I see the BBC lead story is that hip hop and rap fan Colin Powell has endorsed The One. Quelle surprise! Now whilst I accept this is news to those who do not follow these matters closely, I wonder why Justin Webb gets the opportunity in the same item to eulogise as to how “re-assuring” this endorsement will be for “many” American voters. Webb also uses it to further attack Sarah Palin, citing “rumbles of discontent” within republican ranks at her selection by McCain.The BBC chooses to use RINO Colin Powell’s quote about Obama being a “transformational” President without ever quite defining exactly what will be transformed. I guess that will wait until AFTER they get their man in power and the socialisation of America can then proceed apace.
If you check out the sidebar of linked stories also note the care of language being selected “Bitter Blow” to McCain, “Calm Obama” and “more bad news for McCain”. The BBC, like so much of the liberal media, has abandoned ALL pretence of impartiality as concerns the US election and is blatantly cheering on Obama. The difference is, we are forced to pay for the BBC’s obamania and THAT is what is most objectionable. We need “transformational” politics her in the UK as well, starting with the abolition of the license tax.
Yes; the BBC plays the race card in its pro-Obama campaign.
Yes, predictably that BBC card is played aganist white people.
Is that a BBC report? A BBC opinion? A BBC piece of anti-White propaganda?
Could you imagine the BBC publishing a piece:
‘Will closet racism derail McCain?’
A piece which suggested that many black people who were thinking of voting for McCain, decided, because of their ethnic identity, to ‘play it safe’ and to vote for one of their own ethnic kind?
No. Of course not. Apparently for the BBC, ‘racism’ is only something which occurs in white people. And other racist insults which emanate from the BBC.
A reminder for the BBC:
“Caucasophobia -the Accepted Racism”
“Western proponents of Political Correctness are ideologically close to White Supremacists, since they assign a ‘special status’ to white people that they don’t give to anybody else. It doesn’t make it any more just that this ‘special status’ is negative. The opposite of White Supremacy can perhaps be called the White Worthlessness Syndrome (WWS). Self-hating white Westerners are victims of WWS.”
Cockney | 20.10.08 – 6:15 pm |
I think the assumption was that they thought he was an obstructive liberal and he thought they put ideology above practical realities.
I think they were both right, although as I said before Powell did his duty.
Maybe he’s getting the Republicans back – maybe he’s worried about his reputation within his “community” – maybe he just thinks Obama is better than McCain (or Obama/Biden better than McCain Palin).
I don’t see why it can’t be both.
It would be nice to know more. I just reject the view that this makes him some sort of “traitor” or a hypocrite.
Well, Powell’s original position in the Bush Administration led to calls of traitor and hypocrite. He’s damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
Sarah Smith on Channel 4 news this evening in the tank with bells on for Obama. Her mission: To make Obama look good at any cost and to trash Mccain.
Webb, Frei, Smith all in the race to show their loyalty to THE ONE.
Not really about any bias in particular, but I’m curious whether anyone thinks McCain can still win? I really want him to win, but everytime I turn the tv on or read a paper or the BBC website (in particular Justin Webb’s one sided blog and his left wing fans), I get a sinking feeling he won’t.
Maybe it’s the delude of one sided reporting from the MSM on the US Presidency race which gives me that opinion, but is there hope?
ps betyangelo what state are you in? You suggested in your posting elsewhere that you think the Republicans still have a chance – I’m hoping you’re in one of the key swing states – like Florida.
‘Blaney’s Blarney’:
“Is the BBC deliberately distorting expat voter intention?”
BBC Newsnight. It’s all over. McCain is trailing in the polls.
Meanwhile in the real world (Realclearpolitics.com) the polls are tightening in most of the battleground states.
Check them out and although Obama is ahead, he’s only ahead in many of them by the margin of error (3-4%)
Not only that but Obama is relying on young voters who on voting day may well not bother to turn up.
But back to BBC world and it’s all over.
Martin | 20.10.08 – 11:10 pm |
But back to BBC world and it’s all over.
This reminds me: what happened to that whole “Bradley Effect” theme the BBC (and US Leftoid Media) had been pushing for so many months? That margin is too slim to inspire such confidence if we’re to believe that the US is truly as racist as the BBC has been suggesting for almost an entire year.
What happened to all those racists, BBC? Were you just lying about that? A couple of Beeboids have generously admitted that the US has somehow taken a giant leap forward in not being racist in the last few months, but where is all that frowning about racists lying to pollsters, etc., from Justin and Matty and Katty and the rest of the battalion-sized corps of Beeboids covering the election?
Or don’t they want to rain on the parade by suggesting any possible fly in the ointment now that the defeat of George Bush is so close at hand?
Martin, re: “Martin:
I find it interesting that Obama is only about 3-6 points ahead in the polls and the BBC think it’s all over…”
And there’s a lot more to it than just that.
The major polling companies are reporting an unprecedented 75% hang-up rate. When they call homes for polling data, only about 25% of the people they call want to talk to them.
That HAS to be affecting the polling data. They have their own reasons why they believe the people are hanging up on them, but MY edumucated guess would be that the country is ticked off at their oddly weighted polling methods.
The ACORN hoo-raw may have something to do with it. Since virtually all of the fake voter registrations are listed as Democrat, this is skewing the “registered voter” weights. CNN, for instance, uses a weighting of 41% Dem, 29% Rep, 30% others. Historically, voter TURNOUT is actually weighted at 37-37-26. There may be more Dems registered, but Reps are more reliable voters.
I, for on, will NOT talk to a pollster because of the weighting they use, and because of the leading and loaded questions they ask.
And I doubt I’m alone.
Then there’s the PUMAs (Party Unity, My Ass!)– Democrats who supported Hillary, but are now supporting McCain-Palin. There’s reportedly about 3 million of them who are seriously pissed off about the way the Obama campaign stole the caucuses– especially in Texas where Hillary won the primary but lost the caucus. I don’t think they’ve been really heard from yet.
I have a suspicion that Irish bookie who has reportedly already paid out for an Obama win had better get out of town by Nov 5.
I wish people would quit attacking her, and attack the issues. No matter what, the Ivy-League illuminati politicians are going to back each other. With that said, just endorse who you were always going to, and quit attacking Palin.
Hi Anonymous:
I am not in a key swing state, unfortunately, but impoverished New Mexico. Liberals here are white imports from Cali and AZ, Oregon…(cheap land). We have a key senate seat up for grabs, an established Dem against a new Republican conservative. It looks good for Pearce, if only people will get out and vote!
The Obama supporters seem numerous here to the eye, as there are many signs about especially in Albuquerque, the largest city. His supporters are vocal, in the papers and on the radio. Many are despondent about it, with such an onslaught of Obamania with accompanying Obasims, it’s hard to see through the fog.
But I personally don’t believe it. There are too many silent. When I talk to others, they are almost angry with a set jaw and a nod that yes, they will vote. Iti s an undercurrent of disapproval, and i am reminded of the “moral majority” of the 80’s.
Ms Know:
I agree, leave Sarah alone. But we know they won’t. She is a huge threat to them. This election is so important to wiping out the chances of the 60’s liberals getting back in office. Their era must come to an end. Right now. Conservatism is coming back into style in some places, revamped, but alive and well.
I heard Rush Limbaugh give a monolog about a year ago that really inspired me. He asked the question that when you hear liberals spouting their BS, do you remain silent because you are asking yourself, “Should I say something?” or “Can I say something?”
In his logic, if in honesty you admit the later, you prove you have been silenced, and have lost your freedom of speech. He urged us to speak up, to ask “should I” instead – a matter of taste and wit. I have done it ever since, and man – whoa doggies! It’s been pretty interesting. I will never go back to being quiet again. Liberals are very verbal, but challanged in public calmly, with reserve, they get scared, and panic.
Try it.
betyangelo | 21.10.08 – 3:45 am |
Do you have a ton of snowbirds like they did in AZ when I was growing up? From what I understand, many of them ended up staying permanently in all those senior communities. But New Mexico always had far more East Coast Liberals summering there (I know some who still do), so I’m wondering how many of them have either transplanted or might be voting twice?
That kind of thing happens, and if you have a ton of snowbirds, they’ll vote where they winter, and do an absentee ballot where they summer.
I see Biden has put his foot in it again by claiming that if Obama wins, there will be a major world event to test him within the first 6 months.
Could you imagine if Palin had said that about Obama?
I see that the Beeb is at it again
This morning’s R4 Today programme features a very sentimental piece about The One abandoning the stump to visit his sick relation (but he is campaigning on the way to visit her….)
Then a piece on ‘satire’ featuring pathetic imitations of Sarah Palin on some US show, commented upon by two people (both of whom stated they were keen to see The One win)
BBC balance….
BBC ‘Today’ programme, its propaganda against Palin still at FULL THROTTLE (8:20 am, this morning).
Just as the BBC gives PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT to Islam (and allows no jokes about it), so too the BBC is giving continual preferential treatment to Obama (and allows no jokes against him), while it concentrates jokes against Republican Palin:
[BBC propagandist blurb]:
“Comedy and satire have become running themes of the US presidential election. Tina Fey’s impersonations of vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live are catching the public’s imagination. Larry Charles, a writer of Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Jeff McAlister, former London Editor of Time Magazine, discuss why it is that Palin’s imposter is so funny.” (BBC Today’).
Perhaps we will get the anti-Obama jokes on the BBC on the day after the BBC Obama election night parties?
‘Blaney’s Blarney’:
“Tory activists brainwashed by the BBC”
What the BBC misses on:
“Barack Obama and Slavery”
“The ignorance about the history behind Obama’s names is the root of why he can achieve such an impact. Obama represents the chance to help heal the curse of slavery in America by revealing its complete history. He is a descendant of a white woman who had slave owners in her ancestry. His African father descended from those who enslaved the Africans. Obama is descended from slave owners and slave traders, but he does not have a single drop of slave blood in him.”
(Bill Warner).
Obama has policies other than his opposition to the Iraq war (extremely wooly though they might be when they’re not outright scary) so suggesting that he’s based his “whole campaign” on this is flat out wrong.
I said the socialist Nobama based his whole PRIMARY campaign on opposition to the war in Iraq.
That is indisputable. So please, don’t make me laugh. But please attack your own strawman argument if it makes you feel better.
Powell’s endorsement is par for the course for the man.
You clearly have not even listened to it, because if you had examined his emotional, incoherent “reasons” (including outright untruths) you could not fail to utter what the fuck is the man talking about. To name BIDEN, for just one idiotic assessment.
It’s bogus — and it’s all about Powell.
i particularly enjoyed the use of the phrase “hip hop and rap fan” as a euphemism for negro as he is supporting young barry because they are both coloureds
Is anyone really shocked that Powell is voting for Obama? No matter what anyone says, this vote is about color for so many African Americans…even my black conservative friends are voting for Obama, and I keep reminding them that Obama and his lefty illuminati morals and values are the opposite of them and I am sitting there thinking they are racist for voting for him just because he is black, but if I said that aloud, then I would be the racist right?