… for arranging for a few dozen of their activists to protest outside the Conservative Party conference, cunningly disguised as “financial services workers”. It’s just the cut and thrust of politics, and while a neutral observer might wonder how the Tories are implicated in the current crisis, having been out of power for eleven years, trying to associate them with the sins of the incompetent banking fat-cats is all part of the game.
But did BBC Television news tonight have to (prominently) report it straight-faced as a demo “by financial services workers” ? Even my (thin) cat could see the whole thing was a set-up. Are the Labour Party paying them, or do they do it for love ?
Hey, if you’re a beeboid with you tongue and nose up the arse of Gordon Brown all you want to do is sniff and lick.
The BBC will say and do anything to see the fat one eyed jock stay in power. ANYTHING.
I expect to see a beeboid giving brown head live on TV in the near future.
Tom Rivers from ABC Radio is on Sky right now. He doesn’t hide the fact he’s pro Obama. But when he’s on the BBC they always try to make out he’s neutral, unlike say Charlie Wolf who the BBC always points out is ‘right wing’
Left wing theater. Speaking of which, check out these comparisons of Obama’s kiddie-hymn and the equivalent scariness from Hitler Youth, Lenin’s adoring children, and Kim-Jong’s child “disciples” in North Korea:
“Financial services worker” – a NuLab euphemism for someone whole doles out social security benefits to Liebour-supporting chavs.
Choking on your cornflakes? Need something to bring that breakfast back up? Have a read of this below from Alice Miles in today’s Times, reporting direct from the Twilight Zone. She’s obviously not been watching enough Al-Beeb lately:
“Instead of derision, the Tories have enjoyed deference. The Fourth Estate is in awe of the self-confident new political elite.”
That’s just the sub-headline – it gets even better!
It is not for money it is not for love it is for hate.
Hate of the common people of this country who thw BBc and other socialist think we have to be re-educated into good little obedient liberal/socialists with the bluff that we will be swamped by masses of women/gay/freedom hating immigrants if we do not conform.
The Wolfman is back on Talksport for a short stint 11-13 October, between 1am and 6am. He’s certainly very badly missed as one of the few intelligent and coherent presenters with a right wing bias.
I’ve said for a long time that we need to set up a UK equivalent of Fox News, manned by the likes of Melanie Phillips, Simon Heffer and Littlejohn. Now THAT would get the Beeboids and their fawning media luvvies in a right old frenzy!
Sorry folks but the BBC are in this to win. If you think the bias has been bad up until now, just wait for the next year to 18 months – you will be staggered at what the BBC will stoop to in order to keep Labour in power.
Blimey, Nick Robinson has really nailed his flag to the mast in his latest blog.
What a total disgrace he is.
No time for a newspaper review on Newsnight last night
I wonder why?
So why exactly where these nulub supporters protesting outside the conference for?
Its not like the tories can change laws or anything is it?
Who wants to bet that if next weeks polls show the Tories back to a 20 point lead the BBC suddenly stops talking about the polls?
It’s the instinctive reflex action of those on the Left. Got a problem – take it to the streets. It’s what they do best. In fact, it’s the only thing they do best. Well – that and spending other peoples’ tax money.
Who wants to bet that if next weeks polls show the Tories back to a 20 point lead the BBC suddenly stops talking about the polls?
Martin | 02.10.08 – 9:39 am | #
What, at 20-1 on? I don’t think so.
The level of bias shown by the bbc in the treatment of the Tories conference, has clearly shocked observers in some quarters and is generating a good deal of adverse comment.
Seasoned beeboid observers will not be surprised, as they have ‘previous form’ in this respect.
Cast your mind back to the Countryside Liberty & Livelehood March, when nulab were trying unsuccessfully to ban hunting. This was a protest march of epic proportions, which far outweighed any protest march before or since. A logistical triumph and a seriously newsworthy event which filled central London. And yet the beeboids seemed to miss it. Nothing here to see, move along now ….
As has been pointed out elsewhere, its getting desperate for the beeboids now, they sense the danger to their cushy little tax payer funded number and they wont go down without a fight.
Time to step up the pressure by writing letters of complaint to the press about beeboid bias.
Are you all aware that Gordon Brown’s pension, his personal assets, are invested in a short-selling Fund? That’s the truth. It’s the Parliamentary Pension Fund. I wonder if anyone’s going to protest to him about it, or will that be reported on the Beeb?
No, I thought not.
see http://www.order-order.com for details.
In the spirit of substantiation, might I ask, as it is unclear to me..
… for arranging for a few dozen of their activists to protest outside the Conservative Party conference, cunningly disguised as “financial services workers”.
Is this fact, or a suspicion? Any factual support/links?
But did BBC Television news tonight have to (prominently) report it straight-faced as a demo “by financial services workers” ?
Assuming the first point to be an accurate reflection of the situation, is there a link to this?
If so…. I’d say it would represent a very potent body of evidence in support of the notion of bias by omission at the very least.
Financial Service Workers ?
Are these clerks or office workers ? Or traders ?