General BBC-related comment thread! Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
General BBC-related comment thread
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interesting post here
this is in regards to the whistleblower who warned about Harengey six months before Baby P died..
“Four Government Ministers were among those to whom the Employee made or repeated her disclosures”
“The true story here is that Government pushed the complaint away and failed, in the simplest terms, to follow up on information which they held in their own hands.
If they had followed up they would have learned that Haringey Council was so keen to cover up its actions that it not only paid off the whistleblower in a financial settlement, but sought and gained an injunction to silence her • and surely even the most incompetent Minister would have understood the dreadful implications of that?”
Useful stuff at the register:
Auntie Beeb’s amazing, evolving, ID card stories
‘Bristol Evening Post’:
“Sam Mason’s taxi comments weren’t racist – you say”
“More than 2,000 people have taken part in a Bristol Evening Post online poll and text message vote on the Sam Mason racism row.
“We asked: Was BBC Radio Bristol presenter Sam Mason racist in the comments she made to a local taxi firm?
“Almost 1,500 people voted online on this website, and a further 800 people voted using text messages.
Overall, nearly three quarters of readers who voted on This is Bristol said Sam Mason’s comments were not racist • with 73 per cent voting no, and 27 per cent yes.
“And of those who voted by text, 82 per cent said the comments were not racist, with 18 per cent claiming they were.”
BBC have now updated their Osborne story to contain not one but two clips of Labour people criticising Osborne. They have also changed their Vince Cable quote twice to get the worst one they could possibly find; and which also happens to make the least sense. A flexible currency market is not losing 30% in a month – stupid man.
Trying to blame Osborne for talking down the pound. A laughable charge but typical of a man (I use the term loosly) who accused Cameron of playing party politics when he raised the question of the incompotence of a labour run council. Not the pot calling the kettle black more the darkest pit of hell calling the kettle black. The pound has been on the way down for a while. It is Browns huge borrowing that is going to drive the pound down, not Osborne pointing out that Brown is getting us too deep into debt.
The ‘Spectator’ has two pieces to counter the BBC’s sycophancy of ‘economist’ Brown:
1.) James Forsyth –
“Brown’s patriotism, the last refuge of a scoundrel”
2.) Fraser Nelson –
“Tell the truth and Brown thinks it’s hell”
It has certainly been a vintage day on BBC R4.
First listeners had to endure The News Quiz, in which a bunch of extreme-Left agitators masquerading as comedians pour scorn on anyone to the Right of Mao.
Then we had the repeat of Any Questions, whose idea of political balance is to put John Redwood up against a foaming Iranian ‘academic’ seller of the Socialist Worker, who was enobled by ZaNuLabour, Kevin ‘Toilets’ McGuire (the man whose Leftist ranting as the political editor of the rapidly sinking Daily Mirror reads like it was penned by a 10 year old) and, finally, the local renta-mouth ZaNuLabour MP, whose relentless self-promotion throughout the programme must have cost her thousands of votes – even in Scunthorpe.
Added to this has been the ceaseless bending and spinning of the news for the entire day – first with the ‘Labour slams Osobrne’ tactic we so frequently remark on here – the device where they minimise, or even ignore, the original point and simply trumpet ZaNu’s rebuttals.
Second, with endless exposure for the flat-vowelled local headmaster, who has whipped-up the ranks of his fellow Left-wing teachers in support of the hatchet-faced harpy who runs Haringey’s apology for a social services department.
Memo to Tory researchers: dig around into this headmaster’s political past. It’s bound to be interesting and with all sorts of amusing links and connections.
Can we get rid of these Leftwits now, please?
Emily Maitlis has a piece in the Spectator about how wonderful Election Night was for her.
It’s a caricature of BBC bias. The way she writes, it’s like the world’s longest cliché.
In the end, it really was a fairy tale
Maitlis puts her personal opinions out for all to see, and oh, so emotional. She opens by pretending that the US media wasn’t in the tank for her champion, and that there was no racial guilt thrown around. The US was really cleansing itself from unpleasant elections which were probably, you know, stolen. So she’s sticking to the Newsnight Narrative, then.
To finish, she takes a page from Justin Webb’s playbook of backhanded compliments, complete with a bit of class and religious bigotry. A classic.
Every single post-election statement out of a Beeboid’s mouth follows the exact same pattern. It’s like there isn’t an original thought among them on the subject. The groupthink just comes naturally to them, I guess.
Once again criticism of the government is reported purely from the government’s point of view. Thus we have on the PM programme the headline “George Osborne is facing a barrage of criticism for his comments about the government. A member of James Callaghan’s government tells us what is and isn’t acceptable to say about government policy”. Then we get quotes from Gordon Brown and John McFall Labour MP.
I never heard Osborne’s original criticism of the government reported on the BBC, nor any BBC analysis of how the pound has been plunging for weeks. It looks like a concerted and intentional campaign by the BBC to discredit Osborne — I can’t believe they don’t realise what they are doing. Of course the BBC seem intent to lay any blame for economic difficulties on the Conservatives.
The BBC has declared war on the Tories. If the Tories get into power then they simply must dismantle it.
i for one will not be watching children in need – in the current climate having something like on is distasteful , and even sick.
archduke | 15.11.08 – 2:58 pm | #
Yes, a child has been brutally murdered, so let’s not show a programme raising money for…children’s causes. Great logic!
Looking back through previous comments I see I am far from alone in noticing that the Beeb has embarked on “Operation get Osborne 2”. Obviously not content with a hatchet job they did on him over “yacht gate” they decided to have another go.
There I was enjoying a nature documentary on The Sea of Cortez. Nothing about the mandatory MMGW, to my relief.
But the BBC can’t resist an opportunity to shoehorn an agenda into a programme, and this was no exception.
All of a sudden, on the pretext of a sunken boat, they start banging on about the plight of “migrant workers”.
“Each excruciating detail burns into my consciousness • and refuses to leave. Last night I found myself sobbing. My youngest son is about the same age as Baby P, and when I think about how precious, how cherished he is • how adored • I tremble with sadness”.
Anna Maxted..Baby P: as a mother I feel guilt and anger
“Not a good idea to put the names on the internet.Their lawyer will claim that they would not get a fair trial since the jury pool is tainted.”
I could care less. Their name appears on hundreds of blogs across the internet.
And that’s EXACTLY the result we would want. Have them back out on the street to meet their deserved fate, rather than have their ‘human rights’ mollycoddled in some cosy prison cell protected forever.
Haringey Council and Common Purpose,DSCODE=O4CUKVOL,NEWSITEMID=127-N6297
Anna Maxted – Daily Telegraph (On Baby Peter Connelly)
“I realise that the black pessimism of modern society is forcing me to curtail my compassion. I don’t want to be seen as weird, predatory, possibly a paedophile. Caring for someone you don’t actually know is suspicious, curious, dangerous.”
Yup. The result of a decades worth of lefty fascism.
Richard Lancaster | 15.11.08 – 6:37 pm |
the decent thing , considering the curent public mood, would be to cancel it and donate the money out of their own coffers.
having z-list celebs parading themselves for “charidee” is nauseating.
and another note. has anyone else noticed how useless the NSPCC and “children in need” really are?
a child was beaten to death, despite the entire apparatus of the state being involved.
It’s telling that Mr Lancaster (one of the regular BBC apologists here) can find nothing to say about the manifest examples of BBC bias presented today but, instead, picks on the trivial question of an individual commenter’s viewing decisions.
“and another note. has anyone else noticed how useless the NSPCC and “children in need” really are?”
Can anyone name a single charity that is of any use.
Charities are just an excuse for a lot of work-shy lefty uni grads to pay for their extravagant lifestyles from public money. Fat paychecks all round for those at the top of the NSPCC.
Charitable causes are also self-fulfilling. After all, the last thing in the world the people at the top of the stack at the NSPCC would ever want would be for child abuse to end overnight. Then WHAT would they do for money?
Nope. It’s their job to find child abuse everywhere – not end it.
GCooper – The News Quiz was an absolute pile of shite. Not once did I laugh, not bloody once and felt myself getting more & more wound up with their sneering, never done a days work, isn’t it all the Tories fault? utter, utter bollox.
Then flipped over to BBC7 for Just a Minute and fortunately had all my tension relieved – it was an absolute treat. Nicholas Parsons is an old school variety show professional and the panel were on top form.
I think my favourite panel member on the News Quiz is the first one who dies – truly pathetic and as amusing as piles.
Whatever one’s view about Robert Kilroy-Silk, surely the BBC should mention that it, the BBC, may have a vested interest in how it reports on Mr. Kilroy-Silk?
After all it was the BBC which sacked him 4 years ago:
“BBC bans Kilroy-Silk in racism row”
So it seems strange that such a pertinent fact is conspicuous by its absence in this essentially, pro-Labour, pro-EU, BBC gossip piece:
“MEPs attack jungle-bound Kilroy”
Kill the Beeb
Yup Sir, i’ll give it a crack but the RSPCA, RSPB – been a member since I was a nipper – they’re bloody cool. Also I’m starting to think that Macmillan Nurses are somewhat bloody amazing. Round my way we’ve got Kirkwood Hospice which is really loved.
Don’t ever give money to Cancer Research – they’ve been using cultures which were prooved to be flawed 30 years ago – I mean WTF??
Oh and the British Legion obviously.
OK, opinion poll watch time. Two polls out tonight:
YouGov – 41/36/14 (5 pt Tory lead)
ComRes – 43/32/12 (11 pt Tory lead)
First one shows a 3 pt gain for Labour, compared with a 4pt gain for the Cons in the second. Keep an eye out for which – if either – the BBC mention in their articles.
I can’t confirm it yet, but it appears as though the ComRes fieldwork was done more recently. Make of that what you will.
Can anyone name a single charity that is of any use.
Kill the Beeb | 15.11.08 – 8:33 pm |
St Dunstans. –
In 1999 St Dunstans made a request to the National Lottery and was turned down. Apparently funding Peruvian guinea pig collective was far more important along with one-legged black lesbian marxists from Coventry.
Here is an interesting article about exchanges in the Commons about it and how Labour got the BBC to mount a smear attack on St Dunstans.
At the time when the request was made to the national lottery, St. Dunstan’s was hoping to extend its rehabilitation and training unit and to install specialist accommodation for those receiving rehabilitation and training, such as the handless blind • think about that: the handless blind. The charity was hoping to get a new bus that would have on board the sort of toilet facilities and wheelchair access facilities that would enable the more severely disabled St. Dunstaners to go on trips from which they are currently excluded.
I do not know, Mr. Deputy Speaker, whether you were present at Prime Minister’s Question Time on 3 November last, but I was, and I do not think that I have ever seen the Prime Minister so discomfited. It is to the credit of Liberal Democrat Members that he was. The hon. Member for Southport (Mr. Fearn) had drawn Question 2, and this is what he asked:
“The millennium dome … entails the expenditure of £758 million. Of that, £399 million is from the lottery. How does the Prime Minister square with that the fact that St. Dunstan’s, which cares for those who have been blinded in the service of their country, has applied … for lottery grants and has not received any?”
The Prime Minister replied:
“I should point out to the hon. Gentleman that four-fifths of the lottery stream goes to a host of other lottery causes. I cannot comment on the particular cause to which the hon. Gentleman draws attention.”
At that moment, the hon. Member for Colchester (Mr. Russell), whom I am delighted to see in his place at this debate, made a timely sedentary intervention. “Make inquiries then,” he shouted across the Chamber, stinging the Prime Minister into the following response:
“I am happy to make inquiries, but it is not for me to distribute lottery money. That is done by the relevant organisation.” [Official Report, 3 November 1999; Vol. 337, c. 290.]
For once, that was a New Labour promise which was apparently not broken. Within nine days of that exchange in the Chamber, something very interesting happened. The chief fundraiser for St. Dunstan’s was invited onto the “You and Yours” programme on Friday 12 November 1999, only to be, as he described it subsequently, raped on radio by John Waite.
I do not know why that person was invited onto the programme at that time in order for it to present a deeply hostile and one-sided attack on St. Dunstan’s, arguing that the charity was far too wealthy and did not need lottery money. That was done, incidentally, in a pre-recorded slot which the person who was interviewed on the programme was forbidden to hear in advance. I do not know whether that timing was sheer coincidence, or whether it was yet another favour that the BBC was doing for its New Labour friends
Disgusting BBC vermin in bed with stinking socialists.
Unreported by BBC (for obvious reasons?), unmentioned by UK Labour government (for obvious reasons?):
“The EU is sneaking Turkey into Europe”
I would like to support the comments above about the BBC attack on Gerorge Osbourne. It was quite unbelievable, Osbourne was right to quetsion Brown’s policies, the BBC have behaved in an unforgivable manner. The conservatives must be about to blow a fuse. The BBC’s bias is so painfully obvious , how on earth do they think that they can get away with it ?
I note that a lot of commenters over at Guido’s have picked up on the BBC’s shameful toadying to ZaNuLabour’s smear tactics against Osborne. The Corporation has really been overplaying its hand lately.
Further to the above the BBC have a track record of smearing on behalf of Labour.
Remember the odious Hodge filth using the BBC to smear the individual who had been sexually abused whilst in an Islington care home whilst she was leader of the council.
BBC hang your head in shame.
Excellent post on the St Dunstan’s story, TPO.
Given the deep, deep connections between Labour and the BBC, I wonder just how much of that sort of thing goes on?
Such timing! Yes, the Hodge incident was another – and if ever here was an individual whose head should be on display on London Bridge, it is Hodge!
if ever here was an individual whose head should be on display on London Bridge, it is Hodge!
GCooper | 15.11.08 – 9:30 pm |
I’d happily volunteer to wield the axe.
Given the deep, deep connections between Labour and the BBC, I wonder just how much of that sort of thing goes on?
GCooper | 15.11.08 – 9:28 pm |
This is the BBC arsehole who did Labour’s bidding.
Talking of arseholes.
If God wanted to give the world an enema he’d stick the tube in the BBC.
I think everyone should know the names of those evil people who did that to baby peter. The jurors are gunna have no trouble convicting them with or without people posting the names. Anyone out to protect them is as bad as they are. They dont deserve protection, I just wish i could get my hands on them.
GCooper | 15.11.08 – 8:27 pm | #
I’m just pointing out the pathetic blind hate some of the contributors on here show towards anything they deem as left wing.
“has anyone else noticed how useless the NSPCC and “children in need” really are? a child was beaten to death, despite the entire apparatus of the state being involved.”
Yes conclusive proof that charities such as children in need are a waste of time.
“Can anyone name a single charity that is of any use.”
Ah, you are obviously the arbiters of reason and deserve to be taken seriously. But then I’m sure you’ve all contributed far more to society than any charity worker has done.
“manifest examples of BBC bias presented today”
You know, I’ve actually looked through and have struggled to find many posts today that aren’t just off-topic rants about eurabia and fat one eyed jocks.
I watched the Oceans programme, but I was more annoyed by the way they presented the wreck as if it had been sunk in some disaster. The migrants part hadn’t really stuck out to me, probably as I took it for what it was – a bit of background info.
“Yes conclusive proof that charities such as children in need are a waste of time.”
but why doesnt the BBC do the decent thing – and just donate quietly, without the Z-list “celeb” self promotion?
if you cant see how distasteful it is, you need to have your head examined.
Oh and the British Legion obviously.
Dick the Prick | 15.11.08 – 8:53 pm
british legion supporter here too.
and anytime they are collecting i make a point of donating, and specifically saying to the veteran
“Thank you for your service.”
its a small touch, but they appreciate it.
Richard Lancaster writes: “I’m just pointing out the pathetic blind hate some of the contributors on here show towards anything they deem as left wing.”
Then – bearing in mind our purpose here is to discuss the bias routinely displayed by the BBC – you might care to address it.
That’s what is really pathetic.
i see blind hatred in the BBC’s output all the time. its been well documented for years on this blog.
its a bit fucking rich for “Richard Lancaster” to say that we are “pathetic” and have “blind hate”, when the hatred comes from the BBC – just listen to the Today program any morning.
hatred for anything non-socialist. hatred for anyone who doesnt subscribe to political correctness. hatred for anyone who has the gall to claim that Britain should be an independent nation.
hatred for anyone who DARES to suggest that the government is the source of our problems, and not the solution.
oh – by the way – i cant stand this “baby p” stuff. totally inhuman bollocks.
the kids name is Peter.
that is his name.
but why doesnt the BBC do the decent thing – and just donate quietly, without the Z-list “celeb” self promotion?
archduke | 15.11.08 – 10:06 pm | #
There’s a fundamental flaw in that – the fact they’ve got to first raise money before they can give it away. Like it or not, the ‘celebs’ probably play quite a key role in encouraging people to donate. Something tells me if they stuck a donate button on the test card for three hours, it wouldn’t be quite as successful. I know, I know, I’m becoming a cynic too now! If you can match the amount they’ve raised though, I’ll gladly eat my words.
GCooper | 15.11.08 – 10:11 pm | #
I’ll address topics worth debating that show proper evidence, not moans based on perceived bias.
As an historical supplement to the British Royal Navy’s successful action against Somali pirates last week, the BBC has this piece which AVOIDS ALL MENTION OF THE LONG HISTORY OF MUSLIM PIRACY AGAINST EUROPEAN PEOPLES, INCLUDING BRITONS, such as this, non-BBC report on the history of Muslim piracy in Europe –
“Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed new methodical enumeration in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters which indicates that perhaps one and one-quarter million white European Christians were enslaved by Barbary Muslims just from 1530 through 1780 — a far greater number than had been estimated before:
“Enslavement was a very real possibility for anyone who traveled in the Mediterranean, or who lived along the shores in places like Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, and even as far north as England and Iceland. Much of what has been written gives the impression that there were not many slaves and minimizes the impact that slavery had on Europe,” Davis said. “Most accounts only look at slavery in one place, or only for a short period of time. But when you take a broader, longer view, the massive scope of this slavery and its powerful impact become clear.
“Corsairs from cities in North Africa — Tunis, Algiers etc. — would raid ships in the Mediterranean and Atlantic, as well as seaside villages to capture men, women and children. The impact was devastating — France, England, and Spain each lost thousands of ships, and long stretches of the Spanish and Italian coasts were almost completely abandoned by their inhabitants.”
But, in contrast, the BBC turns a Muslim pirate blind-eye to that part of history:
“From Cutlass to AK-47”
i would bet that the beeboids dont even know about the Barbary Wars…
archduke | 15.11.08 – 10:17 pm | #
The Today programme is something I discuss with people much, but I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone say it broadcasts hatred. Maybe I need to hang around in the real world less?
*isn’t* that should be.. 🙂
richard -> i’m glad that you are coming around to seeing what i am pointing out.
child abuse is front and center this week because of the news stories – we dont need z-list celebs…
but no doubt the bbc will completely ignore all this. in fact, i find the z-list celeb stuff to be actually counter-productive – it TRIVIALISES child abuse. its just a “joke”, a “laugh” and “look at me in a silly costume”.. tis all bollocks isnt it?
and as the Peter Connolly case shows – it sure as hell aint trivial.
its deadly serious stuff… and should be treated as such.
Richard Lancaster writes: “I’ll address topics worth debating that show proper evidence, not moans based on perceived bias.”
In other words, you are just another troll, here simply to defend the BBC, pretending that anything you can’t cope with doesn’t exist.
Today, despite your denial, there has been a good crop of reports: the issue of the manifest bias of The News Quiz, the handling of George Osborne’s remarks about the devaluation of the Pound, the smearing of St Dunstan’s, the politically bised panel on Any Questions…
But, oh no, Mr Lancaster can’t see any evidence…
Richard Lancaster | 15.11.08 – 10:37 pm
hatred of Israel and America is top of the agenda on the Today program.
look through the archives on this blog.
It does broadcast reflexive hatred of; America, our armed forces, Conservatism, small government, etc,
The BBC also has contempt for old people, small business people, people who believe in punishment for criminals and judging by their post to me, people who dont have a television.