I note it is reported that the BBC broke impartiality rulesin a Huw Edwards-fronted documentary about Welsh politics that attacked Margaret Thatcher. The broadcaster’s own governing body today found it guilty of being unfair and inaccurate in the programme. The ruling came about after an incensed viewer complained about the unbalanced and misleading programme on Welsh self-government. Edwards, who fronts the Ten O’Clock News, was accused of ‘openly canvassing support’ for the Welsh Assembly and was also found to have broken rules. So, no surprise there then. Has he been sacked yet? Has the producer of the programme been sacked? Is this more pathetic lip-service to the concept of impartiality? The BBC has been running a decades long campaign against Lady Thatcher and this is but one of the more recent examples of its bias.
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Has he been sacked yet?
Did he hire a cab and ask for a driver, “born in Wales, who did not speak a word of English”?
Edwards is a complete mystery to me. He simply can’t read aloud – he considers himself far too important to bother with little niceties like punctuation he will go straight. Into the next sentence and then pause. AT the most bizarre point IN the text. And that’s BEFORE we get ONTO his rediculous habit OF stressing. All prepositions can anyone. Explain why he has a fishhook IN his upper lip just TO the left OF his nose? Aaaargh!
Here’s an interesting video by CBN news about the anti american bias in the European media. I think you can guess who comes in for particular criticism.
But they are consistent, they have been biased against the rural communuity and their way of life for decades too !
Another classic on farming today this morning, the beeboid ability to promote the views of less than a handful of antis , as carrying the same weight as the tens of thousands of country people who intend to carry on hunting. This is how the bbc distort the debate to fit into their view point.
Huw Edwards is a nasty little piece of work, even by the BBC’s low standards.
No one here is shocked by this are they?
Fages 9:48
Great video. I wonder if the BBC will show it !
Anyone hear the Geoffrey Robinson interview on the Today programme this morning?- He spoke in complimentary tones about Brown i.e. that he was the man for the moment trying to rubbish the previous interviewee (dubbed the Angel of Doom) who gave a clear concise and cogent argument that the policies being proposed by Brown are likely to lead to a meltdown of sterling as foreign investors lose confidence in the British Government’s ability to repay its debts. The interviewer says in terms well that was a glowing tribute and the response “Well wasn’t that why I was brought on to the progamme?” Interviewer “Well yes ….” Speaks volumes!!!
Talksport sacked James Whale for bias before an election.
The BBC won’t sack Edwards for his pre-election bias. It’ll do nothing.
Backwoodsman – I’ve just has a call from my local BBC, wanting me, as a farmer, to help them with a piece about the surge in poaching.
I let off a ten minute rant about how there’s one thing we hate more than poachers, it’s the BBC. How I know what they’ll do – they’ll follow the piece with interviews with Billy Bragg, LACS, Compassion in World Farming and the Ramblers. (I suggested she should watch ‘the One Show’ 5th November to see what i mean) How I resent paying their wages even though i don’t watch BBC. How I would be delighted to sepak to ITV – but never the BBC.
Ye Gods, did I feel better after that!
Bias, or wishful thinking…? I know that it’s hard to get the staff on £3.5B pa, but….
Caption: Parliamentarian of the Year Peter Mandelson with George Osbourne. You couldn’t make it up.
Bet they can, if they try hard.
Parliamentarian of the Year: Dr Vincent Cable
Nigel says the license fee should be reduced to £39.50:
2 headlines, from Sky and the BBC websites
1) Baby P tragedy was avoidable
2) PM rejects Baby P buck-passing
No prizes for guessing each source. It’s just like the Obama narrative, any attacks are sidelined against the favoured ones rebuttals
The bias is really starting to get noticed now such as in this Reg article ..
Many opponents of ID cards are on the left and I suspect that the Beeb acting as Nu-Labs mouthpiece is coming as a bit of a shock to them.
OT Dennis Miller Show just now – Michael Yon phoned in from Iraq: “This war is won.” He’s moving on to Afghanistan where his insights will once again be invaluable to those of us who don’t trust the BBC’s propaganda.
Charles Moore in The Spectator
My old friend ‘Posh Ed’ Stourton begins his new book about political correctness (It’s a PC World, Hodder and Stoughton) with an anecdote about the Queen Mother. She told him, in private, that the EEC would never work, because of all those ‘Huns, Wops and Dagoes’. Ed was displeased: ‘I thought that what she had said was nasty and ugly.’ He thinks what upset him was that the ‘ghastly old bigot’ (a bit of ageism in that description?) was expressing racist sentiments. I choose to interpret the matter rather differently. What really shocked him, I suggest, is that the Queen Mother forgot two basic points of etiquette to observe when one has the privilege of talking to members of the BBC family. The first is that one must never use rough, colloquial words like ‘Dago’ in their presence. The other is that one must never, ever speak ill of the European Union. By failing to follow this pattern of deference which does so much to hold our social fabric together, the ex-Empress of India was committing lèse majesté. Ed is too well brought-up to mention it, but I expect she also failed to curtsy to him.
more http://www.spectator.co.uk/the-magazine/the-week/2626241/the-spectators-notes.thtml
Considering the internal criticism the big question is: Could Al Beeb abolish itself???
Chuffer , my main interest for several years has been deer management. That the bbc is incapable of understanding that poachers frequently kill deer out of season, thus leaving fawns to starve, or will use innapropriate weapons, thus wounding many, is a damning indictment of their understanding of the countryside and those who manage it. Then some fat bloke is allowed to say completely unchallenged, whats the diference between a poacher killing them & a toff doing it.
Utterly worthless *#@#’s , the vast majority of them.
Further to your point. You are not alone.
We watch the BBC expecting them to be basically accurate. Simply because we can not imagine a sensible reason why the BBC should not want to be as accurate as possible.
However when you meet or communicate with any ordinary member of the public that has a first hand knowledge of the particular subject. For example yourself, a plumber, doctor, industrialist, ect you find the BBC is ALWAYS inaccurate. Not always telling bare faced lies, but essentially wrong and extremely misleading, all the same.
The questions are.
1.Is the BBC simply incompetent?
2.Is the BBC collectively insane?
3.Is the BBC secretly controlled by agendas handed down from establishment places the media in general never tell us anything about under any circumstances?
The BBC is hardly ever the first, however hard that may be to believe.
The BBC is maybe sometimes the second, but not for the reasons that may seem self apparent.
The BBC is always the third, or the licence fee would not make it past the next queens speech. Whoever is currently soiling the sheets at No 10.
I caught some of the ‘Steve Wright Show’ on Radio Two today. Huw Edwards was on and was asked about being in the US at such a momentous point in history. He said it was amazing to see so many people happily standing in line to vote for ‘upto four hours’ and that it was all because they ‘wanted to take part in this momentous moment’. There were audible collective sighs all round.
Then, to my amazement, Edwards piped up, ‘of, course it was the same for the Republicans, people were just as happy to queue to vote for them. McCain and Palin were supporters were just as commited’ Or some such.
I was so suprised I nearly pranged the Vantage. Maybe his bosses have had a word and he’s treading careful like at the mo’?
Wright incidently takes first prize in the sucking up to guests. His introduction to Edwards was so fawning both he and Edwards seemed a bit at a loss as to how to carry and for a couple of minutes they fumbled about pointlessly. Perhaps they were kissing?
I notice this complaint seem to follow the BBC standard operatoring procedures.
Response 1. Nothing wrong here. Go away you silly little man.
Response 2. Well we might have done that slightly better. Now bugger off old chap you are getting tiresome.
Response 3. Weeellll. Yes were are biased. We will do better next. Honest guv. “Ok chaps, trebles all round”.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny:
Wright incidently takes first prize in the sucking up to guests.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny | 14.11.08 – 6:39 pm | #
The revolting fawning twat has always done that though, hasn’t he?
That the bbc is incapable of understanding that poachers frequently kill deer out of season, thus leaving fawns to starve, or will use innapropriate weapons, thus wounding many, is a damning indictment of their understanding of the countryside and those who manage it
One of the BBC’s favourite themes is the likes of ‘toff’ Otis Ferry running around murdering the cute little Animals of Farthing Wood.
The elephant in the room that they ignore ( as you are no doubt only too aware of ) is that the most aggressive poaching is done by travellers – a favoured leftist ‘victim’ group.
A few years ago I was asked to eradicate the hare population on a farmers land, where previously I just shot vermin. The poor old boy was at his wits end with travellers lamping the hares using vehicles and dogs, smashing his fences and offering violence to him and his workers. The police couldn’t stop it and the only solution he could find was no hares = no poachers.
He didn’t like it, I didn’t like it, but what else can you do ?
The BBC will never approach this subject properly, because they view travellers as being cute and cuddly oppressed types. All horse drawn caravans, handsome swarthy men and dancing girls with flashing eyes.
Wright incidently takes first prize in the sucking up to guests.
Cattle Prod of Destiny | 14.11.08 – 6:39 pm | #
Sorry Cattle Prod but that just has to be Mayo’s prize on 5 Lite.
in the good ole days Posh Ed Stourton would have been hung drawn and quartered for his remarks
bloody human rights laws with their cruel and unusual punishments ffs
Well you wouldn’t get BBC Scotland making a programme that advocates more powers for the Scottish Parliament. Completely aligned with the Labour Party, which is the establishment party in Scotland.
meggoman | 15.11.08 – 6:39 am |
I’va always had a soft spot for Simon Saladcream, as Viz called him, because he was the only daytime DJ on Radio One who would play non-chart music from the 60’s & 70’s during the 80’s. IYR, Radio 2 in the 80’s really was Radio Quiet and only played The King Singers and such like.
It took the great putsch when DLT and Mr Bates where subjected to show trials to bring Radio 2 into the light.
So Saladcream is off the number one spot. Oh and before anyone flames me he may be an obsequious lefty shill now, but then he wasn’t and I don’t listen to BBC Radio enough, now, to care.
If I don’t like it I turns it off. A lesson for many there I think.
The Cattle Prod of Destiny | 15.11.08 – 12:34 pm |
I liked both Simon Mayo and Steve Wright when they were still Radio One djs. These were the days.
I have never even been to Wales and probably never will, but it seems to me to be a commendably patriotic act of Huw Edwards to encourage voters to vote in Welsh Assembly elections.
The Assembly is a key institution of Welsh national life and part of the country’s constitutional structure.
Beeboids, IMHO, should support the constitution.
Besides, I thought it was a requirement of the BBC Charter that the corporation should support and foster citizenship and civil society.
I really can’t see anything wrong in merely encouraging people to vote.
The trouble only starts when the beeb starts hinting whom they should vote for.
I’m Welsh and often wonder what the hell the Welsh Assembly is for, it seems nothing more than a glorified borough council.
It is certainly inefficient, expensive and unnecessary. We are too small an island to be split into separate parliaments, assemblies or whatever.
I’ve always laughed at how AMs interpret low turnout in assembly elections as the public believing the assembly “needs more powers”.
The reality is that low turnout is at least partly due to the slow, bureaucratic nature of the assembly’s current inhabitants.
The Welsh Assembly perpetuates an unfortunate Welsh tradition of self-serving, self-centred quangos, albeit on a huge scale.
If you don’t believe the BBC are a nasty organisation, you try asking my late husband Alfie.
When he didn’t pay his TV licence a man turned up and shot him in the face.
Admittedly, Alfie was robbing a bank at the time. And the man who shot him could easily have been an armed police officer or something. But they’ll try anything to catch you with no telly licence these days.
By the way, when I say LATE husband, I don’t mean dead. I mean that it’s gone midnight and he isn’t back from the pub yet.
Government organisation disappears up its own rear ens.
Gordon Brown gave an emergency speech to the commons this afternoon pledging that a full inquiry would leave no stone unturned and that lessons would be learned.
This current government is basically running the same economic policies as MT. They may be running them all badly, incompetently, not to say very dangerously, but they have not really changed fundamentally any economic policies for 11 years, other then the regulations governing the Bank of England.
However the BBC still seems to hate MT with a passion it does not even try to show towards child murderers and other terrorists.
WHY? You may ask.
Because the job of the BBC is to DELIBERATELY pretend to be anti-establishment, which it NEVER EVER would be allowed to really be, and anti conservative, which it always has been.
But not always anti Conservative Party. Otherwise we never would have had a Conservative government, of either the Thatcher type, or any other type, since the last War or longer.
As George Galloway is famous for stating. “If voting for anything really changed anything. They would stop people voting.” Or words to that effect.
The BBC put Thatcher in power every bit as much as they did Blair. I was around at the time, and can vividly recall the time before the 1979 general election.
The BBC did not promote Thatcher personally or her policies. They simply stopped slagging her and her party off as cleverly as possible, for a short while.
When Thatcher was elected in 79. The vast majority of the population had absolutely no idea what her policies were going to be. They just wanted someone to take the rubbish away, and bury their grandparents.
The BBC have kept up their act of being anti Conservative Party ever since. So at least we can congratulate the BBC for consistency.
However the BBC does not support particular political parties, and certainly not any form of genuine or in any way nice conservative or indeed socialist values. It supports any and all establishment agendas, it is instructed to obey, however good, bad, nationally or socially destructive, devoutly nasty, wrong or just plane evil, they may be.
Their masters, are collectively known as the Unseen Hand. While their clients are collectively known as civil-servants. I collectively know these creatures as The Establishment, but only when trying very hard not to offend.