General BBC-related comment thread!
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
Regarding ‘Atlas Shrugged’:
You really must read the bloody book. Every single problem that ZaNuLab have visited upon our nation is explained in that (very, very long) novel.
The perils of socialism, inflation, totalitarianism, the lot. It is all in there, if you care to look.
We are being mega-fucked by Brown and his shitty cohorts.
Remember, inflation is simply a symptom of broken promises – i.e. money is a promise, if the promise is broken then money loses value.
Remember, socialism relies upon a jealous proletariat. What they always forget is that there is somebody that is always more needy than themselves – witness Labour supporters’ hostility to immigrants
Remember, socialism always (and history really does show that it is ALWAYS) ends in totalitarianism and mass murder/starvation.
Remember, the only way this illegitimate regime can carry on is through YOUR labour and desire to provide for yourself and your family. If we (the productive, law abiding majority) remove our support (through labour and tax revenue) this government will be gone by December.
Seriously, you may consider Atlas Shrugged to be a nut job, but the book explains it all.
Read it!
It certainly does and for a very clever reason.
It was written by one of Rothschild’s ex girlfriends.
She was not guessing. She knew the future, because he told her what it was going to be, and how it was going to be done.
Like all gobby Nazis, Ayn Rand took great pleasure in ‘warning’ the victims before her friends destroyed them.
Its the psychology of sadism.
The establishment are doing this sort of thing constantly with publications like Harry Potter, and various Hollywood movies. They did it in the past with books such as 1984, Animal Farm, Brave New World, The Time Traveler, and of course Atlas Shrugged. Which all use a form of mind control known as ‘predictive programming.’ This is when a person or a collective community of persons are subconsciously brainwashed into accepting the unacceptable as inevitable.
The elite also take a special delight in showing the knife to the lamb. In the sure expectation that the lamb will still be far to stupid to understand what is really happening.
Whats more to the point, will not want to understand, or be capable of understanding, until its throat is already split.
The system cant operate efficiently for the benefit of the elite with a largely out of control world population the size that it currently is. Therefore ‘a serious bit house keeping’ is a little over due, lets put it that way.
Which is why socialism murders, while the establishment that invented, and has always financed and promoted it, applauds the effort.
The establishment appear to love their dogs more then their subjects, because they most certainly do, more then you could possibly handle imagining.
It could be argued that I am also indulging in a rather over the top form of predictive programming. Which would be cool, because it is precisely what I am doing.
Which is why I named myself Atlas Shrugged in the first place, as I can see you at least have worked out all by yourself.
Congratulations, but unfortunately no cigar, for this reason.
We are well and truly fucked for the next twenty or so years now anyway, whatever else happens.
bbc star muslim benefit cheat given the oppurtunity to have a good rant.
have you ever seen a convict have the space to sound off like this ?
jimbob | 28.11.08 – 10:40 pm |
So his family returned to pakistan.
Can’t he follow them and never return.
The BBC recently displayed a new found interest in opinion polls showing voter intentions.
These, of course, showed the party of socialist filth narrowing the gap with the Conservatives.
But lo and behold they’ve suddenly gone shtum. Not a peep abou the latest poll.
I can’t think why.
BBC: The last refuge of socialist filth.
It’s a 15% lead you BBC scum
And it’s a gruniard poll you scumbags.
And no I haven’t hit the wine bottle.
I’ve just about had enough of socialist filth where ever they are.
I don’t believe in the whole ‘genocide’ theme you espouse. If things carry on this way, then genocide will surely happen and you will be proved ‘right’. However, I think these socialist parasite scum will kill through incompetence, not design. They are simply desperate to cling to power.
No matter how bad things get, they will attemp to cling to power, because it is all they have. What have they ever created? What have they ever achieved? They are scum (see Dianne Abbott).
Sorry Atlas, you are a bit of a nut job (even if you are proved to be correct)
Sorry, that probably came across as unnecessarily hostile. You’ve been ‘raving like a lunatic’ for the past year (but ‘bang on the money’ for events). I totally agree about the outcome, just not the ‘conspiracy’ behind the scenes.
Seriously (and I’m not taking the piss) I’ve withdrawn labour. I suggest everybody else does the same.
(maybe my ego is too big, but if everybody like me ‘fucks it off’, then we’ll get what we want)
(and we are well and truly fucked for my lifetime, your lifetime, my potential childrens’ lifetime, Atlas’ grandchildrens’ lifetimes, etc.)
ZaNuLabour have fucked it all.
If you ever voted for these totalitarian cunts, apologise to your grand kids. They will pay for this fuck up, just like we paid for the ‘great war’.
Some people here will have already seen this, but for those who haven’t, Charles Moore announces in his latest Spectator’s Notes that BBC DG Mark Thompson has invited him to lunch.
In what may be the offer of an olive branch, Mark Thompson, the Director-General of the BBC, has invited me to lunch at his office. I have gratefully accepted. What is the correct etiquette though? It is normal on these occasions to have a courteous exchange of views, but the example of Jonathan Ross shows that one gets further by ‘pushing the boundaries’. If I ring Mr Thompson on his answering machine with a series of lewd suggestions about members of his family, or ask him whether he masturbates about octogenarians, perhaps he will acknowledge my comic genius and offer me £6 million a year.
‘Doing nothing is not an option’ is a phrase one hears very frequently in the media, delivered by people advocating something or other, usually involving legislation and more government spending. Is it ever actually true? If it is, how sad.
For those who may not be aware, for a while now, Moore has been running a continuing “B” story, so to speak, about BBC harassment over collecting the license fee from people who don’t have a TV, or are over 75. He’s even more prudish than I am, and after the Ross/Brand/Sachs thing, announced that he would not pay his license fee if Ross was allowed back on the air in January. He’s been pushing it further every week, mentioning lots of support from readers, and claiming that since the BBC violates its Charter, he is no longer duty bound to pay for it.
since the BBC violates its Charter, he is no longer duty bound to pay for it.
David Preiser (USA) | Homepage | 29.11.08 – 6:00 am | #
Is there a link to anything that analyses this for legal validity? Though I know that much in our glorious legal system is open to (a word the BBC will love) ‘interpretation’. Also can’t help that so much is also ‘unique’ and beyond any other financial relationship I have experienced.
Certainly I have to believe any contractual arrangement between me and many aspects of my public broadcaster’s service for a fee have been breached, from highly questionable information being selected and supplied, actions unrepresentative of my views being carried out, commitments against my wishes as a stakeholder (I see this word is now lampooned, but no of no other way to describe the relationship) being made, and a template-based faux ‘complaints’ system that is a joke.
ps: Went back a page on his piece and there are allusions to possible legal breaches, but nothing I would hang my hat (or risk career – getting on a police database at present seems foolhardy) on yet.
Though probably just an affectation, I have often found that the words of anyone who kicks off a statement with ‘To be honest…’ may bear careful scrutiny.
Check the number here…
BBC’s Jay Hunt in Sachsgate, Countryfile and Tomorrow’s World
These traits may help..
Hunt has the handy knack of being able to stick to the BBC party line without sounding like a corporate robot.
…I am BBC through and through.
Though perhaps not the viewing public, to be perfectly honest.
Like the heading above it’s LEFT, LEFT,LEFT on the Today programme. At 8.30 we had a discussion with lefty Liam Byrne & Lefter Derek Simpson. Byrne kicks in open goals into the Conservative’s unguarded net, whilst Simpson’s demands for a socialist state are “answered” by Naughtie, rather than putting Byrne on the spot.
Yes, I turned this pile of shite off when on message Byrne contrasted the Labours magnificent pre budget giveaway with the Conservatives “doing nothing” whilst Naughtie nodded sympathetically. Naughtie does so love these little Leftie love ins, trouble is they do somewhat resemble North Korea radio. Notice no mention of the illegal detention of member of the opposition– again a bit North Korean. Oh and Mandelshite compared Brown with Moses earlier on —and noone in the studio even sniggered –too busy keeping their jobs safe.
since the BBC violates its Charter, he is no longer duty bound to pay for it.
David Preiser (USA)29.11.08 – 6:00 am
While I sympathize with those who don’t pay the license fee there appears no legal basis for ‘tax revolt’ to this or any other ‘social contract’.
I can’t refuse to pay income tax because the Government IMHO reneged on campaign promises or because I voted for the party in Opposition. I can’t refuse to pay Council Rates because the council has failed to fix a pothole in my street for a year or because the Mayor takes bribes from developers.
Even the analogy of refusing to pay rent for my apartment doesn’t fit. It would be necessary to prove the premises unlivable not that the back fence sags badly. If I fail to make my case when challenged in court I would have to pay interest on the sum owed, my landlord’s expenses and quite possibly a penalty on top.
Whatever criticisms we have of the BBC, the existence of millions of BBC viewers makes the argument that failure to fulfil some aspects of the charter is legal justification of non payment untenable.
Is it my imagination, but did not “Sarah Jane” appear shortly after Mike Whiney disappeared ? Maybe just a coincidence.
deegee | 29.11.08 – 10:40 am | #
Noted. Understood. As I suspected/feared.
As with such as the ‘entirely OK’ useage-based schemes such as chip & bin now endorsed by government and cheerfully shared by the BBC, I hark back to the Poll Tax.
This was not favoured as I recall by those who would not profit from fair distribution and paying for what you consume.
I guess that was ‘different’.
Now, remind me, what was the ‘reaction’ and ‘outcome’. I seem to recall riots and withdrawal.
Like I say… ‘different’.
Whatever criticisms we have of the BBC, the existence of millions of BBC viewers makes the argument that failure to fulfil some aspects of the charter is legal justification of non payment untenable.
Millions of people shop at Asda, but I don’t have to pay them an annual fee in order to shop at Morrissons.
The main complaint is that they are not an essential service like the council,rent, government etc and as such should compete for their existence with other media organisations on a level playing field
Despite all that’s going on in the world R5L’s 5am news programme Morning Reports managed to devote a quarter of its half hour running time today to the antics of two attention-seeking leftie dickwads. First up was “performance artist” Mark McGowan who will be getting a load of people to put cardboard boxes on their heads in Stockwell tube station to protest against the de Menezes shooting. (Other stunts by this prick • lying down in a road in Birmingham dressed as a soldier to protest against the Iraq war and pushing a nut for miles with his nose). Later the programme featured Mark Boyle, the butt-head who announced with much fanfare that he was going to walk to India with no money but only got as far as Calais; now he says he’s going to live without money for a year, apparently. The fact that the Morning Reports team thought these two fame-hungry wankers were worthy of coverage says little for its editorial competence and much about its political sympathies.
this fella living for a year on no money still beats some the work shy knobheads that live around here. They have lived for years on other peoples money.
Beeboids – a prize if you can spot this story appearing on any BBC branded “platform”.
Remember the BBC promise “We don’t do polls unless they favour the great leader” so it is unlikely that there will be a hint of
Tories 15% ahead….. (Guardian poll)
Did anyone catch that hilarious article about the BNP on the One show last night?
I honestly don’t know how they think they can get away with such insulting drivel anymore!
BBC Radio:
“That’s no job for an Asian!”
Not to be confused with BBC radio’s:
‘That’s no job for a non-Asian’
Is it my imagination, but did not “Sarah Jane” appear shortly after Mike Whiney disappeared ? Maybe just a coincidence.
Grant | 29.11.08 – 10:51 am | #
No…. S-J is an old-timer. Been here a year, maybe more. Certainly here when I arrived, though been a bit quiet in recent months.
She’s a part-time beeboid on a freelance contract and ex-full time staff.
The perfect Xmas gift for Matt Frei:
“Yes you can own a piece of history.”
Or indeed any other BBC journalist.
Time overdue to ban the burqa in UK; a BBC report of over 2 years ago on Netherlands:
“Dutch MPs to decide on Burqa ban”
‘Jihadwatch’ today:
“U.S. troops kill burqa-clad Taliban jihadist”
I note that the BNP 13 leafletters in Liverpool have had all raceism charges dropped. I also wonder when this will be reported on the BBC? The BBC were happy enough to report the arrest & incarceration of the men. Tumbleweed?……
Roger C
I see that the BBC has reported the retraction of charges against the BNP – not as prominently as it publicised the original story; the BBC report today is only the ‘England- North’ section of its news website:
“No charges laid against BNP leaflets”
For the BBC, which finds the motivation and origins of the Mumbai massacre a ‘mystery’:
“British Muslims have become a mainstay of the global ‘jihad'”
(by Kim Sengupta):
Peter | Homepage | 29.11.08 – 6:44 am |
I was under the impression that Moore was making more of a philosophical argument than a legal one. It dovetails nicely with the complaints on this blog about how the BBC is often in violation of the Charter for other reasons.
He doesn’t really have a legal leg to stand on with his harassment charges and all that, but his stories about pensioners being hassled can’t help but add to the negative portrayal of the BBC. The way they (the bosses, anyway) are so disconnected from the public is part of his point, and that’s exactly what many people here are concerned about. More than the rest of it, the point that the kind of crap epitomized by Ross/Brand is not part of their actual remit, and is evidence that they lost their reason for existence and the license fee. I see Moore as a useful poster child for this.
If nothing else, Charles Moore has a fairly high public profile, and can help encourage people to stand up to the BBC. The BBC already doesn’t like him for a number of reasons. His imagined retort to Mark Thompson is right on, and I hope he writes about the results next week. He’ll probably cave, but you never know.
If this becomes true, it will be small victory for licence-payer pressure:
“Big pay deals ‘unlikely’ at BBC”
Of course, this speculation only refers to celebrities; there is no mention of reducing the extortionate pay of the BBC administrators:
Sickening that these BBC directors are on half a million pound salaries. However it must really stick in their craws that their beloved leader is taxing this income so massively after all their loyalty to him.
On Friday a specially trained unit of the Party’s loyal anti insurgency troops successfully breached the lair of one of the Bullingdonian reactionaries’ most prominent thought criminals and pedlars of disinformation………
see the full post on BBC Pioneers now
More than six in ten people think the BBC’s TV licence fee is a “rip off”, according to a poll.
Asked whether the £139.50 licence fee was good value for money, 64% of people chose the answer “No it’s a rip off”. Just 10% of people chose “Yes”, while 24% chose “Just about but they could do a bit more”.
The poll of 2,062 adults across the country was carried out by market research company YouGov for The People newspaper.
DB | 29.11.08 – 6:03 pm |
Ref your link to the YouGov poll, just look at the BBC response to it.
A BBC spokeswoman said: “In-depth research has shown us a very different picture. Audiences are telling us that they are really enjoying our shows at the moment, everything from Strictly Come Dancing to Terry Wogan and Children In Need.
BBC: Never wrong, always right, It’s everyone else marching out of step, not us.
It just demonstrates that the BBC f**kwits are in total denial of the bloody obvious yet again.
The main complaint is that they are not an essential service like the council,rent, government etc and as such should compete for their existence with other media organisations on a level playing field
frankos | 29.11.08 – 11:41 am
No argument with you there.
Where’s the best place for me to lodge my complaint to Al-Beeb about their disgusting refusal to use the word “terrorist”? It’s really gotten to me today – after the full extent of the carnage has become clear, with 200 dead and hundreds more injured, when those terrorist bastards unleashed what can only be described as unholy TERROR on a city, the BBC still uses the same word to describe them that they used to describe Derek Hatton in the 80’s.
I’m truly sick of this shit and my anger has come to a head today. Every goddamn one of those spineless left wing pieces of shit at the BBC needs to have their head banged together. Pardon my fucking French. As far as I’m concerned this issue alone is more than enough to justify the end of the organization and the loss of every single loot-funded BBC job.
I mean for Christs sake they think it’s “judgmental” to use the word “terrorist.” Aside from the fact that the BBC has displayed no signs whatsoever of reporting on any other subject with such a cold degree of impartiality, it’s not even judgmental to use the word! It’s objective and descriptive and ACCURATE. Does the BBC deny that those sub-human Islamic barbarians in Mumbai unleashed a wave of acute terror? Is it beyond their mush-brained left wing “intellects” to admit this?
If a gang of British Muslim terrorists blew up the BBC headquarters in London, would they find it any easier to refer to them as terrorists? Goddamn it, at this rate, I might even consider referring to such a gang as “patriots.” There, I’ve said it.
I notice that on the current BBC report on Mumbai (Sat 18.45 GMT) there is a list of natioanlities of victims. Israel is not included even though Jews and Israelis were among the targeted victims of the terrorist murderers.
Michael, that’s typical BBC. Was that a TV programme?
Jason, I mentioned here
that the World Service on Friday was describing them as “determined gunmen” and “young men.” It was sickening reporting from the subversive swine.
I tried to express my anger at this on the BBC’s World Have Your Say.
Needless to say, they didn’t let me have mine, but blocked the comments – probably not appreciating the fact that I asked them what side they were on.
Watched it for about 30 seconds – good lord is Merlin a load of pap. This week Merlin was having a huff because Arthur killed a unicorn. Apparently people who hunt for sport have something wrong with their brains – hint, hint fox hunters…
Miv Tucker – Yes, I looked it up after reading your post and posting my own, and you are indisputably correct. I did indeed wrongly assume that the majority are Hindu.
Bryan | 29.11.08 – 8:43 pm |
Over here in Canada we get BBC World.
My wife, who is usually fairly placid, launched off when some BBC numpty standing outside of the Taj Hotel described the terrorist atrocity as a ‘commando attack’
Jason | 29.11.08 – 7:21 pm |
Just when you think the ‘T word’ won’t ever be mentioned on the BBC they go and use it again and again.
This is the problem with sticking BBC bias. Unless one is prepared to, analy, note down every instance, the BBCs supporters can always pop up and ‘disprove’ your contention.
It’s a deliberate ploy, and one that seems to work quite well. Unless someone is prepared to keep a list, with links to BBC stories, then it’s all rather pointless.
Incidently, I used to subscribe to a board that held a list of Labour’s failures, year on year. When I stopped subscribing it had topped over 300 entries. Not bad for a ‘government of all the talents’!
Down’s births: how BBC misread the evidence
‘Family of TV producer shot dead by a terrorist blame BBC’s culture of bullying for forcing her to go to a war-torn country’
“The family of murdered television producer Kate Peyton has blamed a culture of bullying and paranoia at the BBC for her death.
“They say that Kate, who was shot by an Islamist terrorist while working in war-torn Somalia, should never have been sent to the country.
She accepted the assignment, they believe, because to do otherwise would be to jeopardise her contract.”
George R | 30.11.08 – 12:01 am |
Your link is potential dynamite.
‘After she died, in February 2005 aged 39, the BBC attempted • unsuccessfully • to limit the ensuing inquest’s coverage of her murder to minimise its involvement in her death.
BBC: Hypocritical shysters and assorted scum
There’s more:
Her family looked to the inquest for answers but believe the BBC’s lawyers attempted to limit its scope to the time she was in Somalia, so that their management of Kate didn’t emerge in court.
The coroner refused and at the inquest last week recorded a verdict that Kate had been unlawfully killed.
The article goes on:
Of the inquest, the BBC said: ‘The original written witness statements covered some areas of evidence that were not directly relevant to Kate’s tragic death. The coroner accepted that the evidence was too wide in some respects but not in others. We accepted that decision.’
That smacks of arrogance. “We accepted the decision”
Well whether they accepted it or not the BBC had to do what they were bloody well told.