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As predicted, the BBC has not made any updates or corrections to their “update” about the hacker (singular) who broke into Gov. Palin’s personal Yahoo account.
The latest details in the following AP report have been available in many places in the MSM. Any Beeboids lurking aroud this blog will have learned this information from me, for two days at least, and failed to inform their colleagues:
FBI searches apartment in Palin hacking case
As I said two or three days ago, this was the act of one person, not a group. The group got involved after the kid had hacked the account and posted his evidence on their forum. This information has been widely available for some time, yet the BBC refuses to correct their report. “Details emerge,” eh, BBC? More like “details lied about and hidden”.
There are three very obvious reason why the BBC has not, and most likely will not, tell the truth about this incident. First off, the people covering this are mostly lazy, understaffed (yet over budget), and can’t possibly keep up with everything. In their minds, this story is not important because Gov. Palin is the enemy and this illegal act makes perfect sense to them because the kid was checking to see if she violated any rules.
This leads me to the second reason: the kid admitted that he hacked in to find evidence that she did government business on a private email account. The kid stated quite openly on the forum that he was hoping to find evidence, and was disappointed when he didn’t find any. The BBC doesn’t want you to know that at all, because they agree with him. So the BBC withholds the truth from the public. As usual.
Third: the kid is the son of a far-Left Democrat politician. I happen to believe the father when he professes total innocence. Yet, we have to admit that the kid didn’t get his ideas from a vacuum. As usual, the BBC hides wrongdoing associated with their favorites.
Instead, the BBC portrays this as an impartial rogue act from a group of hackers. They do this sort of thing they do anyway, you understand, and it’s nothing to do with politics. And anyway Gov. Palin is UNDER INVESTIGATION so it’s all good.
The BBC is hiding the truth and lying to you all. Again.
David | 22.09.08 – 7:26 pm | #
talking “Labour” party conference, I never thought it would ever get a shout out on Rush Limbaugh… just happened when the all seeing, all knowing El Rushbo sort of slammed on Hazel Blears.
That’s the biggest audience she’s ever had.
“BBC ‘s Robert Peston ‘set Government’s Northern Rock agenda.’ claims Richard Branson”
“But now it has been claimed that even the Government hangs on the BBC business editor’s words, taking Mr Peston’s views into account when deciding Northern Rock’s fate.
“Sir Richard Branson, the billionaire whose Virgin group tried and failed to buy Northern Rock, has claimed that ministers and officials made decisions over the failed lender’s treatment only after considering how Mr Peston would report them.”
“Is Newsnight’s Economics Editor an SWPer?”
(He’ll probably be on the programme tonight.)
George R | 22.09.08 – 10:10 pm |
Someone should send Branson a link to this blog. Or maybe someone in his camp is reading it already? Even the Guardian says Peston is “a Brownite through and through”. Branson should be calling for his head, as should everyone else.
Is Obama Another Dukakis?
Why is Obama so vapid, hesitant, and gutless?
Hitch is as big as they come in punditry, I’m sure Justin Webb will be mentioning this on his blog, yes?…
I am now stuck down Mexico way – I see loads of examples of BBC biased on my travels globally, as a security consultant (not least in Baghdad, where I regularly blogged for this site)
Here in Aguascalientes, Mexico there have been 8 top cops whacked and numerous gang members murdered,in only the past month, since I´ve been here.
The weapons used by the Narcos, have all been AK47 (7.62 short) so far.
I strongly remember seeing a Beeb propaganda piece recently, about how US M16 are the narcos weapón of choice and how the situation down here awash with US weapons and is all Americas fault.
moonbat — actually Mr Hitchen’s is incorrect when he gives three reasons why Obama isn’t running away with the election, and his first one about him being “too nice” is laugh out loudable.
The fourth reason he never mentions is quite obvious: Mr Obama’s phony baloney, elitist Euro-tinged socialism.
The majority of American’s reflexively recognize and recoil from a socialist when they see one.
Hitchens is something of an enigma – a die hard Marxist who supports Bush in the war on terror.
He’s actually written some pretty good stuff, but he doesn’t have very big balls when it comes to live debate. He was a little wet when it came to debating George Galloway, whose only “strength” in debate is the consistency and volume of his stupidity.
Palin really seems to have got to Justin Webb. He now has yet another post up about her – dismissing her, of course.
But there is the little fact of some 60,000 people turning up to a meeting she held in Florida yesterday – 60,000! Mostly elderly, and they had to stand around for several hours in sweltering heat.
Plus – Palin and McCain pulled in a crowd in Green Bay that was double the crowd Obama attracted.
Justin Webb really sem to have Palin Derangement Syndrome !
This has been known for a little while now, but I have yet to see or hear the BBC report this:
Obama Tried to Stall GIs’ Iraq Withdrawal
WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.
This is the kind of thing that is supposed to regain the world’s respect for the US, eh, BBC?
Amir Taheri’s columns in the post are always a good read. The one you post is great, and so is his rebuttal to Obama’s cry baby response to it…
In a world without racial identity politics, and one in which the far Left and self-loathing of the US hadn’t taken over the MSM, this would be called treason.
According to BBC world news at 9 this morning on NPR, the “Americans must be envious about the chinese manned space program because of the failure of their own Space shuttle program”.
There you have it – The Space Shuttle was a failure.
According to planet BBC.
Anyone catch this fab bit of BBC bigotry this week?
I’ve written next week’s entry for them. Please note: offensive as you may find it, it is a direct transposition. This is exactly how, as an American, I find the BBC.
Black v British Penises
Everard Jones is the first to admit that his member is neither straight nor long – and Black people mistakenly think that when he has a full hard on, it’s floppy, for comedic purposes. Why the penile divide?
British cocks are not like Black cocks.
Porn penises are huge and throbbing paragons of promised pleasure. British cocks might be described as having character.
So much character, in fact, that Everard Jones says that one Black journalist complimented him on being prepared to have a flaccid dick for his role as a stud in a British porn flick, Screw Town. Only he didn’t.
“He was horrified that I had such a small dick. It’s like the biggest difference between the Brits and Blacks, they are obsessed with huge cocks”, said Jones.
Unlike many British stars hoping to make it big in porn, Everard hasn’t bought himself a Black cock.
But what is it about the throbbing, big, thick cocks of Fuck Me Productions that Black people love – and expect – of their public figures?
“Black people have the idea that a big penis is the equivalent of good sex. The British character is more motion of the ocean, more sincere, better,” said Ima Biggot, dean of the University of Racist Shits in Exeter and Plymouth.
She says that Black people aspire to a penis that is absolutely huge.
Artificial Pleasure
Huger than huge, it transpires. Penises vary naturally in size and girth, and the size can tend closer to small than large.
“Black penises are sometimes huger than is physically possible to get in nature – there is a new reality out there. The most extreme penis enlargement is terrifying, it looks like it’s been stretched and pulled and has altered what some people perceive as normal,” says Profressor Jell Ustwat, of the School of Penis Envy at Newcastle University.
The British traditionally prefer “nice, natural penises – natural in size, ” he says, and have had a more functional view of penises and sex, whereas Black people have always seen cocks more aesthetically, hence the rise of huge members in porn and pop culture.
Cue jibes such as The Bumper Book of Small British Penises which makes every Black child laugh at British people, even though it is obviously just a cartoon. Ever superior, in the UK snide remarks are saved for those whom they suspect of having answered that penis englargement email and have had obvious work done.
Somehow, I doubt they’ll accept it :(. Some kinds of racism are Good, others, Bad.