that the German media aren’t much better. I’ve written several emails because I wanted to comment on the bias but haven’t had a reply so far. I guess you can say that the European MSM want Obama in the White House and they’ll do everything they can to achieve that aim.
Martin as for Palin’s views on abortion, let’s catch up on Obama’s views on abortion.
Obama has had over 300 votes in the Senate since he was elected, and in all but four of them, he voted “Present”. This, as Rudy Guiliani noted, is a strange vote.
Nevertheless, this man who jets around the United States (and the world! – or at least Germany and drops in on Britain for a photo op), who is so driven by the desire for “Change! Change you can believe in!” spent four years in the United States Senate voting “Present” for change other people were proposing.
The only times Mr Change You Can Believe In actually voted for anything comprised four votes.
Four times, in four separate votes, he voted to kill aborted babies who had somehow managed survive the assault and cling on to life outside the womb.
Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade.
So presumably as President anything that it too hard for him he’ll pass on?
He sounds like Gordon Brown to me, never willing to take the hard decisions and certainly not prepared to face up to them.
At least Palin is there on merit unlike Harriet Harman who only got to be deputy leader of Nu Liebour by continually saying “vote for me cos I has tits”
Which will be her only message when she runs for leader.
In spite of all his spin about “uniting”, if Obama isn’t the furthest-left candidate for a generation, I’m a Chinaman.
Why doesn’t Obama tell the American people what he really believes, what he really espouses ?
I have seen socialism in action up close. It doesn’t work. I was involved as an official in UK Cabinet briefings in mid 1976 when Britain was forced to go cap-in-hand to the International Monetary Fund for a bail-out.
And I have seen municipal corruption up close – though possibly not as big as in Chicago.
Just join the dots.
Justin Webb’s latest blog post links to an attack onPalin by Chuck Hagel, a “Republican” Senator who is a well-known RINO – Repub Nn Name Only. As if anyone gives a hoot what Hagel says – he is on his way out anyway. But it fits the BBC mindset – so into the blog it goes.
I am still being accused of being a racist at Webb’s blog, the moderatprs just let the accusations go through. Whih simply keeps me posting their, I do’t like being insulted. My current line is that Obama is diretly lnked to fnnie Mae which has brought the whole pack of cards tumbling down – they were the biggest culprits in granting sub-prime mortgages, and Obama’s mates at ACORN were up to their neck in it too. Obama got more money fro Fannie Mae than any other Senator bar the Chairman of the Banking Committe. They both helped block the Bill that John McCain was proposing in 2005 to tighten up regulation of Fannie Mae nd Freddie Mac, forecsting that unless strict action was taken thy would undermine the entire financial system. And a lead advisor to Obama is an ex-CEO of Fannie Mae – who was involved in massive fraud. Team McCain is starting to run attack ads on this – Obama can be directly linked to the global financial disaster.
Martin writes: “Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade.”
Any individual standing for President of the United States and thus the position of the most powerful person on the face of the earth, who refers to a question as “above my pay grade” is someone who is not adequate to be running a school canteen.
Disillusioned German: Thanks for reminding me of that. I’ll have to put up a post soon, pointing out that almost all European journalists want Obama to win.
Most Americans don’t much like our own journalists — but we rate them higher than journalists from elsewhere.
I find it funny how people on this site are now blaming Obama for Bush’s conversion to Socialism.
There’s no getting round the fact that Bush is a SOCIALIST.
He has presided over massive nationalization and obscene welfare handouts to banks. Free market conservative my arse.
Now we see the hypocrisy of our rulers as they give out huge welfare handouts to the filthy rich.
When will someone put a stop to the benefit scroungers in Wall Street and the City.
While I agree that Bush has been a disaster with many of his economic policies, as far as social spending goes, don’t forget that the Senate has been Democrat-driven and controlled the whole time that these handouts have been in play.
It seems that Palin is the new hate figure, and largely without grounds. As noted, she has done nothing but accurately explain the present nato position which is:
i) georgia and ukraine should be invited to join when ready.
ii) the usa and other nato countries will come to collective defence of any other nato country invaded.
Thats the whole frigging point of NAto. And that is what Palin stated, no more no less.
And one more thing, the BBC seem to have a major cob on that Palin is a creationist. I have failed to find even a slither of evidence of this.
It is only the BBC that has really done this hatchet job on Palin in the UK, and see how they have framed the public perception of her?
It was a well known fact that the BBC had close relations with the NUS and always contacted the local University branch of whatever city Question Time were visiting that week to ask them to stack the audience with ‘politically sympathetic’ students.
Jeff | 19.09.08 – 12:04 am | #
I would be very interested if you could prove that point. Were you ever in a meeting or overheard a phone conversation when the BBC directly asked the NUS to fill the audience?
The BBC implies on the Question Time website that the audience volunteers to be there.
Reading further in the site F.A.Q. we see that They (the audience who apply) are then questioned about their views, voting intentions, background etc, in much the same way as an opinion poll.
From that, the producers select a broad and balanced cross-section.
If, from those applying in a particular area, they feel any group or view is under-represented, they will – occasionally – contact local groups to encourage their members to apply to be in the audience.
Are they a)misleading us; b)admitting they have a problem finding enough lefties or c) only asking the NUS to inform their members?
“From that, the producers select a broad and balanced cross-section”
I nearly fell off the chair laughing. As Mandy-Rice Davies said “Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?”
Why don’t B-BBC organise an invasion of QT by applying en masse to attend? Then, let’s see how many of us actually get past the BBC censors into the Forbidden City.
A question to David Preiser or someone from the US, please.
The newspaper USA Today – is it in the tank for either candidate ? Or either party generlly ?
I had always seen it as fairly lightweight but middle of the road.
The relevance of the question is that their editorial board published a long piece assessing (from their legislative record) who has the claim to be “Uniter” – which was Obama’s early claim. They found that McCain has by far the better claim.
I’m not sure there’s many in the UK (outside of the B-BBC crew of course) who would “endorse” Palin’s politics to be honest, although I suspect that they didn’t dig too hard. Most favourable UK media comment has been based on the correct premise that she’s pretty hot. Those specs really need to go though no matter how much she paid for them.
Given the transparently Leftist sympathies of the studio audiences for both Any Questions and Question Time, either the BBC is lying, or it has created programmes that attract only Left wing participants.
Pretending that these audiences are in any sense ‘balanced’ is simply insulting our intelligence.
I would bet my bottom dollar that none of this so-called QT panel had the slightest clue about what Palin is about, her policies, or what she has ever done in Alaska, except of course whatever they unthinkingly soak up from toerags like Webb/Frei or snotrags like the Daily Kos.
Nothing was said by the audience/panel about the shortcomings of Obamas right-hand man, rather how ‘dangerous’ Palin would be. Dangerous? Palin is conservative, loves hunting and shooting and thinks climate change is a fraud. My kinda woman!
McCain’s choice of running mate has really upset the Obama liberal applecart, who realise that their own choice is boring, prone to gaffes and notorious for plagiarising speeches.
What QT really misses is good old-fashioned HONEST dialog. Instead we got the same nauseating PC cliches spoken about Palin, whom evidently the panel knew NOTHING about.
….and has run a business, and often flies a seaplane to get around….and gives a good stump speech, The BBC has totally failed to cover Palin’s bucking of the ole-boy system in Alaska, her exposure of corruption – which are surely important reasons for her huge popularity there.
….. and renegotiated Alaska’s deal with the oil companies in favour of taxpayers, and had them build a pipeline through Canada to get it to where it’s useful.
Bush may be many things, socialist, warmonger, Dr Evil incarnate BUT you cannot argue that he is getting things right NOW by bailing out Fannie/Freddie and AIG.
GW also got it right to not bail out Lehmans and you can see the proof in the pudding by the non-event this turned in to on the markets (which losses have now been erased thanks to the largest rally in 6 years).
And unfortunately for those suffering from GW derangement syndrome, how he has handled the credit crunch today is how he will be remembered by history (that and winning in Iraq even after the Dems wanted to surrender).
Once all the dust settles, I think history will be kind to GW, much to the disgust of just about everyone who hates him.
During the last twelve months I have noticed a major change in British opinion the Conservative’s have become MUCH more popular, their support rising 20 points from 32 to 52%.
Has anyone noticed a corresponding 20 point rise in the number of Conservative supporters attending Question Time?
Yes of course the audience selection process for QT is perfectly unbiased and neutral, because it says so on their website. I’m not even sure the BBC had a website running in the early ’90s or that said policy at the time was even in place. But even so, the NUS have close links with the producers of QT. Mandy Telford, the former NUS head and now special adviser to Tessa Jowell, was on the panel a few times. So was Kay Fletcher. And I remember seeing notice board messages and receiving requests from NUS members to be in the audience. It was obvious that requests came from BBC. Or maybe the BBC just doesn’t realise that the NUS is a bit left-wing?
Can’t really have been that easy to get a rabid, vocal, rent-a-mob, a climate lunatic woman, a “Conservative Voter” who feels sorry for Brown and some wet woman to ask a question about “that Conservative Woman” Palin to all get their messages, and questions, across in a “random audience” in the Socialist stronghold of Bournemouth.
Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade…..
“When does Human Rights begin” was the question asked at Saddleback and, of course Obama didn’t know.
Except that if you happen to be a murderer on death row or a resident of Gitmo you’ve got ’em whereas if you’re an infant who has managed to survive an abortion attempt you haven’t and will be left on a stainless table until your life ebbs away.
Sparky: Yes. And the fact that Sarah Palin belives in protecting the life of an unborn child seems to somehow make her a devil incarnate.
Why? For most women there is NO excuse to get pregnant unless they want to. We can all accept that occasionally contraception fails or a woman might be raped, but if you look at the number of abortions carried out in the USA and UK there is clearly something going wrong.
There was a story in the papers the other week showing that there are an awful lot of women that have had multiple abortions.
Doesn’t sound very responsible to me.
But regardless of this just because someone wants to protect the unborn shouldn’t make them hate figures.
Leave the QT-ers in their bubble. NuLabs go onto that program and come out believing that they’re popular. At the next election, they’ll all be shown how wrong they are and then recriminations will start. It should be fun to watch.
The funny thing is that Sarah Palin is on record as saying that her religious beliefs are personal, she “would never force them down anyone’s throat”, and would not attempt to force legislation based on any of it.
Contrast that with the social engineering desires of the Leftoids who hate her, or even intellectual fascists like Justin Webb, who is on record as saying that people who have religious beliefs he doesn’t like should not hold public office.
It occurs to me that you won’t get ‘ordinary’ people at QT recordings because no-one in their right mind would want to spend an evening listening to that rubbish!
In the same way left wingers buy the Guardian, they also are more likely to show up at BBC events.
I don’t read USA Today unless I’m at a hotel (rare these days), but as far as I can tell the editorial board is, at the end of the day, center-right. Not über-Conservative by any means, and “center-right” certainly does not translate into hardcore Christianists or Bush supporters or whatever. The reporters and desk editors seem to blow with the wind.
Of course, to Leftoids, anyone who doesn’t strictly adhere to their beliefs must be considered far-right, while they consider themselves to be mainstream and in the middle. The BBC’s editorial practice of labeling people along that axis is instructive in that regard. So you may get opinions about USA Today which differ from mine.
Not so long ago the BBC claimed that they had broadcast a Question Time from Dorking, which is the Mole Valley constituency and rock-solid Conservative it is too.
Mole Valley is surrounded on all sides by rock-solid Conservative constituencies.
Wannabe socialist politicians lose their deposits at elections and in Waverly at the last local elections the dim libs got only 3 seats on a council of 54, the rest being Conservative.
So how come then that the Dorking QT audience gave every appearance of being bussed in from Glasgow, Tyneside and Liverpool – and south Asia and Africa.
Balanced? yeah right!
I can personally confirm the fact that QT audiences are full of labour party activists. I was in the QT audience last autumn in Cheltenham (not a town traditionally filled with left wing voters). Harman was on the panel that night, as it goes.
Throughout the programme there were a small and very noisy contingent of party activists who loudly supported anything Harman said all the way through the programme, muttering loudly at anything ‘anti labour’. At the end of the programme they swarmed around Harman greeting her by her first name and saying how good it was to see her again so soon!
Whether its the BBC who are blatantly filling up the audience with left wingers, or a desperate labour party making sure they rally troops to show televised support, is hard to tell. But there is no way the QT audience in Bournemouth is representative of the feelings of the electorate if that IPSOS/MORI poll is to be believed.
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Where do they find these Question Time audiences? Are the majority of the UK really that obsessed by hating Thatcherism?
Yip – did you hear the loon blame Thatcher for the banking meltdown?
go Palin!
Does the lib dem woman have a speech impediment or is she just drunk?
As I pointed out in the general thread, the audience just spouted the shite from webb and Frei.
Obama wants the Ukraine and Georgia to join NATO, he says Israel has the right to defend itself from Iran and he said he wants to invade Pakistan. Hillary said she’d nuke Iran. No one at the BBC ever bothered about her being elected President and holding those views.
As for her views on abortion. So what? I really don’t understand why people have such hatred for a view that wants to protect unborn babies? I’m not that fussed either way, but to hold an anti abortion view is not like being in favour of the gas chamber.
If a Muslim politician held those views (and many Muslims do including the idea that the world is 6000 years old) no one at the BBC would dare attack them.
David Vance: And yet again no one mentions that it was the fat one eyed jock that took the regulatory role away from the Bank of England in the first place.
Ha! Anyone watching QT extra? The fucking beeboid wanker got a strop on when one of the guests mentioned the latest poll.
“Well that’s only a poll of likely voters” mumbled the beeboid “But you can look at the polls over the last 6 months…” said the guest.
Beeboid mumbles something then moves on to another subject.
I was a student in the early ’90s, and for my sins had regular contact and dealings with the left-wing National Union of Students. It was a well known fact that the BBC had close relations with the NUS and always contacted the local University branch of whatever city Question Time were visiting that week to ask them to fill the audience with ‘politically sympathetic’ students.
I’ve lost count of the times i’ve watched QT since graduating and seen various members of the NUS, the Labour party and other left-leaning organisations in the audience pretending to be ordinary ‘members of the public.’
How dismaying that nobody was prepared (or knowledgable enough) to correct Featherstone after her “Palin as warmonger” rant.
Perhaps they are all ignorant of the nation’s obligations to NATO members, or just want to wish those obligations away.
I’ve stopped watching QT a couple of years ago. Having said that the German media aren’t much better. I’ve written several emails because I wanted to comment on the bias but haven’t had a reply so far. I guess you can say that the European MSM want Obama in the White House and they’ll do everything they can to achieve that aim.
This Week was another joke. The BBC plugging Vince Cable again and Timmy Mallet?
They LOVE Vince Cable.
I caught the end of this week and they were complaining about Brits moaning
Martin as for Palin’s views on abortion, let’s catch up on Obama’s views on abortion.
Obama has had over 300 votes in the Senate since he was elected, and in all but four of them, he voted “Present”. This, as Rudy Guiliani noted, is a strange vote.
Nevertheless, this man who jets around the United States (and the world! – or at least Germany and drops in on Britain for a photo op), who is so driven by the desire for “Change! Change you can believe in!” spent four years in the United States Senate voting “Present” for change other people were proposing.
The only times Mr Change You Can Believe In actually voted for anything comprised four votes.
Four times, in four separate votes, he voted to kill aborted babies who had somehow managed survive the assault and cling on to life outside the womb.
Mr Caring.
Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade.
So presumably as President anything that it too hard for him he’ll pass on?
He sounds like Gordon Brown to me, never willing to take the hard decisions and certainly not prepared to face up to them.
At least Palin is there on merit unlike Harriet Harman who only got to be deputy leader of Nu Liebour by continually saying “vote for me cos I has tits”
Which will be her only message when she runs for leader.
This series of 15 articles (The Audcity of Socialism) traces many of Obama’s socialist links :
In spite of all his spin about “uniting”, if Obama isn’t the furthest-left candidate for a generation, I’m a Chinaman.
Why doesn’t Obama tell the American people what he really believes, what he really espouses ?
I have seen socialism in action up close. It doesn’t work. I was involved as an official in UK Cabinet briefings in mid 1976 when Britain was forced to go cap-in-hand to the International Monetary Fund for a bail-out.
And I have seen municipal corruption up close – though possibly not as big as in Chicago.
Just join the dots.
Justin Webb’s latest blog post links to an attack onPalin by Chuck Hagel, a “Republican” Senator who is a well-known RINO – Repub Nn Name Only. As if anyone gives a hoot what Hagel says – he is on his way out anyway. But it fits the BBC mindset – so into the blog it goes.
I am still being accused of being a racist at Webb’s blog, the moderatprs just let the accusations go through. Whih simply keeps me posting their, I do’t like being insulted. My current line is that Obama is diretly lnked to fnnie Mae which has brought the whole pack of cards tumbling down – they were the biggest culprits in granting sub-prime mortgages, and Obama’s mates at ACORN were up to their neck in it too. Obama got more money fro Fannie Mae than any other Senator bar the Chairman of the Banking Committe. They both helped block the Bill that John McCain was proposing in 2005 to tighten up regulation of Fannie Mae nd Freddie Mac, forecsting that unless strict action was taken thy would undermine the entire financial system. And a lead advisor to Obama is an ex-CEO of Fannie Mae – who was involved in massive fraud. Team McCain is starting to run attack ads on this – Obama can be directly linked to the global financial disaster.
Martin writes: “Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade.”
Any individual standing for President of the United States and thus the position of the most powerful person on the face of the earth, who refers to a question as “above my pay grade” is someone who is not adequate to be running a school canteen.
Seems like a good time to take another look at the cartoon version of Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom”…
Much of what he says applies to both socialism and fascism, which are cut from the same cloth anyway.
Disillusioned German: Thanks for reminding me of that. I’ll have to put up a post soon, pointing out that almost all European journalists want Obama to win.
Most Americans don’t much like our own journalists — but we rate them higher than journalists from elsewhere.
Bush is transforming America into a Socialist state:
I find it funny how people on this site are now blaming Obama for Bush’s conversion to Socialism.
There’s no getting round the fact that Bush is a SOCIALIST.
He has presided over massive nationalization and obscene welfare handouts to banks. Free market conservative my arse.
Now we see the hypocrisy of our rulers as they give out huge welfare handouts to the filthy rich.
When will someone put a stop to the benefit scroungers in Wall Street and the City.
While I agree that Bush has been a disaster with many of his economic policies, as far as social spending goes, don’t forget that the Senate has been Democrat-driven and controlled the whole time that these handouts have been in play.
Where do they find these Question Time audiences?
was thinking the same last night when the audience started clapping enthusiasticly every time Harriet Harman fanny farted
It seems that Palin is the new hate figure, and largely without grounds. As noted, she has done nothing but accurately explain the present nato position which is:
i) georgia and ukraine should be invited to join when ready.
ii) the usa and other nato countries will come to collective defence of any other nato country invaded.
Thats the whole frigging point of NAto. And that is what Palin stated, no more no less.
And one more thing, the BBC seem to have a major cob on that Palin is a creationist. I have failed to find even a slither of evidence of this.
It is only the BBC that has really done this hatchet job on Palin in the UK, and see how they have framed the public perception of her?
It was a well known fact that the BBC had close relations with the NUS and always contacted the local University branch of whatever city Question Time were visiting that week to ask them to stack the audience with ‘politically sympathetic’ students.
Jeff | 19.09.08 – 12:04 am | #
I would be very interested if you could prove that point. Were you ever in a meeting or overheard a phone conversation when the BBC directly asked the NUS to fill the audience?
The BBC implies on the Question Time website that the audience volunteers to be there.
Reading further in the site F.A.Q. we see that They (the audience who apply) are then questioned about their views, voting intentions, background etc, in much the same way as an opinion poll.
From that, the producers select a broad and balanced cross-section.
If, from those applying in a particular area, they feel any group or view is under-represented, they will – occasionally – contact local groups to encourage their members to apply to be in the audience.
Are they a)misleading us; b)admitting they have a problem finding enough lefties or c) only asking the NUS to inform their members?
Oops. Anonymous was me.
“From that, the producers select a broad and balanced cross-section”
I nearly fell off the chair laughing. As Mandy-Rice Davies said “Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?”
Why don’t B-BBC organise an invasion of QT by applying en masse to attend? Then, let’s see how many of us actually get past the BBC censors into the Forbidden City.
A question to David Preiser or someone from the US, please.
The newspaper USA Today – is it in the tank for either candidate ? Or either party generlly ?
I had always seen it as fairly lightweight but middle of the road.
The relevance of the question is that their editorial board published a long piece assessing (from their legislative record) who has the claim to be “Uniter” – which was Obama’s early claim. They found that McCain has by far the better claim.
I’m not sure there’s many in the UK (outside of the B-BBC crew of course) who would “endorse” Palin’s politics to be honest, although I suspect that they didn’t dig too hard. Most favourable UK media comment has been based on the correct premise that she’s pretty hot. Those specs really need to go though no matter how much she paid for them.
Anonymous asks: “Are they a)misleading us…”
Well what do you think?
Given the transparently Leftist sympathies of the studio audiences for both Any Questions and Question Time, either the BBC is lying, or it has created programmes that attract only Left wing participants.
Pretending that these audiences are in any sense ‘balanced’ is simply insulting our intelligence.
I expect Palin will flash a fair amount of leg, and maybe more, in the VP debate, get old geezer Biden ogling rather than thinking about his answers.
Palin’s politics dishonest ? Les than most politicos, I would have thought. Dishonesty is go-along-to-get-along, which she certainly hasn’t practiced.
I would bet my bottom dollar that none of this so-called QT panel had the slightest clue about what Palin is about, her policies, or what she has ever done in Alaska, except of course whatever they unthinkingly soak up from toerags like Webb/Frei or snotrags like the Daily Kos.
Nothing was said by the audience/panel about the shortcomings of Obamas right-hand man, rather how ‘dangerous’ Palin would be. Dangerous? Palin is conservative, loves hunting and shooting and thinks climate change is a fraud. My kinda woman!
McCain’s choice of running mate has really upset the Obama liberal applecart, who realise that their own choice is boring, prone to gaffes and notorious for plagiarising speeches.
What QT really misses is good old-fashioned HONEST dialog. Instead we got the same nauseating PC cliches spoken about Palin, whom evidently the panel knew NOTHING about.
….and has run a business, and often flies a seaplane to get around….and gives a good stump speech, The BBC has totally failed to cover Palin’s bucking of the ole-boy system in Alaska, her exposure of corruption – which are surely important reasons for her huge popularity there.
What exactly are Palins politics?
She is religious, but doesn’t believe in planting car bombs or blowing up tube trains to get her religious way, unlike ‘some’ I could mention.
Who was it who said I’d nuke Iran? Palin? Er no it was Hillary Clinton.
If Palin had said that, all hell would be let loose at the BBC.
….. and renegotiated Alaska’s deal with the oil companies in favour of taxpayers, and had them build a pipeline through Canada to get it to where it’s useful.
Bush may be many things, socialist, warmonger, Dr Evil incarnate BUT you cannot argue that he is getting things right NOW by bailing out Fannie/Freddie and AIG.
GW also got it right to not bail out Lehmans and you can see the proof in the pudding by the non-event this turned in to on the markets (which losses have now been erased thanks to the largest rally in 6 years).
And unfortunately for those suffering from GW derangement syndrome, how he has handled the credit crunch today is how he will be remembered by history (that and winning in Iraq even after the Dems wanted to surrender).
Once all the dust settles, I think history will be kind to GW, much to the disgust of just about everyone who hates him.
During the last twelve months I have noticed a major change in British opinion the Conservative’s have become MUCH more popular, their support rising 20 points from 32 to 52%.
Has anyone noticed a corresponding 20 point rise in the number of Conservative supporters attending Question Time?
Thought not.
Well why the hell not?
Yes of course the audience selection process for QT is perfectly unbiased and neutral, because it says so on their website. I’m not even sure the BBC had a website running in the early ’90s or that said policy at the time was even in place. But even so, the NUS have close links with the producers of QT. Mandy Telford, the former NUS head and now special adviser to Tessa Jowell, was on the panel a few times. So was Kay Fletcher. And I remember seeing notice board messages and receiving requests from NUS members to be in the audience. It was obvious that requests came from BBC. Or maybe the BBC just doesn’t realise that the NUS is a bit left-wing?
Hats off to the BBC, though.
Can’t really have been that easy to get a rabid, vocal, rent-a-mob, a climate lunatic woman, a “Conservative Voter” who feels sorry for Brown and some wet woman to ask a question about “that Conservative Woman” Palin to all get their messages, and questions, across in a “random audience” in the Socialist stronghold of Bournemouth.
I’m awlays suprised that no one from the right wing press has ever tested the BBC’s audience.
For example, why not get a load of people to apply to question time (even numbers of lefties and righties) and see who gets selected for the audience.
Would be very interesting.
Verity: And at Saddleback when asked when life begins he waffled, stumbled then answered that that question was above his pay grade…..
“When does Human Rights begin” was the question asked at Saddleback and, of course Obama didn’t know.
Except that if you happen to be a murderer on death row or a resident of Gitmo you’ve got ’em whereas if you’re an infant who has managed to survive an abortion attempt you haven’t and will be left on a stainless table until your life ebbs away.
Funny old world ain’t it?
Is it just me or does Lynne Featherstone have the most irritating voice?
Sparky: Yes. And the fact that Sarah Palin belives in protecting the life of an unborn child seems to somehow make her a devil incarnate.
Why? For most women there is NO excuse to get pregnant unless they want to. We can all accept that occasionally contraception fails or a woman might be raped, but if you look at the number of abortions carried out in the USA and UK there is clearly something going wrong.
There was a story in the papers the other week showing that there are an awful lot of women that have had multiple abortions.
Doesn’t sound very responsible to me.
But regardless of this just because someone wants to protect the unborn shouldn’t make them hate figures.
Leave the QT-ers in their bubble. NuLabs go onto that program and come out believing that they’re popular. At the next election, they’ll all be shown how wrong they are and then recriminations will start. It should be fun to watch.
The funny thing is that Sarah Palin is on record as saying that her religious beliefs are personal, she “would never force them down anyone’s throat”, and would not attempt to force legislation based on any of it.
Contrast that with the social engineering desires of the Leftoids who hate her, or even intellectual fascists like Justin Webb, who is on record as saying that people who have religious beliefs he doesn’t like should not hold public office.
This edition of Question Time was recorded at Bournemouth, where the Liberal Democrats were having their party conference.
It’s a fair bet the audience was mainly made up of Lib Dem activists.
Which explains why they were so easily mistaken for socialists.
It occurs to me that you won’t get ‘ordinary’ people at QT recordings because no-one in their right mind would want to spend an evening listening to that rubbish!
In the same way left wingers buy the Guardian, they also are more likely to show up at BBC events.
JohnA | 19.09.08 – 9:28 am |
I don’t read USA Today unless I’m at a hotel (rare these days), but as far as I can tell the editorial board is, at the end of the day, center-right. Not über-Conservative by any means, and “center-right” certainly does not translate into hardcore Christianists or Bush supporters or whatever. The reporters and desk editors seem to blow with the wind.
Of course, to Leftoids, anyone who doesn’t strictly adhere to their beliefs must be considered far-right, while they consider themselves to be mainstream and in the middle. The BBC’s editorial practice of labeling people along that axis is instructive in that regard. So you may get opinions about USA Today which differ from mine.
Not so long ago the BBC claimed that they had broadcast a Question Time from Dorking, which is the Mole Valley constituency and rock-solid Conservative it is too.
Mole Valley is surrounded on all sides by rock-solid Conservative constituencies.
Wannabe socialist politicians lose their deposits at elections and in Waverly at the last local elections the dim libs got only 3 seats on a council of 54, the rest being Conservative.
So how come then that the Dorking QT audience gave every appearance of being bussed in from Glasgow, Tyneside and Liverpool – and south Asia and Africa.
Balanced? yeah right!
I can personally confirm the fact that QT audiences are full of labour party activists. I was in the QT audience last autumn in Cheltenham (not a town traditionally filled with left wing voters). Harman was on the panel that night, as it goes.
Throughout the programme there were a small and very noisy contingent of party activists who loudly supported anything Harman said all the way through the programme, muttering loudly at anything ‘anti labour’. At the end of the programme they swarmed around Harman greeting her by her first name and saying how good it was to see her again so soon!
Whether its the BBC who are blatantly filling up the audience with left wingers, or a desperate labour party making sure they rally troops to show televised support, is hard to tell. But there is no way the QT audience in Bournemouth is representative of the feelings of the electorate if that IPSOS/MORI poll is to be believed.
John A – “Flash leg”? You think the Governor doesn’t have enough substance and enough mental wattage to win an argument in other words?
Dream on. Governor Palin wears fashionable clothes at the fashionable length, which is mid-calf.