I am sure you will all have caught the BBC’s faux outrage over the fact that Sir Ian Blair has resigned from his role as Metropolitan Police Commissioner. Yesterday, as the news was breaking, Red Ken was instantly brought on air on 5 live and allowed to retail the idea that Boris Johnson has made a terrible mistake by introducing…politics into policing. Over the past 24 hours, the BBC has provided a valuable platform for Labour and their placed stooges in which this idea of the Tories “politicising policing” has been repeated ad nauseum. We saw Jacqui Smith at it on QT last night and again this morning Sir Ian was painted as a metropolitan martyr to the evil Boris.
The BBC know damn well that the role of Metropolitan Commissioner has been politicised for years – and that Labour has been to the fore in this regard. But when it’s the LEFT calling the shots, if you’ll pardon the expression in the context of Sir Ian, that’s given a free pass. When it’s the RIGHT, in the form of Boris, then BBC outrage is expressed and the position taken by Mr Johnson is misrepresented. If the people of London elect a Mayor to represent them, and if he expresses the common view in London that Sir Ian does not enjoy their confidence, what is the BBC’s problem with this? It is that harsh fact that a Conservative can actually exercise POWER that so enrages them. That is why Boris is at the receiving end of BBC smearing in the past day. You can only imagine what it would be like if Cameron comes to power in 2010, a prospect the BBC are determined to ensure does not come about.
Boris refused bbc and itn offers to be interviewed. his choice. why was that? bbc 10pm news focused on
blair’s record, and not the politicisation
issue. this was poor journalism, and a mistake c4 news did not make.
Typical Today programme balancedd coverage this morning – Boris Johnson won’t appear on the programme so we’ve been forced to interview David Blunkett! Not Dominic Grieve, David Davis or Michael Howard or any other suitable Conservative spokesman. And then to ‘balance’ the debate they get in Met police officer Ken Jones an ardent supporter of Ian Blair.
Oscar | 03.10.08 – 8:19 am | #
I think the Beeb was happy to slam the Met over the Menezes shooting.
I think you are right that it is a Tory flexing power that disturbs them.
Blair should have followed his namesake long ago for all the enervating gayblack diversity crap he brought into the police.
The bit I like is Jacqui Smith’s glowing tribute of Blair. If you needed to cite one one single act or statement to show exactly how far out of touch NuLiebour now is from the ordinary people whose lives they blight by their rule, then this tribute from Smith was surely it. I reckon if there was a vote in London over this issue today, over 90% of the people would agree with Boris.
Liebour is toast at the next election. Thank you Boris!
the bbc are just sh*T the outright untruths i heard on pm last night begger belief !! whats worse is that the bbc seem to be saying that this”lawman” would have been able to keep his job if it wasn’t for this nasty buffoon [as the bbc put it !!!] and not because any one of the current investigations on going into his and the force he headed’s conduct would have finished him !
As with all these things, Nu Liebour and the BBC are happy when it works for them. For example the Scottish Parliament. BBC and Liebour very happy when THEY were calling the shots, but not so happy now its the SNP.
Same with the London Mayor, when it was commie Ken the BBC and Liebour were very happy, but when those ‘fucking prolls’ in London refused to vote in who they should have again, they get a strop on.
Radio 5 live has a phone in on now. As pointed out yesterday, Boris was elected by thepeople of London, who in London voted for Jacqi Smith?
Absolutely fascinating how beeboids let Jacqui Smith mouth off and fail to mention the corruption investigations into Blairs’ misuse of public funds (or the general lack of confidence in him shown by his officers).
If that had been a Conservative ,how different would the beeboid message have been !!!
I didn’t think 5 live could get worse than the vile Victoria Derbyshire.
But take a listen right now, they have Nu Liebour droid Rachel Burdon on doing the phone in. She claims she never heard of the vote Labour stickers on Police cars in London. Of course not sweetie, the BBC never reported it.
“The left calling the shots”. Nice one !
Yes, this is an absolute classic case of BBC bias. I really would like someone from the BBC to come on to this forum and defend their reporting of the Blair sacking.
It is , of course inconceivable to the BBC that anyone could be delighted to see the back of the most incompetent , dishonest Head of the Met. in history.
So far as the BBC are concerned, Blair’s effectiveness as a policeman is irrelevant. All that matters is that he is a left-wing liberal just like them. Pass the sick bag.
Grant: What the BBC don’t like as well is that a Tory politician has power and will do things that are popular with the prolls. How dare they.
The BBC types are not interested in power to the people, but power to the liberal elite.
Martin 9:57
Yes , good point and , of course, they are as much motivated by hate of Boris as any love of Blair. They still can’t forgive him for defeating their lovely Ken despite all the propaganda they put into trying to get him re-elected.
I would say that the BBC’s fury is like a woman scorned, but that would be an insult to women.
If anyone knows the REAL reason(s) for Blairs resignation its not TOADY!
Jumping to premature conclusions is a TOADY PARTY TRICK wherever they can sling mud at the hated Tories they do, knowing full well that with mud thrown some will always stick!
More likely than the partisan shaky reaching of TOADY is that Blair is facing an investigation into corruption allegations and being dragged into the Asian officers scandal, he knows that should he be forced to testify there are going to be awkward questions arising about his conduct.
Just like many rats just lately he is jumping before being pushed? Perhaps or perhaps not, but for TOADY to bring out all their stooges like the crooked lying former home secretary who was forced from office twice for dubious moral standards was a massive mistake and one that will rebound on TOADY(not that they give a damn), the way Blunkett was allowed to lie through his teeth about crime being reduced AND get away with it will not make London voters a very happy bunch!
Boris Johnson will in time give his reasons and it could be that the Mayor has information that implicates Blair in dodgy deals,stupid mistakes and his racist policies toward white officers, it does seem very convenient for Blair that he can walk away into a gold plated retirement just before some very dirty linen is about to be aired, now that angle has been ignored by TOADY completely and they have gone off half cocked on this one for sure, their kneejerk hatred of the Tories blinded them yet again.
Will TOADY be so quick to reveal the real reasons for Blairs retreat into a fat pension?
What I do know is that many ordinary coppers are over the moon that Blair is leaving, that alone should tell us more than TOADY managed.
On a related topic (toady) the commisars managed to squeeze in the words ‘climate change’ at least twenty times! are they working to a quota?
I think Casandra is onto something. The rumour is that Jacqui Smith refused to intervene to save Blair and is not sorry to see him go. But the Labour party hierarchy have decided to spin it as evil Tories playing politics with our police force. The chutzpah of this spin is incredible given that Blair was the most politicised appointment in the history of the Met. The Labour claim that it was politically neutral is staggering – but they seem to think the bigger the lie …
Mind you they do have the popular touch with their favourites – first Ian Blair – now Peter Mandelson. It’s all bound to endear them to the public. Not.
Lefty alert.
Jeremy Vine to debate why Boris Johnstone ‘forced’ Sir Ian Blair to resign.
From 12 noon on Radio 2.
Looks like the Al Beeb is going to milk this one for all its worth.
Niallster: As usual the BBC lie. Johnson couldn’t force Blair to resign and Jacqui Smith could have refused his resignation.
However, if you’re going to have an elected Mayor who is ultimately responsible to the people of London for crime, then he has to have the power to make the decisions.
It was Nu Liebour that has corrputed the Police and turned them into a political organisation, not the Tories.
Most people thought Blair should have resigned a long time ago. His comments over the Soham muders were enough to make him go.
The man is a twat and good riddance.
Can Boris take out the BBC next?
While I agree that the BBC’s bias in spinning this one is blatant beyond belief, I for one would be quite happy for them to carry this one on.
Sir Ian Blair is roundly hated by most of the public, as he comes across as slimy and dishonest to one and all. The only other person I know who can evoke such universal distaste is the Chelsea FC Chief Executive, Peter Kenyon, who is hated even by Chelsea fans.
As we have seen on dHYS, the public is firmly behind Boris on this one, and every bit of faux outrage that emanates from the BBC will only serve to strengthen the public’s perception that the right thing has been done – by Boris and by the Conservatives.
My own belief is that Boris’ role is being overplayed here, and that Blair is spinning his resignation to satisfy his masters, whereas really he is walking to spare the embarrassment of the race inquiry.
However, I’m delighted the BBC is spinning it this way. To their insular minds, Boris is taking the blame, to 90% of Britain he is taking the credit.
Keep spinning, Pravda!!
It is self-evident that the kind of politicised policing which the BBC prefers is that provided by its ‘multiculturalist’ chum Livingstone, as the BBC show in its blatantly biased presentation of the issue.
The BBC should get its own house in order by ending its POLITICISED PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING.
Heron: Well said. The BBC are barking up the wrong tree with this one. They are as well if they try to spin Mandelson coming back as “good for the Country”
I don’t know anyone who likes this rather vile creepy man.
Back to Blair. As I posted elsewhere, Nu Liebour were happy to allow devolution in Scotland until of course it all went wrong and the SNP took over.
Now we have London who kicked out the corrupt nasty little camp leftie Livingturd and replaced him with Boris.
Now all of a sudden Labour are complaining.
Well just who created the post of Mayor in the first place?
Even in the Guardian’s CIF, the most recommended post reads thus:
This is a fairer article about the situation than the others on this website.
Some of the other articles are appalling in their unrealistic bias, dishonesty, and stupidity. I don’t think lying about Boris Johnson is going to turn many people against him, it’s just going to make people support him more. The Guardian should change its policy and stop talking bullshit about Boris Johnson. Bring back some objectivity and intelligence and lose the heavy bias. If he really is such a bastard, being plainly honest about him would suffice. I had this image of the Guardian as a paper with integrity and high journalistic standards, but that reputation has turned into thin air as soon as the Conservatives started to get power.
Ian Blair represents the political generation which saw anti-sexism, anti-homophobia, anti-racism, as the most important part of the job. Now the political landscape has changed, and now that Cameron has arrived and neutralised those attacks on the Conservatives, people like Ian Blair are not needed, and the focus of the police will inevitably change from political correctness to policing.
The Guardian is quietly destroying its own reputation in its futile quest to destroy Boris Johnson.”
Not for the first time, you could quite easily substitute “Guardian” in the last sentence for “BBC”.
The other comments are almost uniformly supportive of Boris.
The BBC is misjudging the public mood on this badly. No wonder the trolls are rather quiet today.
I don’t think you are seeing the full dishonesty of Liebour and the BBC. They are all heaving a sigh of relief, because they knew that if Boris had not done the job, it would soon have been up to someone in the government to go to Sir Ian with the loaded gun and the glass of Scotch. The man simply could not go on. The conspiracy of Muslim officers against him is a well-deserved payback for his PC attitudes, but it is only the last, and to my mind the least bad, of the rows in which he was involved; all, mind you, rows in which he was not a peripheral figure, but the central issue. Even supposing, which I do not for a moment suppose, that he should turn out to be whiter than white in every one of the clashes in which he is involved, merely the number and vehemence of them mean that he could not possibly continue as commander of the largest police force in the country. Purely for the sake of orderly administration, he had to go. And Boris has taken this enormous load from the Government’s back – for which they show their gratitude by covering him with insults.
I don’t get it! Surely the corollary of JS’s ascertion that Boris’s action was politically motivated repeated ad nauseam by the Beeb (in the absence of an announces conservative supporting successor) is by definition an admission that Blair was a (NuLab) political appointee!
last from me!
I assume Ken’s proposed London celebrations of 50 years of Cuba’s totalitarian regime have already been scrapped. That must have been disappointing to many staff at the BBC too.
Pete: I don’t understand why Livingturd hasn’t gone to live in Cuba? After all it’s such a wonderful place isn’t it?
The way it worked with Princess Tony was
1. PT to ACPO (Association of Chief Social workers) – Here’s what we want.
2. ACPO (Association of Chief Inclusion Commissars) to PT – Here’s what we want (coincidentally exactly the same as what PT wants).
3. PT to the Nation – It’s what ACPO (Association of Chief Diversity Czars) want.
Politicised police force?
Ever so slightly.
The BBC just can’t help themselves can they.
Is their strategy really to keep digging a bigger and bigger grave for themselves with each passing day?
It would seem so, and I for one will be happy to fill that grave in over the BBC’s dead body.
Alas, the Tories will not have the balls to prematurely end its miserable existence.
Only we can end it by not paying for it.
Gordon BrownStuff: I disagree. You would have been right say now, but by the time the Tories come to power the digital switchover will be done and there is nothing to stop the BBC going to a subscription based service. That way only those that pay get to watch.
What could be fairer than that? The BBC and their rent boy mates keep posting here that the BBC is great value for money.
So we will all queue up to pay for reception of BBC services. Won’t we?
I (like most days) bought the Guardian today. Here is something I didn’t about know Blair (The ex copper)that I read at Lunch;
“He was five months into his new job, a post he acknowledged required “copper-bottomed trousers”, and appearing on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme, when he boasted about the Metropolitan police’s record on combating terrorism. The force, he said, was the “gold standard” across the world for dealing with terrorism and had “upped” its game to work more closely with the intelligence services than anywhere in the western world. It was 7.16am.
Ninety minutes later, the first of three suicide bombs exploded on London underground trains within 50 seconds of each other. Nearly an hour later a fourth bomber detonated his bomb on a bus.”
Ok, I can expect anybody (even myself to put his foot in it) However that wasn’t the only time Blair put his foot in it;
“But Blair’s tendency to say the wrong thing continued. In January 2006 he claimed “almost nobody” could understand why the 2002 murder of the two 10-year-olds Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in Soham dominated the news headlines and became “the biggest story in Britain”, provoking a furious response and eliciting an apology.”
“He was also ridiculed for suggesting on a visit to Haringey, north London, that crime had come down so much that people were leaving their doors open or unlocked in a way they had not done for 25 years. The figures suggested otherwise – in one year 2,834 burglaries were reported to police in the borough.
There’s more the Guardian reveals.
Yet the BBC doesn’t mention those little snippets. Rather they centre on subjects that favour a certain faith.
which point towards a Tory push.