The bias I mean. I’ve just watched Andrew Marr’s interview with David Cameron for his regular Sunday mornng show. The first minute or two of Cameron’s performance were used in correcting Marr’s premise that the Conservative position was just to let the recession “take its course”. Isn’t this so typical? The Conservative always placed on the defensive by the casual distrust of the BBC man? If you listen or watch carefully (painful I know) it’s always there.
Earlier on I heard the news report say that Icelanders were rioting over the handling af the credit crisis. This is an interpretation that the BBC prefers. Surely demonstrators are protesting at the occurrence of the crisis itself, and the economic management which brought it about? Cameron was under fire from Marr for not ‘getting the scale’ of things. No mention of Gordon’s not getting the entire economic management “thing” which could have mitigated or averted it. I would say that- given British banking’s swollen role compared with the British economy- Gordon’s management of gold, regulation, taxation and interest rates should very much be on the table as a cause of the world’s crisis. Instead we have Marr lamenting the lack of a positive Conservative response. Where’s the room for positive responses? It’s only damage limitation thanks to Gordon.
The last part of the interview, patiently fielded by Cameron, was Marr’s questioning of Osborne’s position. Prior to that we had “Business Secretary” Peter Mandelson spinning the economy for Gordon. No questioning of his suspicious reintroduction into UK politics, or his ability to take the flak that Darling or Brown should be facing.
It makes me sick listening to the skewed BBC coverage. But whether I listen or not, it’s always there.
Interesting that the BBC highlight that the people of Iceland want to punish the Government for getting them into this mess. Of course the same applies to the Americans who punished the Republicans as well.
But notice the BBC don’t bother to mention that the British people might want to punish the people who got us into the mess here (that being Brown and co of course)
Instead the BBC paint Liebour as hero’s.
Don’t forget the BBC wear inverting spectacles.
Protesting Icelanders = rioters
Rioting and looting Poll tax crusties = protesters.
The old saying “keep telling a lie often enough snd long enough snd it will become the truth” has been proved again. Shows what a bunch of idiots the public are because it took no time at all for the BBC and labour to recover some of Brown’s popularity.
and to be fair d , the tories havent really helped themselves have they – with all that “sharing in the proceeds of growth” bollocks and agreeing to Labour’s spending plans. (well, right until about this week…)
bbc are very, very, skilled at news manipulation.
Untill the Tories grasp this nettle and through their grass roots ,organise a co-ordinated response campaign through the media, the bbc will continue to distort their political coverage.
What is interesting is that Obama got elected on a “Hope and Change” platform without any discernible policies whatsoever,not a whisper form the BBC.
Yet here we are with Marr demanding substance from the Conservatives.
The years from 1997 are a total blank to the BBC. We never get any analysis or questioning of Labour about how we got into this mess, but the BBC are only too happy to mention the recessions of the 80s and early 90s when questioning the Tories.
Northern Rock seems to have been totally forgotten about – I have never once heard the BBC question the regime for bank regulation which was put in place by Brown and which led to the first run on a British bank for 150 years.
It was the same last week; guess some things never change
Dodgy- nice one. It’s going up. You know, um, feel free to, er, repeat as often as you like.
brown got away with yet more “it started in america” , “global crisis” bollocks.
marr of course never asked the bleeding obvious question – how come its not affecting france and germany as badly?
The day the BBC start slagging the Government is the day we have a change of Government.
OK so Marr’s biased. We know it but, more importantly, Cameron must know it also but does nothing about it. It seems that, for Cameron, appearing on the BBC is good enough: making a case against Brown for his responsibility for (much of) this mess goes by default. Instead of taking the battle to Marr and Labour, Cameron sits there and lets the whole thing pan out as Marr wishes ie Cameron on the defensive from the start and made to sound petulant if he critices Brown’s pre-“Downturn” record. Mind you, if all you’ve got in your ammunition locker is suggesting lower NICs and freezing council tax, you’re waving a white flag before the battle even starts.
Moreover, as archduke says, the Conservative “sharing the proceeds of growth” economic policy under Cameron/Osborne has been a total disaster. Had the Conservatives since 2005 been attacking Brown for serial incompetence and offering a low-tax low-expenditure alternative rather than apeing Brown’s incontinent policies they would be in a far healthier and authoritative position today – they could say with justification “we told you so”. By offering a coherent and understandable policy alternative since 2005 the Conservatives might have sacrificed a few points in the polls in the short run but would have established a solid lead in the long run.
But oh no: you only had to read the Cameroons, the Conservatives in Name Only and the Bercow wing of the Labour Party commenting on Conservative Home and falling over themselves to praise Cameron/Osborne for every new cuddly Blairite initiative to know it would end in tears. My optimism that by 2010 we would at least got rid of the present shysters in office and that the BBC would be (partially) humbled has disappeared since Brown’s unopposed resurrection as the saviour of the country.
Exactly the same tactic was employed on R4’s The World This Weekend. A ZaNuLabour representative was allowed, repeatedly, to lie about Conservative policy (it seemed to be all he was interested in doing, as a matter of fact), without once being challenged about his assertions.
No opposition opinion was given airtime, as seems to be the current BBC policy on this issue.
That said, I agree with Umbongo and archduke – Cameron has proved an utterly useless leader, whose middle of the road policies have left him wide-open to the sort of Brown resurgence in which the BBC is so obviously delighting.
Anyone else noticed that Mr “Change we can believe in” isn’t really changing anything?
All I’ve seen so far is a load of ex Clinton cronies getting jobs. Might just have well elected Hillary or Bill again.
Over the years I watched and admired Biased BBC for your surgical analysis of BBC bias. Several years ago it was hidden and deceitful. Now the leftist agenda is out in the open. The Left who dominate this nationalised channel as presenters, intervieweres, editors, researchers, the Trust, senior staff, commissioning editors, producers, teletext writers, journalists hardly care a toss. The organisation is rotten from the top down. No amount of revelations about their narrow vision of society will force any change. The furore over Brand-Ross will be soon forgotten but the power of the people showed how the mugs who pay the salaries of these plutocrats can still be heard. If we are all loud enough. We need to organise ourselves and stop being isolated and fragmented lobbyists. We need to form a movement whose sole purpose is the removal of the telly tax and the break up of the BBC, perhaps allowing BBC2 and 4, Radio 3 & 4 to remain protected as a public service. Once privatised, the dreadful and malign influence of the self satisfied will wither and die. Goodbye Marr, Humphreys, Michael Rosen. Who can remember K Livingstone, these days? The reptile is now just a creepy memory thanks to Boris. Stop moaning. Let’s organise a mass petition, a properly funded movement for change that will be so well supported that all governments will have to listen. Perhaps David V and Ed T can put a Declaration of Intent together and start an online petition – with an agreed agenda of principles to reduce the power and influence of this bloated band of Commissars.
Gcooper, he has had some success in rebranding the party and winning votes off labour.
“skewered”? I keep seeing that on this site, and cannot work out what is meant. Possibly the intended word is “skewed”? I only mention it because I’ve seen it repeatedly.
I’ve never noticed anything particularly barbecued about the BBC’s news reporting, but please correct me if I’m wrong.
hf- you are right. Overdone though is certainly something I would associate with the Beeb, when they’re not undercooked that is 🙂
Will correct.
David Vance
My advice is, “STOP listening to it, ASAP.” Propaganda and its resultant mind control can only work well, if you expose yourself to it.
The BBC has two jobs. One is to be a voice of the left or radical politics. The other is being a total wind up merchant for the right or reactionary politics.
Left and right are false created concepts, invented by the establishment, sometime back in the 1920’s. Used often to violently divide, and therefore rule the people.
Conservatism is the majority view, that ALWAYS gets left out in the cold as much as possible, whoever wins elections.
Democracy is only as good as the media that controls the party political agenda.
The BBC and Sky are what you get when the powers that control BOTH are no longer concerned with sustaining the illusion of true democracy. Which is collectively something that would not look out of place in The old Communist Soviet Union, or slightly more to the point Nazi 1930’s Germany.
If this country was today or worse had been for decades using concentration camps for the purposes of mass extermination. I for one would trust The BBC, Sky, and all of the rest including The Guardian News-paper 100% to not report even the slightest sniff of one. Even if it was situated in Parliament Square itself.
But thats the point.
Mind control takes many forms.
One of the most subtle ways of destroying public confidence in there own political system. Therefore to frighten the people into general resignation, despair and consequent submission to dictatorship. Is to stage by stage remove the publics confidence in there own media, and party political or otherwise institutions.
Thus the level of public trust in the BBC is at an all time low and sharply falling. Yet the BBC seems to be and clearly is IMO, completely unconcerned by this.
The BBC is unconcerned. Not just because its continuance in one form or another is TOTALLY ASSURED by the establishment, but also because the people that control the BBC actively desire the BBC to be generally distrusted, for the reasons given.
This to me is logically obvious, if for no other reason than the BBC would not be permitted to be obviously party politically bias, unless the establishment wanted the BBC to be, and appear to be so at the same time.
Marr and Robinson for example would have been out on there ears a decade ago. Murdoch for another example would be tearing strips off of the BBC on a daily basis. Murdoch does not because the BBC is following his peoples New World Order globalist agenda TO THE VERY LETTER.
The sharp new democratic sheep’s clothing is rapidly being removed from the tiered old establishments FASCIST wolfs back.
Democracy is now showing itself to be the utter con job it was designed to be in the first place.
Try it David. If you stop watching the BBC its worst affects do in fact go away. If enough do the same, we as a people may start to regain our collective sanity again, and therefore take control over our own lives for once. Of course the only way to properly free yourself, is to stop reading any type of main stream news papers and take the plug permanently off the TV.
The BBC controls your thinking, whether you agree with The BBC, or not, one could argue more. In your personal case, The BBC self apparently does control much of your entire mind. I am sure you would agree, not for the better.
Think about it seriously. You may lose a blog, but regain/gain the only thing worth having.
Bbc will soon be illegal under eu law and get shut down, what will you say then.
Beeb advocates the destruction of britain, ultimately that includes them.
Ed – well, you did say you felt sick after consuming the offering, so I’d go with undercooked. You may also have worms now. I’d check if I were you, or you won’t get a moment’s sleep.
Sorry :-s
I’d love to be have the opportunity to fellate Kevin Rudd like the beeb world service has but then i’m not that way inclined!!
Ricky Martin
You say:
Who can remember K Livingstone, these days?
You what! He’s all over the media, especially the BBC.
In contrast we only see Boris when he’s doing something of which the BBC approves, being a bit of CINO as he is.
“Cameron has proved an utterly useless leader, whose middle of the road policies have left him wide-open to the sort of Brown resurgence in which the BBC is so obviously delighting.”
Brown wouldn’t need to resurge if theyd’ve gone with David Davies – he’d still be umpteen points ahead in the polls and probably already into a new term as PM.
What we need in the UK is an internet site that broadcasts news using picture and sound, eg one hour of news produced a day, repeated around the clock, and changed every 24 hours. It could include blogs also and a 24 hour phone-in radio. Something like Fox News, but internet only. It would take a few million to set up but it could then survive by advertising and subscription. Obviously they would have to be careful about being sued all the time or Ofcom sticking its boot in.
Where are the wealthy people that want to change things for the good?
Ed, today will be a big test for the BBC. Will they be able to contain their own bias, or will it spill over for all to see.
There are some test that we here can rigorously apply.
Brown has introduced the 45% tax idea for no other purpose but an elephant trap for the Tories. His mates in the BBC will have been primed to skewer Conservatives with the question whether they will oppose ‘making the rich and comfortable pay a little bit more’.
Every time the BBC complies with the NuLab spin machine script on this, their bias should be shouted from the rooftops.
Fraser Nelson has produced a ten-point checklist (see link) of Labour’s desired narrative. It would be good to set up a thread maybe focussing on just how often the BBC is running the NuLab spin line as described there.
I think when David Cameron said in the Sun interview a few weeks ago that he was a fan of the BBC he was trying to send them a signal: Please, please, mighty BBC, help me to become prime minister, I know you have the power to do so and I promise I really am one of you. I just have to say a few token things to make me look a bit different from labour, but really I am your friend. I will not bite you; look how I bowed down to your great Andrew Marr and I will show all of you the great respect that your power commands.’
Peter Hitchens said a few weeks ago that Cameron’s side shows at the party conference were signals to the media about his true leanings.
It would be ironic if the BBC becomes Cameron’s best friend just at the time the BBC licence gets scrapped.
Mr Caveman – maybe one of the newspaper websites will evolve into the news site you describe.
Brown’s room for manoeuvre is limited by our European Union rulers.
The BBC has this headline:
“VAT ‘to be cut in rescue package'”
But, by E.U.directive, the UK is not allowed to reduce the VAT rate below 15%, as the BBC report mentions:
“Widespread press reports suggest Mr Darling will temporarily cut VAT by 2.5% to 15% – the lowest level allowed under EU law – in an effort to boost consumer spending.”
More clarification on how the UK’s national sovereignty on the right to implement only nationally approved taxes has disappeared:
‘EU referendum blogspot’:
“Right and Wrong”
For the benefit of casual readers, the two trolls slagging of DC are just that, the ukip holdouts, who prefer some version of political purity to actually winning an election.
Tell us, backwoodsman, exactly what would change under a government of which David Cameron is PM?
I’ve been called a lot of things in my time, but never a troll.
Cameron is a waste of space, elected by the Conservative Party as the ‘least worst’ media option, following the borderline racism dished out to Michael Howard and the open contempt shown to IDS.
It was a stupid move, not just because he has repeatedly missed an open goal, but because the BBC and the rest of the Leftist media have treated Cameron badly, anyway.
They should have accepted that they were never going to get fair treatment from the media and picked a leader who was capable of finishing off the ailing, corrupt beast that is ZaNuLabour. Plainly, that is beyond Cameron and his inner circle of CINO twits, like Goldsmith, Osbourne, Letwin and the rest.
GCooper | 24.11.08 – 12:31 pm
Perhaps…. but this ‘waste of space’ has taken his party into a potentially election-winning lead.
Something his predecessors didn’t manage.
PaulS: I would say that it is more that Gordon Brown has screwed up so badly that the Conservative party are in a lead by default. I am increasingly worried that a Conservative government under Cameron would not be willing to take the very tough decisions necessary. Cameron is no Thatcher, he’s not even a Major or Hague…
PaulS – Surely I don’t need to remind you: ‘Oppositions don’t win elections – governments lose them’?
Apart from a bit of image manipulation to appease the Leftist media (which is most of it), what, in all honesty, can you say Cameron has done?
More to the point, his lead is not at all impressive given the mess the country is in, Cameron & Co having singularly failed to get across the message that much of that mess is due to ZaNuLabour’s misrule.
FFS they aren’t trolls, they’re dolly drapers rebutal unit, spreading their wings from Guidos.
Its the old foaming at the mouth colonel blimp trick , designed to frighten normal people who might consider voting Tory.
Am I the only one who would prefer William Hague, or even Davis if he could find a real Shadow Chancellor? I’ve never been much of a Call Me Dave fan, nor of IDS.
backwoodsman, perhaps you could provide us with an example of an election that the opposition has won rather than the government lost?
Cameron’s strategy appears to be “Say nothing controversial, do nothing controversial and let the Government hang itself.” He appears to be having some success with this strategy.
Cameron and Osborne have not handled this economic situation well, that is for sure, but it would also have been a risk to take on Brown at economics – he does have a (thoroughly undeserved) reputation as a master in that field, and with the BBC tongues firmly inserted into his Council Gritter, he risks ruining his political reputation by saying too much.
Cameron is still in a position to win the next General Election, and as time goes on his position should strengthen. Brown’s reputation for economic competence will suffer as the recent measures taken are proven not to work, and the posturing with other world leaders stops. As our attention turns to other matters than economics, we will be reminded that Brown is a hopeless Prime Minister and a truly odious man who is an embarrassment to the country.
Having said all that, I hope Cameron displays more courage in office than he has done in opposition. I could not imagine Thatcher or Churchill being as supine as Cameron has. Time will tell.
PaulS | 24.11.08 – 10:17 am |
Every time the BBC complies with the NuLab spin machine script on this, their bias should be shouted from the rooftops.
Fraser Nelson has produced a ten-point checklist (see link) of Labour’s desired narrative. It would be good to set up a thread maybe focusing on just how often the BBC is running the NuLab spin line as described there.
Hell, just check out Robert Peston’s last ten blog posts and/or on-air appearances.
No, Mr Preiser you’re not alone. I’d be happier with either, though Hague seems to have gone off the boil in the past few years.
We all know the bias of the illuminati media was always there, so they need not run from it. Stand up for the liberals just as much now, as you did during the election.