I tuned into Radio 5 live this morning around 6.20am and there was my old pal Nicky Campbell discussing whether William Hague or Ken Clarke would make a good successor to George Osborne. Has the Conservative Shadow Chancellor resigned overnight then? Nope – just some tactical undermining by the BBC. I then tuned into Radio 4 “Today” and there was James Naughtie discussing…whether William Hague of Ken Clarke would make a good successor to George Osborne. Why it’s deja-vu all over again! Mind you, to be fair, the BBC does suggest that whilst Ken Clarke would be popular in some quarters (I.E. Left wing media like itself) he carries echoes off those foul Thatcher years so sorry Ken, even though the Beeb might like you but they still won’t back you against their Labour pimps! After sitting back for MONTHS and watching the Pound plummet in value, the BBC now appears to believe that only Osborne carries the can for such financial devastation. Miraculously, McCavity is absolved from any culpability. Isn’t it swell to have a pro-government broadcasting corporation?
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hopefully as more and more ppl start to notice how risibly repulsive and biased Al Beeb is, the quicker this over staffed left wing disgusting organisation will collapse under is own weight
The disgraced crooked common thief and poisonous snake mandelson was on TOADY flogging his lies with the TOADY comrade giving him an easy ride as usual.
Mandelson was able to blame everyone else for every problem, even blaming the opposition for government failures and he even said ,without intervention, that the government was not in any way to blame for the current recession!
‘Everyone else is to blame for everything bad’ is the mark of a dishonest crook isnt it?
The Labour party is made up of lying, dishonest,manipulative,scheming,
duplicitous,underhand and frankly treasonous boot fillers who operate the kind of black propaganda/media manipulation beloved of the old USSR helped by the state broadcaster, we may as well be living in belarus or North Korea!
The “get Osborne” reporting by the Beeb is actually representative of great swathes of the British media, which, like the Beeb, is populated by Marxist-educated Guardian-indoctrinated media/politics post-grads eager to make their mark.
This prevalent mentality is certainly shared by the Press Association, which, like the Beeb, wields enormous power in setting the U.K. news agenda.
Hot off the presses from seven hours ago, and with no by-line just like the Beeb’s most perverse reports, the following anti-Conservative PA news bulletin could have been written by any Guardian-BBC hack spinning away for Labour:
Fury over Osborne’s pound warning
George Osborne is braced for more criticism as currency markets opened for the first time since his controversial warning that sterling could “collapse”.
The shadow chancellor is certain to face more pressure if – as most expect – the pound continues its dramatic descent against the dollar and euro.
But Mr Osborne has already insisted that he will not accept the blame if further falls materialise.
He mounted a robust defence on Sunday after being accused of breaching convention and putting crucial G20 financial negotiations at risk by “talking down” the pound.
This perverse bulletin will nevertheless be gulped down by the Mail’s and Telegraph’s journos and sub-editors every bit as much as the Mirror’s and Guardian’s, because the PA is impartial, innit?
It’s how the Left sets the British media’s news agenda.
Clearly, the Conservatives have a problem with the Beeb which needs addressing with legislation. But the problem extends throughout the entire U.K. media and educational system.
And there lies the enormity of the problem fascing the Conservatives: it’s one thing to say that the Beeb is biased. It’s quite another to say that the majority of the British media is tilted against them.
I’m genuinely appalled that evern the relatively sane elements of the left wing media seem to be parrotting the less than subtle government line that any criticism whatsoever of economic policy is “dangerous” at a time of economic fragility.
Osborne needs to give up repeating “tax con” ad infinitum though – he sounds like Richard Littlejohn desperately trying to cement a cretinous new catchphrase. Just explain what’s happening in reasonably intelligent terms mate – Fast Show fans aren’t going to be watching politics shows on a saturday morning…
Ken Clarke would be a stroke of genius.
The BBC continually allows Labour to lie about;
1) the Government debt –Brown claims under 40% but it is actually well over –they conveniently forget PFI’s, Northern Rock etc.
2) the cost of business under labour –about £50 billion + climbing
3) Mandelsons history + ability —the EU don’t seem too upset at his loss
I am convinced that the reintroduction of Mandelson is a ‘fuck you’ to all those who have the cheek to disapprove of this Government. On a happier note I am also convinced he will be the cause of their defeat at the next election.
I found last night’s ‘Funny Money” about as good as it got… on Ch4.
Especially a section on what Mr. Brown and his GOAT herd can nanny-parrot ad nauseam without be hauled up on what they have neglected to include…. most noticeably by our national propaga… broadcaster.
Just a slip of the tongue, but I thought the use of ‘we’ by blonde and bouffant with their newest best-buddy Lord Peter M was… in keeping.
The pro-government BBC only refers to the Westminster Government. In Scotland of course the BBC is ANTI-Government (SNP), as is BBC London( Kirsty Wark, Andrew Neil etc).
As the country goes to the dogs and Mr Broon presides, here is the key question posed by Jackie Ashley on The Week in Westminster:
“Is George Osborne damaged goods?”
It beggars belief that the BBC get away with this tripe.
David V
It’s Osborne, not Osbourne. A small slip, but it does reduce the authority of your post.
I was reading The Times just now, which is in full-on ‘Get Osborne’ mode and it set me to thinking.
What *exactly* did Mandelson promise Murdoch over the summer? Remember that Rupert was on Corfu too, and that Lord Rothschild, Nat’s father, is chairman of News International…
The British media are going along with the Labour party pretence that Brown is the saviour of the global economic crisis. Its a disgrace. All those beeboid so-called journalists should feel totally ashamed of themselves, except they’re so morally bankrupt, cheap and low, they don’t know anything but quoting the party line, which includes the directive being getting at Osborne.
Iain Dale gives it a mention on his blog, with a link to the New York Times.
Eric- a very good point. You never know exactly which way murdoch will jump, but whichever way it has significance for him and for us. Not so with the BBC, one always knows which way they will jump…
Now let’s just look at the respective charge sheets:
1. Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling: charged with wrecking the UK economy for years to come.
2 George Osborne: charged with not taking a loan from a Russian billionaire and expressing fears that the value of the pound might continue to slide.
Which story to go with? The Beeble’s Choice: Get Osborne!
Last night on the Westminster Hour, the host Carolyn Quinn asked at least four questions about Osborne, spending more time discussing “the mutterings about GO . . . very damaging . . . question marks about his judgment . . . difficult times for the Conservatives” than discussing the economy itself.
The Labour Party spokeswoman was allowed her pre-scripted ad hominem insults, accusing Mr Osborne of irresponsibly making political capital out of the sinking pound. (The same week that the Tories made “political capital” out of a murdered baby, remember!)
What next? “Tories Accused of Making Political Capital out of Government Mistakes.”
Wouldn’t that just be so typical of those unscrupulous Conservatives.
A small slip, but it does reduce the authority of your post. Anonymous | 17.11.08 – 10:17 am | #
which of the following is the right way to get us out a recession according to the BBC?
1) spend more when you are in already in enormous debt and somehow we’ll be alright in the medium term (whatever that is)(Mandelson)
2) spend more efficiently when you are in debt and allow small business tax breaks (Osbourne)
Peter | 17.11.08 – 11:32 am
If one cannot spell the Shadow Chancellor’s name correctly, one has a shaky foundation for picking up the BBC on matters of accuracy/professionalism etc.
Moreover, one comes across as an ignoramus. Try this:
Gordun Brown and the banker englund shuldn’t be puting the inrest rayt down as much coss the parnd will fall two much.
A reasonable PoV likely to be discounted on account of the way it is expressed.
If one cannot spell the Shadow Chancellor’s name correctly, one has a shaky foundation for picking up the BBC on matters of accuracy/professionalism etc.
Difference is that the BBC is paid billions a year to get it right.
As the Pound seems to be doing a little better this morning, can we now expect a retraction from the ‘Osborne will cause a run on the Pound’ line spoon-fed to the BBC by its paymasters in ZaNuLabour?
No doubt the wires between White City and Mandleson Towers will be red hot this morning as fresh instructions are sought from the lying, spinning crook.
Abandon Ship! | 17.11.08 – 10:09 am
As the country goes to the dogs and Mr Broon presides, here is the key question posed by Jackie Ashley on The Week in Westminster……
…..er……except that Jackie Ashley wasn’t on the Week in Westminster on Saturday.
I’m not a financial wiz, but do read the Capitalist FT newspaper online. There’s a longish but very informative blog by Willem Buiter about the danger of a sterling crisis. He seems to know his onions.
One passage caught me eye.
“Mr. George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, has warned, quite fairly in my view (since I have written and said the same thing), that Gordon Brown’s proposals for tackling rising UK unemployment through fiscal measures that would materially increase the government deficit risked causing a run on the pound or a sterling crisis. Apparently, there is an unspoken convention in UK politics that opposition spokespersons do not say anything that might damage the economy and talk down the pound. This convention clearly has little or no merit. It is principally a neat trick for neutering the opposition during times of crisis. For some reason, talking up the pound is fine. More important, the convention does not tell you what to do when not saying something that might talk down the pound increases the risk that the government will engage in policies likely to damage the economy even more than would a run on the pound. Such, I would argue, is the position we find ourselves in today.”
Difference is that the BBC is paid billions a year to get it right.frankos | 17.11.08 – 12:06 pm | #
Er…wot ‘e sed.
Hey, Anon, care to comment on Andrew Marr seemingly being unaware that the ‘Sarah Palin doesn’t know Africa is a continent’ was a hoax?
Or that Newsnight still, four days later, and despite being corrected and reminded (and with one staff member admitting it was/is in error) still has a picture/caption that is totally incorrect on its website?
Within reason, I could care less about the odd typo, poor grammar and even mistake (so long as acknowledged and corrected if proven) by those who raise issues here, if a key issue is raised for debate.
Mind you, it does make it easier to ignore the legions of ‘Anons’ who try (and fail) to distract from substantive points by making petty, irrelevant points when that’s the sum total of critique.
Eric, the answer is probably ITV
David: I have to take you up comparing Labour politicians to pimps. Pimps are much nicer people.
Well what do you know, after all that talk that Osborne has killed the pound it is actually up today to over 1.50 to the dollar. The repercussions are that what Osborne said had no bearing at all on the value of sterling. The markets aren’t stupid, they had already taken into account all the data so what Osborne said made not the slightest difference. Now BBC apologise for blaming Osborne and admit it is that moron Brown and Labour that is killing the £. I want to see headlines to this effect the same way as you blamed him over the weekend.
Robert Peston’s continues his epic saga, The Fantastic Economic Adventures of Gordon Brown.
Chapter 17: In which the best thing is for Europe to screw themselves just as much as Britain has, because then the UK wouldn’t look so bad, and Peston describes the Osborne-sterling issue and the relative robustness of the US and UK economies after the manner of Jeremy Clarkson describing The Stig: “Some say…..”
G20: Good and bad for UK
Why so coy about saying that Osborne is being treated unfairly by some Labour ministers, Robert? You usually have no problem using your blog to state your opinion on various subjects. I guess we’re still supposed to pretend that the BBC isn’t mostly responsible for manufacturing this controversy.
Otherwise, it reads this way: Gordon’s a star, isn’t he? And don’t listen to anyone who tells you the US might be doing something even a little bit right, or that Our Gordon is doing something even a little bit wrong. The US is still a big bully which plays by its own rules, so there’s no point in comparing the two (except when Peston tries to compare them). Mr. Brown, of course, plays by…um…well….
Anyways, the only reason people are investing in the euro rather than sterling is because the EU is a bigger economy.
To his credit, though, Peston finally admits that the UK’s economy has shrunk more than that of any other major state. Not that it contradicts his suggestion a few paragraphs before that the US economy probably isn’t as robust as the UK or anything.
I think the link david gives poses real problems for the “shilling for labour” hypothesis.
mikewineliberal | 17.11.08 – 4:29 pm |
No it doesn’t. Explain how, please.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 17.11.08 – 4:37 pm
Because it voices serious doubts on the sustainability of Brown’s favoured borrow-to-spend strategy,
Anonymous | 17.11.08 – 4:58 pm |
No it doesn’t. He’s not lying, à la Mark Easton and crime figures, but Peston is saying the Obamessiah statement about his intent on a similar strategy is encouraging, and the G-20 is supposedly nodding towards Mr. Brown’s cunning plan. Brown’s plan is necessary, and not even the real problem. Although he admits it will be unpleasant for a while, yet again he makes excuses for why it’s not really Mr. Brown’s fault, and everybody mostly agrees with him anyway. Peston contradicts himself in two places, but at least he doesn’t bring up Paul Krugman.
“There is a cost to making the world a safer place. And much of the bill is being picked up by the UK.”
He’s just explaining how Mr. Brown can’t be blamed for anything, spinning the US scene to make him look, well, not so bad, and ending with a new definition of success for him: the coming difficult times are exactly what the country needs. Peston has moved the goal posts.
Poor Gordon Brown – trapped in a world he never made.
“He mounted a robust defence on Sunday after being accused of breaching convention and putting crucial G20 financial negotiations at risk by “talking down” the pound.”
There isn’t a convention,and when has this iconoclastic government of the third rate been concerned about convention anyway?
The pound is tanking against all the major currencies,just wait until this filters through via those taking late holidays.
Bless our Dear Leader Kim Brown Il.
“Gordun Brown and the banker englund shuldn’t be puting the inrest rayt down as much coss the parnd will fall two much.”
But David Vance didn’t say this you wanker,he merely put a “u” in Osborne,like you put the Anus into Anonymous.
You might not that the derivation of the name Osbourne an Osborne are the same,it the past they would have been simply alternative spellings.
for the record, whiteswineliberal is not me, although the “anus” line is one I will now use as my own.
All is still well in BBC land.The G20 mercifully didn’t really agree anything , although the BBC tells us it rallied to our great leader’s call to commit collective suicide.
Meanwhile a small anecdote from planet England. A large car dismantler I know is being inundated with unsaleable trade-ins for scrapping from the garages.
Want a Y plate Peugoet estate for 80 quid? The motor trade is caput.
Nobody knows what is going to happen but people are getting scared.
Osborne is to be praised and must continue to speak out against economic lunacy.
The trouble is the BBC staff never know fear, not real fear for family and home. If they did they would soon start to change. Tax eaters all of them along with the legions of state non jobbers.
Wow! A ROBERT PESTON comment which is at least quizzical about Labour’s reaction/over-reaction to Osborne’s critique of Labour on sterling:
[Extract from his blog]:
“.. some will feel it’s a little unfair that so much opprobrium has been heaped on the head of George Osborne, the shadow chancellor, for warning that there’s a risk of a damaging run on the pound, in the event that our national debt was perceived to have escalated to worryingly high levels.
“Maybe, locked in the bowels of the Treasury, there is a secret book of fiscal and monetary etiquette that defines what chancellor and shadow chancellor may say at times of economic crisis. Maybe Osborne has committed a terrible breach of the Treasury’s club rules, the equivalent of passing the port in the wrong direction.
“That said, perhaps it was the furious reaction of ministers to Osborne’s remarks that was more telling, in what it implied about their fears for sterling’s vulnerability.”
Of course, Peston does not go so far as suggest that the BBC is a leader in the ‘Get Osborne’ pack. If he did, he might end up doing the impossible: criticising himself.
Notice the BBC headline
“Cameron warns of ‘tax bombshell’ ”
But should it not be this
“Tax rises will have to follow tax cuts, warn ministers”
Only one sentence at the bottom of the BBC page spills the beans but only mildly
“Earlier in a BBC interview Business Secretary Lord Mandelson hinted at tax rises – “adjustments” – having to be made “some years ahead”. ”
Surely this is the headline not Camerons “warning”.
“for the record, whiteswineliberal is not me, although the “anus” line is one I will now use as my own.”
Of course you are,you haven’t had an original idea since you stopped creaming your rompers.
George R | 17.11.08 – 7:31 pm |
Peston is just following protocol. The BBC couldn’t possibly have manufactured the controversy over Osborne. At least he’s being honest that MPs are nervous about the future of the pound, even if his position is that none of it is Mr. Brown’s fault, and, indeed, the G-20 and the US are doing mostly what he wanted. Now the recession is just Mr. Brown’s firm hand on the tiller, tough medicine which will make the world safer.
use that as your own…I dont want it anymore