Poor Rashid Rauf– the on the run Brummie now turned to wormfood care of a well directed US missile as he and his Islamist pals tripped through the mountains of Wazirstan. Rashid was linked to a UK plot to use liquid bombs to blow up transatlantic airliners but he was on the run after escaping from those ever so tough Pakistani jails. Rashid was arrested in Pakistan on 9 August 2006, at the request of US authorities, who feared he was about to disappear into the remote north-west of the country. I note that that the BBC’s very own Barbara “Yassir” Plett is quick to point out how annoyed the Tribal leaders are each time the US kills Jihadists. I don’t suppose the thought occurred to her that it might require that the “tribal leaders” whose opinion she rates so highly are exactly the sort of people missiles should be targeting. But back to Rashid the “Brit militant”. I’m surprised the BBC haven’t been speculating that poor Rashid the Brit hadn’t been on some sort of educational or charitable tour of Jihadistan – after all that’s pretty much the line retailed concerning every other “Brit” that ended up in Gitmo!
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Great strike… One-nil to the missile boys! 🙂
Now that President Jesus has said he’ll close down Gitmo maybe the US military will just kill the b*******. I wonder what the Al Beeb line on this “change in policy” will be.
Having said that we don’t know exactly what Barack’s anti-terror policies actually are.
I posted this on the tail end of a thread the other day, there is much tea and sympathy for such terrorists on the BBC World Service right now as they take their favoured “human angle”! Don’t forget there are some Labour political big-wigs behind the Kashmir effort…. Cue the BBC
“Tired of terror”
http://www.bbc.co.uk/ worldservic…of_terror.shtml
One really does “feel” for Iram, as the journalist says:
“He’s so young looking it’s hard to believe he ever wielded a gun but he was a central member of feared terror cell Hizbbul Mujhadeen.”
Another BBC sob story for fanatics!
Disillusioned German – exactly, back of the net. I’d have got so bored with the trial. I notice the Glasgow dude has admitted being a terrorist but accidently carrying shed loads of fuel in their car to the airport!! If the barrister is on pro bono he may have received a swift knee in the knackers – however, no doubt it’s legal aid.
Perhaps he was attending one of those famous ‘Computer course’ that are held in northern Pakistan?
Or perhaps a wedding?
Lets be honest, just another innocent bystander, armed with an AK47, getting slotted by those nasty imperialist yankee running-dogs simply because he was going down the shop to get a pint of milk for his granny…..
For BBC, a ‘Telegraph’ update:
“Rashid Rauf: profile of a terror mastermind”
Dick the Prick | 22.11.08 – 3:44 pm |
Exactly. Defending terrorists, sorry militants, is big business for well-paid lawyers (despise be upon them) all over the globe. I for one have no problem celebrating the death of a terrorist, sorry militant.
RIP Rashid Rauf. uncle murderer, brummie and global terrorist wannabe
shami appears to be missing a trick, here. Mr rauf was accused of various things but not proved guilty by any court. surely there should be a public inquiry held for many years at great expense featuring phil shiner, shami, louise christian et al.
if they play it right this could be the next de menezes yuman rights gravy train.
come on shami, call the today programme and demand the 8.10 am slaot for monday ! they’re waiting for you, i’m sure.
Disillusioned German,
Im sure now that “The One” ™ is now getting intelligence updates that the President gets that he has actually changed his tune.
It seems that now he knows whats really going on that he has distanced himself from an outright closure.
If he doesnt close Gitmo, the crazies on the left will go jihad on him (after he blames Bush for creating the problem in the first place that is).
George R | 22.11.08 – 4:01 pm | #
The Telegraph article you link to is slightly inaccurate.
The las sentence reads’ “Few in Britain, other than Rauf’s immediate family and closest friends, will mourn his death”
They forgot about the BBC and, as Anonymous | 22.11.08 – 4:22 pm | points out, Phil, shed loads of legal aid, Shiner.
You’re probably right; and it could well be that a significant number of a certain ‘community’ in Birmingham and elsewhere will be unhappy about his death.
The solution is simple • covert communication backed by hard overt shoot to kill (there is no other type) policing, backed by actions from MI5/6 and high level political diplomacy aimed cutting off support and funding. As for mad mullahs and religious jihads etc there is no hope • they answer only to their gods. To combat these nutters requires a bullets and blackboards strategy.
Yes, it’s hard not to wonder what the ratio of celebrators to mourners would be in, say, Luton, or Bradford.
Mailman | 22.11.08 – 4:25 pm |
He is going to close Gitmo and the Left (and Al Beeb) will love him for it. He’s going to withdraw the troops from Iraq asap and we’ll see a civil war there.
I’m going to put my crystal ball aside now but I’m not looking into the future with confidence.
Does anyone actually believe that the Pakistanis didn’t know the strike that killed Rashid Rauf was about to happen, helped carry it out and are cheering it’s outcome?
P.S. Lest we forget Barbara Plett has an agenda, here’s a reminder:
I think we’re all missing a trick here – why don’t we all, as inferred by the BBC, en – masse convert to Islamic extremism, kill ourselves and our families and establish a caliphate here in Blightistan?
Crazy times – crazy plan!
I’m sorry the he was killed. I would rather have had the little shit as a limbless drooling basketcase…
Why is the BBC treating this as the top news item every hour ? Who gives a monkey’s about that rat.
It appears the BBC newsrooms are full of Islamist sympathisers/fellow-travellers.
every other “Brit” that ended up in Gitmo!
No British persons have been in Gitmo up to now…even you are swallowing their shite!
“every other “Brit” that ended up in Gitmo!”
Yes I’m curious about this definition of “British”. In fact, so curious that I was barred from the Guardian website for daring to question the profligate use of this definition.
Joanna Lumley was born in Pakistan, does that make her a Pakistani?
The left want “multiculturalism”, but then when you point out the logical conclusion, that a person born into an unassimilated Pakistani community is Britain is a Pakistani, and therefore not British, they get all hot and bothered. But then when you suggest that they should abandon their foreign identity and integrate, they get all shirty as well.
So they want it every which way. British/Pakistani, British, Pakistani, Both, Neither or Either, depending on the circumstances.
Now he’s a dead madman in Pakistan, he’s British. But if he had stayed here and made a film about the multicultural experience, he would have been lauded as a Pakistani.
Of course, this is to ignore the question of how he would have defined himself. Would he have broken into a stirring rendition of “God save the Queen” on sight of the Union Flag? Or not?
The use of parenthesis around Brit is a clue to my opinion of the nature of the scum banged up in Gitmo. I’m not take in.
I don’t understand why the BBC say he was “linked to an alleged UK plot to use liquid bombs to blow up transatlantic airliners” when later in the same report they say, “Three men were convicted in the UK in September of conspiracy to murder.
News of the liquid bomb plot paralysed global air travel, prompting authorities to implement stringent security measures at airports around the world.”
It wasn’t an “alleged plot”, it was a real plot FFS!
Surely he was attending a wedding, wasn’t he?
‘Telegraph’ update on RAUF:
“Rashid Rauf was a living example of the danger from Pakistan’s jihadis – until he was killed”
[Concluding extract]:
“The conditions for the production of more Raufs are still in place, but his reported death highlights American willingness to act where Pakistan cannot or will not – and ignore the shrieks from Pakistanis about US violations of their sovereignty.
“‘It goes to show that US intelligence is improving if they did hit Rauf,’ said Talat Masood, a retired general and defence analyst.
“‘The effect of Pakistan’s protest against such strikes will be minimal if there is convincing proof that the missile strikes are hitting senior al-Qaeda figures, which Pakistan has been unable to do.'”
This report (quite different in language and emphasis to BBC dhimmi Ms. Plett) points to the vital need for the British Government to stop all IMMIGRATION from Pakistan in the interests of the security of the British people. London, Birmingham, Islamabad and Peshawar are the Islamic jihadists’ linked front-line in their war against the British people. But mass immigration to Britain from places like Pakistan and Somalia continues. National suicide.
Aside from agreeing with everything George R has written (above) I must put on record how angered I am by the headline on the BBC’s vile website, which currently reads: “UK militant ‘killed in Pakistan'”
This is propaganda of the most wicked kind. This appalling specimen was a fugitive, accused of murder, directly linked to the most cowardly and murderous terrorist activities.
By any definition, this monster was not a militant. He was a psychopath and a terrorist.
Refusing to identify him as such, because it flatters their liberal pretensions to kowtow to immigrants, makes the BBC complicit in his crimes.
This isn’t simply a matter of form – it should be a matter of law. The BBC is giving succour to our enemies. And that is called treason.
Damn Ross and Brand – there are far more deserving candidates at the BBC for the sack. Or worse.
Most sensible folk would say ‘Well done lads. More of the same please.’ But not senior Tory backbencher and ‘security expert’ Patrick Mercer; he’s worried about:
“the question of how much cooperation the British intelligence agencies provided in what is ultimately the execution of a British subject.”
Hugh Oxford,
Yes that’s what narks me about the whole multiculti thang.
People can drift in and out of different groups, be British one moment, Pakistani the next, then muslim if it suits – then just a citizen.
One down, several thousand to go……
I heard this on the news, how I laughed and laughed. Wonderful!
One down, several thousand to go……
ae1 | 23.11.08 – 9:35 am | #
The more I learn about Islam, and the more I talk to muslims, the more I fear it’s going to have to be “one down, 1.2 billion to go”.
”One down, several thousand to go……”
More like
”several thousand and one down, several thousand to go…”
rob – explain?
Rob, don’t feed the troll.
aren’t you interested in what solution rob’s promoting?
Don’t know Rob – and don’t like trolls.
Assuming you’re not a Moby Rob, I think you’ll find that that sort of talk is neither shared or welcomed by the people who comment here.
Thankyou to the US for taking care of a problem for us. Hopefully we’ll put a cheque for £45,000 in the post for the Hellfire. That’ll work out much cheaper in the long run than paying for his housing and child benefits for his inevitable 15 brainwashed, Britain-hating kids.
A day after my posting on this response blog, The Sunday Telegraph gives the context the BBC does not want to admit to:
“But their location had been betrayed, either by their own use of a mobile telephone, or by the spies and special forces tracking them. Senior Pakistani government sources say the attack was lined up by the country’s intelligence services who tipped off their American counterparts about Rauf’s whereabouts.”
The BBC is willing to quote “militant” sources but not tell the world that ALL security services are basically on the same side.
“Robert S. McNamara:
Assuming you’re not a Moby Rob, I think you’ll find that that sort of talk is neither shared or welcomed by the people who comment here.”
Robert S. McNamara | 23.11.08 – 1:29 pm | #
No, I’m not a Moby. And I think you would be surprised at how many people here share my opinion.
My general politics are middle of the road and I have a particular dislike of racism. I’m probably just slightly to the left of most visitors to Biased-BBC.
I loathe fascism, I loathe communism, and I loathe islam, which I see as by far the worst of the three.
I see islam as a form of fascism in which every muslim is a member of the Party and a subscriber to its founder’s policy of god-sanctioned jihad slaughter.
I have lived amongst muslims – particularly omanis and pakistanis – most of my life – I find them generally intolerant, ignorant, rude, arrogant, and prone to easy violence, which led me from the late 1980s to study islam on my own time to find out why they as a religious group have these traits.
I think their religion with its history of unprovoked war and its theology of dishonesty, oppression and murder is a threat to all non-muslim humanity.
Read what I actually wrote: “I fear it’s going to have to be one down, 1.2 billion to go”.
I fear this because I see virtually no evidence that muslims are trying to reform islam, and from what I’ve read of the theology and history in both in its sunni and shi’i forms, it can’t be reformed without rejecting the teachings of Muhammad and ceasing to be islam.
If they keep producing generations of narcissistic murderers, as they have done from the time of Muhammmad in direct emulation of him, and if they begin to use biological and nuclear weapons, which they eventually will, I can see no other option but for the rest of humanity as an act of self-protection to forcibly suppress their religion by whatever method is necessary.
Well said Rob Santiago. ‘That sort of talk’ IS shared. Your elucidation shows that the remark earlier in the thread was not a throwaway racist jibe as insinuated by MWL.
Half the time people don’t read each other’s posts properly I find.
Sue – not racism; islam isn’t a race. But “well said” wasn’t my first reaction when I read :
“I can see no other option but for the rest of humanity as an act of self-protection to forcibly suppress their religion by whatever method is necessary.”
Or am I reading this incorrectly?
Sorry, I thought you were advocating genocide.
I totally agree with you vis Islam though. There are no redeeming features with it, and whilst I disagree that it’s not as bad as Communism, National Socialism and Fascism in terms of pure megadeaths, it’s not through lack of trying.
Islam cannot be abolished though, it can only be reformed. I think that’s what we should concentrate on.
MWL – You may not like the way Rob Santiago’s thought train is leading, but it is clear to anyone who takes time out to study dispassionately the theology and practises of Islam that he is correct in many ways.
Islam has a problem in that it is unable to live alongside the advances which western societies have made in terms of freedom, democracy and human rights without becoming a sort of non-Islam.
This is where its major issues lie. there is no possible accomodation which would allow muslims to accept a western lifestyle with its associated freedoms and yet still allow them to be good muslims.
Like Rob, I too was puzzled for some years as to why this is the case.
Like Rob, I too have come to the conclusion that the problem lies in the theology.
Throughout history, societies which have been faced by movements which threaten their very existence, have been forced to take action of some sort to disempower that threat.
Ths is a universal rule of social evolution. We may not like to be faced with those choices but the alternative is extinction.
The world faced off Nazism through the use of overwhelming military power, it faced of soviet Communism through the use of guile and the educated use of economic measures.
How the world will face up to Islam is not yet clear, but it is an inevitability that it will need to be addressed head-on at some point.
If this stand is not taken up by the west, then there is a large and increasingly powerful, and less tolerant, society in the east which will do the job for us.
They have already shown their understanding of the nature of this religion by the internal contraints which are applied to its followers in their eastern territories.
And unlike the situation which exists in the west, there are no apologists for Islam in China, or at least they are given no voice.
The big question is – do we in the “enlightened” west take the argument back to Islam and try to cause a rethink of the way it relates to the rest of the world, or do we allow the Chinese to come up with their own “solution”.
As the Chinese are sometimes known to comment, we live in interesting times.
“Sue – not racism; islam isn’t a race. But “well said” wasn’t my first reaction when I read :”
I suppose you would prefer islamophobic jibe then.
What’s your policy for remedying this problem? Head in sand? Nothing to worry about? Only a minority? Peaceful religion? What problem?
“Or am I reading this incorrectly?”
How would I know how you’re reading anything? Or, for that matter how much you know about the subject. If you’ve been relying on the Beeb, probably not a lot.
But on the other hand, did you hear File on 4 just now? I half did, and thought it made an effort to give a balanced picture. But I didn’t hear all of it.
I hesitate to be accused of reverting to Godwins Law but the comment above drawing a parallel between National Socialism and some parts of Islam seems to be very pertinent.
The difficulty here I suspect is differentiating between ‘moderate’ Islam and ‘jihadist’ Islam. I know that there are those who consider that there is no distinction, but I think this is too simplistic. Although not an exact parallel there are major differences in Christianity and although violence between parties is rare it is by no means unknown.
National Socialsim was an ideology that was initially accepted by democratic means and then enforced on all enslaved populations at the point of a gun. The Jihadist part of Islam proudly proclaims that that is what it intends, we should believe them and adopt our policies accordingly.
Very interesting post, Idiot Boy.
The BBC reporting on Rashid Rauf’s overdue termination was an outrage, listening to the BBC World Service you would have thought that Rauf was the victim.
This warped reporting on Middle East news stories is becoming more and more transparent on the World Service, yet this radio station which is listened too by millions of listeners (and is funded by both the Government and the license fee payer) is allowed to broadcast such left-wing drivel all the time.
I also wish to comment on the following post by Mr Santiago:
The more I learn about Islam, and the more I talk to muslims, the more I fear it’s going to have to be “one down, 1.2 billion to go”.
Rob Santiago | 23.11.08 – 11:35 am | #
That is an unacceptable comment, I really am surprised that this comment has been allowed to remain.
This website provides a valuable service in exposing BBC bias, it should not be providing a service for people to post racist comments.
Dr Pepper
I think you’ll find believing in the lies stated by Muhammed some 1300 years ago is independent of race, and therefore what Rob Santiago said cannot be described as racist.
Hitler was a big fan of Islam:
“Hitler had been much impressed by a scrap of history he had learned from a delegation of distinguished Arabs. When the Mohammedans attempted to penetrate beyond France into Central Europe during the eighth century, his visitors had told him, they had been driven back at the Battle of Tours. Had the Arabs won this battle, the world would be Mohammedan today. For theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament. Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country. They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire. Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking, “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?” “
Stop painting people who dislike islam (and there are plenty of reasons why one might dislike islam) as racists. This is a hollow argument and only shows me how stupid and superficial you are. Or maybe you’re a (closet) muslim…
Islam is a fascist ideology that comes in the guise of religion. Amen.