Today is going to be a key BBC day for promoting PM Gordon Brown as the only man who can help lead us out of the economic turbulence that, erm, he has led us into! I was entertained to hear a BBC reporter on the Labour conference declare this morning around 6.25am that the speech would be “solid and serious – just Gordon” Pass the sickbag but I this find of fawning over Brown nauseating. Since when did it become the role of a reporter to editorialise subjectively in this way? Where is the evidence to say Brown is in anyway “solid and serious”? The bias just oozes out of the BBC – they cannot help it and they will not stop it. That’s why only the total removal of the license tax can deal with the problem we face with this aberrant and most biased broadcaster.
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The BBC are in full supporting Labour mode at the moment. They realise that the game might be up if Gordon Brown delivers a less than magnificent speech. Thus unless the speech is a complete disaster, it will be reported as a second Sermon on the Mount. By way of contrast, any failings at the Conservative party conference will be highlighted and reported ad nauseum.
I was entertained to hear a BBC reporter on the Labour conference declare this morning around 6.25am that the speech would be “solid and serious – just Gordon”
I believe the reporter was Norman Smith who then went on to say Brown’s approach would contrast with David Cameron “prancing about the stage”. Not really a neutral turn of phrase.
‘Let them watch Pinter… online’
Gotta say, the latest from the Marie Celest… er… Antoin…er… Brownette ‘bright idea a day’ crew seems a winner. In fact a BOGOF. Kids and theatre goers!
Except, possibly with almost the entire electorate a wee bit keener on dealing with a few basics than yet more over-spun, over-hyped tinkering that most likely will never happen (at least I never seem to get informed officially) anyway.
And whatever might be felt here about the selection of vox-pop audiences, even the Labour family came out with a pretty damning indictment, which frankly I do not think the Breakfast blonde shrank from.
As to whether she is as mighty an interviewer to deal with Mr. Brown after his last selection, Andrew Marr, to share his vision, is another matter.
We shall find out tomorrow, I guess.
I heard some beeboid say Brown would have to have an “Obama moment”
So perhaps Mcfatso is going to appear on stage blacked up like the old Black & White Minstrels and give us a rendition of “I have a dream…”
No Member of parliament has the Back Bone to say:
“the total removal of the license tax can deal with the problem we face with this aberrant and most biased broadcaster”.
Margaret Thatcher knew the problem and had the opportunity to privatise the BBC she did nothing so the Conservatives will just have to continuing to pander to their masters at the BBC
“I heard some beeboid say Brown would have to have an “Obama moment””
Hopefully it’ll be calling Cameron’s missus a dog. Fight! Fight! Fight!
“Solid and serious – just Gordon”
Now that we can see the results of his stewardship of the economy, I would have thought “shallow and frivolous” would have been nearer the mark – at least as far as his actions, as opposed to his manner, go.
“flaky and wierd”
I heard some beeboid say Brown would have to have an “Obama moment”
That must mean turning into a stuttering wreck and appearing seriously out of his depth when the teleprompter fails. Not sure how that will save Brown or the Labour party though. Unless they’re going for the sympathy vote.
‘Aw, look honey – he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing. Let’s vote for him.’
OT anyone see the programme on bbc last night, break out? Huge discussion on bbc radio nolan show this morning over bbc bias due to the programme. The programme maker was made answerable to the public, some say it was a ‘glorification of terrorism’, some say it was a correct interpetation. Nigel Dodds, and others on about it, but it seems to be missing on biased bbc? Almost an hour discussion on it and bbc bias, check it out after lunch for listen again, and the programme is still available on the bbc iplayer….
Strange its missing here?
La Toynbee would like Brown to
Feeling recklessly brave? Restore the media ownership laws as they were before Margaret Thatcher let Murdoch destroy them. The US is tougher on how much one owner can control. Ban foreign media ownership and make the Press Complaints Commission and its code statutory.
…………in other words, its the BBC world view or nothing.
Authoritarian Socialism snot dead.
Sir Robin Day would be apopleptic. Twenty years ago he ranted that chat shows should be named “Plug” ‘cos that’s what they were about. Plus your latest book, fil, record etc.
Have we gone back to the pre- Day grovelling to the government minister “And what would the minister like to say to the public today?”
The only way to destroy the bias is to destroy the BBC by getting rid of the licence fee and making it pay its way
The Naughtie-Kinnock love in on Today this morning was too much to take at this early hour
Naughtie interviewing Jack Straw on Radio 4 this morning. Twice Straw referred to Gordon Brown being elected. There was no leadership election but Straw of course wasn’t pulled up about this lie, so the interviewer was either incompetent or biased. You decide.
Daily Politics has just started.
Red Ken on all bloody day
Bunch of red roses on the BBC’s table
Gosh | Homepage | 23.09.08 – 10:23 am | #
Surprised DV hasn’t picked up on this, or maybe he’s working on it as I type?
They simply do NOT understand the difference between reporting and editorial comment. Never have.
Utter scum.
Disturbed, stupid, incompetent, ignorant, lying and arogant, is how I would describe McTurd.
Nearly Oxfordian | 23.09.08 – 1:08 pm | #
“They simply do NOT understand the difference between reporting and editorial comment. Never have.
Utter scum.”
I think they DO understand this difference, which is precisely what makes them such scum.
Brown’s Obama ‘moment, was that little freak Milliband, extolling Labour as the party of ‘change’ – didn’t we hear the same rubbish from the Obama camp a few weeks back? He even has many of the mannerisms of the ‘Chosen One’.
Meanwhile Brown is playing the part of ‘Nero, – as Rome,(UK), burns’, and doesn’t the laurel wreath rather suit him? I can’t wait for when he plays the part of Caesar to Clarke’s Brutus…
Meanwhile, – back at the ranch, we have promises of broadband for the ‘kiddies’, that is, anyone up to the age of twenty-five, – and they are still regarded ‘as children’? Does this mean we are to expect even more juveniles, offering their shallow, profanity laden opinions on blogs? – or is this just a government opportunity to provide fodder for the ever expanding world of paedophilia?
All this munificence, followed by a promise of nursery schools for all two-year olds, but not for ten years. Now that sounds like a man who has not only lost the plot, but is sinking into desperation.
The BBC goes to the ends of the Earth to get support for Brown and Labour:
Radio 5 a few minutes ago, hooked up with New Zealand for a very friendly 10 minutes conversation with Bryan Gould, the ex-UK Labour MP, now New Zealand Labour supporter, who, of course, served the BBC’s purpose and endorsed Brown and Labour.
Gordon’s Props. Quote .. “my children aren’t props they’re people” and this straight after his wife was wheeled on as a prop !!
Yes, quite right, I meant to add the following but was distracted by real life:
… or they understand only too well, and are mendaciously pushing their agenda despite that.
Yes, the freak / bot / android Millipede is even more revolting than Obambi, and that is some competition!
You have to admit though, Brown’s speech was littered with great one-liners – it had me howling. The best one by far was “we’re the party of law and order” – very drole.
Gosh | Homepage | 23.09.08 – 10:23 am |
Is there any particular reason you posted your comment here instead of the Open Thread which is not very far down the main page? You can taunt just as well on any thread.
David Preiser – is that comment directed at me?
Yes, the party of law and order had me in stitches too.
phh | 23.09.08 – 4:21 pm |
David Preiser – is that comment directed at me?
I’m sorry, no. My comment was directed at whoever posted an OT comment @10:23, in a slightly sneering tone, with this blog as the Homepage in the signature (something all the trolls seem to do) when the open thread is directly below this one on the page, and used the pseudonym “Gosh”.
Hence my impolite tone. My apologies for not making it more clear that it wasn’t connected to your comment.
Thanks David – sorry for being over-sensitive
David, this seems quite unnecessary. He is not a troll.
11.18 Dave Clemo: “The only way to destroy the bias is to destroy the BBC by getting rid of the licence fee…”
…or rather by more and more people defaulting on payment – how many inspectors can the Beeb (Capita) employ?
The Radio 4 PM programme was very aptly named.
Not a dissenting voice in their quarter hourly summary of the great “obamaesque” – yes she did say that, speech, nor any opposition or non sympathetic journos.
Wind forward a week and what’s the betting Cameron’s speech will be critiqued by a Labour minister and the likes of Kevin McGuire….
Listening to Radio 4’s headline on the way home, they described GB’s speech as “robust”.
In whose opinion?
Certainly that is not the view of the majority of those people on “Have Your Say”!
I’m, surprised the Beeb have not shut HYS down. 😉
Pravda Al-Beeb: has it given up on damage-limitation?
Spent 3 hours listening to utter shit from Radio 5 on McFatso.
They interviewed that fucking Welsh wanker Kinnock who like Brown never got the people to vote for him, but at least he faced an election.
Yet again the BBC failed to ask just who got our economy into this mess? I note that France, Germany etc seem to be far less affected by the so called credit crunch than we are.
Just who took regulation of the city away from the Bank of England?
Just who stood by and allowed shit banks like Northern Rock to lead 125% mortgages?
Who gives a fuck if Northern Cock goes down the pan?
And giving millions ot Chavs to download free porn or order Pizza’s online? Is that a good use of public money?
You can ger free internet access at most McDonald’s these days, so why the fuck is that fat jock cunt using my taxes to fund it?
Then the BBC read out and email from a ‘Tory supporter’ who said “I was a Tory until today, now I iz Labour”
You just know the BBC made that up.
Just wait till the Polls come out next week showing McLiebour still 20 points behind.
It wil be interesting to contrast the deified nature of GB’s speech expressed by Rita Chakarabatty with her coverage of Cameron’s speech next week. I wait for her less than enthusiastic sneering tone. She is a sham of a journalist; as much as her sister is a sham of a liberty lover.
Nearly Oxfordian | 23.09.08 – 6:10 pm |
David, this seems quite unnecessary. He is not a troll.
I was merely pointing out that the comment exhibited a few traits in common with trolls, specifically the “Homepage” thing.
Which was more unnecessary – my pointing that out or the taunting of “Gosh”, and the deliberate placement of an off-topic comment in a topical thread directly above the general comment thread?
Turned on R5 Lite when I got in @18:25 ish.
Peter Allen from the Lab conference gets John Prescott give a long review of Brown’s speech.
Prescott thought the speech was absolutely brilliant.
Two thoughts
1. Are they paying Prescott for his analysis like they did for last year’s Labour conference?
2. Will they have someone at the Conservative conference equally guaranteed to award top marks to the speeches?
I thought Prescott would have been shagging that fat slapper he was nobbing?
You know Labour are in the shit when the best they can wheel out is fatso ‘knobber’ Prescott and Pin head Kinnock, who’se only claims to fame are ranting like a loon on Radio 4 (can someone please post that link again?) and having one of the best Front Pages of the Sun ever, alongside Freddie Star ate my Hamster and GOTCHA!
“2. Will they have someone at the Conservative conference equally guaranteed to award top marks to the speeches?”
Don’t be at all surprised if Prescott is lined up to comment on Cameron’s speech. You’ve got to have balance after all, even if it was in extremely short supply today (even the “floating” voter from Stafford was going to vote Labour anyway…)
Gordon BrownStuff:
“It wil be interesting to contrast the deified nature of GB’s speech expressed by Rita Chakarabatty … She is a sham of a journalist; as much as her sister is a sham of a liberty lover.”
The BBC’s Reeta Chakrabarti is no relation to Liberty’s Shami Chakrabarti.
Chakrabarti is a common Bengali surname.
Is everyone called Chakrabarti also an arse licking leftie?
Anonymous | 23.09.08 – 9:28am:
Margaret Thatcher knew the problem and had the opportunity to privatise the BBC – she did nothing so the Conservatives will just have to continue to pander to their masters at the BBC.
I do so wish you weren’t right. But the sad fact is, you are.
“Is everyone called Chakrabarti also an arse licking leftie?”
Shami Chakrabarti is not particularly left wing. In fact she is a close confidante of ex-Shadow Home Secretary David Davis.
But she is a leftie liberal.
It seems the bbc is making a contest of speeches and not actions.
I tried to listen to McBrown on the internet link but gave up after 5 minutes. Compared with Blair he is in a lower world and simply copied Obama all mouth and no substance.
You would think that after 11 years of nothing but NuLabor rhetoric, the bbc would be more concerned with positive action.
Should they bring the loony left out of retirement for the Conservative lovefest then I suggest a concerted wave of complaints to bbc.