I know that BBC coverage of the US election has been well covered by my colleagues here on B-BBC but I just wanted to say a few things myself.
Whilst on holidays last week, I tuned into SKY, CNN and the BBC. They were all pathetic cheer-leaders for The One but whilst CNN was poor, Sky managed to be even worse but the BBC managed to win the race for MOST Biased news channel insofar as it really only focused on Obama. McCain was as rare a sight on BBC coverage as Gordon Brown in Glenrothes! I could not bear to watch the BBC coverage yesterday but I did force myself to watch the 10 0′ clock news tonight and instantly regretted it – the BBC is still swooning over Obama. I watched some sycophantic coverage suggesting that Democrats may well be moving into a permanent majority, no less. Those pesky white Americans are going to be a minority by 2050, the report thrilled, so the bad old days could be behind us! We also had images of Obama cultists scribbling best wishes on a tatty piece of cardboard defacing the Mall in Washington -funny thing is when Bush won in 2000 and 2004 I can’t quite seem to recall the same glowing aftermath in the Beeb’s coverage then, can you?
Isn’t it strange how, now that they have helped get him elected, the BBC is finally starting to raise the issue of Obama’s lack of experience?
It’s the very charge, of course, they brought against Sarah Palin with such alacrity.
You’d need a heart of stone not to laugh….
John Bosworth
I don’t think the BBC has mentioned that Obama’s Chief of Staff was a director at Fannie Mae in 2000/2001 when all the fraud was going on and the sub-prime mortgage mess was being fuelled bigtime.
Nor that he got big handouts from them after he left.
Sshhh, don’t mention inconvenient truths like that. I see more grotesquely sycophantic from Al Beeb today, wish I could post it but am currently blocked out for some reason.
One day someone at El Beeb will wake up and finally understand that Obama has destroyed the American election system.
This guy has proven that with enough money, you can buy anything…and because of his actions I very much doubt that any self respecting politician will ever go with public financing again, not after they have seen what Obama raked in.
Also wondering whether someone will click on to the Obama campaigns online credit card fraud scheme too?
… against Sarah Palin with such alacrity.
GCooper | 07.11.08 – 10:43 pm | #
I don’t think the Conservatives are exactly helping themselves, at any level, but there seems an interesting parallel here in the way the MSM is treating them, to what end one can’t imagine.
Neither here nor there leader but seemingly holding public support, so gun for the deputy at every opportunity on any basis, whether warranted or not.
And leave out as much, or indeed any, analysis of the favoured ‘side’ and its super-sons’ and daughters’ failings.
Seemed to work recently.
At a local primary school they watched the Obama victory speech on the BBC internet news during school time. I wonder if they watched President Bush’s speech four years ago?
‘I’m not a racist, and the vast majority of my countrymen weren’t racists before Nov. ’
David Preiser (USA) | 07.11.08 – 3:26 pm
If you’re white then you are a racist…..in the BBC mindset. In their warped leftist thinking, all white people, (‘hideously’ white people, remember) are racist by default. Simply by being born white, you have the original secular sin of racism. It’s the one overriding principle of PC dogma: white = racist.
Only by adopting the required positions on issues, and attaining a sufficient level of self-loathing and culture cringe are you deemed to be atoning for your ‘crimes’.
White collective guilt is the most effective weapon the left has in its arsenal. It’s been used to bludgeon all opposition. What a pity leftist themselves can’t be made to feel collective guilt about the crimes their murderous ideology has wrought over the last hundred years.
The people telling us to feel guilty are themselves not motivated by guilt. They are motivated by hate. Hate is what makes them want to wreck and destroy, not guilt. As some of them are financially and socially successful, it cannot be envy of success that makes them hate our system. I think they are born like that. Something genetic. But why do they have this genetic disposition? In cavemen times they would have been the ones in the raiding parties charging around and taking other people’s things. That kind of behaviour would be selected for in natural selection and would end up in about 5% of the population. Less than this and raiding would become easier as the targets would not be used to them, more than this and the targets would gang up and turn on them. So they would stay at 5%. Now this ‘stealing’ gene shows itself today as hatred for ‘the better type of person’.
It seems, no actually is true, whenever I look at News 24 there is yet another new beeboid face pontificating ignorantly and expensively from the United States. Why? Don’t any of you lot ever wonder too?
RR | 07.11.08 – 5:28 pm |
Do you have a source for these figures? I’ve been asked to provide one. Cheers!
disillusioned german
Re funding, I have no sources for you, but I heard a figure of $600 million some days before the campaign had finished mentioned for Obama’s spending on http://www.Foxnews.com/radio and they were saying 8:1 spending ratio in cetain areas or states I cannot remember. So perhaps one of the blogs on that station might help you.
Mr. Cavenman:
I just checked again myself… According to Wikipedia the whole thing went down as follows:
Barack Obama (D) $638,759,000 / 64,629,649 = $9.88 per vote
John McCain (R) $360,167,823 / 56,888,006 = $6.33
Ralph Nader (i) $3,952,772 / 665,663 = $5.93
Bob Barr (L) est. $1,000,000 / 493,175 = $2.02?
Cynthia McKinney (G) $118,000 / 144,331 = $0.82