“Look, we know we keep going on about the pants lefty tax-funded BBC, but we’ve just had enough. On a personal level we are seriously thinking about joing the telly tax rebels who refuse to pay (especially now we know the BBC has backed away from prosecuting). And on a national political level, there have to be consequences for the way they systematically undermine our future well-being by supporting Big Government Labour and bashing any Tory who even hints at believing in smaller government.”
Tyler from Burning our Money takes on the BBC’s coverage of George Osborne. Brilliantly. Hope you enjoy by reading on here.
Should the BBC ever risk bringing prosecutions of said refuseniks for TV licence evasion, the BBC’s sustained failure to adhere to the strictures of its Royal Charter; namely, the BBC’s sustained decade-long failure to report a merited, evidence and fact-based side of a major political controversy, which shows that the said controversy was invented and supported by lies and forgeries, ought to prove unassailable.
I saw figures last week that they had prosecuted something like 132000 last year for licence fee evasion.
I’m sure most people know somebody who’s been done for drink driving or speeding.
It’s almost certain you’d know someone who’s been burgled or had their car nicked.
Does anyone know of anybody who has been prosecuted for not having a TV licence? There were 132,000 such cases just last year, apparently. (no links MWL – very remiss of you 🙂 )
This Freeedom of information link is interesting:
Click to access SR2007000765_Prosecution_details_for_last_3_years.pdf
The bbc lists who has been “caught” but refuses to say who has been prosecuted. It says that this information is excempt from FOI requests and the home office can provide the data – I’ll hunt that down now.
I would hazard a guess that most cases of TV licence evasion where a fine or even a prison sentance is a result are due to people “admitting” the offence to an intimidating official at their front door. My brother in the UK was caught in this way while a student. A TVL person knocked on his door and said “You’re watching Eastenders aren’t you?” my brother then said “yes” (not a bright response). They then went through the whole Big brother routine but all they “made” him do was pay for a licence – they didn’t take him to court.
I havent paid my tv tax for about 6 months now. Keep getting nasty letters but will wait until they summons me to court before Ill pay a single cent to the bastards.
“I havent paid my tv tax for about 6 months now.”
Mine is due for renewal shortly and I’m seriously considering refusing to renew.
Can anyone recommend a RELIABLE guide to exactly what enforcers can and cannot do please? There’s a lot of conflicting opinion floating around on this.
Alison try http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk
quite a bit of info on there that may be of help !
never payed a penny to the beebble and never will bastards !!they scared my mother into a payment card then when she over payed by nearly 3 years worth [she has dementia] they still sent threats for payment !!w*nkers
“Can anyone recommend a RELIABLE guide to exactly what enforcers can and cannot do please? There’s a lot of conflicting opinion floating around on this.”
TVL officials have no more authority to enter your home, ask you questions or step foot on your property than your own next door neighbour has.
If they send you letters. Bin them.
If they knock at your door, tell them they are trespassing and to leave or you will call the police.
That’s all their is too it. The letters will continue, your bin will get fuller, but you will never get a court summons or anything like it.
Don’t take opposing advice. Unfortunately there are a fair few hypocrites here who pay their TV licence willingly because they’re too scared not too, and stupid enough to believe they’d actually get a criminal record for their endeavours.
The Times says the bbc prosecuted 151,137 people last year for licence fee evasion. It’s the bbc’s dirty little secret.
They hound, criminalise and extort money from low income households. They steal food from the mouths of the deprived kids they pretend to care about and use it to pay for Alan Yentob’s vanity projects and to stuff their fat, bulging pension pots. It’s what they do.
I think lefties call it ‘social justice.’
anon | 17.11.08 – 1:12 pm | #
Interesting. I am minded the of the card game ‘Black Maria’, or ‘Hunt the Queen of Spades’ (Less rhymingly) from my school days, where you ‘win’ by either avoiding any penalty cards or scooping them all.
So basically you pay up, cower in a basement or stand proud on the rooftops shouting ‘I’m am Spartacus’ at the detector van.
Interesting legal precedent this latter. ‘Yes, I am in breach of the law, but because I am a) famous, and/or prepared to make you look silly, you will skulk off elsewhere and extort your unpopular levy elsewhere from those ill-equipped to cope with the full force of an oppressive law’.
‘Ah, but that’s different, ‘ said the porcine diners around the trough in a more-equally-afforded (on ex’s) than most Islington diner, ‘…this is a heavy-handed application of enforcement that we agree with… pass the next helping of standards, waiter…’
The thing is to just let the letters come and dont do anything until you get a court summons.
At that point, it would probably pay to get “proper” legal advice…but that point hasnt arrived for me after no tax payments in 6 months.
As Kill the Beeb says, if in the unlikely event a tax inspector does turn up…dont let the bastards in.
“I saw figures last week that they had prosecuted something like 132000 last year for licence fee evasion.”
Of course you did Mike. Of course you did.
That desk job at the BBC getting you down? Never mind, I’m sure a promotion to the BBCs Ministry of Propaganda is just around the corner for all your effusive postings.
Dont pay the TV tax licence.
Ignore their computer generated intimidating letters.
Dont sign any registered or recorded letters.
Ignore them if they knock at your door.Ignore their card when they post it through.
If you do answer the door to them, do not give your name, dont enter into any conversation, dont sign anything, tell them to go away.
If you want to contact them, tell them their letters contravene the Declaration of Human Rights, then withdraw their right of access to your home.
You wont get prosecuted.
ktb – anon provides the link. do I get an apology?
“New Element in Periodic Table”
Raise a glass to the man!
Thanks all – I’m going for it.
A stint in the civil service a few years ago gave me an insight into the official mind. At the end of the day, they will take the line of least resistance.
People aren’t refusing to pay. People are just refusing to support those who choose not to pay. The socialist illuminati shouldn’t make them either.