HERE! – Mandelson (Mandy) in cosy sofa chat on BBC news programme declares support for BBC contestant on BBC show (Come Dancing redux); confesses (shock!) to envy at Sergeant’s success. Now that really is a major story worthy of frontpage note and not at all an indication of an inbred backscratching culture and the unfair hybridisation of commercial with state interests.
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I for one see him in a different light –no longer a discredited dishonest manipulater of the truth, but rather a charming friendly down to earth leader of men ..thanks BBC FOR THE HEADS UP
Nope, I still see him as a total cunt.
Seems appropriate.
A totally discredited entity, spiraling out of control, which no amount of spin will save from the public if and when actually given an opportunity to give voice to how they feel.
Lord Mandleson? SCD? Or the BBC?
Or, d)….
Be funny if they have to rig it to ensure the ‘right’ team wins despite those dratted voters.
I mean SCD of course.
I suppose this is what they mean when they say the BBC promotes ‘a common culture’.
A very common culture…. 🙂
Meanwhile, another celebrity………………….
Former BBC presenter Noel Edmonds backs campaign against paying TV licence fee
I think it would be great to see Mandy mincing around the dance floor, but wouldn’t they have to team him up with another male dancer? has half a dozen or more petitions open on its E-Petitions site asking for something to be done about the TV Licence if anyone is interested. Just search ‘TV Licence’.
O/T – though I suspect a strong link to Mandy –
beeboids may be gloating over recent polls seeming to show the Tory lead shrinking.
But they seem less keen on publicising the small print. This from the latest ComRes is very telling:
Tax cuts should be paid for by the government spending less rather than borrowing more
Agree 75%
Disagree 17%
That “news” also made it to the 1pm bulletin on BBC1.
Fill the slot with anything other than news that hurts Gordo hey.
Operation save Gordon well and truely firing on all cylinders.
I think it would be great to see Mandy mincing around the dance floor, but wouldn’t they have to team him up with another male dancer?
–God help me what a thought! There was a time when Brown was thought to bat for the other side–perhaps he might be persuaded
Re the tv licence – is the technology actually available that can detect use? I know a couple of people who have never paid and have never even had anyone call round. I wish I had the balls to try not paying.
Re the tv licence – is the technology actually available that can detect use?
Proof that the BBC have no detecting vans works thusly:-
Even if they did have – which they do not – it would be totally inadmissible evidence in court.
As the BBC KNOW that it would be inadmissible in court, they don’t bother with any detecting equipment.
Dont buy the TV tax licence.
Ignore the letters from the TV licencing “authority”.
Dont sign any registered or recorded post.
Dont speak to any TV “enforcement officer” thug.
Withdraw their right of access to your property.
Just spend a year in jail?
I suppose this is what they mean when they say the BBC promotes ‘a common culture’.
A very common culture….
More like a Common Purpose.
As for common culture, the BBC first invents it, then promotes it, then takes the piss out of it. The BBC’s current take on such, is called East-Enders. However I am still to meet anyone who would admit to being actually like any of the characters displayed by this particular horribly nasty elitist propaganda show.
Ordinary people are not like BBC East Enders stereo types. Ordinary people are your butcher, baker and candlestick maker, so to speak. Your plumber, electrician, small business man, builder, nurse, dustman etc. In short all the people that actually GET THINGS DONE.
This is ordinary people, doing the best they know of, for themselves and their family, under increasingly impossible conditions.
NOT impossible conditions created by the people themselves, or even the greedy idiots they get cruelly and periodically conned into trusting into power over them. These conditions are created by the people that control the BBC, and all of the destructively radical agendas, the BBC has ever conspired with the establishment to enact. Which is ALL establishment agendas bar absolutely none whatsoever.
If the BBC was instructed to ensure a Cameron landslide victory in six months. We would have a Cameron landslide government in no more the seven months. The BBC could also ensure this, without 99% of the public even suspecting they had been instructed to do so. The lefties would still trust/love the BBC, and the righties would still distrust/hate it.
Things are the way they are, or seem to be, because BBC mind control has been working very well, since before all of you lot were born.
We are divided so that they can continue to rule. It may be a depressing reality, but it is our common reality all the same. The quicker we get used to the idea, the quicker they may stop taking the utter piss.
Apparently Lord Minge is a nifty dancer.
Atlas shrugged,
Do you really think that the BBC could manipulate so many people to vote for one party?.
I do not doubt that the BBC influences peoples opinions on a vast range of subjects, however, if as you say they can also convince people to vote for one political party, I would ask you to share your evidence proving your claim.
Personally, I think you are doing the British public an injustice if you think that we can all be so easily swayed by a media outlet, the BBC has to compete with any number of other media outlets, so for one media outlet to be able to hold such powers of manipulation are until I see your proof unproven imho.
You spend a year in jail if you reply to TV licensing, let them into your house, admit you watch the TV, sign their forms, and dont pay the paltry fine without good excuse.
Or play it the intelligent way.
No-one has been sent to jail for a year for non payment of TV licensing.
Stop spouting scare tactics BBC troll.
You’re not going to get a prison sentence for non payment of TV Licence, end of story. You’re not going to get a criminal record either. It’s all bullshit.
People like mikewhineliberal live for promoting these kind of scare tactics, because they are ardet supporters of the BBCs TVL Gestapo.
Kill the Beeb | 17.11.08 – 7:52 pm |
Quite true, you get put in pokey for non payment of fines – a far more ‘criminal’ act …
Dr Pepper | 17.11.08 – 6:58 pm
Have you never heard of propaganda – the BBC has this off to an art.
ktb – evidence for that assertion? I don’t give a stuff whether anyone pays the licence fee.
the BBC has to compete with any number of other media outlets,
Very true Dr Pepper (if indeed you are a qualified doctor and not a soft drink), but the BBC holds itself up higher than the others as a beacon of truth and incorruptibility –compare its self opinion withs its opinion of CNN and Fox news. It believes it is a gold standard organisation and probably was –under Reith (sic)
Kill the Beeb | 17.11.08 – 4:54 pm
is the technology actually available that can detect use?
Proof that the BBC have no detecting vans works thusly:-
Even if they did have – which they do not – it would be totally inadmissible evidence in court.
Sorry but this just isn’t true. Ktb.
They do have detector equipment, and it is used to persuade judges to sign search warrants.
You should only let anyone into your house if he is accompanied by a police officer bearing a search warrant
Dr Pepper | 17.11.08 – 6:58 pm
I do not doubt that the BBC influences peoples opinions on a vast range of subjects, however, if as you say they can also convince people to vote for one political party, I would ask you to share your evidence proving your claim.
Personally, I think you are doing the British public an injustice if you think that we can all be so easily swayed by a media outlet, the BBC has to compete with any number of other media outlets, so for one media outlet to be able to hold such powers of manipulation are until I see your proof unproven imho.
On one hand, you’re saying you have no doubt that the BBC influences the public on a number of issues, yet on the other hand you’re saying it’s insulting to claim that the public can be influenced. Which is it? Why would the general public be any less likely to be influenced about a political party than about Global Warming or Afghanistan?
BBC’s obsession with Mandy Pandy’s views on Come Dancing again:
(scroll down)