Fascinating to read this example of character assassination the BBC runs on Joe Wurzelbacher aka “Joe the Plumber”. The way this US election has turned out, the BBC has become a partisan propagandist for Democrat talking points. At every point away, it has chosen to run the Democrat perspective on every issue and when an unscheduled item such as Joe the Plumber breaks through the MSM filter – and challenges Obama – the knives are out. I’m sure B-BBC well read readers will know that criticisms repeated here of Mr Wurzelbacher are spurious but they are part of a well co-ordinated attack dog strategy by the Democrats and the BBC obliges by parroting them.
Added by Natalie Solent: I trust David won’t mind if I add to this post, as the same BBC story had also attracted my attention. The BBC’s title (Doubts raised on US ‘plumber Joe’) came close to being libellous in my opinion. Its use of quotes around “plumber Joe” implied that Mr Wurzelbacher was a fake – either that he was not really a plumber at all, or at the very least that he was not really an ordinary member of the public but some sort of Republican plant.
Yet the worst the tireless investigators of the BBC, who as we all know were pulled away from their feverish round-the-clock investigations of the financial affairs of the front-runner for President of the United States to attend to this vital matter, could uncover was that he was not a licensed plumber and that he owed back taxes. Oh, and he prefers the name “Joe” to that of “Samuel”. That these facts are trivial is covered well in this comment by DB. My point is not so much their triviality, but their irrelevance to the BBC’s claim that
Doubt has been cast over the story of “Joe the plumber”, the man who unexpectedly became the star of this week’s US presidential debate.
What story was this, BBC? What words did Mr Wurzelbacher say that constituted a “story” that, it now emerges, is dubious? Alternatively, what part his “story” as told by the world’s press – that of an ordinary citizen who simply answered frankly when Senator Obama approached him – is subject to the BBC’s ever-passive “doubt has been cast”? If the BBC had offered some evidence that Mr Wurzelbacher was a Republican operative with a pre-arranged plan to trap Senator Obama, then it would be justified to refer to doubts being cast over his story in that sense. (In fact such tactics are commonplace in US politics, and have been exposed repeatedly – but since the plants were Democrats pretending to be undecided or to be “lifelong Republicans” the story was of no interest to the BBC.)
As things stand, both of the two possible readings of the BBC’s first paragraph are unfair to an ordinary man whose crime was not to know his place.
You ask Scott to share with us what Obama has done to merit becoming US President. Here are my suggestions;
1.Proposed the socialisation of the USA.
2. Proposed direct talks with terror states.
3. Proposed that for every known problem, there will be a government program to solve it.
4. Proposed to rip up the Bush doctrine.
A radical liberal, who happens to be black, is enough.
If only he was also gay and Muslim.
“The one thing obama has done that no republican has done is beat a clinton. I see powell’s just endorsed him.”
wwl, Clinton was thrown out as Governor of Arkansas by a Republican in 1980. Clinton’s victory in 1992 (and probably in 1996) was in large measure due to Ross Perot (Clinton 43, Bush I 38, Perot 19).
Obama has repeatedly said that Powell “lied us into war” in 2003, so I look forward to the BBC’s comment on this.
Off topic for which I apologise, but I see Obama as another Blair.
Both are charismatic speakers. (and boy is Blair charismatic when you are in his presence despite how objectionable you might find his policies his charisma is devastatingly effective) Both had no real experience of management or wielding authority prior to election to a major leadership role. Both are lawyers used to manipulating arguments, but without having to be concerned with underlying principles or indeed any adherence to truth.
IMHO neither should have been allowed anywhere near the levers of power
“Kill the Beeb: What is your obsession about who pay their TV licence? I bet you pay yours. It’s easy to come on hear and spout bollocks that you don’t pay it. Prove it.”
Give me a way to prove it Martin and I will. Unlike yourself I don’t fear TVL knocking on my door because I know they have no power and it’s all bluff. A few years ago I told one of their gestapo agents that I had a TV just to see what they would do. He cautioned me on the spot. I laughed in his face, slammed the door and never heard from them again. Well, the letters kept coming, the bin kept getting fuller, but…no action, ever.
And the fact that you fail to see hypocrisy of those that do pay it and come up here spouting their contempt for the BBC amazes me. I wouldn’t expect you to have any respect for those who refuse to pay their licence, out of sheer protest at the BBC, but don’t expect others to have respect for those who do cough up.
The reason I won’t let up on you in particular Martin is because you seem much angrier than most who post here. I had you pinned as a renegade. But when I realise you also buy into the TVL scaremongering crap the BBC churn out, you come across as a hypocrite.
In other words, you are willing to condemn and ignore, kick and scream at every piece of propaganda the BBC urinate over us, UNLESS you think there is a remote chance it may affect you.
If you don’t think that’s hypocritical, please tell me what is?
Arthur Dent: fair comment. Mark Steyn often says the Clinton years were good for the Clintons and bad for America. Mutatis mutandis, I’d say the same about Blair. Theodore Dalrymple has a wonderfully perceptive piece about him somewhere on City Journal: a man utterly convinced of his own virtue as he systematically undermined (further) the moral and political fabric of the UK (Mandelson, Ecclestone, Hinduja etc etc)
But maybe now the Brits can see thru Blair? Hope it isn’t too late for the US. If not, the next few years are going to be bad. Russia, Chavez, China and Iran will be happy …
Kill the Beeb: Until you prove your comments about not paying your TV licence, they are worthless.
I could refuse to pay my TV licence, but I’d have to get rid of my TV.
Funny as it may seem I don’t believe in breaking the law.
The left do. They belive that breaking laws THEY don’t like is OK. Tha’ts a short trip to anarchy.
If the Tories don’t promise to reform the BBC it may well prevent me from voting for them at the next election, something I will make clear to my current Tory MP.
“If the Tories don’t promise to reform the BBC it may well prevent me from voting for them at the next election, something I will make clear to my current Tory MP.”
How about a very stiff letter to Reader’s Digest Martin. That might have the same affect.
I still find it amusing that you believe that anyone would give a toss about you if you stopped paying your licence. Especially being anonymous. I mean, I know you’re no Noel Edmonds, but all this “I don’t believe in breaking the law” nonsense again just proves how out of step you are with reality and how BBC propaganda has sunk into you.
Anyway, I will continue to deny them my £130 eavery year. Which would also deny them a certain amount of spoils and trappings that all good socialists need to further their cause, such as:-
3 grammes of coke.
A meal for two in a swanky Islington Restaurant.
A night in a hotel on the Alps.
A single flight backpacking to the Phillipines.
Etc. Etc.
By the way, I just found this comment on Youtube. I know it’s not the Daily Mail, but it sounds realistic enough to me:-
“I was a TVLA officer… left 2 weeks ago. Left due to the stinking corruption within the BBC/Capita/NuLabour.
It’s all a con. TV detectors don’t exist… well… they do: you basically go round to a house at night and watch for the flickering of the TV. This isn’t a joke.
We are basically a salesmen. We get commission on every poor soul that we threaten into signing our ‘code 8’ forms. i.e. “self-confess, you’ve no chance in court”. That’s it.
The BBC are a disgrace on many levels.”
Kill the Beeb: If you say so.
Thanks David, points so obvious I should have noticed by myself – my bad. You notice Scott didn’t answer – they never do. They can’t answer that question, it is impossible to answer. They are brain washed. At least we can say of Sarah, we like her because she’s down home, she’s a good governor, she defeated nepotism and cronyism, she’s chosen life…
“A radical liberal, who happens to be black, is enough…If only he was also gay and Muslim.”
For liberals, he is truly a Messiah. His cult – it is a cult – has reached global proportions. I almost want to ask, how does “666” work into this, it must, somewhere…
I don’t watch teevee at all, I have to admit to all and sundry; reading and the radio are my media. I have never bought a teevee ever, in my life, until two years ago and only to watch movies. Except for beer commercials, there is absolutely nothing that interests me on the tube – BUT, in the bar there is usually a teevee, and it so happens that the first time I ever saw the Appointed One, was when he accepted his win as an Illinois senator, and I was at the bar for happy hour.
It may seem like I am making too broad an attempt at a point here, but I had to tell you first that I never watch teevvee in order to make this point: When He came on waving and smiling, something about him grabbed my attention, and it was like hearing a voice in my head yell – There He Is, Our Savior!!
I had never even heard of this guy before. I literally felt that this thought was forced on me and I have believed since that some kind of sumbliminal message flashed in the screen that was trying to make me take note of The One. Maybe I read too much sci-fi, but at the time it was a strange experience and reinforced my belief that teevee is Big Brother’s tool.
Now, here He is, and ever since the dems put him forward I have been creeped out by him, remembering that experience.
Democrats accuse us of the same with Sarah, but it is not the same. If it were to come about that some dirt surfaced – real dirt – and proved true I would be disappointed but look elswhere. However, the dems do not do this, they dismiss – The One is granted complete immunity. Dirt slides off him as if he were greased, he claims his fault is being too awesome and the dems have spontaneous orbasims – it’s sickening.
David, you listed:
” 1.Proposed the socialisation of the USA.
2. Proposed direct talks with terror states.
3. Proposed that for every known problem, there will be a government program to solve it.
4. Proposed to rip up the Bush doctrine.”
We know this because we are paying attention and we listen, but I think his groupies are not even listening at all! Instance the link to the radio broadcast I put in the other thread, just yesterday – frightening stuff. The announcer asked people on the street what they thought of Obama policies, replacing McCain’s for Obama’s, and they agreed it was best! Then the announcer said, “So, what do you think of his pick of Sarah Palin as VP, think she’ll do a good job?” and they all said yes!
It’s a cult, they want the black guy.
“Then I look forward to you criticising the citing of articles in the MSM in future.”
Why would I do that here Richard? It’s the ‘Biased BBC’. Not the ‘Biased MSM’.
Kill the Beeb | 19.10.08 – 3:31 pm | #
As I made clear, I was referring to their use as evidence of BBC bias.
It is indeed a cult…and most cults demand sacrifices. In this case, it will be the lifeblood of that which makes America great and that is why the hateful BBC delight at what looms dark and menacing…
Kill the Beeb,
Would you consider sticking to the topic of Beeb Bias instead of attacking individual poster(s) here on the grounds that they pay their TV tax?
I don’t see why this is so important to you or makes you so angry.
Kill the Beeb,
I would urge you to reconsider. This sort of thing is very boring, as well as deeply irritating. People come on here to read about the Beeb, after all.
Stick to topic. Please.
It is perfectly legitimate to criticise the BBC and still pay the tax. This is the stance of the reformer. It is also legitimate to abhor the existence of the tax on the grounds that it is an archaic survival from the past and irrelevant in the digital age and to agitate for it’s abolition.
If the BBC fails to reform itself and adhere to it’s charter then the democratic process should be used to decide the matter.
If anyone chooses to pay or not pay that is their business and not really relevant to the debate about the bias permeating the BBC’s output
David Vance:
Yes, they are hateful. What is evil about their hatred is that they do not see it as hatred: they believe they are being very clever, a cut above the herd. In fact, shepards to poor blind sheep.
I slip myself into their shoes (first disinfected) and smell “power trip”. Then I see the sharks about, narcisists all, vying to be seen and heard by millions at once…Rush calls them the drive by media, like drive by shooters – they hit a scene, shoot it up, and then drive on to the next scene and shoot it up, never looking back to see what damage they have done always on the move looking for the next scene…
Joe the Plumber shook them up. Blue collar Americans do that to them. He’s a real tax paying guy, a hard worker 10-12 hours a day, he was a perfect gentleman listening to Obama, who did not let him talk too much, a real guy who thought he was going to talk to another real guy about a real topic. Toward the last of the interview if you look at him – gads, I could almost see him thinking, bored by the put off, “what a chump…” Then you see his face redden and he didn’t bother to speak, he just kept being polite. Defiance at being pandered and stroked for the camera had been added to “CHUMP!”
The only way That One can win is if not enough Joe’s got off the couch to register to vote. In my own small world I know of people who have never voted who are off the couch, just to save the country. My daughter, a rabid liberal until now, changed parties, as did her husband, a liberal Jew. He says it’s because of Sarah’s legs, but in truth they sense the shift, like a stink on the wind: the Messiah truly believes a bent knee to global opinion is The Way, and robbing the American pocket to pay for sins to that community is The Way – so much so that he can’t really TALK to Joe, which is who we the voters are, instead he talks AT him.
And, that’s why we love Sarah. Baby don’t roll that way, but I do admit my son-in-law has a point – she’s got it. Barrack is dancing the dance as he was taught: Sarah was born to it.
So hang in there. May the Force be with us.
I pray you are right – if The One gets in we will witness the sovietisation of the US from within – to the delight of the media including the BBC.
Thanks for the tip – the Blair piece is here:
“Sovietisation”! Anyone else think this is right? Biden as beria.
Sovietisation”! Anyone else think this is right? Biden as beria
Who knows, since the policies that Obama might follow if elected are pretty much opaque and since there is no track record to guide anyone, who can say what he will do. The number one policy initiative from Obama seems to be ‘change’ to what is somewhat unknown.
This is the problem is that Palin HAS a track record of doing what is right for her constituants and not doing what she believes is right according to her religious beliefs.
Actually, Obama has the same kind of record that you can see through the types of people he has associated with through out his entire political career, and indeed throughout his entire adult life.
Those suffering from PDS have continually harped on about her believe in creationism YET not a single person can point out to where she has ENFORCED her views through her office as governor.
In fact, the truth of the matter is she is on record as saying she does not believe it is her duty to tell people what to believe (merely that all sides of an argument should be discussed…imagine that aye, discussing all sides of an argument. Al Beeb would do well to listen to this women!).
Whereas with Obama, looking at his time as Chairman of the Annenburg Challenge, when you look at the socialist causes that money was given to you get a very good feeling for what this guy believes.
Again, Palin has fought against her own parties politics and corruption. Obama on the other hand has played his own parties politics and corruption to get him where he needed to go.
Quite clearly, one of these people is suited to be president…its just not the one actually running for office.
I love that he broke through the mainstream media illuminati. Now the attention has been on the issues, one being taxes. The liberal media will now attack him, digging into his personal business when all he did was ask a question to someone who might be running the country soon.