Say it ain’t so!The BBC reports that a missile from a suspected US unmanned aircraft (drone) has killed at least six people in a Pakistani tribal area close to Afghanistan. “Unnamed” Pakistani security sources say it hit a house in the village of Tappi, North Waziristan, and that the dead include... a number of Arabs. Mmm – Arabs? Anyone reckon that this is code for Jihadists that just got prematurely but deservedly dispatched to eternity? The most the BBC will accept is that this is “possible”. Or could it be just another of the many wedding parties that seem to have such bad fortune in these areas.
Any chance of a “Drone” over BBC TV centre?
There are so many wedding parties in Muslim countries that it’s virtually impossible to fire a missile without hitting one, so what’s the big deal?
And everyone knows of course that only women and children attend Muslim weddings. Heck, the bride and groom are children more often than not.
No story here!
Arab backpackers maybe?…they are known for rambling are our arab brothers.
Perhaps it was one of those famous computer course or charity events that so many UK Muslims like to attend?
From BBC report:
“Pakistan’s parliament has been holding a special session for a classified briefing on Pakistan’s internal security situation.
“The session was called to try to help form a national consensus on how to tackle Islamic militancy and the surge in suicide bombings.”
-Forlorn suggestions to Pakistan parliament, (and BBC reporters):
1.)oppose all Islamic jihadists – Taleban and Al Qaeda, and their supporters;
2.)work to clean out the corrupt Pakistan secret security force (ISI):
“Pakistan’s spies ‘support terrorism'”
3.)support Western forces in their fight against Islamic jihadists;
4.)stop calling Islamic jihadists ‘militants’;
5.)do not euphemistically name captured forces in the area as ‘Arabs’;
6.)do not criticise Western forces, as you do at present, for fighting the enemy across Afghanistan-Pakistan borders; you do not criticise the Islamic jihadists for crossing these borders.
You are correct .
This was indeed just another wedding party in a baby milk factory .
Muslim Kultur ? Brilliant !
Absolutely, David – there seems to be no end to the number of “wedding parties” holding their celebrations in strategic war zones. Anyway, it must have been some party, with their esteemed “Arab guests” taking the trouble to come all the way over from the Middle East! Don’t suppose they could have been Saudi Wahabbists, by any chance?
I don’t think it’s fair to get a muslims just because some of them explode every now and then. Kettles explode all the time, but you don’t see people getting at them, do you?
Actually, it’s not so much kettles that explode but gas cookers, when they are faulty, and the kettle is on top of it and THEN it explodes.
But a lot of people use electric kettles now, so that doesn’t happen very much at all.
But you get my point.
Actually, now I think about it, the point I made above was not a very good one, but there’s no edit function here.
If you didn’t read the above posting, can you just scroll down to the next one instead, because it was pointless really.
Now I think about it, my mentioning the first point being a bit rubbish, might encourage people to look at it if they didn’t read it the first time, because people are very curious by nature.
So if you are coming here on my the third posting having not read the first, but having read the second, can I just ask that you disregard the second as much as the first.
If you are coming here having read neither the first or the second point I made, then you won’t have a clue what I’m banging on about, so you’re probably just better off being clueless in that way and carrying on with the next posting which is going to be a lot cleverer than the one I just made.
Actually, now I realise that the more postings I leave, about disregarding my first posting, is just making the whole thing worst for myself and I might come across as a fool.
Can I just reassure people having read my earlier postings, that I’m not as stupid as I sound, and if you saw me you would think that I am a lot cleverer than I am.
Hello, can I just say that I am the next poster and I am not affiliated with Kill the Beeb in any way and my name is Brian Chubb.
I haven’t just deleted Kill the Beeb out of the Name box and entered Brian Chubb in it’s place.
What I wanted to say, is that could I please encourage people not to read Kill the Beebs earlier postings (if you haven’t done so already) because they may appear a little foolish to people who don’t know him. Like I don’t. And if you have already read them, and think he’s a bit thick, can I just say that not all thick people are stupid and some of them are very nice.
Anyway, I was going to leave a clever point about whatever the subject matter was of this thread, but I got so caught up in assisting Kill the Beebs earlier postings that I have totally forgotten what I was going to say.
But I know it was something we would all have agreed on. Unless you work for the BBC. In which case you would have totally disagreed. And probably strangled a kitten or something.
Hello, I am Brian Chubb’s Sister, and I would just like to endorse the fact that Brian Chubb (who posted above) was indeed Brian Chubb, and not someone posting as Brian Chubb in a desperate bid to defend themselves.
As I am Brian Chubb’s sister, I would know if it was definitely Brian Chubb or not, being as we have the same mother.
Actually, the BBC TV Centre would already be full of Beeb-drones, given that one definition of the words is:
“one who lives on the labour of others” (a parasite)
Brian Chubb:
Not for a second did I think that you were Kill The Beeb.
Brian Chubb’s Sister:
My brother needs taking up for a lot, too.
Kill the Beeb:
I’m feeling you pain, bro. I once had a kettle just like that.
It’s possible it was a wedding party, and was also attended by jihadists. Or it may have been one thing confused with another. People who don’t know can speculate but shouldn’t judge.
If a British wedding was bombed by a jihadist suicide bomber, because the guests included soldiers, I think some of the posters here wouldn’t be so flippant.
Pakistan is under a huge amount of pressure just now, she’s fighting to survive.
If you read between the lines, the Pakistani liberals and the army better win, or uncle sam will take out her nuclear capability.
India has already been bought off with one of the sweetest nuclear deals in history.
America will give India civilian nuke technology, but she doesn’t have to sign up to the NPT and there are zero nuclear military restrictions.
A win-win situation for India