The BBC’s latest entry from their journalists following the US elections tells us far more about the BBC than it does about the campaign. Gavin Hewitt’s (following Obama- did we scare off Justin Webb?) is a long and lyrical piece including lines like the following:
“What I can attest to, however, is enthusiasm. The kind of enthusiasm that keeps you standing in a queue at a polling station in Franklin county in Ohio today for five hours. The enthusiasm that persuades you to bring your children with you on a beautiful autumn day to the polling station, knowing they will be bored.”
Matt Price meanwhile, following McCain (guess who the senior journalist is between Price and Hewitt so who got the short BBC straw) offers a terse little piece. Its BBC headline was promising- “breaking stereotypes” – so I assumed something a bit different from the usual snide comments. In fact it sets up a video which is pure Obama commercial. It accuses those who are against Obama of racism. It says McCain simply favours the rich. The BBC journalist who is supposed to cover McCain puts forward the argument for Obama from the mouth an apparent middle-American he’s come across. He claims it is “what this election is all about”.
Two BBC journalists, apparently balanced missions. One, and only the One’s, side of the story.
Update: Price video here. “I have a lot of friends that… they’re ignorant, they’re not going to vote for him because he’s black”. Oh yes, breaking stereotypes with the McCain campaign indeed
So what’s wrong with hewitt’s post? seems entirely balanced to me, if a little lyrical.
Although he doesn’t mention that Barry O’s father is Malcolm X, the founder of Common Purpose.
mwl- I advise you to watch the short video that Price introduces, and to remember that his job is to cover the MCCAIN campaign. Hewitt’s article by itself is not bad actually, although it certainly doesn’t downplay the Obama story. Price’s article alongside that is beyond the pale really.
Ha- I see the BBC now have a technical announcement in place of the video. Something being debated behind closed doors it could be…
It was, trust me, total Obaminfommercial.
“Zomblog has obtained an extremely rare copy of the first issue of Osawatomie, a newspaper published by the Weather Underground in 1975.”
“mwl- I advise you to watch the short video that Price introduces, and to remember that his job is to cover the MCCAIN campaign. ”
Which he has been doing. That’s a problem with individual blog posts being available on separate pages — it allows “commentators” to completely ignore any overall context which would weaken their own point.
This is the best piece of yahooery i’ve yet read about the election; and i’ve searched hard. Very funny.
Ruby Wax on the Andrew Marr show bitching about how negative the British media is towards the greatest president the US will ever have?
OH she’s now defending Brand and Ross by denigrating the granddaughter.
Scott– Price has been getting fed up with McCain for as long as he’s been covering him. He’s not concealed his distaste. I have been deeply unimpressed by him. That’s a context of sorts.
interesting reading on the obama strategy.
In order to form an informed assessment of any issue, political or otherwise, it is necessary to have a sufficient supply of good-quality INFORMATION at one’s disposal. With regard to the Obama/McCain campaigns, at a very minimum the following “points of view” and “perspectives” are absolutely essential to make an informed choice:
An Obama-camp assessment of the issues from the Obama camp.
An Obama-camp assessment of the McCain point of view ALSO from the Obama side.
A McCain-camp assessment of the issues from the McCain camp.
A McCain-camp assessment of the Obama point of view ALSO from the McCain side.
Although the BBC (British Brainwashing Corporation) claims to be impartial, in actual fact the only points of view that are allowed to be aired are the first two. The BBC only allows discussion of the issues from the Obama side. The McCain points of view are aired, but only from an Obama perspective. This is known as gross bias.
Gavin Hewitt, Justin Webb et al give the Obama points of view from the Obama side. Matthew Price gives the supposedly McCain point of view ALSO from the Obama side. All of the McCain-camps assessments of the Obama point of view are censored. This is bias (to put it mildly) and is contrary to the BBC’s Charter. It is an absolute disgrace.
These general ideas of how to assess and make an informed choice on contentious issues are taken from R. Webster Kehr’s e-book “Cancer Tutor”. In particular, I would recommend the following chapters which discuss these ideas and the evolutionist/creationist issues using these general principles.
Chapter 9: How The Media and Establishment Brainwash The Public
Chapter 10: Other Techniques the Media and Government Use
No, mikewineliberal, Common Purpose does have the same intent as Obama but it wasn’t founded by his father, whoever that may be. I posted you a link last week which showed exactly who had been on CP courses, what positions within the public sector and large corporations they held (many have since been promoted) – and that was for Aberdeen alone. I can confirm that I know some of them and they are as PC-brainwashed as I had hoped they would not be. The BBC is heavily penetrated by CP as one would expect so the only question that remains is whether you have been on their indoctrination courses? Some people have no need of such indoctrination as they are there already: all it needs is a mind frozen in the 6th form common room and that’s it. The BBC’s dreadful coverage of the US election shows that their ‘reporters’ are also of that mindset.
“The Dirty Secrets of Pollsters”
from 2004, and refers to Canadian polling.
but it mentions a staggering statistic – 80 per cent of people polled refused to take part.
“BBC Radio Leeds”
“Well, hot on the heals of my lunch with the nice people from this year’s Common Purpose Programme…”
The Orwell Prize…
and guess who is involved.
the founder of Common Purpose – who is also deputy chair of the “Media Standards Trust”
And look who is on the board of the MST as well..
one Robert Peston.
you really could not make it up.
I watched Marr this morning and Wax exhibited everything bad about the left, completely ignoring anything said against “The One” ™, wouldnt shut up and was basically begging for a black president (the consequences be damned).
But what made me laugh was the other guy quoting Andrew Sullivan as if he was an authoratative voice! 🙂
I mean, this is the same deranged stalker who has been running with the Trig is Palins grandson smear since day one!
Now, if we cant believe the geezer who took legal action to get Obama’s birth certificate because he is a 9/11 loon…then why should we believe anything Sullivan says because he suffers from PDS?
On the plus side, McCain did get Marrs endorsement this morning simply for taking time out to appear on his show (which Wax countered by saying Obama doesnt have time because he is running the country! 🙂
Progress is a funny thing.
I mean, if someone had told me 10 years in the past that I would one day become a welder, I would have said:
“What a total waste of time travel! You could have at least come back and told me the lottery numbers, twat!”
After reading Gavin Hewitt’s breathless prose I was surprised he didn’t describe in loving detail how The One actually walks by putting one leg in front of the other.
If, or probably when, Obama wins, I think apologies from the Beeb to the American people should be in order – for constantly implying that they’re all closet racists.
Still getting irritated by the USO8 instead of US08 logo the BBC are using – O for Obama is it? How do they justify doing this all the time?
PS Express is revealing 50 BBC top twits get 14 million between them! All are paid more to run £4 billion BBC than the PM running 1 TRILLION British economy. Then again Brown is making a mess of it… 😎
USO8 is a scandal waiting to happen.
Just heard anddrew marr, describe Lewis Hamilton as a Briton.
He might be many things, he might be British etc etc, but he is not a “Briton”. That term is used only to describe descendants of the ancient native tribes to Britain.
Of course, deliberate misuse of the word.
DT, I think you are reading too much in to the font.
I mean what next, GW was responsible for 9/11? 😉
Price, Hewitt, Webb, and Frei have all been lying to you continuously, and hiding the truth about the nature of The Obamessiah’s politics.
Here’s yet another brilliant Obamessiah policy which ought to send a chill down anyone’s spine:
Obama Civilian Security
He has said this before. Why doesn’t the BBC mention this?
What is this “civilian security force” supposed to do, exactly? This sounds way too much like a tool for oppression for my comfort.
For the last eight years I’ve had to listen to Leftoids cry about how Boooosh has created a state of fear and oppression. The fact that Michael Moore, Al Franken, Paul Krugman, and most of the mainstream media haven’t been silenced or arrested doesn’t seem to enter into their thinking. The fact that The Obamessiah has already tried to use state police and government forces to silence not only critics, but even people reporting his own words, doesn’t seem to register either.
So many emotional, Bush-Deranged people – both educated and uneducated – squawked about a right-wing police state, and how the Bush Administration has created a climate of fear and oppression that I’ve lost respect for quite a few individuals. African-American Intellectual Superstar Cornell West was on the Bill Maher show Friday night saying those exact words about how Bush has created a police state of fear, etc., and now The Obamessiah is bringing “peace and love”, and was met by rapturous applause.
Yet, nobody seems to question it when The Obamessiah openly suppresses critics, and states his desire to create a force of brownshirts. It’s the same thing with his outright admission of his intention to “spread the wealth around”. Doesn’t a mean a thing to Leftoids, no sir. According to Leftoid darlings, it’s just “something he mumbled” during a campaign stop. Calling him a socialist for saying that is somehow untrue? The chatterati were outraged for at least two days that McCain is so evil rich and out of touch with the masses that he doesn’t know how many houses his heiress wife owns, yet not a peep about how The (rather upper-middle class, at least) Obamessiah has abandoned a half-brother and aunt to extreme poverty.
Have your BBC North American editor, or your BBC News America star, or any of the dozens of Beeboids hurled at the US spent a single moment analyzing any of the above for you? No, instead it’s all Sarah Palin, all the time.
The BBC, just like the rest of their fellow travelers, are in full-fledged denial about their Obamessiah. Too bad they have to lie to you about it. Now, once again, the citizens of my country’s greatest ally will be misinformed about how and why the next US President got elected, and what he will do once he gets there. You’re all being prepared to worship and accept that the Obamessiah has been elected because the entire world wanted to get rid of George Bush, and that United Statesians finally woke up and moved to end these last eight years of absolute, horrible nightmare.
Alternatively, if McCain should win, you will all have been prepared to believe that the US is too racist to elect a black man, possibly even using those nasty voter suppression tactics you heard about on Newsnight. Nothing to do with that black man’s politics, of course, because as far as you all know he doesn’t have any besides fluffy bunnies and unicorns.
We’ve gone through the Looking Glass, I’m afraid.
David Preiser (USA): Ww already have them over here. We used to call them Traffic Wardens. But now the Socialist scum that runs the UK call then ‘Civil Enofircement Officers’
Basically sad people who can’t get a real job get to work for the fat one eyed jock and go around looking for ANY excuse to stick a fine on people.
Leave your bin lid open 4 inches and you’re fined. Put your rubbish out on the wrong day and you’re fined.
Looks like if the ONE’ get elected President you’ll get getting some of the same.
At least you can own a gun (for the moment!)
Daily mail reports they have even been putting cameras in peoples houses.
Dont expect a beeb investigation
Go to this link to get details of William Gurley whose last minute entry into the American election threatens to blast Obama and McCain into oblivion….
Barry O is an empty suit, a cipher, a blank canvass etc etc. That he could be president within a few days is ridiculous, along the lines of a guy who runs a gas station being appointed CEO of Shell, or the bloke who runs a tobacco store made CEO of Philip Morris. He has NO experience but he has enormous ambition and ego: that others have fallen for his rhetorical shtick is depressing. And the media just loves him and will do just about anything to see him get elected. Why? I guess it’s good old self-loathing at its finest: or maybe, like the Messiah they think he is, they believe he will take upon himself all of their sins – the manifold ‘isms’ no right-on, self-righteous ‘liberal’ can forget are buried deep inside their soul and mind.
The thing is, I have no such self-loathing. I don’t need someone with no experience and no wisdom – but one hell of a big opinion of themselves – to make me feel better. And I certainly don’t think I should have to pay to hear other self-deluded fools tell me how great this fraudulent con-man is. I’d like the BBC to report facts and leave their bias and bigotry out of it.
There’s no mystery about The Obamessiah’s politics and desires. He speaks his true nature quite openly, again and again. Only, most people aren’t allowed to hear it, or deny what they hear with their own ears. It’s mostly the latter in the US, but mostly the former with the BBC audience.
Here’s yet another openly stated Obamessiah policy which ought to bother anyone sane, yet will be dismissed by his followers and covered up by the BBC:
“So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.
That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.
The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.
So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.
It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
No mystery here. He says it quite boldly, and freely. Anyone who doesn’t know what The Obamessiah is all about either hasn’t been paying attention, or watches only the BBC.
But remember boys and girls: if The Obamessiah doesn’t win on Tuesday, it’s cos he is black.
David that is astonishing. And isn’t Virginia in his pocket?
The next few weeks are going to be as ugly as the election, no matter who wins.
But remember boys and girls: if The Obamessiah doesn’t win on Tuesday, it’s cos he is black.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 02.11.08 – 6:07 pm | #
Such not so subtle levels of ‘our way or no way’ message being pumped out, in this case regarding the US electorate (nothing much I can say or do that matters much over there. Though I can empathise with the paucity of choice the voters are being confronted by. And opine that being told that if I didn’t do something it would suggest I was a racist would be a powerful way to make me react in a way perhaps not as desired ) but also pervading everything else here (eg:’If you don’t support the BBC on Ross/Brand you are a Daily Mail reader and therefore are a) beneath ‘right thinking’ folks’ contempt b) to be ignored even if you are in a majority or c) all of the above’) is starting to make this not as silent as some, but still pretty apathetic member of the populace get almost narked enough to try a few actions that might even still speak louder than words.
And in the words of Cpl. Jones, ‘They won’t like it up ’em’. Because over here it can and may even count.
Be afraid, Auntie, be very afraid.
David Preiser.
Helen Jones – Kelley authorised the search of “Joe the Plumber’s” records.That was merely for asking Obama a question.
obama wants to set up a civilian security force, as well funded as the U.S. military (one wonders, why?)
vid here – in his own words
obama wants to bankrupt the coal industry (which is still important in many crucial swing states)
obama wants to send “price signals” so that consumers change their behaviour. in other words – tax tax tax…
“Obama wants to set up a civilian security force, as well funded as the U.S. military (one wonders, why?)”
His trip to Germany went to his head,gave him the idea for his own
Sicherheitsdienst (SD, Security Service)
Palin has jumped on the coal story – just mentioned it in Ohio…
(via LGF comments…)
GOP are pushing it hard in the coal states , like VA, PA, Ohio and elsewhere.
Betfair are giving 8:1 for McCain.
I’m not a betting man but in this case I’ve made an exception 🙂
No mention of the poll the Telegraph are running with that shows McCain up by 2 points in Ohio. They only mention the ones that are good for The One.
In 2004, I remember Brokaw or someone like him, standing in front of a big map of the US, turning states blue or red as results came in. When a state turned red for Bush, his face looked so perplexed, so full of disbelief. By the end of the night I thought the man was going to cry.
He, like the rest of the media, had believed his own biased bullshit. We will see Tuesday night if they done it again.
Where is Barry Chubb’s sister when we need a good frog story?
She is being touched by Barry….
I see this thread has lapsed into the usual childish sabotage from the Beeboid trolls and fans of Jonathon Ross.
Mods, please remove the infants from the playground!
And if you have a spare half hour, I wonder if you might like to pop round and suck my plums.
If you dont mind I would like to suck your plums.
A thoroughly stinking lead story on the BBC’s news at 10, this evening, about the US elections.
Why stinking? Because it bordered on libel, showing early voters in Ohio and suggesting there had been determined attempts by Republicans to harass them – the clear implication being that this was a racially targeted attempt by McCain’s supporters to prevent blacks from voting.
This was a bid to do precisely what so many here have predicted would happen: to lay the ground for a claim, should Obama lose, that it was because of racism and dirty tricks.
Oh, there have been dirty tricks in this election, all right. Some of the worst of which have been committed by a team of BBC reporters whose partiality has been the worst I have ever seen, on any issue.
And that’s saying something.
The more I see of and hear from Barack Hussein Obama the more I’m worried about the future of the US of A. He, Pelosi and Reid will change the political landscape forever and this is not the kind of “Change” I believe in.
It’s a big shame that McCain lost the plot months ago.
I have eight white ducks and two black ducks. Among the white ducks there is Blind Duck (she falls down the stairwell), Stoopid Chicken (hatched by a banty hen and scratches the dust for worms with mom) 3 fat drakes and three fat ducks, all named Christmas Gifts, and the two black ducks I will not here say what I call them. They lay nice little green eggs good with ham.
At first the white ducks would not socialize with the black ducks, even chased them away, and let them go hungry. So I experimented: I starved them all equally for three days. Then I fed them and the black ducks, smaller and faster, stood in the middle of the feed bin and ate first. Now they are all equal.
That’s how you spank a duck.
disillusioned german: Don’t worry dear, I’ve a 32 in the glove box, a shotgun in the closet, a 22 in the kitchen and one in the livingroom, a sawed off shotgun in the library and a 45 under the bed. Me and mine will be around to vote again in four years.
Spanking a duck? I’m glad I am not alone in my sexual penchant for waterfowl.
However, a fly – with both its wings clipped – makes an exciting bedfellow, especially when allowed to wander around on the head of my penis.
I’ll get the fly swatter…
Thank you for the tips, i’m gunna head out tomorrow and give that a shot.
Can i also reccomend to you while we’re on the topic that badgers give fantastic head, and you can come over their face and they dont mind, my girlfriend always slaps me if i do it.
Just listening to Barack Hussein in Cleveland… he certainly is a non-partisan, right?
Actually not… he’s starting to piss me off.
The last 8 years. Blah, blah, blah.
disillusioned german:
He’s not going to win. It’s not going to happen.