General BBC-related comment thread!
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
Vorderman! What a treat.
Something that’s been bloody irritating me is the Real Hustle – doesn’t this just teach people how to rob you?
The BBC, in its pro-Islamic role, sets out to make two points in its political post-mortem on Mumbai;
1.)the BBC manages the political contortion of not mentioning that the Mumbai attacks were carried out by Muslims; not one mention that they were motivated by Islamic jihad; not one mention that they singled out white British, American and Jewish people for murder.
2.)the BBC only mentions Indian officials who say that British Muslims were not directly involved. The BBC does not mention conflicting evidence, derived from other Indian officials, on this.
“‘No evidence’ of UK Mumbai link”
A much more insightful view of the Mumbai terror (by Charles Moore):
“Mumbai attacks are warning to us in Britain”
..”during the Bombay attacks, IslamOnLine, the website which supports Ken Livingstone’s old friend and spiritual inspiration to the Muslim brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, gave space to messages blaming Israel, or the CIA, or Hindus, or all three.
“It was reported that some of the terrorists attacking Bombay were British citizens. Even if this turns out not to be the case, what happened there will blow back here and – which we find even harder to understand – what happens here, blows back there.
“After the London Tube bombings of July 7, 2005, attention turned to the madrassas, the Muslim schools churning out extremists in Pakistan.
“With some justice, Pervaiz Musharraf, then president of Pakistan, turned the point round. Look at the appalling fanaticism being encouraged in some Muslim institutions in Britain, he said. There is a terrible traffic, and we are part of it.”
Dick — I never watch the A Marred show, but happened to turn on the TV just before Vorderman gave the most remarkable, pithy, and cogent CONTROLLED ANGER as to why the Green arrest was a disgusting and deplorable act.
KUDOS CAROL!!!! What a gal.
I did note that the camera didn’t go to Marr for a reaction shot. Is this normal for his show when his guests go through the headlines?
I almost fell of the sofa laughing as U munched my Shredded What, when Marred said “Moving on quicjly…” with NO COMMENT on CV’s comments.
I guess Carol won’t be working at the BBCU-in-prison-Green, anytime soon.
I almost fell of the sofa laughing, as I munched my Shredded Wheat, when Marred said “Moving on quickly…” with NO COMMENT on CV’s comments.
Melanie Phillips’ political post-mortem on Mumbai, instructive for BBC too:
“The war against civilisation”
“The atrocities in Mumbai have left reporters and commentators floundering for explanations…
“It is a war waged in the name of Islam against America, Britain, Hindus, Jews and all who refuse to submit to Islamic conquest. The Mumbai atrocities told us very clearly a number of things…”
I see ANOTHER poll shows the Tories at 11% ahead of the Nazi party, so why didn’t it get a mention on the Andrex show? After all the other week when ONE poll showed the Tory lead at only 3% Marr had a Meg Ryan moment and cmae in his trousers.
CanI just say that those of us that opposed the 42 day detention planned by the Nazi party were proved right. If that had been in force Damien Green would STILL quite likely be locked up.
It’s OK for white middle class people to think that locking up bearded fuckwits for 42 days is a good idea, but of course the Government doesn’t lock them up. It gives them free houses, people carriers and of course their ‘uman rites’
Just like ID cards the Nazi party just wants to be able to bring the full force of the law on anyone that opposes anything they say.
Heir Spliff was a disgrace this morning. A fat ugly woman promoted beyond her mental ability, just like Harriet Harpie, Hazel Blears and Yvette Cooper.
Cheers Jack – didn’t think I was eating shredded wheat!
Martin – 10.55 and 11.01 LOL!!!
Off-topic I know, but here’s a good-hearted, truth-telling, right-minded whistle-blowing blogger in deep trouble. Please read it • it may be one of the last.
In this week of all weeks, when an MP was arrested for trying to expose the government’s dishonesty and incompetence you might like to go over and encourage her and stick it to the people in charge.
Our shared foes.
the ideology that owns the BBC.
Beeboids must be bricking it – caught a R2 news bulletin this AM – of the three minutes, two minutes was 5 bellies smith, explaining that the outcry over the Green outrage was disproportionate and unnecessary blah, blah !!!
The wiff of beeboid fear, much better than napalm in the morning.
can someone please explain why nu-lab is not spelt new, i never really got what that was alluding to
Isn’t it short for ‘Zanu’ – as in Mugabe’s lot?
James: It’s meant to convey Germanic/Nazi connotations.
Personally, I prefer going even beyond that – hence ZaNuLabour because they aren’t anything like as competent as the Nazis, having more in common with Comrade Bob Mugabe and his clown-like thugocracy.
I wrote on here and elsewhere that HM Gov would intend to use extended powers of detention not against muslim terrorists, but against us, the civilised middle classes. That is now self-evidently true, but what are Dave’s Cons doing about this and particularly, the Big Brother Corporation? As far as I am aware from reading the blogosphere, absolutely nothing. Maybe Dave reckons that if he and his mates keep quiet for long enough, HMG will focus on the BNP and leave him alone for long enough to win an election on the ruins of our economy. I don’t think so, Dave! It’s fight or flight time.
Look what happens to BBC employees who do not follow the ‘common purpose’ cult……..
Today is not a good day for the BBC, only 10% of the UK think that a license fee is valid…..
Allan@Aberdeen: The Tories know there is a real fight on now.
Fatti Smiff and Harriet Harpie at their first meeting.
More problems for the Clunking Fist, can I read about it on the BBC?, can I f..k.
10% think the licence fee is valid ?! I didn`t know that much of the population worked for the BBC .
Info on Common Purpose and how it originated:
The BBC has many ‘graduates’ from CP.
Four full days after the beginning of the Mumbai terror attack, and two days after its end, BBC website still does not have a HYS on this important event.
Given the anti-Jihadi and anti-Pakistani comments expected, this is hardly surprising. The BBC are not going to allow this.
Allowing space for lies about US or Israel is one thing; allowing space for truth about Jihadis is quite another.
wow – anat is right. there is no HYS on mumbai!
getting back to the Green affair, cramner has an interesting blogpost
Has Speaker Martin ever sanctioned the searching of the offices of members of Sinn Féin?
God forbid. That would be discriminatory and a set-back for the Northern Ireland peace process.
Has Speaker Martin ever sanctioned the searching of the offices of any Muslim MP?
God forbid. That would be discriminatory (or ‘racist’) and a set-back for community relations.
But Damian Green is neither Irish nor Muslim. And neither is he gay or disabled. He is an able-bodied, male, white, heterosexual Conservative. And they are fair game.
The global warming scam has even infected the BBC weather forecasts. In the last few days of really cold weather, they never put temperature symbols on the cold area in the middle of Scotland, only on the coast where it is much warmer.
BBC right now:
“Under pressure
Tories are back on the front foot with Green arrest”
They are on the FRONT foot and it is aimed right for your cohones, lefty scum. I am speechless at this. Since when was it the task of thee BBC to propagate lies coming hot off the keyboards of the Labour Party spinmeisters?
AndrewSouthLondon: Hitler had the media under control and the Nazi party running us also has the media under control.
Why do you think they wanted to force through the 42 day detention without trial? To lock beardy fuckwits? I think not. But to threaten a lock up people they see as ‘trouble makers’ – that is anyone who isn’t a Nazi party voter.
Remember the Nazi cunts running this Country have form.
I just wonder if the BBC will offer the same sympathy for a Tory MP?
Anat – what are you thinking buddy? There’s Strictly cum poncing on? Mumbai, Mumwhy?
The establishment doesn’t plan on doing anything about Islam because they believe in it. The establishment–The EU, the Liblabcon coalition– are using Islam as a weapon against us; they want to eradicate every last trace of Europe’s Christian nation’s in the naive belief that a New-Age of tolerance, hope, and freedom will dawn.
The BBC reports on the results of a survey to find Britain’s best loved comedians…and guess what? The top 10 isn’t full of the kind of smug, lefty Bush-bashing shit-sloppers who are complained about regularly on this forum. OK so I’ve been out of the country a good few years and haven’t heard of some – Alan Carr, Catherine Tate and Al Murray – but who else do we have? Pete Kay, Lee Evans, Rowan Atkinson, Jack Dee, Eddie Izzard etc. I don’t know about Frankie Boyle either but reading a review of one of his shows online I see that he’s mocked Brown, Bush AND Obama…seems like an equal opportunities kind of guy, although maybe others here will tell me otherwise.
Here’s the full list:
1. Peter Kay
2. Lee Evans
3. Alan Carr
4. Catherine Tate
5. Dawn French
6. Rowan Atkinson
7. Al Murray
8. Jack Dee
9. Eddie Izzard
10. Frankie Boyle
Johnathan Ross and Russell Brand nowhere to be seen, in fact they were on a list of the least favorite comedians, which was topped by Jo Brand.
I wonder if any of this will sink in at the Beeb, or whether they’ll just go on thinking that smug, left wing gobshites are what the public want.
With regards to Common Purpose, that sounds like an organization which is ripe for infiltration by Dispatches with hidden cameras, etc.
I recently bought the new Frankie Boyle DVD which is a live show recorded last year at the Hackney Empire. I think he’s the funniest guy on television (Mock the Week) but hey what do I know. Anyway, after the “Halloooooo Hackney!” opener FB procedes to question anyone he can see in the audience as to ” What’s your name, and what do you do?”
He gets unintentionally more and more perplexed at the answers. Everyone is white, under thirty and grinning from ear to ear, and has a complete non-job.
“What do you do? I’m a consultant (says twenty year old) What sort of consultant? A management consultant. Frankie looks perplexed. (Thinks: WTF do you know about anything?”) Moves on. Every single non-job you’ve ever seen advertised – diversity coordinator, BBC Have your Say sub-editor (I made that up) The look on his face is “What a complete bunch of wankers – not one of you does anything real. But hey this is stand-up and how I earn my living. Move on.
The rest of the show is intentionally hillarious. Sort of “buy one, get one free”
GCooper: To be honest, half of these hilariously amusing and infinitely repeated easy-gags eg nu-lab, zanu-lab etc, seem to be the kind of thing i could never picture someone actually saying out loud, in conversation. beeboid, too
Dick the Prick:
Vorderman! What a treat.
Jack Bauer:
Dick — I never watch the A Marred show, but happened to turn on the TV just before Vorderman gave the most remarkable, pithy, and cogent CONTROLLED ANGER as to why the Green arrest was a disgusting and deplorable act.
KUDOS CAROL!!!! What a gal.
I don’t watch Marr but have always liked Carol Vorderman: bright, acute, and sexy in one bundle. Could someone please give a summary of what she said on the disgusting arrest of Damian Green?
Is it right that an anagram of “A Clunking Fist” is:
Fucking Stalin?
martin – interesting that you should raise that bugging incident.
have a look at this story:
“Senior Tory figures routinely have their House of Commons offices swept for bugging devices amid fears they are being secretly monitored by the security services, it was claimed today.”
As someone noted earlier – the HYS on the 2.5% VAT reduction was hijacked by people demanding an HYS on the Damian Green affair.
The most popular three posts all mentioned the Green arrest and got over 200 recommendations each.
Guess what – after a long “moderation” interlude they’ve gorn!
No trace that they ever existed.
Just like those old Red Square photos of Stalin’s liquidated colleagues.
Opposition politicians thrown into jail…..things you thought you saw in the media that seem to have disappeared……
…. stand by for the 4.00 am knock bloggers.
Millsee: This one is!!!!!
“Fag Clinks Unit”
archduke: If we don’t vote out Labour at the next election (assuming they even bother to hold an election) we are finished as a nation.
‘Celebrity terror’
Gunmen without a cause – eager for limelight
Six of one – half a dozen of the other.
Twenty references to terrorism albeit not written by a BBC hack but by an outside expert.
No references to Islam, Muslim, Kashmir.
Quite apart from the scores murdered and the hundreds injured, what the Mumbai terrorists really wanted was an exaggerated – and preferably extreme – reaction on the part of governments, the media and public opinion.
In a novel twist, the Mumbai terrorists might have embarked on propaganda of the deed without the propaganda in the confident expectation that the rationalisation for the attack – the narrative – would be provided by politicians, the media and terrorism analysts.
If so, then Mumbai could represent something rather different in the history of terrorism, and possibly something far more disturbing even than global jihad.
Do you buy it?
John Reith spins in his grave – I just revisited “Have Your Say” and was amazed to notice the same thing …
There goes this year’s instalment of the telly tax, at least from me. They clearly don’t need hearing from the little people, so I dare say they won’t miss our money either.
Have written to my MP today about the Damian Green arrest and would encourage others to do likewise.
BBC Radio 5 have the vile Stephen Pound on ‘rent boying’ for Gordon Brown. He must be more effective that a double pack of Andrex at cleaning Brown’s arse.
Mark Easton’s latest attempt to twist the truth around onto itself has him claiming that anyone who says that there is an increase in criminal behavior by teenagers is actually condemning them simply for “hanging around”, as all teenagers do. Easton says that teenagers are just being normal, and the real problem is adults treating them “like vermin”.
The problem that’s hanging around
He opens by setting up the flimsiest of strawmen, as if any sane person could find the potential behaviors of groups of businessmen or middle-aged housewives comparable to that of a group of teenagers. Then – as usual – he presents more figures from a poll to back up his assertions. Of course, it’s the one from Barnardo’s:
which found that more than a third of people agree that “it feels like the streets are infested with children.”
Easton links to the recent BBC article with that ridiculous video about adults hunting innocent teens. Then he frets about adults having it in for innocent teens, simply for being innocent teens.
No mention of the trouble caused by violent teenagers, and certainly no statistics about teenage crime or anything like that. No, teenagers are just hanging around, as they do, nothing to see here.
Easton is pretending that all teens are being victimized by such intolerance from adults, when in reality it’s nothing of the sort. This way he distracts from the real problem by dramatically inflating it beyond recognition. Completely unbalanced, and just pimping for a cause.
His blog is constantly a waste of space.
deegee: “Do you buy it?”
Nobody with an ounce of common sense would buy it.
This article, carried on the BBC web-site, is a sort of “post-modernist post-mortem”, attempting to elevate into the realm of mystification the real and evident cause of the Bombay massacres.
They were inflicted by Islamic terrorists, of Pakistani origin, in their prosecution of global and local jihad.
And before the blood of their victims has scarcely dried, it is entirely characteristic of the BBC to carry such a piece.
“Martin | 30.11.08 – 10:11 pm ”
right now, i’m not even sure that they will even allow another election.
the Civil Contigencies Bill will allow them to “postpone” it indefinitely.
The lastest from the BBC about the ‘militant’ attack in Mumbai is that people are angry at the government of India! and they interviewed one person who was not what I would call angry but asking questions of his government. I bet they probably asked 99 other people 1st who were angry with the terrorists/pakistan/muslims but of course they didnt get on.
Winston Smith:
John Reith spins in his grave – I just revisited “Have Your Say” and was amazed to notice the same thing …
Just posted this on HYS-
30-Nov-2008 23:31COMMENT:Why have the three posts which received the most recommendations earlier today disappeared?
Is it because they also referred to the Damian Green affair?
Are the BBC’s moderators sensoring anything that migh embarass our Dear Leader and his post-democratic junta?
Don’t know why I bothered really.
I suppose it helps keep my blood pressure down.
Erm, so what exactly DID Carol Voderman say?…
The postings here can get a little too clique sometimes.
Fatty Nolan on 5 live sticking up for the Nazi party.