For those non-Swahilli speakers who visit this site (there must be at least a few), the first part of the title above means “give a little something”- and is a common expression in Kenya, used in particular when a policeman wants a little bribe. Well, I should imagine the inhabitants of Kisumu, West Kenya, could be using the expression once the One has won as is clearly the wont of the BBC. We’re had the centenarian nun, voting messiah; now comes the airport request. Oh, and meanwhile, while the Obama-Kenya story is filed in Africa (as though the BBC normally concern themselves with regional African airport proposals), back in their “election coverage” we find out the effects a One victory would have on dancers in Harlem.
The incessant drip, drip, drip of PrObamaganda continues with the BBC showcasingthe One to illustrate his (purportedly) self-deprecating humour, as he refuted suggestions that he was born in a manger by saying he was actually born on Krypton. It was excerpted from a slightly stilted, acceptably witty speech Obama gave to a charity dinner audience on Thursday, which McCain also addressed- only McCain actually got the lion’s share of the laughs (he was frankly quite unleashed and hilarious- recommended viewing). Yet the BBC offered us a three minute segment of Obama’s speech which loads automatically when the frontpage-featured link is clicked. McCain’s very funny speech was freighted with uproarious stuff, yet is reduced by the BBC to two very short segments. In total, Obama gets 5 minutes plus direct frontpage access. McCain gets 2 minutes, split into two parts, hidden below the One’s contribution. The ratio 5:2 with frontpage versus fourth-page treatment seems about right as a summary of the BBC’s partiality for Obama over McCain.
Thank you sir, and remember that the best thing you can ever, ever do, is thank a vet!
“If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.”
A present for you. 🙂
betyangelo | 18.10.08 – 8:48 pm
Great stuff.
A pro US book from Webb? I suggest you read between the lines
DB | 18.10.08 – 8:00 pm |
When will these stupid Americans learn that they must not oppose the Chosen One?
If you think it’s bad now, wait until The Obamessiah is elected, and all the people he will empower get their way. The Fairness Doctrine will be reinstated, and all dissent will be crushed. Mao will be smiling.
If the US economy and the innovation supported by it is dismantled, the UK will suffer as well. And intellectual fascism will be re-enforced across the pond.
At what point is the British government diminished by ANY American government? Me no comprende. Granted, these idiots could waste capital in a spelling contest – are you sure you’re not all being err… titheads? Just a thought. Blah blah etc
The bias is as obvious as deconstructing a panto.
I fully expect the Beeb on election night to present Palin as a wicked witch and McCain as some kind of sith lord.
Enter the chosen one, more production than a Michael Jackson video.
Will ‘our’ Justin get carried away?
You bet.
Re-BBC employed Simon SCHAMA, currently presenting a 4-part, pro-Democrat Pary, pro-Obama version of American history and politics,on BBC TV; Part 2 last week on US military history concentrated on the US-Philippines war of 1898-1903, which fitted in with Schama’s US ‘imperialist’ propaganda, but he ignored in that episode, US in World Wars, One and Two, and he ignored the Korean War!
‘Wikipedia’ includes this entry on Schama:
“He has made donations to the Democratic National Committee as well as John Kerry’s and Barack Obama’s campaigns.”
And, of course, the pro-Obama BBC has organised its Obama Party in New York on November 4, with Schama, the Obama propagandist presenting his stuff.
Schama’s a great historian. He is of the broad sweep rather than detailed chronology school of historians. He is very pro-obama i agree (see his Radio 2 slot on Ross yesterday), but he’s not a political correspondent, so this is fine.
Apparently Obama can cure the lame and feed the thousands.
Seriously, being British, I could not give a wet fart as to who wins the election. However I get a bit embarrassed when I read of journalists, payed for by you and me, being so obviously biased.
winewineliberal 9:31 am
SCHAMA is a propagandist, as I pointed out on the ‘General thread’ here at 17.10.08 10:31 pm.
His role at BBC as historian/ political commentator is blurred, as shown by his dual role as Election night commenter and donator to Obama campaign.
A comment on Schama’s ‘The American Future’:
“Despite the title, the book says little about America’s future. As a nation of rapacious, Bible-bashing, militaristic, bloodthirsty, racist hypocrites, it perhaps shouldn’t have one (although there are some nice people there, too). Schama can’t resist snide comments about individuals he doesn’t like. On George Bush: ‘Honey, they shrunk the pres.’ On Vice President Cheney: ‘Just because it was Dick Cheney saying this didn’t automatically make it untrue.’ On Mitt Romney: ‘…his sleeves rolled up ready for – what precisely? Opening his own limo door?’
“One glides through this book because Schama undeniably writes with colour and verve, but he also leaves the impression that he wishes to be the Pavarotti of historians, when in fact he seems more like the Barry Manilow (‘You don’t love me half as much as I do’). There is some excellent history here, but it struggles to escape from the stylistic vanity.” (R.Seitz)
WWL writes: “Schama’s a great historian.”
You really do write the most awful rubbish. Indeed, you do it so consistently you must be doing it on purpose. Trolling, in fact.
Schama is a mere pop-historian, who wears his political affiliations too prominently to be taken seriously by anyone who isn’t as far to the Left as he is.
It is not ‘fine’ that he is allowed to propagandise on programme after programme, with no counterbalance. It is, in fact, a damned disgrace.
I note on the current BBC ‘News’ (sic) website front page yet another drooling article about the Obamessiah.
It contrasts in the usual, predictable, way with one about Sarah Palin meeting the woman who mimicked her on US television.
Once again, Obama is treated with respect – Palin as an object of fun.
he won the wolfson. a world-class historian.
zionist too, as am i.
What did his history of britain propagandise? It certainly eulogised churchill.
And stick this troll nonsense. It’s glib in the extreme
Yet again, WWL avoids the issue. I repeat: it is not ‘fine’ that this Left-wing pop historian is allowed to propagandise on programme after programme, without any counterbalance.
When he’s doing serious history Schama’s OK, but this stuff is just journalism.
When it gets reviewed by serious historians his stuff doesn’t always hold up too well:
wwl has said twice that the BBC called two of the debates for McCain – citing this as absence of bias.
I don’t recall the BBC calling 2 out of 3 debates for McCain. Quite the reverse, surely.
Just another wwl lie, evasion ?
The fact remains we’re not in a situation to joke around with the economy. We need leadership to get us out of the mess the socialist illuminati brought upon us.