Classic case of BBC bias in this woven report on the US election. It commences with an attack on Sarah Palin’s “alleged abuse of power” before (cue strings..) informing us that Obama’s beloved grandma may not live to election day and then segueing into the statement that McCain is “taking advantage” of Obama’s enforced absence. Aren’t those Republicans bastards?
“History” Gives Obama Hope: Dysfunctional Family, Absent Father, Controlling Mother Often Leads to . . . the White House?
News night must have run the same story again cause the goon was just going on about Palin being a liability and how many people that $150k could clothe and how McCain new nothing about it.
Of course not a mention about Obama’s credit card fraud.
WOW! I’ve just steeled myself to sit through Part 3 (of 4) of S.SCHAMA’s tv series on AMERICA.
Part 3 was on RELIGION and Schama segregated his presentation into his very selective history of the white church, and of the black church.
By the time we got to the twentieth century, it was very clear where Schama’s ’emotions on his sleeve’ sympathy lay: and it wasn’t with the white church.
Schama’s narrative soon became an historical straight line of innocent, dignified black church activity from slavery, via Martin Luther King and Fanny Lou Hamer to the BBC Obama election in 10 days time. I don’t remember seeing any twentieth century whites who were portrayed sympathetically, whereas all the blacks were.
The Reverend Wright only got a two minute look-in. His speech was so inflammatory, the BBC bleeped it out, but Schama excused Wright, and Schama excused Obama for having Wright as his pastor for 20 years. There was no criticisms of the black church in America.
And all the time there was Schama oozing his white guilt.
For Schama’s information, it seems that Obama is a descendent of an Arab slaver, and that his ancestors were not enslaved, as certain myths would have it:
[Extract, from ‘Atlas Shrugs’]:
“Kenneth Lamb, journalist of some note, posits an interesting argument to Obama Hussein’s roots on his blog, Reading Between the Lines . Please go here and read it all.Yes, it’s important. Add it to the troubling pot of where Obama Hussein’s allegiances lie. Obama Hussein, descendant from Arab slave traders. Ouch. Spin that.
“The thing is, the media and the Democrats are touting his ‘African American’ background and using it to mine white liberal guilt (millions of white folks are voting for him to prove they are not racists!) So it stands to reason that we expose his actual descendancy from Arab slave traders – the worst practitioners of racism and human trafficking (even still, even now.)”
No doubt, in the final part we will have Schama applying his white guilt analysis to Part 4, and advocating an open-door policy on immigration to America, so that the whites can commit guilt-ridden national suicide at his ‘multiculturalist’ instigation.
Here’s an interesting point (made on Fox of course).
Palin is the only person in presidential and VP race that IS NOT a millionaire.
Pretty good video of the token lefty on fox getting shot down in flames by a pretty damn hot Mrs Thompson 🙂
Great link! The BBC would never DREAM of allowing those pro-Palin points. She is a demon for them and they hope to exorcise her via Neimans.
Palin has no choice. If she wore the same outfit twice she’d be accused of being a cheapscate.
And lets be honest Palin looks so much better than Hillary in those AWFUL pantsuits.
What put me off her more than anything is somehow trying to hide being a woman.
Thatcher was always 100% woman as is Sarah Palin.
The idea that a man or woman might not vote for a woman because she has a skirt on is utter nonsense.
Remember the obsession with the Tory woman with the shoes?
Justin Webb is a piece of work. His report tonight was pure vitriol. Relentlessly insulting to Sarah Palin and purely personal. He is a reporter nothing else and he should act like one.
I hope the US ambassador saw it and sent a copy to the US so that it may be widely viewed by the US people.
In the event of a Republican victory we must question whether it is wise for our state broadcaster to have so insulted a possible US vice president.
I would suggest that neutrality in a US election is a pre requisite of any BBC report.
Dave – I wouldn’t worry too much. I think with Palin on the ticket we are bound to lose. Too much of a lightweight. Christ, she makes Obama look insightful!
Martin – Don’t dare utter Lady Thatcher’s name in the same breath as Palin. She’s not fit to lick her boots. It’s bad enough the BBC dumbing down without dumbing down Lady Thatcher’s legacy.
Again Billybob, Palin is the only thing keeping McCain in this race.
I think McCain can still do this. I think the MSM (and the BBC) are so in the tank for Obama and have been so biased, that I think they’ve completely lost touch with reality. I am really hoping that the people of America are energised enough to vote McCain and poke one in the eye for the MSM who have been an utter disgrace on this election. Especially the BBC.
George R – and that is why I fundamentally disagree with those commenters here (several of whom I usually agree with) who maintain Schama is a credible historian.
As far as I’m concerned, he is just another ephemeral pop celebrity, lost in a haze of fashionable opinions – apparently incapable of objectivity.
Less of your license fee has been spent examining the antics of Kim Jong Il.
2000 Gore/Bush 2004 Kerry/Bush 2008 McCain/Obama.
What do they have in common?
Democratic dirty tricks/vote rigging/
smears/whispering campaigns/poll rigging/fraud/planted stories hoovered up by an allied media.
What about the media?
The BBC alone cheered for the democreeps in the last three elections taking direct orders from the democreep HQ and passing on all the lies and innuendo and hiding all the news that the democreeps were not keen on being made public, a news filter if you will and they had victory parties ready and waiting that turned into wakes.
What else have the above elections in common?
The Hollywood chattering classes were highly active for the democreeps and spared no opportunity to smear the Republicans.
The BBC among others were calling a victory for the democreeps right upto the point of defeat, take a look at the evidence dont trust me!
Take heart people, in a few days there are going to be some very sad and broken hearted chattering classes/media luvvies/socialists/Islamist sympathisers/democreeps and richly deserved too!
Mailman | 24.10.08 – 11:24 pm | #
I guess I am capable of being swayed by a stereotype as the next… person… but Mrs. Thompson was simply the sharpest, most coherent and well-informed person in the exchanges. End of.
Frankly the BBC seems to have hyped an aspect and dropped it once the main line has served its function, namely Mrs. P blowing a wad on frocks. Little on the context vis a vis presentation or the activities of others in this regard.
I have also seen, at least elsewhere, without challenge, the money used referred to as ‘public funds’ or ‘charg[ed] to the taxpayer’. Really? I know some seem to think this was somehow a rich person ripping off the poor in the name of power. Party funding is a wee bit more complex than that, and if running with an aspect I would maintain any sharing this either do it ‘all or nothing’.
In a world of impressions the way a woman looks is given more heft. I don’t like it but there we go. I seem to recall the media, well some, being quite happy with the image presented by Jackie Kennedy or, more recently, Sarah Brown when not being used as a prop by hubby.
I guess the message is that these ladies were somehow different? If not politically, maybe it’s just that they were the main attraction’s female eye-candy, so that’s OK then.
Mrs. T was not about to let Mrs. O get a free pass, but such ‘two-wrongs’ counters have to be skillfully used to a) make a point without sounding petty and b) giving the very entities that feel free to initiate such trivia techniques the opportunity to say, with all due pompous hypocrisy they can muster: ‘well, we’re not talking about that’.
Maybe the question should be asked more why they do not, in an even way, from the outset, from so-called ‘objective’ journalists who these days seem happy to be agenda-supporting shills for party Press Releases.
I notice that Greg Palast is bigged-up as “BBC Investigative Journalist” for this anti-Republican comic. Clearly the BBC approve of this?
David Vance you need help!!! Do you really think Sarah Palin is helping the GOP?
Bet Obama’s granny does live and it is all one big publicity stunt.
One of the many things I hate about Obama is his ruthless, scheming cynicism. Even using his granny to get votes. What a truly disgusting man.
Perhaps Obama will see her and cure her of her illness?
George R 11:18
I didn’t see it , but Schama is an extreme left-wing historian and Obama supporter.
And , guess what, he is a guest on next week’s Question Time from the USA !
The BBC will try and present him as a neutral historian. I mean, no question of inviting Niall Ferguson as he may stray “off message” !
I have to say Schama in my opinion has lost all credibility, and I now seriously regret buying his “History of Britian”, when there was as far far superior series available written by the emintately superior Winston Churchill “History of English Speaking People”.
I’ve reached the point where I simply refuse to watch or listen to any of these leftie sympathisers now. I just associate left wing bias automatically with any documentary the BBC produces these days.
Oh, and if anyone can say that the first 4 paragraphs of the linked story below aren’t hostile to Republicans I don’t know what is:
Mailman 11:24
Yes, great link. David Vance is right the BBC would never allow an interview like that.
I loved the bit about Obama’s cocaine use. On the other hand, maybe theBBC would like that !
Mailman | 24.10.08 – 11:24 pm | #
God how I hate Alan Colmes. He’s such a weasel. Every night I see him make these spineless little “hit and run” comebacks (have you noticed) in which he says his counter point very quickly and then immediately says “but anyway” followed by a change a subject as if he’s sooooo frightened of having it challenged. Watch him next chance you get. He never, ever makes a counter point without trying to change the subject immediately after.
The worst part is that Hannity virtually always lets him get away with it! I have respect for Hannity in his efforts to expose Obama’s radical past of late, but the guy just doesn’t even have the debate skills to deal with a dweeb like Colmes. And he frequently lets Obamabots get the last word without challenge.
Martin 9:44
I might start supporting Obama if he could turn water into wine !
That was me above. Sometimes my browser deletes saved form entries for some reason. Maybe it has something to do with those bizarre dwarf porn sites I frequent.
Grant – Niall ferguson and Andrew Roberts have both been on QT.
Silence of the Beeboids.
Look at this:
Obama’s open-to-the-world credit card machine?
His crooked friend?
His terrorist friend?
His communist upbringing and his moonbat religious associates?
Compare any Beeb reference to this with the stuff about Governor Palin’s treatment by the Beeb and its Webb-sight
It’s beyond parody now.
Still, I’m daft enough to try.
yes. and why didn’t the bbc cover that mugging of a mccain supporter by an obamabot. the cornhole certainly did. and drudge.
Here’s Webb’s latest miserable attempt at journalism:
The Palin-McCain team made an effort to change the conversation with Joe the Plumber – but again and again, as here (from Kansas no less!), the thrust of the coverage has been unhelpful.
Problem is, the link goes to an article from Kansas City, which, as comment no. 12 informs us, is in the state of Missouri, not the state of Kansas.
What else doesn’t this North America “editor” know about America?
I wonder if he can pronounce Arkansas correctly.
Part 4 of BBC Schama’s ‘Future America’ TV series, screened next week, plus Schama’s additional appearance, armed with Obama eulogies on BBC’s Obama ‘QT’ from America, plus Schama’s BBC US Obama (descendent of an Arab slave trader apparently) Night fest- there is no end to Schama’s Democrat Party, multiculturalist, white-guilt love-in.
Schama’ Part 4 is on the theme of US IMMIGRATION, in which he will extol the wonders, for immigrants, of an open-door policy. And of course, Schama and the BBC would apply the sam multiculturlist immigration policy on British society, chanting the empty mantra of ‘diversity’.
As a counter to such sham Schamism, I recommend this essay of over 10 years ago, by American, LAWRENCE AUSTER (in PDF format, about of text):
“The Path to National Suicide: An Essay in Immigration and Multiculturalism”
Click to access PNS.pdf
Funny how Schama didn’t have anything at all to say about the largest Christian denomination, the Roman Catholic Church, and its part in integrating great swathes of immigrants into American life.
As for Sarah Palin, like Mark Steyn I’m a great believer in a woman’s right to shoes.
Schama is a very mediocre left wing historian that the BBC as his publisher have an interest in promoting. Just compare his Rough Crossings (BBC Books) with the works of historians like Jim Walvin to see how bad he really is.
Grant: I can turn wine into water. Any good?
Another thing about Webb’s blog, they censor information on Obama’s subversive friends, like Wright and Ayers, even though this information is all over the blogosphere and beyond. They censor it simply by “referring” the comment to the “moderators.” The comment then sits in this “referred” state for days until long after the debate has moved on and is then either published – too late for anyone to see it since it appears in its original time slot – or “removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.”
That’s the BBC – using public money to prevent many of the public – perhaps even a majority – from having their say.
Just got a bit of BBC Dateline. That fat vile pig Toynbee was on there as was the usual western hating Arab twat some camp yank who sneered at Palin all the way through and some Frech sounding twat.
A nice “balanced” BBC news programme again.
I hate ‘dateline’ with a passion, whats the point of having a load of identikit leftist talking heads confirming each others prejudice? It looks ridiculous and people just see through it!
Martin – I don’t mind her in the Guardian – I buy it for the crossword and Hoggart and occaisionally they have some decent copy from dignitaries. Apols – I also like Eliot, Hastings, Muir & Younge.
However, as mentioned, I buy it and when I finally get to Toynbee, Ashley or Monbiot(although infrequently Monbiot is fantastically provocative – Freedland is chip paper) I should blinking coco that i’m in a jovial spirit – seriously, Muir & Hoggart are pretty good (although Guido reckons Muir just plagarizes).
Toynbee is an auteur with no understanding of how British Politics works – she doesn’t have an opinion and can not fight for it. It is like a jester at court, responsive only to her masters’ voice. She is no Labour shrill like Ashley or the one’s you’re aware of. I respect people who love the Labour Party – I do, as long as they can accept their own mistakes and are willing to demand change.
Toynbee doesn’t love the Labour party, the labour movement or the people – she can’t keep your interest, she is fickle, immolient, hypocritical, conspicuous in her amnesia and vain and on the tax-payers’ cash I’d have thought balance would have been required. Hutton & Toynbee ain’t feeling no ‘downturn’!!
Dateline’s meant to be foreign oiks – so the French sounding dude’s fair play. It’s the rise of the mediocrity in the Beeb – to allign Simpson & Sissons with these turds is bad form. Paxman just couldn’t give a toss these days – I don’t think he’s partisan – I just think he’s fat.
Toynbee also refused to wear a Poppy. What a shock. Not!
Refused????????? I stupidly got into my Lloyd George at a very early age – that war was the most censorious of all. Upside down cruxifictions for kicks. Refused to wear a poppy? I personally refuse to crucify people (but I know NOTHING)- I try and go through 10 poppies every autumn and save the ones that drop in my house. I don’t mind contempt but tell it to the big lad and stand your ground – that is good politics. She is a coward too – it’s difficult typing from the floor after I fell off my chair!
We who are about to die, salute you.(Ave Ceasar – ave te salutem e morte – can’t remeber my Pliny). When will they stop bartering – there is only loss.
I think i’m almost saying that I wouldn’t wear a poppy if I didn’t want to but refusal would have nothing to do with my donation. I gave money to cystic fibrosis today as there was a counter of shiny key-ring pendants – but I only gave £2 – poppies are a £20 shot minimum before you can whinge. I’m 33 and I have met no-one who is interested in politics and derring do state that ‘I’d have loved to be a Captain under Joffre at Verdun’.
It’s all bollox – this Euro conspiracy and US hegemony has been displayed as drivel. We have a good health serivice & utterly exaubertant public service in this country.
Rothschild sets the gold price – do they set the oil price. Was Gordon’s veiled assertion that he would ‘cut the price of oil’ – accurate?
Hang on! Hang on! We’ve been here before a few times. I think people are confusing politics & economics – easy mistake.
Who owns stuff?
What territory are we fighting for?
Who are we fighting?
Do we know them?
Who benefits?
Can we be arsed considering they’re all coming here in 2012?
I think the political solution must be to threaten these lads – to absolutely nail the cunts.
Talent is permanent, form temporary. Money isn’t wealth: I genuinely do believe that the NHS can absorb all money available to the entire world. 2 cheeks of the same arse? Is that
the best – that Labour holds health & Tories territory?
I’d not give a shit about the bbc if it wasn’t such a disproportionate tax – mental, if you ever talk to poor people – they love the bbc! They haven’t seen the subtlelty of it – when mentioned – bad – don’t do it, meke them think they’re telling you. It’s more fun.
Brilliant time to watch them shit themselves – tossers!
jjohn | 25.10.08 – 8:58 am |
Newsnight and Palast’s editor for his segment on US voter fraud were shocked, shocked to find partisan comic books being published by their man.
I sent in a complaint about Palast and his misleading report.
Palast’s editor and occasional investigation partner, Meirion Jones, was kind enough to give me a couple of thoughtful answers about my concerns, but wouldn’t accept responsibility for knowing about Palast’s anti-Republican project.
My comment on that is here.
I will not even pretend to care about obambis grandmother…three generations of the family all seem to be of the same mindset.
As my dear old dad used to say: “Read carefully and inwardly digest.
BBC News 24 peddling the “white Americans are all racists” crap again.
So just how many blacks will be voting for McCain in this election then BBC scum?
Justin Webb’s latest blog effort – another link to a McCain/Palin-bashing item at the Huffington Post. I think Webb and the rest of the BBC hacks are responding to accusations of bias with an extended middle finger. They are now showing us all that they can be as biased as they like during this election campaign safe in the knowledge that nobody will stop them.
(Note also “I can see why they are in Iowa even if local Republicans cannot.” This constant need to affirm his superiority over the rednecks suggests a deep insecurity in Mr Webb.)
DB: I wonder if a beeboid continually linked to say the KKK or BNP websites or used stories from them as “facts” he’d have a job for very long?
The BBC trumpets in its Radio 4 news that some minor official in the Republican party calls Obama ‘a young black Adolf Hitler’ in an email, while the story is ignored in America.
They really are trawling for stuff.
In all fairness, McCain suspended his campaign, and Obama didn’t. The mainstream media illuminati need not try to turn this into negativity, because it’s not. McCain didn’t stop campaigning, Obama did.