The BBC report on the 10 0 Clock news concerning the Labour Party conference today is very interesting. The shrill calls from the comrades to nationalise, to tax and to punish capitalism further was reported with ill disguised glee and I note that new face on the block Robert Peston is very keen to advance the notion that changing economic conditions play into Gordon Brown’s court, which is verging on the surreal. There seems to be a political notion abroad amingst the media that only imposed socialism can save us from the perils of capitalism and the BBC is to the fore in subtly promoting this.
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But they also broke the Miliband Heseltine moment story, which Sky doesn’t have. Hardly pro-Brown reporting! I didn’t read the Meacher reportage as being remotely gleeful; rather the reporter seemed quite amused the the dinosaurs were back at conference.
The BBC is in the tank for Brown. They want the fat one eyed jock to sack Miliband.
By running this story they hope it shows that Brown can’t trust him and will sack him, thus killing off any real threat to him.
Lt’s face it, the BBC and the Labour party can indulge themselves in all their socialist fantasies now. The Labour party is on its way out and can say and do as it likes without really damaging its electoral prospects – they are so hopless they cannot be further damaged.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Michael Foot is sending his donkey jacket to the dry cleaners in case his party calls on him again in its hour of deepest unelectability.
Labour is not just un-British, but anti-British
Among the swarming pathogens at Manchester can be observed every strain of totalitarian, anti-British, anti-Christian prejudice that has undermined our civilisation for the past 11 years.
Now, the reality is creeping in and the “colleagues” are confronting a sober choice: they can pander to their climate change obsession or they can have an economy. They can’t have both and are thus opting for the latter.
It will be interesting to see if the (always) stupid BBC continue to push thier beloved Global Warming hoax as even the Euro-Weenies back away from it. My guess is that the BBC are quite dumb enough to continue.
The One Eyed Jock and Gollum Milliband. Makes you want to throw up,don’t It?
Somewhat OT, but I’m posting here while waiting for another general comment thread.
Tomorrow’s Law in Action (R4, 23.9.08, 4pm):
Reporter Mukul Devichand investigates the plausibility of the claim that the medieval Islamic world influenced the 13th-century foundations of English common law.
Here’s a link to the website article, “Sharia and England: a common law?”:
I wonder who’s made the claim? Devichand himself, perhaps?
Naturally this ties in beautifully with the recent announcement of Sharia courts are now operating in the UK.
Do any old-timers out there remember when Law in Action (or any other BBC prog) last did a feature about the very definite certainty that English Common law was highly influenced and informed by the Judao-Christian tradition?
Peston joining The Spectator’s identification & publication of “Brownies” (ie Brown’s bare faced spin & lies) is hardly putting him in the tank for Brown.
“I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that Michael Foot is sending his donkey jacket to the dry cleaners in case his party calls on him again in its hour of deepest unelectability.”
Is Worzel Footage still with us, then ? He must be about 95 by now !
will | 23.09.08 – 8:47 am |
Peston joining The Spectator’s identification & publication of “Brownies” (ie Brown’s bare faced spin & lies) is hardly putting him in the tank for Brown.
Oh, please. Does The Guardian count?
Peston is partisan. He is a Brownite and Brown’s Britain does not disguise it. Despite that, the book is a careful account of the great schism in modern British politics, which is not between Blair and Brown, but between their philosophies. Blair leads the compassionate conservatives while Brown is the hope of the egalitarians who ‘do not rely on the price mechanism to balance supply and demand’ of scarce resources. Brown’s Britain is a social democracy.
Or are you going to tell me that Roy Hattersly is right wing?
I’ve mentioned this at least four times in the last week, and posted a link to this book review at least twice. Nothing to do with the Fraser Nelson.
In any case, this latest post on Peston’s blog you linked to reads an awful lot like someone paddling desperately away from the edge of a waterfall. What fools he must think we all are if he can say that he’s Mr. Brown’s biographer (I wonder why he felt compelled to say that all of a sudden?) and then expect us to think that the “close eye” he’s been keeping on him isn’t at all biased.
So David – do you think Brown will be pleased with that blog of Peston’s – I could tell you the names of a few people who aren’t 😉
Sarah Jane,
I’m sure more than a few people aren’t too pleased with Peston’s latest, either in the Brown household or on the fourth floor. Which group do you think is more unhappy? He had no choice but to write something like that, considering the way things have gone in the last few days.
This blog can’t have been the only place where his integrity was called into question.
Peston is in a sense responding to charges that he’s biased because he is Mr. Brown’s biographer by using that fact to present himself as an authority, and we’re supposed to pretend he’s not biased.
Peston had to do it, and take his lumps. All part of the game. I doubt this will cost him the chance to complete his triptych on Mr. Brown in the coming years.