General BBC-related comment thread!
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
jeez.. i’m watching ITN news now, and honestly.. tears are welling up in my eyes… who on this board would not have adopted that poor mite?
there is something deeply chilling about this.
we are handing over millions in tax money, and fuck all in return.
“Martin | 01.12.08 – 9:53 pm | ”
Yes, I noticed it too.
Most telling was that on the day all the Beeboid reporters were breathlessly lecturing us that this was the most important budget since Moses was a baby etc, etc – read straight of the Mandelson/Campbell hymn sheet.
By late afternoon you could even hear the Beeboids’ thinking, “Is that it?!! – we’re f**ked, the Tories are gonna win!!”
Even more hilarious was the inevitable gradual leaking that taxes are actually going up – fuel, drink, fags, NI, VAT to be even higher, etc, etc.
The BBC cannot understand that after 11 years we are now perfectly fluent in BBC/Labour Bullshit – we cannot be readily fooled.
10 oclock news -a joke
damien green story covered at 10.16 to 10.19 and yet robinson calls it a serious story.
And the beeb’a flagship political show Newsnight has it’s finger on the pulse tonight with Baby P, Climate change and ….errr…a book about the Naples Mafia.
Was there any UK political news today?
On Sky News they had Brown’s favourite arse licker thicko geordie twat Kevin Maguire. Firstly Maguire accuses Danien Green of being up to no good (I hope his lawyers were listening) unlike Gordon Brown of course who never got hold of leaked info did he?
Lets be honest, the twats in the Nazi party went after Green hoping to deflect the bad news that the pound is really deep in shitsville now, the stock market is fucked and the housing market is stuffed.
Oh and Maguire was spouting on about some new poll that shows the Nazi party only one point behind the Tories. Expect THAT to be the big story on the BBC.
I hope Hitler actually goes for an election, he and the SS mob will get a fucking good kicking.
Fuck me the BBC banging on about Climate change again. They’ve got Moonbat there. I wonder if he’s still driving that gas guzzler car?
Martin | 01.12.08 – 11:02 pm |
God – I just had to sitch off – I’ve never heard so much rubbish in my life – with Paxman saying “We’ll all be dead” if we don’t cut CO2 the moonbat way. Its a bloody joke. Earlier on someone commented that Harribin was saying “5 degrees” rise by the end of the century, now moonbat says 6 with not a wimper from Paxman. The poor spokesman for the electricty companies is not allowed to speak and to top it all Turner says that we can reduce the global temperature rise to 2 dgrees if we accept his plan. Does he mean that Britain can do this by itself – we produce 2% of “greenhouse gasses” , yet we can now save the world. I have never heard so much bollocks in my life – Paxman is a complete idiot.
Although they didn’t flag it in the lead in – Newsnight did briefly cover Green’s mole’s press conf.
Just enough to allow Crick to tell us the Tories were still hiding something.
They don’t bother with any pretence of impartiality anymore do they?
John Reith spins in his grave – you can say that again – The newsnight “team” should be locked in a padded cell where the can no longer be a danger to the public.
Paxman is a tosser and Moonbat is clearly a mentalist. He has that MAD Tony Benn Stare that worries me.
Why didn’t Paxo challenge the four eyed cunt about why it’s OK for HIM to own a car, but not the rest of us?
Prick is just another Nazi party storm trooper.
I have sent a complaint to the BBC over Paxmans use of the phrase “We will all be dead” – I doubt if it will make any difference.
BBC report (video clip):
“Smith and Straw defend MP’s arrest”
“If I’m not here on Friday, you’ll know I’ve been nicked”
Jon: If Paxman was just talking about beeboids, I wouldn’t complain, I’d say it’s good news!!!!
I did catch Crick on Newsnight attempting to play down the Damian Green matter. He looked fearful as do they all. Mendacious and supercilious they may be but they are not stupid. This is a very serious matter. It goes right to the heart of the proper relationship between the state and it’s enforcers, and us and our representatives. Our Parliament is all that stands between us and a police state founded upon arbitrary power and tyranny.
Crick tried to portray it as a party political matter. It is not and he knows it. Expect the spinning to continue.
apologies if i was appearing to preach to the converted.. i did not know that.
archduke | 01.12.08 – 9:30 pm |
None needed.
She was brought up in the bush.
Her father once arrested Joshua Nkomo.
Also, as a young girl, she met Ian Smith on several occasions.
Despite what the filthy BBC vermin suggest he was an absolute gentleman.
Like so many people who have spent all their lives in Africa, he knew exactly what it was all about, unlike some pathetic left-wing polytechnic lecturer or the incredibly stupid Trevor Phillips.
I forgot to add, Ian Smith was also a Battle of Britain Spitfire pilot.
Stuffs Tony Benn up really. Despite his grandstanding about how he was a pilot fighting the Nazis he actually spent the war flying over the velt in South Africa and Rhodesia. Ian smith on the other hand was travelling in the other direction to England and fought them firsthand.
Of course you know who the BBC vermin choose to lionise.
BBC: Filth from start to finish.
Wall Street Journal article suggesting that constant lies by the BBC and other media feed the whole terrorism agenda :
BBC and MUMBAI: what Islamic Jihad?
The BBC gave considerable prominance to this ‘view’ of the Mumbai terror; it does not mention Islamic jihad once:
“The age of ‘celebity terrorism'”
‘Gates of Vienna’ has a corrective article:
“You say Mumbai, I say Bombay”
“The words Islam, Muslim, jihad don’t appear even once in Dr. Cornish’s analysis. For him, jihad is a Quentin Tarantino movie.
“Cornish mentions two school massacres in America, but not the much worse one committed in Beslan, by jihadis. He omits the commando-level military training these Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists received for a year, the expert planning, and the considerable resources. These were no teenagers who had played Grand Theft Auto too many times.
“Luckily, less august media than the BBC still exist, with Cambridge PhD international security ‘experts’ still not on staff. And so the alert reader still had a chance to get a glimpse of the truth without high-level dhimmi varnish: ‘Face of evil: Azam Amir Kasab, the only terrorist to be captured alive, has confessed to being a member of Pakistani terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba.’
“In the West, it’s relatively easy to guard against the jihadis. All it takes is common sense, starting from recognizing Muslim immigrants’ fundamental incompatibility with the West, and the evil wrought to them and to us by bringing them to the West. But who will guard us from our guardians?
“From intellectual eunuchs counseling purposefully blind politicians, to blunt-in-the-head “security experts” providing the cutting edge, Robert Spencer’s new book, ‘Stealth Jihad’, might as well be subtitled : How Radical Islam is Subverting America without Muslims’ Help..”
I note that the Toady programme managed a whole 2 minutes on Sterling’s continuing crash. Somehow I think they gave more coverage to the fall that followed leaving the ERM, but that was under a Conservative government who were at fault whereas this fall is due to America!?!
Just thought this was worth a share…
John Barrowman apologises for exposing himself on BBC Radio 1
If only for the entertainment value of the Guardian and the BBC covering the ‘story’ and their various groupies knocking spots off each other, yet ending up pretty sure it was/is all the Daily Mail’s fault.
Nice to see groupthink in action in all its glory.
I must say, explaining to my kids these days what the law is, how it works (or, often, is unique and ‘different’ for some) is getting…’complex’.
BBC report on QATADA:
“Qatada in jail over bail breach”
“The UK wants to send him back to Jordan – but he says his conviction there for terrorism offences was unfair.”
More to the point is this article, of 6 months ago:
“Abu Qatada and the judges with their heads buried” (Roshan Doug)
“We’re told by human rights groups like Liberty, that if he’s handed to Jordan he may be subjected to torture. Our senior judges believe them – turning a blind eye to the actual reality of the climate and public opinion in our own country.
“It’s arguable, for instance, that like Abu Hamza al-Masri, Abu Qatada’s very being in Britain is threat to us all – the establishment and the general public. One judge even described him as a ‘truly dangerous individual at the centre of al-Qaida’s activities in the UK’. But – for me – it was the shadow home secretary, Dominic Grieve, who – to some extent – summed up our nation’s disbelief when he said that even his presence (in this country) is offensive.
“Against such a backdrop, is it, therefore, at all surprising that people in Britain have lost – or are losing – confidence in the judicial process and sentencing?
“The following day, for instance, Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, was on the radio talking about the need to restore the public’s belief in the judiciary.”
Blacks had a better standard of living,better health care,better education,safer streets,higher economic output,less inflation and a stable currency under the Smith government at the hight of the bleeding heart inspired sanction campaign against Rhodesia!
‘One vote one time’ was the theme at the time wasnt it?
A socialist handwringer of the time said that “bad self government was far preferable to good colonial rule” this doctrine was followed and look at the heartbreaking mess that Africa is now.
I’ve noticed a rather odd trend in many major media of referring to each other more than anything else. A sort of self-perpetuating navel-gazing set.
However, on occasion, it can be entertaining merely observing on the basis of ‘any publicity’…
Indy editor Alton’s blog debut is anti-BBC rant
Ian Smith crashed in a Spitfire as you will know and that is how he got his eye injury. In his memoirs, ‘The Great Betrayal’, he describes how Harold Wilson arranged for Ian Smith to meet him in a British warship and he was hoping to intimidate Ian Smith. But when they walked in where all the British military were, everyone stood up and gave Ian Smith a standing ovation.
Rhodesia is one of the most fertile countries in the world and it was the breadbasket of Africa. And with the sun they get, you can grow five crops a year there.
I lived in N.Rhodesia as a child before my parents returned to the UK and the first thing they did on independence was to get a new Mercedes for every member of the government.
Remember Bishop Muzurewu won the first election in S.Rhodesia but he was too friendly with the whites so Lord Carrington forced them to have new elections to get Mugabe in.
John Reith spins in his grave: above and others complain about Have Your Say. This is my contribution to HYS:
Hi to the moderator checking these messages:
Do you like your job working in the thought control department? Are you proud of what you do? As you work for an Evil Empire, does that mean that when you watch Star Wars, you are on the side of Darth Vader? Have you ever read 1984 or seen the film? You know that part where they show the worker who sits there cutting out bits from newspapers? Well I’ve got news for you: THAT’S YOU!!! Now stop reading this and check the next email for thought crimes.
Re NU-Labour discussion:
I thought ‘NU’ was meant to associate Labour with stupidity as ‘NU’ is a dumbed down version of ‘New’
I like the ‘Big Brother Corporation’
mentioned by Allan@Aberdeen
Other good ones are:
Blatant Bias Organisation
Anti British Broadcasting Corporation
Bloated Broadcasting Corporation
I was going to add something to a Guardian blog re the sacking of Jon Gaunt but they stopped allowing comments after only 104 comments.
While I was there I noticed this comment:
“I’m a communist. And I’ve worked in the intelligence services for years.
I’m professional enough not to let my political beliefs interfere with my work.”
Let’s hope the blogger above is not too high up in the intelligence service.
JohnA | 02.12.08 – 6:31 am
Following your link to the Bret Stephens article in the wall street Journal.(Media Narratives Feed Terrorist Fantasies)
I saw this:
If this Isn’t Terrorism, What Is? Tom Gross.
“For some time, many have argued that an element of anti-Semitism has distorted the way the BBC covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But now, following the Mumbai events, we can perhaps see that anti-Semitism may even be at work in the way the BBC covers foreign news in general. For much of the Mumbai siege, the BBC went out of its way to avoid reporting that the Jewish community center was one of the seven targets. At one point viewers were told that “an office building” had been targeted (referring to the Jewish center as such).”
Read it all.
Harribin cut a pathetic figure on BBC1 10pm News last night. BBC reporters are all frustrated thespians, & love to produce their village hall standard shows. Harribin sat hunched in his suit & tie with doelful expression & glass of red near a dismal looking log burning stove telling us we could all be green with such an apparatus, so the future didn’t have to be grim. A mental comparison with Dikensian type roaring open hearth & jolly fat men with foaming tankards left Harribin’s paradise looking a bit short.
The impression given from the BBC’s reporting is that the most important event of 7/7 2005 in London was the police shooting of Menezes.
The BBC still gives repetitive prominence to this one case after three years, five months:
“Menezes verdict choice limited”
The other events in London of 7/7 seemed to have been neglected for some time by the BBC; so here’s an article by Melanie Phillips, of a year ago, on those other events:
” Denial, England ”
‘….he describes how Harold Wilson arranged for Ian Smith to meet him in a British warship and he was hoping to intimidate Ian Smith. But when they walked in where all the British military were, everyone stood up and gave Ian Smith a standing ovation.’
caveman | 02.12.08 – 11:27 am |
I was in the RAF at the time and many of my colleagues went to N.Rhodesia, or Zambia as it came to be known, as part of that communist stooge Wilson’s phoney war against Ian Smith.
What we knew, but was never reported, was that all of the UK service personnel out there threatened to mutiny if they were ordered to fire on Rhodesians.
The RAF warplanes were based near Lusaka. By a strange quirk of Air Traffic Control division, every time they took off and reached 1000ft they were handed over to the ATC based in Salisbury (now Harare).
Brit armed forces engaged in hostilities with Rhodesia was out of the question.
Oh, and don’t forget, all current UK service personnel despise the BBC.
Tom Gross has written some excellent stuff over the years about BBC bias on Mid-east affairs.
I have seen several reports that the rabbi and his wife were killed in front of their 2-year-old son – that is why his clothing was covered in blood wehen he was brought out. The Daily mail yesterday had a long and moving story about the poor kid – the real face of terrorism’s victims.
Has the BBC given any similar coverage ? Nothing that I have seen on the BBC here in LA.
As Gross and others say – the rabbi was the only rabbi in the teeming city of Mumbai. He and his wife were deliberately targeted – hunted down. 2 of the team of 10 terrorists were sent to find their place, to kill them.
Not a dickie bird about torture of Jewish victims in Mumbai, but the BBC are very excited about something they find more newsworthy.
An ‘amateur video’ showing settlers throwing stones.
And they have gone to the trouble of dredging up all this.
Now this:
Well, they have to find something to nullify any inadvertently generated sympathy for Israelis after the emotionally reported cries for his mother from orphaned two-year old Moshe.
here’s another criticism of the way some of the media avoid the T word – and how people like the BBC refuse to recognise the sheer evil in the targetting, torturing and murder of a few Jews in Mumbai :
Interesting comments above about the UK military near Lusaka and the situation there. Imagine what Zambia and Zimbabwe could be like now, under differenct regimes. Everyone would want to live there and the standard of living would be so high for blacks and whites.
Ben Bernanke, Gordon Brown, Henry Paulson, and Alistair Darling; four men who think that the way to solve a problem created by borrowing is to borrow even more.
In the US, Goldman Sachs is screwing the US taxpayer with the help of its government lackeys. Meanwhile, over here, a different but equally corrupt theft is taking place.
Maybe they are borrowing on their shift knowing that they won’t be around when the next shift takes over and has to pay the price. It is like GBrown’s PFI’s – get the hospitals built now and let the future taxpayers take care of the bill after GB has gone.
It is like someone who is in debt and they know they are going to lose their house, but they borrow another £1000 to put off the day of reckoning.