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mini archduke came home from school today , all educated about recycling.
i asked her if she knew who winston churchill was.
no prizes for guessing what the reply was.
Interesting how Panorama: “Obama and the Pitbull” doesn’t even MENTION the abysmal Joe Biden…
I expect this will be another bias by omission on the part of the BBC as it portrays one of the socialist ‘heros’ in a less than flattering light.
Venezuela’s oil output slumps under Hugo Chavez
To win allies and forge an anti-American front, Mr Chavez sells oil to friendly countries at low prices. Ironically, the only big customer buying Venezuelan oil at the full market price is the United States….
Once a chav always a chav.
Mr Chavez faces huge financial problems. Nobody is sure at what point his government would be unable to pay its bills, but most sources consulted believe this would probably happen if oil falls to $80 a barrel. Yesterday, oil was trading at $79.80.
Nope. Somehow I just can’t see the socialist paradise of the BBC running with this story.
panorama just broadcast – its one feature length pro obama advert…
they really do not have a clue about what is going on.
When the Mark Foley scandal was raging, there was no reluctance on the part of al-Beeb to report all the nitty-gritty. They also made sure to point out the Foley was a…gasp…Republican.
Well now Foley’s successor Tim Mahoney (D-FL) is himself mired in scandal.
How long will we have to wait for the BBC to report this? And will they bother mentioning the party affiliation?
archduke | 13.10.08 – 8:49 pm |
mini archduke came home from school today , all educated about recycling.
I hope it had nothing to do with this.
The Panorama atory was just shite. I noticed that Frei happily brought up Troopergate, but gave Wright a big pass, never mentioned Ayres or Rezko. No mention of ACORN or the current scandal around them.
Just utter shite from the BBC. I wonder if Frei gets off thinking about being Obama’s toilet roll?
no mention of allenberg either…
no mention of louis farrakhan “person of the year” awarded by rev wright…
and no mention that there are now serious doubts that obama was even born in america.
acorn were federally funded… by one Barney Franks.
the guy who didnt think that subprime would amount to much
more here
and more here.. the classic, by now, “burning down the house”…
Just as Brown’s empty mantras for 10 years were: ‘PRUDENCE’ and ‘NO BOOM AND BUST’, so the Labour-supporting Robert Peston has his mantra on his blog yesterday and today say that that the financial crisis marks the end of ‘Thatcherism’!
Nowhere in this article does Peston even mention the word ‘BROWN’ in explaining the UK financial crisis!
there’s me settling down to watch the “story of maths” on bbc 3 expecting a totally science based , religion free zone.
instead i get beeboids extolling the virtues of the islamic empire and the koran.
nothing mentioned about the 100 million hindus that they massacred during the caliphate’s expansion.
nothing mentioned about the fact that islam never discovered anything – they just nicked it from the civilisations that they conquered.
Andrew Marrs marxist propaganda show on R4 is pissing me off
and now we get them saying that algebra is because of islam…
which is factuall incorrect – algebra was invented by the babylonians, and later, by the indians.
the islamic invaders just absorbed it.
adam | 13.10.08 – 9:47 pm
if you think thats hard – try dealing with a bbc 3 tv program on the history of maths … its all because of islam and shouldnt we be so grateful…
i hit the remote , switch over , while mentally urging “oh please do fuck off”..
Martin – wright was featured. they even played the famous clip. The programme was dull and trite, but pretty evenly balanced. They interviewed Sully, who has a very off mid atlantic accent.
“whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 9:56 pm |”
try to explain away the Koran’s “encouragement of knowledge” on BBC 3’s “story of maths” this evening.
carl sagan – i wish you were around…
utter poppycock.
Archduke – I watched the first of those History of Maths shows last week. I think I lasted 20 minutes before I turned it down. Sadly despite being on at 9pm the show seemed to be pitched at the level of the 11 year old.
If BBC4 is dumbing down I just can’t see the point of the BBC any more.
interesting nugget from ITN just now
the yanks bailout amounts to 5 per cent GDP..
our bailout is a cool 19 per cent of GDP.
ooh, archduke, i hero worship carl sagan, so we agree on something. I didn’t see the programme, so can’t comment, but the arab world has some claim on maths and science doesn’t it.
1327 | 13.10.08 – 10:11 pm
yes – i did notice that.
when they started to explain what algebra was, i kind of knew that that was watching the wrong programme.
And robert peston just said our debt is now 300% of gdp. more shilling for brown
whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 10:12 pm
watch it. its sad…
whereas Sagan would have a go at religion big time, and constantly fight the corner for science, this bbc docu positively embraces it. and its about the purest of sciences – maths FFS!!
very sad.
we’re going down the wrong track.
“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. We miss Carl Sagan.
but the arab world has some claim on maths and science doesn’t it.
whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 10:12 pm | #
the arab world has as much claim on that ,as the roman world has greek science.
namely – both the islamic and roman worlds absorbed sciences through conquest – they didnt contribute much. in both cases, i think they contributed to laws and how to organise an empire -= in that regard both empires are highly influential.
but in basic science? nah.. both empires built on what went before.
whitewineliberal: Nonsense. Wright got hardly a mention. Why didn’t Frei dig into the background to Wright? After all Wright is fundamental to Obama.
Why no mention of Tony Rezko? Why no mention of ACORN? Qhy no mention of Bill Ayres?
Sometimes you are so pathetic in your trolling you make Hillhunt/Clin Chase seem intelligent.
to be fair i think wwl is just a softer version of a bbc troll that went before.
hillhunt was the hard case…didnt work.
now they’re trying the softly softly approach.
i prefer the softly softly – at least we can have a discussion without it resorting to westminster style yaa-boo bollocks.
In his blog today (and yesterday), Peston blames ‘Thatcherism’, not ‘Brownism’ of the past 11 years for UK financial crisis. Peston, like BBC, is Labour to the core.
And now, to re-enforce all this, BBC ‘Newsnight’ has BBC and Labour propagandist Will Hutton on BBC 2.
islamic terror on the news right now – court case… the glasgow attack.
those fuckers tried to blow up the glasgow terminal when there was thousands of kids in there , going on holidays.
never forget that.
i sure as hell wont.
whitewineliberal: You really are a twat. Do you think many people know what 300% of GDP means?
Why didn’t Peston say that every man and woman now owes up to £20,000 EACH and that we will be lucky to get a significant chunk of that money back within the next 5-10 years?
Why didn’t Peston or Robinson play the tapes of the snot eater spouting on about no more boom and bust?
Why didn’t Peston or Robinson mention that it was the snot eater who slackened off on the regulation of the banks in 1997?
Why didn’t Peston mention that the bulk of US sub prime debt came as a result of organisations like ACORN (who are linked to Obama of course) harassing banks to lend to minorities who couldn’t afford the repayments? Or why Democrats like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to underwright these sub prime loans?
Or how Obama got hundreds of thouands of dollars from the sentior managers of Fannie and Freddie?
No doubt Al-Beeb in its presentation of the history of mathematics and Islam is oblivious to this:
“Fjordman: On science and religion”
Archduke, have you had a look at mini archdukes curriculum. You will be lucky if mini learns any science or maths at all. The new model education coming in with the academy system is all happiness studies, sex education, (eu) citizenship and religious tolerence studies.
that glasgow cctv clip was on ITN news by the way… kids running for dear life…
they wanted to do a beslan on us – and to make matters worse, they worked in the NHS.
“anyone for Jihad MRSA?”
adam | 13.10.08 – 10:28 pm
funny that you should ask that.
i asked Mrs Archduke the very same question – as in – what EXACTLY is she learning?
not a clue….
and mrs archduke is your typical , intelligent, middle class English woman.
( us irish guys do go for the posh accents..)
but yeah -even i dont have a clue what they are teaching mini archduke.
no books, no explanation, no “take this home to the parents to explain it” … none whatsoever.
its all very odd, and VERY different to my catholic school upbringing in ireland. yeah – give over the jokes about paedos – didnt happen to me. and the teachers were excellent..
parents fully informed…
Oh Martin, why must you be so abusive. There really is no need fellow. Your verbal incontinence really does little to advance your argument. Don’t be such a sweary mary.
martin -> hate to break ranks , but “you really are a twat” is probably said in the heat of the moment, and is your free right to say so.
but cant we be a bit more polite on here?
lets take wwl at his word. to the best of my knowledge he hasnt engaged in “code pink” style ranting…
lets cool down and just have a chat with each other.
Will Hutton is a total fraud. Like loony Toynbee.
The left does privilage way worse than the right ever did.
whitewineliberal: Why don’t you anwser the questions then rather than acting like a thick troll?
You always dodge answering them don’t you?
i’d like to know more about wwl.
are you a bbc employee?
for example.
dont have to give too much away – just what your political beliefs are.
as denis prager says “first you tell the truth, then you give an opinion”
if wwl wants to divulge his beliefs, i’m perfectly willing to divulge a mine.
so that we know where we are.
George R 10:24
“Labour propagandist, Will Hutton “. Hutton is well to the Left of Labour !
ask me a question; i’ll try to answer. but no swearing.
adam | 13.10.08 – 10:35 pm
will hutton has as much a clue as Marx or Peston.
me? i listen to the oracle of omaha.
dont agree with him always, but its nice to have a solid foundation…
whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 10:42 pm
UK part of the EU – yes or no?
(i’m starting off easy..)
archduke – You’re on. no connection to the bbc. i’ve voted for all three major uk political parties in 20 odd years of voting i am left centre on social issues. right centre on economic. i hate extremism of all political hues. i think there is an interesting debate to be had about cultural and small p political bias on the bbc, and the broadcast media in the uk. but i think the majority of stuff on this site is way off beam and betrays a hard right worldview.
will huttons understanding of capitalism – the market is just “casino chips”…
ahhh right…
i remember that. someone in the 1930s did that to discredit free markets.
I have experience of the EU, which is in equal part awful and one of the great political achivements of the 20th century. i take a pragmatic view; didn’t like lisbon, but consider calls for referendum on the thing the utmost folly!
whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 10:48 pm
i was like you , before 7/7
exactly like you.
9/11 pushed me… but 7/7 did it.
made me rethink everything.
and so , here i am.
maybe your journey hasnt happened yet. its different for everyone.
but it will happen.
i look forward to bumping into you on in about 3 years time.
whitewineliberal | 13.10.08 – 10:51 pm
i believe in democracy. but not a democracy where the majority rule in tyranny – thats why i think the american system is probably the best ever invented…
as for the EU .. its totally undemocratic and i have no time for it.
at its heart is a kind of fascism.
that the “elites” know better… and that is repugnant.
whitewineliberal: So you think that the Panorama programme tonight gave the Biritsh people a ‘balanced’ view of Obama do you?
The fact they gave Reverand Wright almost no airtime nor did they play any of his hate speeches (when Obama was still a member of that church)
That fact that Obama did a dogy deal with a crook called Tony Rezko
That Obama worked for an organisation called ACORN that bullied banks into giving loans to people who simply couldn’t afford them that in part gave us the sub prime market
That Obama took large amounts of money from senior exec’s at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
You don’t think that SOME of the above was worth mentioning? That asking some kids on the street of Chicago what they thought about Obama was more worthy?