One long-running narrative the BBC pushes down our throats is that British Policing is “institutionally racist.” This bizarre left-wing guilt-fest seems to get the Beeboids excited as they imagine all sorts of intrigue going on to keep the racial minorities in their place. The Metropolitan Police, in particular, is most often in the firing line, a situation that is exacerbated by the race hustlers in the Black Police Association (Isn’t that, be definition, a racist body or is it open to all races I wonder?) I caught an interview this morning at around 7.20am on Today and despite the meek mannered approach of the Met spokesperson the BBC line was still that we have a race problem in the Met and that ethnic minorities are suffering as a consequence. I wonder would the BBC permit an interview with someone who thinks that what we have here is pathetic race baiting by the State Broadcaster and race hustling by the BPA which are distractions from the key issue of ensuring the delivery of effective policing in our capital city. Or is it cos I is white that I might think like that?
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Has it escaped you that, er, the Conservative mayor of London has ordered an inquiry into racial discrimination in the Met, and that’s why the BBC did this story this morning?
Yes, I believe it has. Anything to keep the eeeevil-lefty-Beeboid narrative going, eh B-BBC?
Of course the Met is a racist organisation and will remain so as long as it recognises and encourages the existance of the Black Police Association. Why can the Met not see the hypocracy of its current position?
Hopefully this is a cute move by Boris to tidy away the racial discrimination bullsh*t whilst a new Commissioner gets his feet under the desk and starts cutting through some of the PC crap.
I wouldn’t suggest that racism isn’t an issue in the met. Police work isn’t an employment option generally followed by right-on elites and you’re not going to eliminate some of the prejudices (rightly or wrongly) held by kids from Woolwich or Barking with a few hours of ‘diversity’ training.
The problem is that the need for some grown up work at the grass roots level has been submerged by the ridiculous cases being thrown around at senior level by people who at best seem to be shit at their jobs and at worst are out and out crooks.
The “interview” of Alfred John (of the London BPA) takes me back to the BBC interviews of government ministers in the 50s (“thank you minister for your kind statement – no I wouldn’t think of asking you any questions you might find difficult to answer – I accept totally the truth of what you claim – thank you, thank you” – retreats backwards out of the minister’s presence). Bias? Probably. Incompetence? Certainly.
Has it escaped your notice that the BBC have been trolling this one for years now? I repeat – why is there no one allowed on-air to argue that institutional racism is a slur on our Police Forces?
The BPA is going to ask minorities not to join the met…now thats realy going to hurt us!…what planet are these people on?
Has it escaped you that, er, the Conservative mayor of London has ordered an inquiry into racial discrimination in the Met, and that’s why the BBC did this story this morning?
Has it escaped your notice moron that the enquiry hasn’t even started yet but the BBC has decided what the outcome is?
Roll on when you are made redundant and made to actually work for a living.
I’ve asked this elsewhere and perhaps it’s rather off topic, but why is a White Police Association not allowed?
One was mooted some years back but the Home Office wouldn’t hear of it.
There is such a thing as the Police Federation but that, it seems, is not good enough for these people who’s only aim in life is to find racism where none, or very little exists.
I was a copper in London for 29 years. I saw no racism at all.
‘Or is it cos I is white that I might think like that?’
No, it’s cause you’re a moron.
‘the Black Police Association (Isn’t that, be definition, a racist body or is it open to all races I wonder?)’ – I’m sure if you think about it the answer will come to you. In fact, I’m sure you know the answer. Oh and, I’m not a racist but…
There’s a Jewish Police Association, an Association of Muslim Police. a Christian Police Association, a British Association of Women Police and a Gay Police Association too.
Strangely there seems to be no Fat White Male Heterosexual Police Association. A gap in the market?
…. or is it called ‘The Lodge’?
“I was a copper in London for 29 years. I saw no racism at all.”
I have worked with literally dozens of Met police officers. Almost without exception they were extremely racist in their attitudes to coloured people. On the other hand, in public, they were careful to conceal their racist views and were impeccably PC when dealing with members of the coloured community.
On ‘racism’: an area unexplored by the BBC:
“Caucasophobia – the Accepted Racism”
[Extract, from Fjordman, at ‘Gates of Vienna blogspot’]:
“I am tired of ideological censorship. Western nations can never mount a defense against Muslim immigration if this is always dismissed as “racism.” But above all, if you believe that non-white racism exists, it is actually immoral not to deal with the problem and its victims. I am convinced that not just non-white, but also anti-white racism, are real and underestimated phenomena.”
DV: Is it cos you is the “w” word?
No, it isn’t, cos YOU isn’t, and hey, they isn’t “black”, either. They is African, Caribbean or Asian. How do you like that?
And you is Irish (even though you is Northern Irish). They used to let the Irish in as being “a minority ethnic group” in the days when it was still ostensibly about something called BME, as opposed to just “Black” but I am not sure if that still applies, and in any case, they don’t really count, not being African, Afro-Caribbean or Asian. Is that clear now?
Anonymous writes: “…members of the coloured community.”
Thus revealing himself as a victim of BBC/Gradinua groupthink.
‘Community’?! In what possible sense can people of Chinese extraction be held to share a sense of ‘community’ with Nigerians, or Bengalis?
‘Community’: a word use without thought by those who find the process tiring.
Aaaargh! I would dearly like to ban the weasel “c” word in all its manifestations. What on earth is wrong with the word “people”?
You take Anonymous up on his/her use of the word “community” when he/she says ‘members of the coloured community'”
How about ‘coloured’? Where did THAT come from? The 1950s I presume. I thought ‘black’ is the correct PC term.
Thanks for that tremendous insight.
You’re not Polly Toynbee by chance?
Mille Tant,
That’s much clearer! Is is cos I is a multiculturalist?
DV: Possibly. I may have lost track now of what you is and what they is, for that matter. No need to complicate things further by bringing in the “mulitcultiness” especially when we are struggling to process the revelation that black can be white and white can be black after all.
Here in New York we have “100 Blacks in Law Enforcement”, a similar group which exists only to stir up shit and undermine the NYPD at every available opportunity. Every time a black thug gets himself shot by cops, these arseholes come out in force to pronounce the injustice of it no matter how justified it in fact was.
I think there’s also a Hispanic police group which does much the same thing. It stinks of tribalism and separatism. What’s interesting though is that the vast majority of black cops aren’t part of it, and most don’t go along with their bull. In fact in many cases when a black kid gets shot it turns out that a black cop pulled the trigger. None of this matters to “100 Blacks”, who imply that this is still an example of racism since the NYPD “brainwashes” them into becoming “racist” against their own.
The stupid race hustlers infect every area of public service here. Recently we’ve also had the antagonists claiming that the Fire Department is racist, since most fire fighters are white. The fact that this is so because hardly any blacks apply for the jobs doesn’t matter at all. The accusation is that the Fire Service is “racist” because it “doesn’t actively try to recruit minorities” – in other words, because it’s color blind. Go figure. So they make a huge effort now to recruit blacks and Hispanics.
Only….the blacks and Hispanics were failing the entrance exam at high rates, because it included questions about basic arithmetic and suchlike (as it has always done). Now this is another example of racism since “blacks and Hispanics are traditionally low performers at math, because of the ‘racist’ school system”. They demanded that the standards required to enter the job be drastically lowered to allow more “people of color” to enter the job…and they don’t see how this is racist in itself toward minorities?
It sounds like the Metropolitan Police have a real problem on their hands. Because once lefties like those at the Beeb start taking an interest in stupidity of this nature, they’ll make sure that rational heads never prevail, mark my words.
Jason: Interesting read re the NYPD.
Just a quick reply to mention that the Beeb is doing a prog on racism in the Met tonight on BBC1 at 8.30 pm.
GCooper: “‘Community’: a word use without thought by those who find the process tiring.”
You must find life tiring. I should lie down if I were you.
btw aren’t you a member of the blogging ‘community’.
John Bosworth: “How about ‘coloured’? Where did THAT come from? The 1950s I presume. I thought ‘black’ is the correct PC term.”
In my experience, Asians hate it when you refer to them as ‘black’, though most of them don’t object to being called ‘brown’.
anon wonders: “btw aren’t you a member of the blogging ‘community'”
No. Strange as it may seem I think of myself as an individual – I don’t feel the need to wear a label. I leave that to collectivists.
You know should take your mind for a walk some day. It might appreciate the fresh air. That is if there is any around White City.
I have worked with literally dozens of Met police officers. Almost without exception they were extremely racist ………….
Anon | 06.10.08 – 2:03 pm |
Who are you? Where did you work with these ‘dozens’ of Met Police Officers? How were they ‘extremely racist’? In what cirmumstances were they working?
Were they abused on a daily basis by black yobs and thugs?
Are you the same ‘Anon’ who made such a fool of yourself on this thread trying to claim that Canadians were in a state of paralysis over the ‘plagiarism’ non story:
I suspect so.
In a 10 year period during the course of my work, a number of investigations cropped up involving criminal behaviour or corrupt practices involving enthnic police officers, and were’re not talking about fiddling expenses here, except, I have to say how on earth does something like the odious Dizaei creature try and get away with using his Met Police credit card to spend 5000 on designer goods, and when challenged say that ‘He didn’t know that he wasn’t supposed to do so’. This from someone with the rank of Commander.
Without exception the race card was always played up front.
Without exception the grotesque BPA was involved.
Most forces, and the Met were the worst offenders, would try to avoid any confrontation. Only in the most outrageous cases would they seek to prosecute or dismiss any ethnic involved.
In one instance an ethnic officer was providing information to a local ‘Mr Big’ drug dealer (also ethnic) and helping him to supply, was moved sideways into a training role rather than being prosecuted despite overwhelming evidence.
The BPA was originally funded with taxpayer assistance. I understand that since I retired the Home Office has cut off funding for it because of ‘serious financial irregularities’, a euphemism for out and out fraud. And who is the president of the BPA?
If Boris Johnson wants an investigation I’d support it if it re-opened existing cases where ethnics have received payouts when they were patently up to their necks in criminal activity. One of the most ludicrous was where an employment tribunal, of all things an employment tribunal, decreed that a particular officer had wrongly been dismissed because when interviewed, he was treated differently to a white officer who had been interviewed.
Suspects are always interviewed in a different manner to witnesses, which the white officer was, something beyond the grasp of the tribunal.
Standards were lowered to increase the intake of ethnic ‘minorities’.
Lazy or incompetent ethnics would be promoted to get them out of the way. Many were promoted far beyond their levels of competence.
Most of us said it would end in tears, and so it has.
No wonder white officers despair. No wonder so many of them are coming over to Canada.
I’ve said enough, except to say to Anon,’shove your stupidity up the BBC’s arse’
TPO: “Where did you work with these ‘dozens’ of Met Police Officers? How were they ‘extremely racist’? In what cirmumstances were they working?”
I worked with the police in commissioning CCTV systems. They constantly made remarks that made it clear that they regarded coloured people as ‘inferior’. They most commonly referred to a coloured person as “that black bastard”.
As I pointed out, when actually dealing directly with coloured people they were scrupulously polite.
“Strange as it may seem I think of myself as an individual – I don’t feel the need to wear a label.”
I suppose they make you wear a label when they let you out for the day.
They constantly made remarks that made it clear that they regarded coloured people as ‘inferior’. They most commonly referred to a coloured person as “that black bastard”.
Anon | 06.10.08 – 5:14 pm |
I find that so unlikely as to be preposterous, except for the black bastard, which I often used, however such is the climate of fear in the police about saying anything that could be construed, in any way whatsoever as un PC that they go to the most extraordinary lengths to monitor their own speech.
I was once involved with a number of people, most of whom were police, discussing who was involved in a particular criminal enterprise. I referred to the individual as a half-caste. Most of those present didn’t bat an eyelid except for the police, you could have heard a pin drop.
Afterwards someone who I knew came up to me and said “You’ve got to be careful. When was the last time you were on a diversity course?”
I just laughed.
Now having once been a police officer on the streets I know exactly what it involves and what you come up against. When someone is trying to stick a carving knife in your belly or a screwdriver into your head you don’t later refer to them as a beastly chap do you? But perhaps in your sheltered world Anon, perhaps you would.
Personally, if I could identify you Anon I would try to ensure that you never worked in a police environment again. If you ever did?
By the way, you are the same anon who made a fool of homself over the Canadian ‘plagiarism’ non-story aren’t you.
Anon | 06.10.08 – 5:14 pm
….when actually dealing directly with coloured people they were scrupulously polite.
So what are you complaining about?
If someone doesn’t allow his ‘racism’ to affect his job performance, then his private prejudices are no business of you or anybody else.
Did I hear right on the lunchtime news?
The Muslim Police Association is NOT joining the BPA and is still encouraging Muslims to join the Met saying that it would prefer to “work with” the Met from “the inside”.
Well, that’s something worth noting.
Can someone refer me to an agreed definition of “race” for the purposes of English law. Was Anne Robinso investigated for her “Welsh” comments under “race” laws? Are Scots a race in terms of the law? If so, is calling someone a “Suffolk swede” racist. If not, why aren’t Suffolk people a race?
Strange about the list of Police Associations kindly listed by someone earlier, for all apart from the BPA anybody qualifying by their belief can be a member irrespective of race. So just what are the criteria for membership of the BPA, which by its name presumably cannot be open to all!
We covered it upthread. For the Met’s so-called black association, it is African, Afro-Caribbean and Asian.
As far as the race relations laws go, racial discrimination is discrimination on grounds of race, nationality, ethnicity, skin colour, or racial, ethnic or national origin.
So yes, a Suffolk Swede could suffer racial discrimination, though not on grounds of being from Suffolk. A Suffolk turnip might suffer racial discrimination, in Scotland, for example, but on grounds of being from England, rather than Suffolk as such.
we’re facing the biggest depression since the 1930s.. and what does Panorama cover?
“racism” in the police force.
Gerald Brown | 06.10.08 – 7:23 pm |
I was not a member of the BPA for the most obvious and visible telltale sign, however I did get involved in a number of investigations into members of the BPA who were involved in criminal or corrupt practices.
Those that were investigated ranged from those of an African origin to Asians who were both Pakistani and Indian and of course our Iranian ‘friend’ Ali Dizaei.
I don’t ever recall seeing an officer of Chinese origin being investigated and I’m not sure if they would be members, or want to be, of the BPA which, in any acceptable circle, is recognised as being riddled with corruption.
as a white person , can i join the Black Police Officers Association?
Or can a white copper set up the White Police Officers Assocation?
we’re facing the biggest depression since the 1930s.. and what does Panorama cover?
“racism” in the police force.
archduke | 06.10.08 – 8:48 pm |
I don’t get Panorama here in Canada, if you have the time could you fill me in on the ‘salient’ points.
archduke | 06.10.08 – 8:49 pm |
tpo -> they usually have it afterwards on the panorama site.
panorama : “BME officers say that they have to work twice as hard in order to get a promotion”
why if they are twice as incompetent?
errghh typo.. WHAT if they are twice as incompetent?
for if the standards are lowered in order to increase “ethnic minority” numbers, then its quite obvious what will happen.
panorama again: you are 2 1/2 times more likely to be investigated by the cops if you are ethnic minority.
but if the standards are lowered for ethnic minorities….
yawn.. this panorama is so mind numbingly boring…
i’m off to other threads on the credit crunch.
archduke | 06.10.08 – 8:53 pm |
The BBC are on to me.
Everytime I try to access one of their programmes I get a message saying something like. “You may not be able to watch this because you are not in the UK”
A valid topic for discussion, but not REALLY BBC bias is it?
David, please take this criticism in the way its intended, such topics detract from the site and make it easy for people to dismiss us as a bunch of wackos. Anything related to race is poison to the site’s credibility – it shouldn’t be, but it is.
I got the feeling that tonights Panorama was designed to try and distract attention away from their friend Ian Blair and onto other parts of the police instead.
At the end of Panorama it ended with “Coming up next week, Obama v the Bullpit in lipstick (Sarah Palin)”. Does the BBC think that calling their opponents animal names is a sign of proffessional, impartial journalism? Maybe they will balance it out by calling Obama animal names next week?
ANON: You may be right in what you say about how the site is perceived. However, I think there is a lot of bias in the way the BBC does pursue the question of race and racism. It has a downright obsession with skin colour, a knee-jerk kind of response, a lack of balance, a thoughtless, careless and prejudicial use of language and plenty of double standard.
The Bias Must End | 06.10.08 – 9:56 pm |
So is the BBC flagship News programme taking the position that the correct way to view the US election is not as two actual Presidential candidates competing against one another, but one of them versus the VP candidate? Is that really a serious editorial position? Weak.
Millie: I agree entirely, but I believe the strength of this site is enhanced by choosing its battles wisely – and that means steering away from race, it’s a minefield.
BBC bias – there’s lots to go at. A few well aimed arrows are far more effective than a scatter-gun approach.
All IMHO of course.
Anon….’I worked with the police in commissioning CCTV systems. They constantly made remarks that made it clear that they regarded coloured people as ‘inferior’. They most commonly referred to a coloured person as “that black bastard”.’….
You are a lying bastard.Go away!
TPO: “… I would try to ensure that you never worked in a police environment again.”
What a nasty, pompous, self-centred little man you are – full of your own self importance.
‘Black’ Police Association?
Where’s the white, yellow, half-caste, brownish, slightly brownish, slightly tanned, more tanned, and total twat-head “spraying mace and hitting people over the head with batons makes me hard” jobsworth Police Associations?
Don’t worry. Nearly all of the above categories qualify as “black”, apparently.