General BBC-related comment thread!
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
Late evening BBC TV news. No mention at all of the Damian Green arrest.Weird. And then the reader suddenly announces that the Home Sec is to appear on the Marr show Sunday AM. This is going to be a huge constitutional crisis and nothing on the BBC at all.
Somrthing is going on and I don’t think it is going to be at all pleasant. Watch your backs citizens
I don’t think that non-Muslims in Britain should wait for the advice of a Muslim like Ed Husein (ex-supporter of Hizb ut-Tahrir) before resisting Islamic jihadists. The weakness of Husain’s argument is: how do you ‘moderate’ the the anti-infidel contents of the Koran, and of Muslim minds? Don’t assume this can be done on a significant scale, Mr. Husain.
What he is saying here can be regarded as a partial, incomplete criticism of Labour, Lib Dem and Tory (and, of course BBC) dhimmitude towards Islamic interests in Britain. Much more than Muslim Husain advocates, needs to be done to assert the primacy of non-Muslim British culture, including an immediate block on mass immigration to Britain. And non-Muslims should not defer to Muslims to decide this.
For all its limitations, this is
what Husain has to say:
“Tip-toeing round extremists will not make Britain a safer place”
dave s | 30.11.08 – 12:30 am |
Looking at another article in the Mail there is some question about Mr. Green’s phone being subject to real-time interception.
If that is the case then the warrant to do so has to be signed by the relevant Secretary of State. In this instance the Home Secretary.
Stand up one Jacqui Smith.
Where’s the best place for me to lodge my complaint to Al-Beeb about their disgusting refusal to use the word “terrorist”?
By not paying the license fee. The Beeb just laughs at complaints.
Not paying of course puts you at risk of prosecution and a criminal record. If your job requires a CRB check then it could be quite a big deal ( which is why I don’t follow the ‘ If you pay the TV tax, but still complain about bias then you are a hypocrite ‘ line )
I personally haven’t paid them for something like 18 years now, at three seperate addresses. Other contributors here have much longer records of defiance.
The TV tax ‘enforcers’ are essentially powerless and are very easy to outwit. Some people, like me, enjoy baiting them.
It’s your decision though.
Is the BBC f**king stupid?
Indian allegations alarm Pakistan
Has it escaped their notice that everyone else is reporting that the only terrorist to be captured alive is giving chapter and verse about the pakis role in this.
If I was Indian I’d be alarmed about killers coming across the border from Pakistan.
BBC: Stupidity on parade
BBC liar exposed:
Martin Plaut billed as the BBC’s Africa analyst writes this:
Whites took land from Zimbabwe’s black farmers by force at the start of the 20th Century……..
But by 2000, just 4,400 white farmers still held a third of Zimbabwe’s land – much of it the best farms.
One million black peasant farmers scratched a living on about the same area.
Nobody took anything by force. I know many people from Rhodesia. I have met a number of farmers who carved farms out of the dry bush only to have them confiscated. As for the one million black peasant farmers scratching a living, when they were given the confiscated farms they were well run agriculteral units which quickly degenerated back into bushland.
The same thing happened in kenya in the 60s.
Plaut is a BBC liar. If I ever met Plaut I would do him serious physical harm.
BBC: filthy vermin
Michael | 29.11.08 – 7:47 pm |
I notice that on the current BBC report on Mumbai (Sat 18.45 GMT) there is a list of nationalities of victims. Israel is not included even though Jews and Israelis were among the targeted victims of the terrorist murderers.
I believe that the two Jewish victims (meaning people who were killed, and not just held hostage or in a danger area) were Lubavitchers from Crown Heights, New York. No Israeli victims as far as I’m aware.
According to BBC editorial policy, the only time all Jews are considered de facto Israelis is when somebody wants to suggest a nefarious dual loyalty. So in this case they’re US victims.
Jerusalem Post – Terrorists at Chabad House ‘deliberately targeted’ Jews
Foreign Ministry announced that the bodies of four Israelis and two Jews from other countries had been recovered from the building.
Five of the Chabad House victims had been named by press time as Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, who ran the Chabad House; kashrut supervisors Rabbi Leibish Teitelbaum, a US citizen who lived in Jerusalem; Bentzion Chroman, an American-Israeli from Bat-Yam; and Yocheved Orpaz, of Givatayim, who had arrived in India to visit her daughter and two grandchildren.
The Foreign Ministry said four Israelis in Mumbai remained unaccounted for. The names of the missing Israelis were compiled from reports by worried family members in Israel, who say their loved ones have failed to made contact since the terrorist outrages on Mumbai began last Wednesday.
“We do not know their status or whereabouts of these four. This does not necessarily mean that harm has come to them,” a Foreign Ministry official said.
There is a problem of double counting when dual nationality is taken into account. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka apparently were also dual citizens.
Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink…
Just saw Andrew Marr trailing his show. Seems he is disappointed he won’t have Kevin Maguire as a guest. Can’t think why.
I have tended to allow the morning news choice of ‘guests’ to ‘review’ the ‘news’ to wash over me. It can be quite refreshing to have another face, and take, and for every Kevin there is, usually, one from another point of view alternating. DJ moppets from radio shows, etc. And that rather over-slick, Mandlesonesque guy from the Telegraph.
Who gets chosen can often help shape perceptions, especially if used/allowed to trot off on personal opinions (especially unchallenged) as some kind of proxy reporter/presenter saying stuff those the other side of the desk cannot and should not say.
Mr. Maguire alludes to some potentially dubious actions stemming from relationships between various protagonists in the Damian Green affair.
More than of interest if proven.
However, at present, no more than a rather crass bit of attempted water muddying based on innuendo, designed to help the case of the Government in any way possible, by a rather partisan solo ‘guest’ with no rebuttal from any other guest and certainly not the towering brains beneath the hairdos (or those whispering in their ears from on high).
As with my kids trying to get out of jail free with ‘just joking’ when called to account for a poor choice of words, I am afraid I do not consider ‘not that I am suggesting anything’ an adequate disclaimer for very definitely ‘suggesting something’ without actually having a blind bit of substance as yet.
I think such a comment deserved to be held to account, or put in context. Why was it not? As it stands the viewer is left with a major question based on not very much, when many greater ones in this affair still need to be answered.
If it is substantive, then the BBC should run with it and reap the consequences of either validation or criticism. Hiding behind a favoured front to assist an agenda is unsurprising but not what I expect from our politically neutral national broadcaster.
My wife, who is usually fairly placid, launched off when some BBC numpty standing outside of the Taj Hotel described the terrorist atrocity as a ‘commando attack’
TPO | 29.11.08 – 8:54 pm
So I guess they were trying to equate those subhuman terrorists with the Indian commandos who fought them? That’s moral equivalence taken to insane extremes. Something has to be done about the BBC.
Just listened to The Andrew Marr Show.
Though Carol Vorderman was kind of cut off she was, how to say, allowed on to be a refreshing counterpoint to Mr. Maguire.
I also think Mr. Marr was more tenacious than he has been on occasion with the lovely Home Secretary.
I have heard this government referred to as one ‘Of All Talents’ (GOATS). If her stuttering, defensive/belligerent performance was anything to go by I’d be hard pressed to feel comfort to be under the care of what more seemed a Rabbit Frozen in Headlights.
However, she did manage to make clear the origins of some accusations of Nanny State as part of the GOAT herd when on more comfortable grounds of banning everything in sight.
This should surprise no one. It’s also something you will never, ever learn from the BBC:
Doctors shocked at hostages’s torture
And here’s why:
Asked specifically if he was talking of torture marks, he said: “It was apparent that most of the dead were tortured. What shocked me were the telltale signs showing clearly how the hostages were executed in cold blood,” one doctor said.
The other doctor, who had also conducted the post-mortem of the victims, said: “Of all the bodies, the Israeli victims bore the maximum torture marks. It was clear that they were killed on the 26th itself. It was obvious that they were tied up and tortured before they were killed. It was so bad that I do not want to go over the details even in my head again,” he said.
Corroborating the doctors’ claims about torture was the information that the Intelligence Bureau had about the terror plan. “During his interrogation, Ajmal Kamal said they were specifically asked to target the foreigners, especially the Israelis,” an IB source said.
The BBC finally got around to mentioning that there were Israeli victims, but this information will not be revealed to the British public. In the minds of some Beeboids, the only good Israelis are dead ones, but when they die in non-PC circumstances, it’s best to keep shtum.
Logic free?
Or, at least, consistency.
As domestic sales are trying to be boosted, and with an in theory commitment to the environment, I am unsure as to why the government and BBC is promoting flying overseas to buy iPods and bring back 16 litres of extra weight, duty free, in a plane.
We then skip though tyre pressures (well worth sharing) to a slick TV commercial for DAB radios.
At least these may be bought in this country, but I guess will be cheaper duty free. Without checking I presume the BBC is not selling them, but what next in the commercial arena will it be OK to ‘encourage’ using a uniquely funded system that only 10% of the population thinks is worth it?
Amazing how during todays PMQ’s our glorious comrade leader chairman McBroon claimed that the labour party had “saved the world” from the current economic crisis and it was reported pretty high up on most news web sites. But on the Pravda site ( you will have to search for it!