Oh dear – on the day that Prudence Brown decides to buy the toxic debt of the Bradford & Bingley and manages to crash the UK banking shares market comes the news that the lower house of the US congress has rejected the Bush bail out of Wall St toxic debt! Looking forward to the BBC now pleading for everyone to support Bush!
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Oh and anyone else notice that Obama has gone missing? Where is the great black hope now when America needs him?
I’m guessing he’s hiding under the table with Gordon Brown.
Funny that the BBC attacked McCain for trying to help get this deal done, but Obama is keeping clear water.
What a spineless turd.
Yet more mention of the polls on BBC news 24.
I look forward to this when the fat one eyed jock is 20 points behind again……
On the overt and unashamed bias of the BBC for Labour – or more accurately the relentless attempts to subvert and undermine the Conservatives while promoting Gordon Brown’s Labour thugs – there is an obvious reason for their sense of impunity. While they were at loggerheads with Labour over Iraq and Blair, aiding the long march of Brown to power, it gave the superficial impression the BBC was an independent body. Now there is no such figleaf. The BBC has now come out as the state broadcaster without caveats. Their bias will of course never be held to account by the government. It is in BBC interests to keep Labour in power and to keep the Tories out. It is massively in Brown’s interests to keep the bias burning. I know it’s obvious, but we are now dealing with an openly corrupt relationship between government and state broadcasting unalloyed by any semblance of indepedence or impartiality. And what power is there that can put a stop to it?
Nick Robinson on TOADY is saying the Tories are “struggling for a narrative” I note Nick has no such problem, he has a firm narrative nailed and funnily enough its the exact same narrative of NuLabour/BBC! Hmmm, now theres a surprise.
According to Nick the Tories are worried and they are being left behind in McMentals wake as McMental has all the experience and all the solutions to save the world although his support for the US bailout proved a disaster, strangely ignored by Nick.
What Nick is doing is carrying out the NuLabour tactic of trying to pin the Tories to a static position in a fast moving and ever changing situation, thereby leaving them open to the critisism of being unresponsive and out of touch, very clever Nick, NuLabour must have promised you a K.
Nick is also trying to invent and then play up splits in the Tory ranks AGAIN a NuLabour tactic to portray the Tories as two elements at odds.
Nick Robison then tries to play the “last twenty years” scenario thereby dragging in the last Tory regime into taking the blame, but funnily enough and I hope someone can enlighten me as to why, Nick seems to forget that Gordon Brown has been in sole charge of the economy now for eleven long years, it is he who is fully respponsible for the mess and the meltdown,massive debt levels,bank regulation confusion,tax increases, government waste,pension destruction,gold sale and in fact all the stupid mistakes by Gordon Brown have been made by Gordon Brown ALONE, Nick Robinson just forgets all this and does his level best to pin blame on the Tories and attacks them for not having a concrete plan! NEWSFLASH TO NICK, the Tories left office in 1997 leaving the public coffers in good shape just ready for the world boom, now the Tories are not in government, they have no power to do anything yet, they have no authority to make changes, all they can do is monitor and plan for the ever changing future, you NULABOUR prick!
On BBC Breakfast they did a vox pop of Americans about the deal being sunk. No one they interviewed seemed to be in support of the rebels, yet on the News we hear the politicians saying that most of the voters that ring, write or email oppose the bill.
BBC not telling the truth again?
Martin | 30.09.08 – 8:40 am |
Vox-Pops – How the heck do I know who these catch all ‘people’ are? Who selected them? So far I have seen about a half dozen, over and over. How many were interviewed in total. Why did these make the cut and not others? Why? Who selected? Was it to help towards ‘What I got from..?’ as opposed any accurate reflection of public mood? I don’t know, because of the unique way my national broadcaster is funded, and run, and overseen, no one is going to tell me honestly.
It is a world-wide ‘service’, after all:)
But maybe it is ‘an emerging truth’ we who do not ‘know’ it as do a select group, need to be steered towards?
No, apparently Nobama’s no show is because he takes a more measured response to issues instead of just jumping in and making things happen.
Of course its got absolutely nothing to do with the fact that as a junior senator he holds about as much weight as Barney Franks coffee cut Obama says jump, the more senior senators just look at him and say f8ck off.
Obama is the ultimate man who never was, but you will NEVER hear this simple fact from Al Beeb simply because they have invested so much in getting him elected.
It seems that Al-BBc . like much of the American MSM, have given up any pretense that they are impartial. Al-BBC realise that if the Tories get in, their stranglehold over the TV tax will vanish and they’ll have to compete in the marketplace, where people can chose whether or not to pay for their Leftist bias. Meanwhile, the American MSM is losing readers and advertisers in droves and they realise this is the last General Election in which they can dupe the public into voting Democrat. Both the MSM & Al-BBC
will say or do anything to postpone the inevitable…if you think their bias is bad now just wait until the last week in October.
Classic example of bias on the bbc website.
In this section (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7643441.stm): “the president (President Bush) has been wholly ineffectual in the crisis so far and it is difficult to see how that might change, says the BBC’s North America correspondent Justin Webb.”
But on the other hand, and at the same time (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7643259.stm): “Mr Brown said he would do “whatever is necessary” to ensure the stability of the British financial system”.
Now, please tell me what it is that ‘Mr. Brown’ can or is doing that Mr. Bush is ‘powerless’ to do?
David said:
BBC flat-out bullshitting about the numbers of people who voted against the bill.
“Two-thirds of Republicans”
110 out of 199 – that is 55%, not two-thirds..
Where do you get your figures from?
133 out of the 198 Republicans voted against the proposal, that is 67.2%, which is slightly over TWO THIRDS.
Newmark, two posts down I apologised for my error.
“Newmark, two posts down I apologised for my error.”
Sorry. I missed that.
5 Live’s John Piennar wittering on about how some of the people who profited from the market’s problems are the Tory parties largest donors, lots of approving noises from the ever vile VD. Not a word about Paul Myners, Derek Tullet, Gilad Hayeem et al… That would spoil the agreed “narrative” wouldn’t it?
Come on Al Been, do your job and report on both sides!
“Newmark, two posts down I apologised for my error.”
Sorry. I missed that.
Newmark | 30.09.08 – 11:22 am
That doesn’t change the fact that the BBC are doing their best to ignore the voting in the house
The real problems came on the Republican side…
Senior Democrats are contemptuous of the idea that senior legislators would plunge their country’s financial system into chaos in what would amount to a fit of pique.
Why does the BBC go out of its way to give credence to the ridiculous posturing by “Senior Democrats”, WHO ONLY HAD TO DELIVER THEIR OWN PARTY TO PASS THE BILL?
A congress person, bombarded by the public it has been selected to represent, votes as constituants demand. Every rep in the house and senate is being emailed, called, and written to in droves by the public, just as they were in the other crisis – blanket immunity for illegals.
The votes are made public. We know how listened and who didn’t. Reps who don[‘t represent US are voted out. This bill did not pass bacause the American system works. The people are refusing to pay for this disaster, created by democrats. I predict democrat heads will roll – particularly those who have gotten rich in the pocket of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Justin Webb is an ignoramous. What is he doing as the N. American reporter to the British public when he is obviously completely ignorant?
He said, Bush “…puts Jimmy Carter in the shade. Just as well America faces no serious problems…”
No serious problems?? What the hell is he talking about?