Radio Five Live discovers (admittedly somewhat late) that there are black conservatives in the United States. Shay of the Booker Rising group blog will be interviewed on the morning show from 9 am. 9 am ? That’s now !
Perhaps one day they could also discover Thomas Sowell, John McWhorter, Walter Williams and a host of others. I guess Larry Elder and Michelle Malkin might be too much for them. I think I did hear Shelby Steele on the BBC – once.
Did anyone else catch ‘The One Show’ last night (5th Nov)? I’d heard that there was a piece on the outbreaks of violent and intimidatory poaching that are sweeping the countryside, but first we had to sit through five heads nodding in unison as Obama’s praises were sung, and in agreement that the best thing to be done would be to get Al Gore back to work saving the planet as soon as possible.
Then, after the poaching film, the whole rural crime wave was dismissed because ‘poachers are only doing what toffs do anyway.’
Beeboidism in its finest form!
Dear BBC, sending that political heavy-weight, Bill Turnbull to do a post-election Vox populi analysis by hanging around New York diners at 3 a.m. and asking the opinions of night owls, hoboes, taxi drivers, drunks and junkies about their opinion of Obama’s victory isn’t news.
Please return to the UK along with all the other 300 or so Beeb journos that were out there on licence payers money. You know, at least, think of the carbon footprint!
Only in the LALA land which is the bbc, could a bloke calling himself the badge trust, be talked up with complete seriousness and given a large slice of the daily farming programme to spout unchallenged nonsense about bovine TB, without anybody from the farming or cattle industry having the chance to follow it.
These beeboids are not just warm and fuzzy creative types who get things wrong occasionally, they are assiduously promoting views which are damaging a large part of the rural economy of the South West.
Chuffer: The One Show has shamelessly been a government propaganda programme for ages.
Last time I watched it, Alistair Campbell was allowed to promote Labour without any interruption or contradiction at all and before that they did a piece eulogising on how great Labour’s minimum wage policy was etc etc
Gore Vidal’s withering election night attack on David Dimbleby becomes YouTube hit
and the clip
Interest rate cut on bbc = guess who…
Vince Cabal
No surprise but still important: the US pollsters festering at the bottom of a large and rancid barrel are Reuters, C-SPAN, Zogby, CBS/NYTimes and, lowest of the low, Newsweek.
Any pattern of political bias visible here? Any guesses which polls the BBC quoted most? Move along, now.
Please return to the UK along with all the other 300 or so Beeb journos that were out there on licence payers money. You know, at least, think of the carbon footprint!
Jeff | 06.11.08 – 11:06 am |
Actually, wouldn’t it help the carbon footprint if they just stayed there and didn’t fly back? It would have the bonus of keeping them off our screens once there’s less to report on from the USA.
With the respective succeses of Lewis Hamilton and Obama this week, how utterly predictable (and crass) that the BBC newsrooms UK wide would be making a point about the colour of their skin.
The very first BBC report I heard following Hamilton’s championship win in Brazil, opened with the line: “Lewis Hamilton wins the F1 title, the first black driver to do so”. Yet any follower of F1 knows there is so much more of value to Hamilton’s achievement than the colour of his skin.
When an interviewee on yesterday’s Today programme corrected James Noughety, by claiming that both Hamilton and Obama are in fact mixed race, you could hear the stifled groans from within the studio.
time for a thread about BBC climate change bias. See the Express story about David Bellamy linked by Lurker. Ever wonder why we never see Bellamy on the TV these days? Now we know, it’s because he doesnt support the one-sided BBC propaganda on global warming.
And what happened to the excellent BBC science editor Dr David Whitehouse? Same story, he’s now a climate sceptic.
Rob | 06.11.08 – 1:15 pm
Ah but Rob, you have to remember the dark days of segregation at Brands Hatch in the 60s, when the intrepid Rosa Parks went and sat down in the driver’s seat of a Ferrari and refused to budge …….. cue clip of Maclaren X speech “By Any Gear Necessary”)….
A 1.5% interest cut today. Now can someone remind me what’s taking place today?
The media, bored with fawning, begins to turn:
Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages
Watch out for the first anti-Obama Justin Webb story – probably early March.
Roland Deschain | 06.11.08 – 1:12 pm |
Actually, wouldn’t it help the carbon footprint if they just stayed there and didn’t fly back? It would have the bonus of keeping them off our screens once there’s less to report on from the USA.
Agh! No! I’m sure I can do a fundraiser to help buy enough carbon offsets to allow them all to return as quickly as possible.
I just saw the Gore Vidal piece, and I have to say that in my opinion this is the opposite of how people have portrayed it.
I’ve seen him talk loads of times, and the old ratbag was obviously drunk. He spouted a bit of viciousness, “they jusht want war…and money!”, and then suggested that nasty conservative white people would do something awful, and would try nasty things to undermine the new President. Dimbleby correctly called him on it, at which point Vidal got belligerent.
Vidal is a nasty piece of work, brilliant and immensely knowledgeable as he may be. That night he was in poor form. He was wrong to smear me (I’m not a Republican, but obviously he would include me in that “mindset” he was sputtering about) and many of my fellow United Statesians, and Dimbleby was correct to call him on it.
I do not understand how this can be viewed as Vidal doing well and Dimbleby looking bad.
PS: I noticed the news text running underneath, with that gross misrepresentation of Hamas terrorists as innocent Palestinians which I mentioned the other day. What a charming editorial decision to run it just then.
Rahm Emmanuel is pro-Israeli Jew, does this fact get mentioned in his BBC profile?
Ha, of course not. The likes of Fox News have entire pieces on this angle of the appointment:
Supposedly he’s “regarded as a centrist Democrat” according to the BBC but his voting record is one of the most liberal in congress:
Noticeable that his investment banker past is ignored in the main news piece:
and buried in the profile.
Emanuel is a Washington insider at the very heart of the Clinton presidency and another of the Chicago mafia. This seems very much like the old politics yet not a word of dissension from the BBC. Even the New York Times are noticing:
Why are the BBC omitting pertinent facts and not bringing up the contradictions between what Obama says and does? How can the BBC be to the left of the left-wing NYT and continue to argue they’re “unbiased”?
BBC report:
“Airport blast man ‘left a will'”
‘Jihadwatch’ preface to that BBC report:
“A Misunderstander of Islam expresses his misunderstanding of jihad in his will. He died of burns after trying to mount a jihad terror attack against the Glasgow airport.”
‘Jihadwatch’ title:
“The call of Jihad was loud and open”
‘Evening Standard’ Londoner’s Diary:
‘Deal or no deal, Robert?’
“DOES Robert Peston protest too much? ‘I have steadfastly avoided doing any broadcast about a bank where I feared that in some shape or form I’d be precipitating a run on that bank, which would undermine the bank in a really fundamental way,’ pleads the BBC business editor in The Spectator. ‘I’ve been very, very, very careful to make sure that everything I said at various times was pitched in a way and at a time when I didn’t feel that I would be damaging the bank in a really fundamental way.’
“But then he goes on to contradict himself when he adds: ‘When I did the stuff about the banks talking to the Government about their need for capital, I didn’t have the faintest idea what effect that would have on their share prices… I can’t condition my broadcasts on whether or not a share price is going to move up or down.'”
Martin 2:19
If you are suggesting that the interest rate cut is timed to co-incide with the Glenrothes by-election, that would suggest that the BoE is not truly independent !
Next, you will be saying that the timing of the by-election, the day after the Presidential election, is not a coincidence.
Well I never, whatever next ?
On the subject of the by-election, I am happy to report from Edinburgh that, surprise, it is raining quite heavily, so that should hit the Labour vote.
Also, for Telegraph readers, there is a lively comment section online under Alan Cochrane’s column, if anyone wants to join the fun. Quite a few Labour stooges posting, but not whitewine , I think. They are all too vicious !
Sorry a bit off the BBC topic.
PS. Back on the BBC . Hugh Pym on News at 1 today went completely off message. Used the “R” word at least 4 times. And said that, as UK interest rates were now lower than Eurozone rates for the first time ever, it indicated that the UK economy is in more trouble than the Eurozone economies.
His comments were very balanced and sensible. How long can he hang on to his job ?
More on Glenrothes, with a bonus for any who appreciate the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.
After wall to wall US ‘news’ up to and including today, to the exclusion of all else, I posted on the Newsnight site to suggest that a not insignificant local election might get a mention.
My comment was moderated out. Here’s why:
Thank you for contributing to a BBC Blog. Unfortunately we’ve had to remove your content below
This post has been removed because special House Rules are in effect during Polling Day. In common with other media organisation the BBC does not discuss elections while the polls are open and users of the BBC website must also abide by these rules.
So… they don’t discuss what they don’t fancy before, can’t during and might make passing reference afterwards, unless it works out better than expected, in which case it will be top of the news for days
David Preisler
Sorry, you are outnumbered on this blog. The BBC hacks and drones stay in the US. But, at least you have lots of massive , wild open spaces where you can send them on a survival course, sorry, group bonding, outreach, sensitivity etc…. course.
Re. Vidal , I agree with you. He is one of the nastiest pieces of work ever. I watched the clip and, although, I have no brief for Dimblebore, I thought he handled it with great good humour. Vidal was just nasty, stupid and rude, as usual.
Vidal was just nasty, stupid and rude, as usual.
Grant | 06.11.08 – 4:27 pm | #
Makes you wonder about the criteria for ‘guest commentator’ selection, doesn’t it?
Funny when even the vetted ‘chosen ones’ veer off message, mind.
David Preiser,
Who is saying Gore Vidal looked good and Dimbleby bad?
I see that BBC America came 3rd last (out of 14) in election ratings…
Telly tax funds well spent then!
Oh dear,the BBC ‘Question Time’ panel for tonight is listed under a large photo of ‘The One'(for no apparent reason other than BBC political preferences):
What do they mean they dont discuss elections on polling day?
Please someone translate that to English. Wheres whitewhiney.
Pestons usual lies. He won an award for breaking Northern Rock!?
Adam: What do they mean they dont discuss elections on polling day?
Please someone translate that to English. Wheres whitewhiney.
“On polling day the BBC, in common with other broadcasters, will cease to report campaigns from 06.00 and until the polls close. We will restrict our coverage to factual accounts, for example, of the level of the poll, politicians’ appearances at polling stations and the weather to ensure that while the polls are open nothing in our output can be construed as influencing the ballot.”
If anybody is interested, here’s a quick update on drunken Obama-supporting Brummie hack Adam Smith – turns out BBC favourite Kevin Maguire is a mate of his:
The Press Gazette has also picked up on it:
I stumbled across the video on You Tube yesterday before it had registered any hits – looks like it might go viral now. If so, I think Smith is probably savvy enough to take advantage of his 15 minutes. Last night’s South Park had a couple of scenes which seem quite relevant – skip forward to 5:25 for the “fuck you” to the boss, and 9:00 for the morning after regret.
GeorgeR 4:39
I hope Nigel Farage has the nerve to spoil the party. But, it will take a bit of guts to go against the Obama lovefest.
adam | 06.11.08 – 4:35 pm |
Who is saying Gore Vidal looked good and Dimbleby bad?
The Telegraph, Media Lens, some blogs, the video is starting to make the viral rounds, etc.
Perhaps I overstated a bit.
Might need to try this link for Maguire:
Grant: When was the last time interest rates got slashed by 1.5%?
Anyone who thinks the BoE is independent is an idiot.
GeorgeR 4:39
So , question time line-up. 3 from the left , including one black person, 2 from the right. Funny, BBC bias always goes in the same direction on QT.
BBC news report:
“Obama name craze for Kenyan babies”
Additional non-BBC information:
-from ‘Wikipedia’:”Religion in Kenya”:
“Islam –
“The Sunni path of Islam is the religion of approximately 10% of the Kenyan population. The North Eastern Province is predominantly ethnic Somali and Muslim. The Coast Province also has a significant Muslim population. Nairobi has several mosques and a notable Muslim population.
“Religious Shari’ah courts, called Kadhis Courts, are given jurisdiction over certain civil matters such as divorce and inheritance under the constitution of Kenya.
“Muslims have complained that they are targeted and discriminated against by the government, particularly since the 1998 United States embassy bombings in Nairobi and elsewhere.” (‘Wikipedia’).
AND, from: political
“Barack Obama and slavery” (by Bill Warner):
“Now here is the last little twist to Obama’s name. He called himself Barry, an Irish name, for many years in America. He changed what he wanted to be called after he went to Pakistan for a three-week stay. He left America as Barry and returned as Barack.
“Some whites may have bought slaves from Islam for 200 years, but after that, their culture was first to outlaw slavery. So Obama changed his name from a culture that abolished slavery to a name from a culture that has enslaved others for 1400 years and has a highly detailed doctrine of slavery.”
Dame Neville-Jones is on Question Time. I’m sure she’ll get berated by the shipped-in far-left audience for having the temerity to think that Al-Qaeda (and Islamic Terrorism more generally) isn’t just some figment of her fevered imagination or a CIA construct or something.
Grant: Actually it’s 4 from the left. Don’t forget Dumblebore.
Martin 5:05
Exactly, it never was independent. Brown always made sure he had a majority of his people on the MPC. Fake the inflation figures, keep interest rates artificially low, create a credit/ house price boom and , bingo, what have you got ? A burst bubble and recession !
GeorgeR 5:06
It must be a little unusual for an American christian, called Barry Obama, to go to Pakistan for three weeks and come back calling himself “Barack”. In fact it must be very unusual for any US christian to go to Pakistan for any reason except business or as a missionary or diplomat.
Martin 5:07
Sorry , I forgot about Dumblebore, as I often do.
Another thought, I should complain to the BBC that none of the panel appear to be gay, unless Jack Straw is going to stun the nation and come out on live TV. However, this topic got me into trouble here, after last week’s QT, so I’ll drop it.
Right, my complaint is, why is there not a Muslim on the panel ?
One to file under ‘er… it was edgy humour… I claim my job back’. Can work.
Steve Zacharanda: One man who didn’t feel as great as Obama the morning after …
Hugh | 06.11.08 – 4:48 pm | #
So, not a dicky bird prior ‘due to the election in another place’, and nothing here in the UK on the day after that one is done and dusted… ‘cos of ‘house rules’.
The licence fee payers of Glenrothes must be wondering where they are meant to get their information from before it’s… whoops, too late!
Where’s a Vogon Constructor Fleet when you need one?
Peter | Homepage | 06.11.08 – 5:28 pm
Perhaps the fact that he campaigned for Obama will save his job – it’s the 2008 version of travelling to London to throw down flowers for Diana, and few bosses dared take a stand against that mass hysteria.
Are BBC journalists less free than those on regional newspapers? Discuss…
It is the Guardian, mind, so tread carefully.
Government survey says all is well – BBC parrots it. Also blames credit crunch entirely on American, thus following the government’s line.
BBC website seems to be down, might the beast be having technical problems?
With a shock 1.5% rate cut things must be very bad indeed for the economy. But you won’t have any idea if you just rely on the BBC. If however you watch ITV or Channel 4 News you’ll get a clue, i.e. the IMF has predicted that the UK is in by far the worst position of all the developed countries to withstand any global downturn.
There is such a contrast between ITV and BBC, it’s hard to believe they are reporting on the same story. ITV/C4 provides much more background, and it’s not pretty. The BBC, on the other hand manages to get a minister on but then just lets her rabbit on about what they are doing with the banks. It just turns out to be a political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.