One long-running narrative the BBC pushes down our throats is that British Policing is “institutionally racist.” This bizarre left-wing guilt-fest seems to get the Beeboids excited as they imagine all sorts of intrigue going on to keep the racial minorities in their place. The Metropolitan Police, in particular, is most often in the firing line, a situation that is exacerbated by the race hustlers in the Black Police Association (Isn’t that, be definition, a racist body or is it open to all races I wonder?) I caught an interview this morning at around 7.20am on Today and despite the meek mannered approach of the Met spokesperson the BBC line was still that we have a race problem in the Met and that ethnic minorities are suffering as a consequence. I wonder would the BBC permit an interview with someone who thinks that what we have here is pathetic race baiting by the State Broadcaster and race hustling by the BPA which are distractions from the key issue of ensuring the delivery of effective policing in our capital city. Or is it cos I is white that I might think like that?
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What a nasty, pompous, self-centred little man you are – full of your own self importance.
Anon | 06.10.08 – 10:24 pm |
First off I’m not little.
Second, in 61 years on this earth I’ve had a wealth of experience that you can only dream about. Armed forces, UN peacekeeping force, mercenary, instructor to foreign armed forces, police in UK and then into the intelligence world.
Important yes, self centred – not with my record.
Now I will not call you a liar. I leave that to others and someone has duly obliged.
However the issue is that if you did as you claim then you were in a position of trust. A trust you betrayed. I get the impression that you are somehow connected to the BBC. Clearly something that fits your character.
It doesn’t change the fact that I would ensure that you were never again allowed into a police environment.
Now stick to making a fool of yourself over non-stories in the Canadian elections
whats wrong with having a sense of self worth and self importance? in my opinion, thats something of virtue , and smacks of self confidence.
bully to you TPO .. and fuck the begrudgers.
“I believe the strength of this site is enhanced by choosing its battles wisely – and that means steering away from race, it’s a minefield.”
Yes, and there’s the enemy on the other side winging grenades at us.
People “of color” talk race incessantly. We, people “not of color” can’t talk about race. Why not? We are uncomfortable about it. We have been taught to be guilty. Not feel guilty, BE guilty.
Here, where I live, the “color” is red. I assure you our marshall makes no distinction between a drunken Navajo, a drunken white, or a beligerent spaniard – they are all barachos. Our marshall is black, and a good friend of ours, and he doesn’t make any bones about color. The law is law. Policemen ought not to be policed by big brother, they have enough to do. There should be a flat measure of the human criminal across the board – if there are more black criminals or more red ones, obviously more black and red commit crimes. Why is this a police fault?
“In my experience, Asians hate it when you refer to them as ‘black’, though most of them don’t object to being called ‘brown’.”
I cannot even relate what a prig you sound to my American ear.
I do believe my marshall would hear that, and tell you that you had pushed his nigger button. Better stay over there, where you are safe from racists.
TPO & Jonathon Boyd Hunt:
I found your messages and links. My hat is off to British wordsmithy once again – JBH your post could only have been that hilarious told by a Brit.
I have been away, my boys decided to canoe the Rio Grande before winter. That made me camp organizer, recon, cook, driver, and radio operator, also the cleaner upper of a lot of muddy gear. The feminist movement went ignored at my house.
“…steering away from race, it’s a minefield.”
Anonymous, I disagree with you so much that here I am again about this minefield analogy. Pretending there isn’t race doesn’t work – look at the PC mess we are in, and only whites must oblige. Avoiding the subject of race as a white person is a particularly evil kind of group think, and it has been thrust on us from the left. That in itself is a reason to lob grenades right back over the minefield at the enemy!
Just talk about race like you talk about the weather – it is a fact of life, after all. Racism does not = noticing race, or pointing out disparagments between races. Racism supresses. I remember seperate water fountains as a small girl when we were traveling through Georgia. I made the mistake of not being able to read, and drank from the “wrong” one. The store owner had a fit and gave me a lecture on being a nice little white girl, and being clean and drinking from the “clean” fountain. I did not understand what he said meant, except that someone was dirty, and less than I, according to that man. THAT is racism. Two generations later this is a memory of a dead time, long gone.
Race is big business, and it is obvious that the media exploit it to get business. You must not buy their product. Their product, is racism! By beating the dead horse of whites being racist they drum up clients – those clients are of color.
Race is irrelevant in our own country. We are all one.
Immigrants and people of immigrant stock need to remember that.
It’s our call.
That’s the reality. How different is that from what is thundered into your heads, my fellow indigenes, with a jack hammer by those on the “racist” bandwagon?
There are millions more of us than there are of them. Why be bullied?
Why do you shrink away like beaten dogs? It’s our country and we’re the boss.
Verity, well said!
I can’t read every post in this thread today – I’m in a shopping mall – but:
Anon (re: the ‘black bastards’ line) is lying. There you are. Lying.
Never in a million years.
My qualification? 20 years in the Met.