On what basis does the BBC decide that John Sergeant’s self imposed exit from Strictly Come Dancing is the third most important global story this evening? Talk about a sense of priority.
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On what basis does the BBC decide that John Sergeant’s self imposed exit from Strictly Come Dancing is the third most important global story this evening? Talk about a sense of priority.
“On a day when Westminster has been rocked by the news that veteran political broadcaster John Sergeant is quitting Strictly Come Dancing, it was always going to be difficult for question time to provide such entertainment.”
Bloody hell!!!!!
A huge fall on the markets today. 5% wiped off the 100.
Buried as a 15 second ‘and also’ on BBC news at 10
Yes. Anyone noticed that every time the fat one eyed jock opens his gob the stock market falls again?
It’s only just over 4000 points now.
Where is this great bale out plan then? Billions wasted on corrupt banks that are holding onto the money, so much so that now fatty one eye has to come up with another plan, involving pissing more of our taxes away.
Here’s a simple way to get the fat bankers doing their job. Give them 24 hours to get lending money or send the Met mob handed into the City and round up every banker, seize all their computers and financial accounts, seize their homes, offshore bank accounts wives jewellery, their Porche’s and so on. Stick them in prison whislt the Police carry out a lengthy investigation into possible fraud.
I suspect that threat would unblock the banking system.
Concerning the real news, am I the only one troubled by the BBC’s repeated use of the word “piracy” when discussing acts of piracy?
As I see it, even though the acts under discussion do constitute piracy, using the word is emotional and carries a value-judgement, and – as such – is a barrier to understanding. Surely the BBC is supposed to report the facts and leave the moral labelling to others?
Why does there seem to be one rule for piracy and another for terrorism?
MWL? Anyone?
The only thing he has done so far is ban short selling. Yet another failed Gordon decision.
Yet if you watched the bbc you would think gordon was saving the world.
adam: Brown is a fuck up. But the Tories need to go on the attack. I noticed this morning on BBC Breakfast just before I had to go out they were attacking George Osborne for something, anyone know what it was about?
You know, it’s times like this (and the attacking Osbourne thing was another) that makes me think that Atlas’ periodic screeds might not be as nutty as first impressions lead me to believe. Why is this all over (not just Aunty) the news? I am not a woman with the painters in nor a homo. Therefore I do not watch ‘Come Dancing’. Why is this face-like-a-bag-of-spanners ex-Beeboid slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker holding a news conference and solemnly declaring that he’s pulling out of the show? And why is everyone – and by ‘everyone’, I do of course mean ‘the media’ – not saying, ‘Eh, who gives a fuck?’ rather than acting like somebody had died?
If this was just the BBC, I could understand it, but they’re all up to it. What gives?
The BBC claims it is not ‘dumbing down, but on BBC 2 ‘Newsnight’, there has, apparently, just been a 10 minute discussion of ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
*Osborne, sorry.
George R,
Was the NEWSNIGHT discussion set to a throbbing salsa beat? Dumbed down BBC?
They were attacking Osborne because he failed to explain the logic behind not taking on a further 30 billion in debt when you already are 100 billion in debt.. The man is clearly an arse!!
McNamara, Strictly has huge ratings. They are chasing the publicity. Including the bbc.
Martin, i would like too see that but dont know if it is good political strategy. Though Osborne needs more publicity in my view.
Perhaps the reaction indicated here, suggests that many British people do not trust the BBC these days.
How could that be?
‘Daily Mail’:
“BBC faces backlash over John Sergeant’s shock exit from Strictly as MPs call for viewers’ boycott”
“The BBC faced a backlash from viewers this evening after being accused of forcing John Sergeant to quit Strictly Come Dancing.
“In a major new embarrassment, the corporation’s switchboard was flooded with complaints over Sergeant’s departure.
“One MP warned it would be a ‘complete disgrace’ if the former political correspondent had been ‘elbowed out’ by BBC bosses because his ungainly style had threatened to turn the show into a joke.”
‘Daily Mail’ has a poll running:
‘Should we scrap the BBC licence fee?’
All the other papers seem to have Sargy’s mug on the front page too.
This is Britain after 11 years of New Labour – the only vote that counts (sometimes) is when the public vote someone off a talentless celebrity show.
There is nothing else to vote for as our politicians have given away our government to a bunch of faceless EU bureaucrats – if you dumb everything down to the lowest common denominator it keeps the prolls happy and the politicians off the hook.
Bread and circuses.
All the other papers seem to have Sargy’s mug on the front page too.
Anonymous | 19.11.08 – 11:43 pm | #
Indeed – there is now not a single serious newspaper left in Britain.
David Vance 11:20 pm
I did wonder whether Jeremy Paxman (6′-1″) and Hazel Blears (5′-1″) were going to trip the light fantastic.
Maybe ‘Newsnight’ has realised its limitations as a current affairs programme and is diversifying into light entertainment. Talking of light entertainment, it’s Kirsty Wark doing ‘Newnight’ tomorrow. Now, she’d sooner be playing tennis at the floodlit court of her villa in Majorca, whatever her neighbours there say. Or be back at an Obama party in New York. Or shopping for shoes in Milan.
Very true David.
“panem et circenses”
Which is now banned in some local councils (Latin that is not bread and circuses).
Newsnight showed football highlights too.
What about a years worth of ‘ethical man’ or sending a reporter to do a physics A level. Or trying to introduce the weather.
Newsfight has been dumbing down for ages.
Indeed – there is now not a single serious newspaper left in Britain.
Jon | 19.11.08 – 11:56 pm
agreed.. it was in the evening standard this evening. WHY???
then again , its a distraction from stories like this one
if i step into an editors shoes – i can kind of understand it – the Baby P story has been so horrific, that i guess the John Sergeant story is a bit of light relief.
(and with all the doom and gloom about the economy, i guess the editors of the major papers thought that their readers would like the change…)
Bread and circuses.
David Vance | Homepage | 19.11.08 – 11:55 pm”
so true.
and thus our western civilisation has come to that.
iam pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli
uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim imperium, fasces,legiones, omnia, nunc se continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat,panem et circenses
Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions — everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things:bread and circuses
Juvenal, Satire X, 2nd century AD.
David Vance: Bread and circuses is right. Remember in Orwell’s 1984 how the Party kept the proles quiet by feeding them a constant diet of sport, syrupy songs and pornography? I cannot help but keep thinking that Britain in 2008 is increasingly becoming more and more addicted to the total garbage churned out by the media. IMO something is radically wrong when the general population is more interested in Strictly Come Dancing or I’m a Celebrity, Get me Out of Here than the dire state that the nation’s economy is in. Like being on the Titanic and being too interested in listening to the band to notice that the ship is sinking.
Strictly scandalous • Beeb short-changes viewers again
When things go off message the BBC really can’t stand it,”
In one. Shame they seem able to fly in the face of those who pay for them whose messages they seem more and more unable to ‘stand’ and need to ‘correct’.
Apparently Serjeant has a long ago pre-booked holiday for next week, and obviously didn’t think he would be still in ‘Strictly’ at this stage. The BBC are milking it, so is he.
is John Major not superior to John Serjeant?