… why this BBC story (about Muslims allegedly being detained for up to three hours at Glasgow Airport – yes, that Glasgow Airport) has a link in the sidebar to the far-left Stop The War Coalition, who aren’t mentioned in the story ?
Just Asking ….
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There’s a Scottish Afghan Society? I wonder how much public cash the Scottish Parliament gives them?
Mohammad Asif in his own words:
“I fled the Country in 2000 because of the oppressive regime and applied for asylum in Britain. I arrived in Glasgow in April 2000 and since arriving in Glasgow I have been involved in all issues affecting asylum seeker and refugee communities. I joined the management committee of Positive Action In Housing, founded The Glasgow Refugee Action Group, and became a spokesperson for asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland. I am a Member of the Anti Nazi League Group, The Stop The War Collation and work as a interpreted and translator. In 2003, I was appointed President of the Scottish Afghan Society.”
He’s what Obama would call a “community organizer”. He says he claimed asylum because of the “oppressive regime” in Afghanistan, and yet agitates for a troop withdrawal which would see the Taleban return to power.
So the blokes fled from a regime that is no longer in power ?!
Yeears ago alians (asylum seekers) were forbidden to take part in political activity when in the UK.
As a resident in Scotland , I can confirm that there are 1000s of Afghan asylum-seekers in Scotland. It is big business here.
….For the same dubious reason that the BBC links to the completely bonkers “JABS” anti-vaccine people every time they mention anything to do with vaccination…
It’s their Balance-otron 3000.
You mean you don’t like balance?! What is wrong with you!?
This just adds weight to our case that the BBC is going above and beyond its role as a tax-funded broadcaster and should be shut down immediately. It is not the job of the BBC to spend taxpayers money on a website which gives link juice to political organization whose agenda it likes. Dammit, can we not do something about this?
Perhaps a more pertinent question is why does the BBC bother linking to a Glasgow ‘STOP THE WAR” website that is clearly defunct?
The page they link invites us to vote on whether Tony Blair should stay or go, and under ‘latest news’ Scotland’s First Minister is still Jack McConnell!
I think stopping the war is a lost cause in Glasgow.
ptet | Homepage | 16.10.08 – 3:16 pm |
It’s their Balance-otron 3000.
You mean you don’t like balance?! What is wrong with you!?
No, it’s an editorial comment about the situation. Since when is Stop the War involved in local enforcement of anti-terrorism laws? Obviously, anyone of an anti-this war mindset will immediately see a connection between the war against Al Qaeda and the Taliban and Pakistanis and Afghans getting questioned about traveling to key areas from Scotland.
However, none of that was reported in the story, Stop the War was not involved in the “protest”, and have nothing to do with community outreach or advocating on behalf of resident Muslims. Only a prejudiced, anti-this war mindset will see a link to Stop the War as “balance”. Like the Beeboid sub-editor who put that link in. Nothing whatsoever to do with the story at hand. But the BBC doesn’t care; they have an agenda.
I have to admit I find it a little disturbing that someone can see Stop the War as a “balance” against the Strathclyde Police Dept. Speaks volumes.
General note about the news brief: I noticed that the photo shows the security guy holding a British passport. (Ah, that’s just a stock photo. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.) Were the hassled Mohammedans all UK citizens? Were any of them? We aren’t told. Often the BBC will refer to them as “Britons” or some such if they are. How many of them were actually questioned for three hours? “Up to three hours” can mean almost anything. Insufficient data.
I’m not saying nothing happened, mind you. Of course some people are going to be scrutinized with the way things are these day, and I’m not even saying that nobody was unjustly intimidated or any of that. But we’re told that 60 people protested, yet the amount of alleged victims of intimidation is not quantified. Curious.
If they’re so unhappy why don’t they go back to where they really belong?
I think stopping the war is a lost cause in Glasgow.
It certainly is, Tom. Have you ever been to an Old Firm game?
Ah yes, Glasgow, the only place in Europe, apart from Northern Ireland that is, in which the Nine Years’ War has just clocked up its 320th year!
Out of the frying pan into the fire for beeboids locating to Glasgae.
How many beeboid children will have their ipods stolen in the socialist utopia.
It’ll be handier for Kirsty Wark. The canteen can serve aragula and deep-fried Mars bar.
“I have to admit I find it a little disturbing that someone can see Stop the War as a “balance” against the Strathclyde Police Dept. Speaks volumes.”
I agree it’s nonsense, but it’s an example of what happens when you try and force “balanced” reporting without realizing a lot of that is about context.
“The canteen can serve aragula and deep-fried Mars bar.”
I suspect they already do…
“adam: Out of the frying pan into the fire for beeboids locating to Glasgae… How many beeboid children will have their ipods stolen in the socialist utopia.”
LOL 🙂 … I just moved back to Glasgow after almost 10 years away. It actually feels way safer than when I left.
“Ah yes, Glasgow, the only place in Europe, apart from Northern Ireland that is, in which the Nine Years’ War has just clocked up its 320th year!”
A very good line. ‘Course, it’s only the Rangers end which is that idiotic. [Joke].
It could just be my over-reaction, but do the BBC seem to put everything they find disagreeable for them to report in quotes?
Such as:
“Firefighter ‘found bomb in car’ ” or
” ‘Bomb material purchase’ on CCTV “
ptet | Homepage | 16.10.08 – 5:54 pm |
I agree it’s nonsense, but it’s an example of what happens when you try and force “balanced” reporting without realizing a lot of that is about context.
You’re really blaming right-wing complainers for this, aren’t you? That it’s people like us who force the BBC to do these things? Is that what you’re saying?
And you don’t need to lecture anyone here about “context” and the BBC.
Strange how the BBC and its Ideological masters seem to have left out how these so called oppressive searches only really kicked off after a couple of doctors tried to burn down Glasgow Airport. (Days after they had left a car bomb outside a disco in London).
I mean if they really have being stopping and searching all Muslims you’d have thought they would have prevented a certain little girl from flying off to Pakistan.
“David: You’re really blaming right-wing complainers for this, aren’t you? That it’s people like us who force the BBC to do these things? Is that what you’re saying?”
Nope… Right-on idiotic leftiod doo-gooders are as bad or worse.
I just think the BBC should get some credit for getting some things right. At the very least anyway – i think in many ways it’s a great organization that gets much right and should be praised for a lot of things… Try watching TV in other countries if you don’t like the BBC. That’s all I’m sayin’…
“And you don’t need to lecture anyone here about “context” and the BBC.”
Who is lecturing? And I think a few peope here do need to think a bit more about”context”. ‘Scuse the hell out of me for saying.
“pounce: Strange how the BBC and its Ideological masters seem to have left out how these so called oppressive searches only really kicked off after a couple of doctors tried to burn down Glasgow Airport.”
You are quite right. Darkies should be thoroughly questioned before they come in and out of the country as a matter of course. Or isn’t that what you meant?
Rob: “There’s a Scottish Afghan Society? I wonder how much public cash the Scottish Parliament gives them?”
“MUSLIM leaders have accused Alex Salmond of blatant cronyism after he handed hundreds of thousands of pounds in public funds to an Islamic group run by an SNP activist.The Scottish Government has given £215,000 to the Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF), a group run by Osama Saeed, an SNP member who is about to contest the Glasgow Central seat in the next Westminster election…. the objections to this funding has come from other Muslim groups in Scotland; namely the Glasgow Islamic Centre, the Scottish Afghan Society and representatives of the Muslim Sufi Festival.”
Just FYI.
ptet | 16.10.08 – 7:26 pm
You don’t much about our Pounce do you ?
phet wrote;
“You are quite right. Darkies should be thoroughly questioned before they come in and out of the country as a matter of course.”
Err Richard Edward My blood parents came from India. They were both Muslims and I have a muslim first name.
Wish to start again with the racist angle. According to folks like you I cannot be one.
LOL pounce. I am thoroughly trounced 🙂 Apologies. I was rather thrown by your link. Consider me schooled!
Are you against oppressive searches or for them? To me it’s been pretty silly. A pretty obvious attempt to shore up the prosecution of those guys with their idiotic “blow up a plane using shampoo” plot. But hey – I am not always right!
ptet | Homepage | 16.10.08 – 7:39 pm |
A leftie loon is only right once in his / her life – when he or she kicks the bucket! Amen.
Have you stopped beating your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend yet ?
ptet | Homepage | 16.10.08 – 7:26 pm |
Nope… Right-on idiotic leftiod doo-gooders are as bad or worse.
I just think the BBC should get some credit for getting some things right. At the very least anyway – i think in many ways it’s a great organization that gets much right and should be praised for a lot of things… Try watching TV in other countries if you don’t like the BBC. That’s all I’m sayin’…
We do give credit when do occasionally, generally when they do it right with issues on which we’ve previously criticized them. I just did so on another thread. But, you know, when it comes to what this blog covers, what does it say on the tin?
It’s not about the breadth or lack of quality programming. It’s about the Official National Broadcaster taking sides and engaging in social engineering.
Who is lecturing? And I think a few peope here do need to think a bit more about”context”. ‘Scuse the hell out of me for saying.
Sorry, it’s just that one of the ongoing issues here is the larger context of the BBC’s reporting on given issues. Back when actual BBC employees would come here to debate, they would often dismiss complaints about a given report by telling us that we must consider the larger context of the BBC’s reporting. It hardly ever worked, as the bulk of the reporting will have been demonstrably biased. Of course, defenders of the indefensible will point to one lone article as an example of how the BBC is not biased, and then we try to demonstrate how something is biased when framed in the larger context.
It’s been a bone of contention with some of us for quite a while, hence my reaction.
No worries David. I am here to learn.
Bystander… Having seen the hate spit out by disillusioned_german, I now for some reason have an urge to beat my wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend. Funny that.
I asked if you had stopped beating your wife.
It is called ‘begging the question’ as in your question about oppressive searches.
Hi Bystander. I think you misunderstood me. I was saying that I thought oppressive searches were silly. Maybe I’m wrong about both these things.
Which searches are oppressive ?
Better set the Sky+, coming next is the usual ‘tax the fatcat’ groupies on Question Time on BBC1 or the Obama congregation on a US Election Newsnight on BBC2.
Should doctors not be exempt from searches? After all, they are doctors, and doctors practice their profession out of good intentions towards their fellow human and …. err… – ptet Help! Logic and reasoning are crashing here!!
Bystander/Allan@Oslo… If you want me to treat you like complete idiots, then I’ll be happy to oblige. Otherwise try reading for comprehension. Best wishes. Pxx
British people try to protect themselves from Islamic jihadist bomb attacks in Glasgow, London and many other UK cities; Muslims protest about ‘harassment’.
Another current example: Kenyan people try to protect themselves from Somali Islamic jihadist bomb attacks, so:
“Somali Islamists threaten Kenya”
(Note for BBC: ‘Somali Islamic jihadists’ is more accurate than ‘Islamists’)
Sorry son, you wrote about oppressive searches. If I have missed something then please enlighten me. In what way are the searches are oppressive?
ptet: Just took a butcher’s at your “blog”. Very funny McCain animation you got there. You’re probably in line for the “Sarah Palin Porn Movie” as well, right?
Why are 99 percent of all lefties mental retards?
This BBC headline of the Glasgow airport bombing plot is MISLEADING.
BBC report misleadingly says:
“Suspect yelled out bomb warning”
A more accurate headline would be:
‘Muslim suspect plants bombs, and shouted: there are bombs’
BBC stealth edit update:
The headline above has now been stealth edited to:
“Suspect ‘threw bomb from Jeep'”
(The previous headline, see 2:35 pm above, has vanished from the BBC into the ether.)
“disillusioned_german: Why are 99 percent of all lefties mental retards?”
What, all of us? Mental retards? You are dismissing everyone who doesn’t think like you as mentally defective for no reason other than that they are “lefties”? You think “lefties” can add nothing to human understanding or knowledge and perform no useful acts and have nothing to teach you? that’s probably explain why you are apparently such a twat.
“Bystander: …In what way are the searches are oppressive?”
Since you asked nicely. I think much of the increased “security” we’ve seen at airports over the last couple of years has been often nonsensical. I think the restrictions on hand baggage on domestic flights have been aimed at being seen to be taking action rather than dealing with real threats. I’ve stood in long lines at Heathrow to have my machine readable EU passport scanned while groups of women wearing full Burkhas have been waved through security without any apparent attempt to see who they were. I’ve sat at work meetings with anti-terrorist officers from the Metropolitan Police and heard eye-popping stories abut just how lucky we’ve been that there haven’t been more atrocities. I think if we’re going to be able to deal with terror threats we have to move on from petty posturing and deal with issues and options most of us don’t want to face. I think pretending that everything “lefties” say or “righties” say must automatically be stupid just because they come from an ideologically different starting point than me makes us more ignorant and vulnerable as a society than we need to be or we should be. I think when we’re discussing issues with people of opposing views we should take the time to think whether we can learn anything from them. I think it’s sad that so much of the internet has become little echo-chambers where people come to moan about things that annoy them in places where the onl other opinions they come across are people also moaning about whatever petty things annoy them. Just a few thoughts, you know…
“George R:
BBC stealth edit update:
The headline above has now been stealth edited to:
“Suspect ‘threw bomb from Jeep'”
(The previous headline, see 2:35 pm above, has vanished from the BBC into the ether.)”
Erm, George, the BBC page you refer to is reporting ongoing court proceedings. You right want to learn a bit about “Contempt of Court” and how court reporting works. That’d probably save your blood pressure from being raised unnecessarily.
ptet | Homepage | 18.10.08 – 10:50 am
“I think if we’re going to be able to deal with terror threats we have to move on from petty posturing and deal with issues and options most of us don’t want to face.”
Oh-Oh, Do I detect something about our foriegn policy coming next?
Sue… I didn’t mention foreign policy at all. But why don’t you go ahead and tell us all what *you* think.
ptet | Homepage | 18.10.08 – 8:06 pm
No, you go first.
Thanks for the asterisks.
The foreign policy justification for Muslim disaffection is complete b/s.
Ex-muslims are the best authorities on the reality of the situation: take for instance this quotaion from Dr. Tawfik Hamid.
“Stop asking what you have done wrong. Stop it! They’re slaughtering you like sheep and you still look within. You criticize your history, your institutions, your churches. Why can’t you realize that it has nothing to do with what you have done but with what they want.”
Hey Sue… Why don’t I leave you guessing. That way you can let your petty prejudices run riot, and work yourself up into a frenzy of indignant outrage over all the opinions I might have that you could tut over, and you can bask safely and warmly about how terribly clever you are and how terribly stupid I must be, and you can continue to completely miss the point I was making.
ptet | Homepage | 19.10.08 – 11:23 am
Anyone who wants to see BBC stealth edits can find them on the Revisionista News Sniffer site. They monitor the ever-changing output of the BBC news site.
* Moi?* Petty prejudices? Tut tut! Ptetty prejudices maybe. Who’s knickers are all in a twist? “Calm down dear” as the great Michael Winner would say.
basking warmly,
ptet | Homepage | 19.10.08 – 11:23 am
Dur. People can have different opinions and still think they can learn from people with other opinions. Dur.
ptet | Homepage | 19.10.08 – 2:41 pm