“Holocaust denier gets MP backing“
This is such a dishonest headline, sticking to literal truth while implying that Chris Huhne (in deploring an arrest in Britain, under EU law, for an offence which is not illegal in this country) is somehow ‘backing’ the (IMHO) eccentric view that the Shoah is “a lie”. Mr Tobin is being extradited to Germany for what he has written on his Australian website.
I’ll let Ross say it :
What part of free speech don’t they understand ?
Obviously if he backed a Holocaust denier then he would be unfit for office, but of course that is not what he has done, he has simply made it clear that he regards free speech as being for everyone even if you disagree with them.
Arthur, here is my though for the day.
Aint freedom of speech brilliant!
In a just and fair society it is wholly desirable.
In the U.K. and Europe though, antisemitism smoulders. Muslim appeasement has already substantially curtailed freedom of speech in these countries.
Threats and acts of violence have affected creative and political decisions. So in the ‘crowded theatre’ of today’s world, holocaust denial is the new “Fire”
Fanning these flames is risky now that we can’t rely on common sense to ‘extinguish’ them.
Two wrongs don’t make a right of course.
It would be far better if we all had freedom to express ourselves. But spreading dangerous lies in this atmosphere? – I don’t know.
That means I really don’t know.
Ms Blears said: “There are over 800,000 Muslims under the age of 25 living in the UK but we don’t hear enough from them.
Get my drift?
If you’re scared of wogs then move to Israel where you can kick the shit outta them any time you’re feeling a bit insecure hunney.
At the minit they’re nothing more than an irritation.
If things change they’ll soon know about it, europe has a bit of a reputation for intolerance.
Yugoslavia proved to me in the 1990s, and proved it beyond a shred of a doubt.
Despite it’s veneer of civilisation, central europe is never really more than one leader away from genocide.
Thank gawd for the english channel.
No amount of baby-talk will will soften Ady’s antisemitic ignorant sniping. At the minnit or any other time.