It’s a rare week that passes without the BBC providing a welcome bully pulpit for those who like to bash Israel. And so it was this morning that Oxfam was afforded the opportunity to attack those bad Jews for having the temerity to stop the free movement of goods (and weapons!) in and out of that land running with milk and honey which is Gaza. When it was mildly suggested to the Oxfam spokesman by the BBC interviewer that “militants”(Love that word, so much nicer than depraved Hamas terrorists) were firing off rockets into Israel (even one was launched during the interview!) the Oxfam response was to dismiss that aspect of things entirely and focus instead on the “humanitarian” plight of those who live in the moral sewer of Gaza. The BBC interviewer did not pursue this line of enquiry as it was obvious where his sympathies lay. The only opinion expressed was the venomous anti-Israel take from Oxfam – the utterly discredited Hamas-apologists. It’s a disgrace that the BBC gets away with this constant shilling for the shelling Palestinians. It appears that the BBC, along with those such as Oxfam, have their eyes firmly closed when it comes to reporting on what is actually going in in Gaza.
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8 minutes in before they get Obama’s title right. I loved the question ‘is Israel ready to make peace with Syria?’ uurrgghh
David, if only they DID have their eyes closed. I believe the truth is slightly worse: they have their eyes open, they see and excuse the corruption and violence, and it is OUR eyes they want closed. Which is easily achieved – because the British public generally see what the media let them see.
Their eyes are open; it’s their mouths that are closed. And their minds, of course.
The BBC’s craven connivance with Palestinian terrorism is a national disgrace. I simply cannot stomach any more skewed and unbalanced reporting by the BBC in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The BBC does not even try to hide its hatred for Israel on one hand and its understanding of Palestinian terrorism and violence on the other.
Incidentally, I watched a documentary on BBC world last night which aimed to show how intolerant the people of Northern Ireland are in relation to homosexuals. Maybe the BBC should continue this theme of intolerance towards homosexuality and run a documentary on how homosexuals are treated in the Islamic world. But we all know the BBC are a bunch of moral cowards, and always run a mile from anything that shows their favourite religion, Islam, in anything but a favourable light.
Northumbrian: your information is entirely wrong I’m afraid: Ahmadinejad has stated that there are no homosexuals in Iran, and extrapolating from this fact, it would seem there can be no intolerance to homosexuality in the islamic world, because there are no homosexuals.
That’s quite reassuring isn’t it? So please apologise for your vicious slur! What are you, islamophobic?!!
henryflower 9:16
Do you mean there are no homosexuals LEFT in the Islamic world ?
Grant: let’s not quibble about details such as that – let’s just rejoice that the problem of homophobia has been efficiently dealt with in at least one country!
If only those Northern Irish bigots could learn from this fine example.
Yesterday Barnardos, this morning Oxfam.
Tomorrow, no doubt, Mr Vance will be telling us that Christian Aid is a front for the Comintern.
It all seems a bit uncharitable.
When I consider the serial slaughter of innocent Israeli men, women and children at the hands of the Hamas savages, charity is the last thing I think of.
The sad thing is that Palestinians could have peace tomorrow if they just stopped sponteaneously detonating in public spaces in Israel.
However the truth is, Arabs need the conflict to continue because without the anger and hatred that is generated by Israel, Arab people would start to concentrate on what a crap hole their own countries are and how poorly run their governments are.
So the longer people can be diverted by the “Israeli question”, the longer arab despots can stay in power uncontested.
I hardly watch the BBC (for obvious reasons), so it’s hard for me to tell, but I was under the impression that they’d put their Jew hatred aside to concentrate on closing ranks around McDoom and viciously attacking his critics as we tip into the worst recession in living memory.
In fact the last thing I saw on the BBC was a segment/item they did about water shortages around the world. They went to Australia, somewhere in Africa and ‘Palestine’. The water shortages in Australia and Africa were due to Global Warming! but the water shortages in ‘Palestine’ were due to those dirty Kikes, uh, I mean Jews, uh, I mean Zionists, uh, I mean Israelis.
The BBC hate Israel, they have bought into the “poor Palestinian” narrative, admittedly helped by the fact that Israel’s only ally in the world is that “Great Satan” the USA. The BBC should be made to pay for what will happen to Israel over the next 3 or 4 years but they wont, the BBC will continue to be paid for by many who hate their political views which they pump out over and over again. Sometimes the liberal within me gets fed up and even I long for a revolution of the sane.
Mailman | 18.11.08 – 11:13 am
The sad thing is that Palestinians could have peace tomorrow if they just stopped sponteaneously detonating in public spaces in Israel.
There’s only been one suicide bombing in Israel so far during 2008, on 4th February.
Prior to that, the last one was on 29th January 2007.
During that full year without any suicide attacks, the prospects for peace receded and, for most Palestinians, the occupation got tougher.
The last suicide bombing by Hamas was on January 18th 2005.
Yesterday’s news started off with Al-BOwen stating.
‘Israel has just let in a food aid shipment, the first in 2 months’.
I wonder –
Don’t the Egyptians have a wall?
Don’t Egyptions let in aid?
Why don’t aid agencies use Egypt instead of the evil-zionist-Jewish Isreal?
Does Egypt let in aid?
I don’t know…
I want to hate Jews, I know I should, I know Jews are the cause of our problems and if it weren’t for Jews we’d all be living in peace… but someohow… I just can’t hate them.
Can anyone help?
Anonymous: would you care to hazard a guess as to WHY there was “only” one suicide bombing in Israel (accepting your figures for the moment)?
Charities like Oxfam recruit from the same pool of people as the BBC. London is full of nice, affluent, middle class, home counties people working for charities – well brought up girls especially. In my experience many of them are as unworldly as your average BBC type, and just inclined to preach.
Yesterday on BBC World News on the hour showed a shorter version of this story:
Eviction in battle for East Jerusalem
Fawzia al-Kurd, 52, raises her black cloak to show the bottoms of the pyjamas she is still wearing several days after she and her wheelchair-bound husband were forced from the home he had lived in for five decades.
She had no time to change or gather her possessions when the Israeli police arrived in the early hours of Sunday morning.
In borrowed shoes, she shows us around the tent that she now calls home near the single-storey, two room house in East Jerusalem.
No mention of this little piece of information on the TV report:
The sales are usually at inflated prices, sometimes done through middle men to protect the vendors from recriminations.
Mrs Kurd says she turned down an offer of US$10m for her modest apartment.
That’s right, she turned down ten million dollars for her “single-storey, two room house”!
What are those “recriminations” that Arabs who sell land to Jews are prone to? Why nothing less than a death sentence – according to Palestinian law.
But the Kurds are currently mounting a legal challenge, based on Jordanian documents which have recently come to light.
Good luck with that Mrs Kurd – Jordan’s occupation of Jerusalem was never recognised by anyone – not even the UN.
One hour later on the same BBC World News channel that story is replaced by Aleem Maqbool showing us how those nasty Jews won’t allow him and his BBC crew into Gaza:
Gaza shut to fuel and journalists
Nothing much about the 175 rockets launched at Israel in the last few days (The BBC says there were “scores” of them).
I didn’t watch the following news on the hour, in case they did a piece on Jews poisoning wells…
Tomorrow, no doubt, Mr Vance will be telling us that Christian Aid is a front for the Comintern.
It all seems a bit uncharitable.
samaritan | 18.11.08 – 10:06 am
Why wait until tomorrow?
Christian Aid’s (UK) Principles Compromised by Anti-Israel Ideology
UK Christian Aid head attacks ‘pro-Israel lobby’
Christian Aid reaches new depths
All the big charities I have looked at have been infiltrated by people with a left-wing agenda, hence the BBC’s alacrity in quoting their pronouncements. Even the RSPB, for heaven’s sake.
‘All the big charities have been infiltrated by people with a left-wing agenda’.
Dead right, Grant; it’s a fact. That’s why I give only to local charities, or to Catholic ones.
Biodegradable | 18.11.08 – 12:18 pm
Jordan’s occupation of Jerusalem was never recognised by anyone – not even the UN.
Not quite. Jordan’s occupation was recognized by everyone • including Israel and the UN. What wasn’t recognized widely was Jordan’s subequent annexation – later revoked by Jordan itself. Actually the annexation was recognized by two powers • Britain and Pakistan!
Greencoat 1:51
You mean the Catholic charities haven’t been infiltrated ? !
Bio – great riposte to the Samaritan who appears to have gone missing in action.
Last week the ridiculous Bowen managed to blame Israel for the factional warfare which is escalating between Hamas and Fatah. Apparently Israel’s blockade is creating the problems which lead to violence. Apart from the obvious of, so Egypt’s isn’t, why is this ridiculous man who displays no sense of evenhandedness allowed on air? His lies are taken up by the ones so infatuated by the BBC’s ‘reputation’ and thus his shamelesss lies become fact.
logdon 7:09
Because the BBC has a ruthless political agenda , over which the British people have no control. So the BBC is free to do whatever it wants, so long as it serves its socialist masters.
Not quite. Jordan’s occupation was recognized by everyone • including Israel and the UN. What wasn’t recognized widely was Jordan’s subequent annexation – later revoked by Jordan itself. Actually the annexation was recognized by two powers • Britain and Pakistan!
Owl of Minerva | 18.11.08 – 1:55 pm
I stand corrected. Of course Jordan occupied Jerusalem, as it did the West Bank. Perhaps that occupation should be called “illegal”? You’re also correct in pointing out that only Britain and Pakistan recognised Jordan’s claim to authority over those areas.
The point I made in my previous post was that the legality of the Arab woman’s claim to ownership based on Jordanian documents, presumably issued during Jordan’s illegal occupation of east Jerusalem, was doubtful to say the least.
1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem
BBC-WATCH: BBC Jerusalem Correspondent Misleads on Settlements
nice one Bio!
more of the same at…
“No-one acts individually to just drive someone out – an Arab wants to sell, he sells and a Jew moves in.”
The sales are usually at inflated prices, sometimes done through middle men to protect the vendors from recriminations.
Mrs Kurd says she turned down an offer of US$10m for her modest apartment.
“Palestinians have the right to sell land to Jews.”
In 1996, the Palestinian Authority (PA) Mufti, Ikremah Sabri, issued a fatwa (religious decree), banning the sale of Arab and Muslim property to Jews. Anyone who violated the order was to be killed. At least seven land dealers were killed that year. Six years later, the head of the PA’s General Intelligence Service in the West Bank, General Tawfik Tirawi, admitted his men were responsible for the murders.56
On May 5, 1997, Palestinian Authority Justice Minister Freih Abu Middein announced that the death penalty would be imposed on anyone convicted of ceding “one inch” to Israel. Later that month, two Arab land dealers were killed. PA officials denied any involvement in the killings. A year later, another Palestinian suspected of selling land to Jews was murdered. The PA has also arrested suspected land dealers for violating the Jordanian law (in force in the West Bank), which prohibits the sale of land to foreigners.57
During the Palestinian War, few, if any Palestinians tried to sell land to Jews, but the prohibition remained in effect. Now that the war is over, the persecutions have begun again. In April 2006, Muhammad Abu al-Hawa was tortured and murdered because allegedly sold an apartment building in Israel’s capital city to Jews. Since the Mufti forbade Muslims accused of selling land to Jews from being buried in a Muslim cemetery, al-Hawa was laid to rest in a makeshift cemetery on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho.58
The BBC, and half of the story.
Bio – I second what DV has said. Nice work.
Thanks chaps! 🙂
bio– you are obviously not the Daily Mail reader some twat accused us of all being –good research
For the record I don’t read the Mail, but neither do I read The Guardian or The Independent.
“It’s so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don’t say it.”
– Sam Levenson
(“samaritan” and others please take note.)
Northumbrian – excellent point. Each week half a dozen young men aged 16+ are hanged in public on cranes in Iran for being, well…gay. Perhaps happiness is a crime in the Islamonazi republic.
As for the BBC – it has long been institutionally antisemitic. It consistently portrays Jews as either victims or villains and usually only in dramas as dated stereotypes or as Orthodox Jews. Jews that contribute positively to our society are rarely portrayed unless they loath Israel or are left wing self haters or are crooked. Al Beeb support Palestinian nationalism but vehemently opposes Jewish nationalism or Zionism. This intellectually challenging position has been clearly identified as a contemporary variant of antisemitism. Check out the academics on the Engage site who debate this.
As a non Jew I find it embarrassing, offensive and dated. How Jews must feel about the State broadcaster ……..
Most charities like Barnados and the RSPCA have been highjacked by Blarites or Left wing extremists – so they have become left wing agitators. Barnados no longer runs any childrens homes, for instance. Stop giving them money! Christian Aid & War on Want have been investigated by the Charities Commission for their Israeli hate rants. By law charities cannot engage in political lobbying as it is against their legal status. If a charity is offensive like Christian Aid – then make an official complaint to the Charities Commission:
If you do want to support a fantastic charity that does amazing work and doesn’t discriminate in the Middle East – protecting Christian, Jewish & Muslim kids then – check out:
Ricky – the picture on charities is more complex than you paint it. See here:
I once tried to report Christian Aid to the paper tiger Charity Commission and was told where to get off. Oxfam has been reported many times — so much for the Commission. So, can someone instruct those left-wing do-gooder loons that there is no moral equivalence between rocket-lobbing terrorists and self defence. I believe Netanyahu has a point, not reported by al-beeb, but in most reputable media in other countries that I monitor. He says it is a waste of space talking to crazies like Hamas or its alter-ego, the PLO. What Israel and the rest of the world, not the do-gooding Oxfam bleeding hearts, have to do is imporve the Palestinian society and economy. When they have something to lose, they’ll think twice about terror and internecine frenzy.
Ricky Martin,
Golda Meir once said, “We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”
It’s up to the Arabs to help Arab children.
Meanwhile I support this charity:
Has anyone (like the BBC?) ever done an investigative report on Oxfam, it’s aims, objectives, politics and – it’s expenses? No, I thought not.
Bowen is a disgusting liar.
He puts out propaganda for the Palestinians and repeats the Islamist view that Muslims are victims of the Evil white man and his Jewish masters.
Trully, he should go down in history with Goering as one of the most disgusting and dishonourable propagandists of our time.
Memo to Jeremy Bowen:
Israel ‘occupies’ no Arab territories
Unfortunately, as we all know, the editorial line at the BBC is that so long as there is a single Israeli soldier frowning in the direction of the West Bank or Gaza, they’re “occupied”. They managed to fool the public into believing that Egypt didn’t control a border with Gaza for a very long time. Their own people believed that at some point as well, as anyone who remembers John Reith’s line of defense will know. Only when the Gazans broke through the Egyptian side was the BBC forced to report the truth. They still cover it up whenever they can, though.
I wonder what would happen if anyone at the BBC wanted to do a report on how, with the current (and relatively temporary) exception of a the media darling Tibetan Buddhists, Judaism is the only organized religion in the world whose holy sites are occupied – by sworn enemies, no less. If Israel is so powerful, how is that possible?
I bet it would never make it past their boss’s inbox.
well – exactly what IDF grunt says but of course the elites of the pals would never allow that to happen as they know as stalin knew that the pals must be kept lean hungry and empoverished or they will lose their supply and contro; of suicide bombers and jihadists.So the donations must be diverted to swiss bank accounts or spent on weapons.
with the middle classes of comes democracy and that is a terminal illness when it comes to using terror as a weapon or waging a total war of anhilation.
Bob – right on the money there! Could the answer be a) West Bank barrier (aka “apartheid wall” and b) effective sealing off of Gaza from Israel, along with preventitive security operations? Terrorism has its price, I fear.