Poor Rashid Rauf– the on the run Brummie now turned to wormfood care of a well directed US missile as he and his Islamist pals tripped through the mountains of Wazirstan. Rashid was linked to a UK plot to use liquid bombs to blow up transatlantic airliners but he was on the run after escaping from those ever so tough Pakistani jails. Rashid was arrested in Pakistan on 9 August 2006, at the request of US authorities, who feared he was about to disappear into the remote north-west of the country. I note that that the BBC’s very own Barbara “Yassir” Plett is quick to point out how annoyed the Tribal leaders are each time the US kills Jihadists. I don’t suppose the thought occurred to her that it might require that the “tribal leaders” whose opinion she rates so highly are exactly the sort of people missiles should be targeting. But back to Rashid the “Brit militant”. I’m surprised the BBC haven’t been speculating that poor Rashid the Brit hadn’t been on some sort of educational or charitable tour of Jihadistan – after all that’s pretty much the line retailed concerning every other “Brit” that ended up in Gitmo!
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Dr pepper and The Economist both need to read what he actually wrote …
“I fear it’s going to have to be one down, 1.2 billion to go”
I can’t wait to see who in the UK is on the Fhata, and Hamas British members list, and whether they will lose their jobs in the colleges and BBC.
Well Richard, with a couple of exceptions, it appears you have support for your views.
I am genuinely shocked.
sorry, for “richard” read “rob”.
I am genuinely shocked.
mikewineliberal | 23.11.08 – 9:07 pm |
Yeah, right. Go, kiss a terrorist. If the jihadists only blew up liberals / lefties I’d be alright with that:
“…The left realises this and is finally overcoming its traditional resistance to the cultural conservatism of Islam, and likewise Muslims are reaching out to the left — clear examples are Egypt with the Muslim Brotherhood’s (MB) prominent role in this conference and Lebanon, where Hizbullah was prominent at a similar anti-imperialism conference last November in Beirut. Organised by Al-Karama (Dignity), Al-Ishtirakyin Al-Sawryin (Socialist Revolutionary Party), Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimin (Muslim Brotherhood) and Al-‘Amal (Labour), and held at the Egyptian Press Syndicate, the conference attracted close to 600 participants and observers from around the world, including a delegation of 80 South Koreans and 20 Canadians.”
Then you are deranged.
No love lost for you here, my friend… Are you going to travel to Tehran to protest the stoning of children???
Mainstream islam if there is one. It is you lefties who are deranged by we will not stand idly by whilst you destroy what the West stands for.
You probably also think the crusades were an “illegal war”, right???
“The white proponents of multiculturalism are hypocrites. They are in the main, middle class suburban or rural dwellers of majority white enclaves. One peculiarity of white liberals is that whilst they embrace the ethnic colonisation of the West they are repulsed by the history of white colonisation in the East, thereby showing that their political views have less to do with colonisation per se and more to do with a hatred of Western civilisation. Trying to find a working class man in a gritty and diverse part of town who supports this peculiar ideology is akin to discovering a conservative at the BBC or a democrat in church. Put simply, Western liberals, feminists and homosexuals, who for reasons known only to themselves support multiculturalism, do not choose to live in Riyadh yet hold up Islamic culture as equally valid.”
Thanks to George R. who posted this here: http://www.haloscan.com/comments/patrickcrozier/6091647676892287559/#432981
My heart bleeds for the poor lost soul…honest!
Maybe our liberal friend wants to travel to his funeral? Or pay for some of the 72 virgins?
The eagerness with which Whitewineliberal was clearly angling to get an expression of support for genocide to occur on this site takes their role from beyond that of troll to that of agent provocateur. I always thought it was a strange name: I wouldn’t be surprised if she was non-white, a teetotaller and a covert despiser of liberalism.
“Rashid Raul was linked to al-Qaeda’s No. 2, al-Zawahiri”
Meanwhile, the BBC, of course, pursues the ‘human rights’ angle, not of the intended British victims of such Islamic jihadists as Raul, but of Raul himself!:
Above: read ‘RAUF’.
Rest in pieces, Rashid Raul.
Should have allowed extradition,
you unholy Islamo fool.
Because now you’d be okay
in a nice warm cell.
Satellite TV, three meals a day.
But instead…
You’re roasting somewhere in hell.
It wasn’t an “alleged plot”, it was a real plot FFS!
Biodegradable | 22.11.08 – 8:42 pm |
Wasn’t this the case some dimwit jury ballsed up by remaining unconvinced? I think there may be a re-trial on just this very point.
“I am genuinely shocked.”
mikewineliberal | 23.11.08 – 9:07 pm
You always insinuate rather than explain. Let’s have a full justification of your contrived horror at the ‘solution’ you thought Rob was promoting. Namely your insinuated comparison with the ‘final solution.’
But you berated me for using the term racist instead of the contradiction-in-terms Islamophobic.
For a start you misread Rob’s first comment.
Then, after his, and various others’ reasoned explanations as to why we might advocate defending ourselves against an aggressive and threatening foe, you still come back with another snipe.
So, kindly tell us MWL exactly what you find so shocking, and why.
MWL is not worth the ink. He is a childish troll, just trying to stir it.
If he were a British citizen living in Britain, then I would join him in asking these questions. But he wasn’t. He was in Pakistan, and we know that as a country, it doesn’t have the sort of government/police order that this country has.
I’m sure that the Americans would prefer to be able to hand over a dossier to the government in Islamabad and get them to send troops in to arrest him, but they know that’s not going to happen. Hence this action.
Poor poor Rashid, he was alive and minding his own business, when the wicked running dog capitalist yankees blew him up in a low down vicious terrorist attack.
Family and friends said that Rashid was carrying wedding presents (AK47s), and on his way to a wedding reception.
TPO wrote: “Few in Britain, other than Rauf’s immediate family and closest friends, will mourn his death”
These few should be deported.
From the DT article: “It is not known exactly what made Rauf turn against the West”.
Hint: Try looking in the Koran.
George R wrote: But mass immigration to Britain from places like Pakistan and Somalia continues. National suicide.
Truth in a nutshell.
The real threat to the existence, nay the very soul of Britain, is not from the Jihadis in Britain but the Muslim population growth.
The Muslim population of Britain is often stated as 1.6m. But this figure comes from the 2000 census, and is hopelessly outdated. Since then, we have taken in millions of immigrants, asylum seekers, as well people coming in under the “unification of families” policy of the EU – mostly Muslims. At a conservative estimate, the Muslim population of Britain is around 4m or even 5m. Assuming that this population doubles every 15 years, then in less then 30 years, there will be 16m Muslims in the UK. Assuming that the indigenous population stays fixed at 50m, the Muslim population will be nearly 23% of the total.
Considering that Muslims will vote for a Muslim party, while non-Muslims will dilute their vote by voting for different parties, this Muslim population is sufficient to win an overall majority in parliament. Assuming an election cycle of 5 years, we thus have a mere 5 election cycles to avoid a catastrophe.
In fact, given the large birth rate of Muslims, we have much less time.
“The real threat to the existence, nay the very soul of Britain, is not from the Jihadis in Britain but the Muslim population growth.”
In 1974, Boumedienne boasted “We will conquer you through the bellies of our women.”
Demography really is Destiny.
Hugh Fitzgerald:
“the victims of this demographic conquest are made to believe that discussion of this is most unseemly, most unwise, most “racist,” most something, and so they — mostly — keep very quiet.”
The clock is ticking. Time to speak up. Time to act.
As the Moslem population grows, so too does their political clout. It’s conceivable that in 10-20 years time, an Islamic Party could hold the balance of power. Nice prospect.
Expect ever more strident demands for more and more “accomodation” in every aspect of public and private life.
But don’t worry, Hazel Blears is on the case.
The BBC has this ‘human rights for Jihadists’ apologetics sort of emphasis:,
Richard Littlejohn has this:
‘Another one bites the dust’:
“Why on earth is anyone wasting their breath calling for an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the killing of a ‘British’ terror suspect in Pakistan?
“Rashid Rauf was wanted for masterminding the liquid bomb plot, which brought chaos to our airports in 2006.
“He died on Saturday when American missiles targeted an Al Qaeda camp in Pakistan’s tribal badlands, where he had fled to escape justice.
“I’m surprised the usual bunch of useful idiots haven’t tried to claim he was at a wedding or taking part in a computer course.
“But some MPs are calling this an ‘execution’ and demanding to know if British intelligence services were involved in pinpointing his whereabouts.
“I certainly hope they were. That’s their job. In case those MPs haven’t noticed, there’s a war on – and Rauf was actively involved in plotting to kill as many innocent civilians as possible.
“If he wanted to exercise his yuman rites, he was at liberty to return to Britain and argue his case in court. Those American missiles did us all a favour.”
I wouldnt blame the Americans if they didnt share any info with this countries intelligence community.
They would have probably banged on about the guys human rights.