Point one: in your comment about the Right’s remarkable anger against Obama (highlighted by David here) you clearly show you are, as they say, “in the tank” for Obama. It’s easily demonstrable as your accusation precisely reflects what avowedly right-wing journalists like Michelle Malkin say is “another false narrative: The narrative of the McCain “mob” ” that is being developed by the liberal-left media. Your narrative now, Justin. If balance lies in being in the middle of the opposing poles- you aren’t there.
Point two: in case you think you can justify your claims of one-sided partisan anger, there is plentiful evidence available of Leftist hate- look at Malkin’s site here, and at the above thankfully blurred photo of disgraceful hateful activism. What’s spite and anger if that isn’t?
Another thought lefties might consider, even as they enjoy such freedoms as free speech, even while they denigrate character traits such as the pith to procure such freedoms:
Your rights end where mine begin. Your right to freedom of speech ends where Sarah Palin’s begins – that said, this freedom to be vulgar is in reality called “SLANDER”.
‘It’s easy to be a jerk under cover of the internet, as you so spectacularly show.’
Why don’t you sign your own name then you cowardly,marxist shithouse!
ptet 15.10.08 – 12:31 pm
You say:
Obama sat on the board of a charity with Ayers, alongside former members of the Reagan administration. They were sponsored by a conservative donor.
Or put another way:
Obama and Ayers used their position on the board to divert the funds of a non-partisan charity, endowed by a conservative donor, to left-wing radical groups.
Now, what riles folks hereabouts (the ones you dismiss as green-inkers) is that we all know the BBC would use the first of those two formulations (i.e. yours); yet we also all know that the second (mine) gives a fuller, more accurate and more truthful account.
That’s what we mean by bias.
“Green Inkers”
Check your zipper dear, you are projecting again.
More ironic Obama supporters at a rally yesterday, as reported by Gavin Hewitt:
When he mentioned John McCain’s name, the crowd booed. It was instant, immediate. It seemed to me the “boo” of a ball game, tinged with a little irony.
Iowahawk gives voice to the ironic “Sarah Palin is a C**t” T-shirt wearers:
How telling, the guy didnt detect any hatred in the boo!
Hahahahahahahaa…talk about white washing the actions of the crowd.
You know what is really laughable in all of this…its that the angry left has successfully projected their hatred on to the right.
“Check your zipper dear, you are projecting again.”
Writing out strings of words doesn’t make them true, dear.
“When he mentioned John McCain’s name, the crowd booed.”
Did Obama get booed for telling the crown that his opponent was a decent man, and that there should be a respectfull campaign? McCain did. Hey – i’m not the one arguing two wrongs make a right here… You are. And mailman, how DARE Gavin Hewitt have a n opinion different than yours. How DARE he.
“Obama and Ayers used their position on the board to divert the funds of a non-partisan charity, endowed by a conservative donor, to left-wing radical groups.”
Now THAT would be a legitimate story for investigation. See? We can agree on kinds of things. The trouble is, that’s not what McCain is sayng. McCain is saying Obama is a bad man for because Ayers is a terrorist. But Ayers and Obama were put on the board of the charity by Republicans. Doh!
Looks like Justin Webb read Ed’s memo:
To little affect. And one of his commenters compared PajamasMedia with the BNP. Yet, if you told that same person that The Obamessiah is similar to a Communist, they’d look at you as if you had lobsters coming out of your easrs.
There’s no hope for Britain at all if people think like that.